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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

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The second the beast appeared in the room a wash of cold dread enveloped Samantha as the real possibility that it had appeared to take her life manifested in her thoughts.


It wasn't until the beast had stalked past her that she realised who it must have come for, her instincts already conjuring a ball of blue fire to her fist before her reason returned and pointed out that whoever had sent this creature would not have sent one that could be so easily destroyed.


Never the less she kept the flaming ball in her hand, it's power giving her a kind of comfort as she otherwise watched on helplessly as Duke was disembowled by the demonic beast.


It wasn't until the beast had disappeared that Samantha let the fire die out, walking slowly up to the remains of the party's host before turning and looking out into the faces of her fellow candidates, all faces she knew, but Samantha struggled to find any that she trusted implicitly.

"I think," she spoke softly, but loud enough to attract attention amidst the panic, "that there is someone here who is no longer playing by the rules."


The question was, of course, just who might that be?

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Sabastian scattered the table as he rose, shimmering into his seldom seen demon form, deep blue flame forming a shield as he watched the Hunter Demon enter and stalk his target. One demon, only one target, why not all of us?


Sabastian looked around the room, all were here.


Scanning the faces Sabastian looked for any sign in the expressions of those gathered, any sign at all that they were involved. watching especially the eyes of the candidates he was seeking. Confirmation was brief but it was given.


In the turmoil that followed the demon's departure, Sabastian turned to Sol,


"I think we have found our mutual enemy, the eyes gave them away, let us meet after and discuss further."




Ciroth had not reached Sol when the light talking in the room was interrupted by the entry of a monstrous demon. His eyes widened slightly at the figure's approach. He had drawn Atana and shifted his form as the creature came closer, and was nearly ready to charge the demon when it became apparant that the creature had come for Duke.


Ciroth saw it raise its arm for a killing stroke, and rushed forwards too late to even slow the creature. It vanished, and Ciroth was left in the same stance as several of the others: standing around Duke's fallen body, prepared for attack, but with nothing to attack.


Needless to say, he felt foolish, angered, and slightly disturbed.


'A fire angel... this hunter demon... what next?,' he thought in annoyance, 'The serpant?'


Immediately he repented of this chain of thought. It would do him no good.


One of the hopefuls, the lady Samantha, spoke out at that time, voicing her opinion that someone wasn't playing by the rules.


Ciroth mentally snorted. That was to be sure. Playing by the rules would have meant that the Jerin of Sawall would be regent, and that the missing and dead persons would be alive and well.




Seeing no more reason to remain at the meeting, Ciroth headed for the doors.


"Who is it, Sebastian?" Sol's looked down at the other man from his massive demon form. "I see no reason to wait! Who's eyes betrayed himself--or herself--as the guilty one? Tell me and I'll challenge them here and now! I have nothing to be afraid of! Keeping the truth hidden only protects them here!"


Sabastian looked at Sol, "Follow me, let us go to the place we were meant to meet, we can talk on the way."


Sabastian shifted to His human form and walked to the door, turning slightly to note the slight hesitation from Sol, trust fighting with the wish to know more. Sol followed, and as he caught up Sabastian spoke.


"Sawall has methods of extracting information, these are effective, most of the time." Sabastian paused as he looked at Sol for response, and as none came, continued.

"The Sawall Council has given me a list, people it suspected, not Houses, but candidates, ones that seemed to want more than was on offer. Your name was mentioned, hence my wish to meet, unfortunately not to disuade your tactics, but to ensure no loss of status for Sawall should you succeed. That you see was my task. I was to allow what happened only if it would mean no loss of status to the house, Council orders based on the needs of the house, nothing more."


Sabastian noted the look he got for this news, and nodded. "The idea was to use the threat of an all out vendetta for the death of Jarin as a bargining tool. I disagree with the use of Vendettas and the bloodshed that they cause."

Sabastian Paused, "However, I see no good coming from the methods being employed in this contest, and would gladly promote a vendetta as a course of action to stop any further perversions of our political system."


"After Minobee was struck the first time I doubted the accuracy of the information that pointed to you as a suspect. Now I am certain of your honour in this matter, and apologise for any slight or disrespect I may have caused."


Sol nodded, acknowledging the apology, without signs of acceptance. Sabastian withdrew the list from his jacket, Your name was number 2 on the list, Sawall will not be happy that I have shown this to you, but it is the price I pay for your trust."


Soll scanned the document, his eyes returning to the first name a few times, and the comments noted beside it. "He was first to leave the hall, and spared no time in doing so."

Sabastian nodded, "Yes, and it was his eyes that concerned me. Ciroth of Hendrake requires our attention, in a calm and civilised manner, to ensure we are correct in our suspicions, then we target Hendrake in full for the injustices against our houses and our fellow candidates, and the word vendetta can be given new meaning."



Posted (edited)

Ciroth had heard rumors of words that had been spoken after he left. Evidently Sabastian was attempting to tell Sol of Sepharis that he, Ciroth of Hendrake, was pursuing the position of regent without any honor whatsoever. That he had assisted in removing the Minobee sisters... that he had been behind the murder of Jerin of Sewall...


Criticisms of his character Ciroth could tolerate, but completely false and baseless accusations against his honor and that of his house was more than what he could tolerate.


Steaming at the ears, he immediately set to penning a message to Sol.




To Sol of House Sepharis from Ciroth of House Hendrake:


Greetings from a House founded on Honor and a lack of deceit.


It has come to my attention that you have recently been told blatant lies by one Sabastian, who is not worthy to belong to any house for the falsehoods he purports as truth. I have never wished anyone either in your House or in the House Minobee any harm, whether openly or secretly, and have never plotted assassination against you or any Minobee. You know the traditions of my house, and have heard of my personal traditions: honor and truth above all. Lies do not become men of this stature, and any who propose such lies may meet swift justice at the end of my sword.


Judge me by my fruits, not falsehoods from others.


May your house prosper, and your enemies find swift justice.


Ciroth of Hendrake




Upon finishing the message, Ciroth handed it to a messenger of his house, and bade him to rush it to Sol as quickly as possible.


Ciroth then gave a silent prayer for a sure sword, took up Atana, shifted his shape, and went to find the one responsible for painting an innocent man with falsehoods.


(EDIT: more misspellings...)

Edited by Akallabeth

Sabastian sat and waited, Ciroth was looking for him, so he sat and waited where he counld be found, his usual table on the deck overlooking the main hall.


His drink half full, Sabastian read through the information on Ciroth. The first words of his brief made things clear very quickly, "Aggressive, and arrogant, will resort to violence as a solution to any situation where he finds himself opposed."


He will be difficult to talk to if he is angry, yet it must be done, Hendrake was the one house that had stood against Sawall for the Throne, as well as Jarin's regency. The key information tied Hendrake to Jarin's death, included the fact that a dagger that Ciroth kept as close to him as 'Atana' his sword, was missing from his person since the assassination.


This would need to be played carefully, for Ciroth would fight to protect his honour, and that meant hiding the methods he had employed, Sabastian knew the risk, so he had set in place the council recomendation. Should Hendrake fail to provide proof of innocence, and instead caused, either directly or indirectly, the death of a member of Sawall, the full might of the house was to be employed in a full confrontation of not just Ciroth, but his entire house.


Sabastian sighed, his heart heavy that it had come to the posibility of open conflict. Ciroth would likely challenge, or openly attack, he will be true to his nature and do so personally, all that would remain would be his ability to listen to reason, and provide the necessary proof of his innocence, and diplomacy could then run its course.


But for now, Sabastian waited, Ciroth would find him.




Choseyre shook her head. This was the problem with meetings. Things looked like they might be quite interesting but then some raving demon comes in and messes everything up. She wasn't usually upset by death but this time she let it show that she was shaken. There were just too many deaths around here. What happenned to simple character assassination? She herself was an expert at it and sometimes it was cruel enough but not nearly as horrible as all this!


Everyone was leaving the meeting room now and Choseyre tried t o speak up. "People, I thought we were going to discuss who's guilty? I know that Sol and Sebastian just left but they aren't the only people that matter. Someone anyone want to actually talk rather then just wait while we all get killed one by one?"


She shrugged and shook her head as Ciroth seemed to get some news and hurried out after the other two.


"And I thought we were actually going to get something done today!"

Posted (edited)

Thunder rumbled in Ciroth's mind, matching the sound of his footsteps as he strode down the ways of Chaos, heading for the main hall of House Sawall. Other Chaosians stepped out of the way of his demonic form, leaving a clear path for him as he went.


How could that arrogant creature Sabastian even claim that he, Ciroth, or any Hendrake would hold a complaint with any member of house Sawall?


He let out a low laugh. There was that one member he was about to see, however...


The two houses had good relations, and Hendrake had always supported Sawall. Did not the ruling house need fighters? The position of Lord General normally went to a Hendrake. House Hendrake wished to have no more than that.


What proof did that cursed Sabastian even think he had besides the lies he had formulated?


Ciroth knew he had truth and honor on his side, but he suspected that the lust for power coursing through Sabastian's blood would provide sugared lies to counter whatever Ciroth said. And though Ciroth was not gifted enough to see what was hidden in Sabastian's heart, he knew that there he could only count on himself being innocent.


Ciroth entered the House Sawall, and immediately picked out that honorless insect, Sabastian, from among the other members of Sawall. As a courtesy to the true members of house Sawall, he left Atana sheathed, but approached Sabastian cautiously.


After all, if a Chaosian had destroyed one of their own blood, would they stop at anything?



(EDIT:repairing poor wording in last line and a few misspellings...)

Edited by Akallabeth

Sabastian watched the approach of Ciroth, noting that Atana stayed sheathed, and noting the caution. With a wave of his hand he dismissed the minders that watched him, and summoning a messanger requested the room be cleared to accomodate a quiet meeting.


When Ciroth was close enough, sabastian rose slowly, hands clear, and bowed. "Welcome Ciroth, I am please you could join me, please be seated, let me arrange refreshments for you."


Sabastian watched carefully as Ciroth glared at him,


"I know I appear to be doing you an injustice, and on this matter we will discuss shortly, but I believe you would be far more comfortable seated, with a drink in your hand. Please, sit, let us talk."




Ciroth remained at the ready. He was not about to be taken in by courtesy to his face by a man who had spread lies behind his back. But neither would he act in haste. It would be a poor idea to silence a liar. Far too often they were then believed due to the fact that they were dead.


Hearing Sabastian’s statements, he immediately knew what his reply was, though a simple, “No,” would not be adequate for the situation.


“Thank you, but I must decline. I’ve found that alcohol has adverse effects on me, and I am most comfortable standing in this form.”


Besides saying what was true of him, he was not about to put himself into a poor defensive position. And accepting drinks from a person of unknown loyalties? Children of House Hendrake were taught to be wary at a young age, and that was one of the first lessons to be taught. For it would be shameful to lose a member to one person with a skill in potions.


He did his best to be pleasant with his statement, but he could not keep the low rumble in his demon form’s voice from sounding like a growl backing up what he said.


“Please, explain your comments about me. I ask only that you speak with truth and honor, as this Son of Hendrake does.”


Sabastian watched Ciroth as he replied, "Very well. Let us perhaps walk then instead, the deck shall remain empty to allow us privacy.


Sabastian stood and wallked around the edge of the table, hands clasped in front of him.Bowing gracefully to Ciroth, Sabastain moved toward the edge of the deck, Ciroth hesitated before walking to join him.


"Firstly, I need to clarify, you are suspected by Sawall, I have been asked to investigate your methods as best I can." Sabastian held a hand up, to ward Ciroth's reply.

"I am convinced that your honour is consistant with that of your house, you have shown suport to us many time, yet seldom openly. Jarin's death has caused a lot of suspicion and conflict to arise within out walls, and judging by the other houses, within all of our walls."


Sabastian turned to face Ciroth and bowed low, "I apologise that the word of our suspicion reached you from others before I could talk to you. I had a role to play, and it was my misjudgement of the situation that most likely caused this. My words to Sol were to gain him as an ally to investigate further. Our exchange was not meant to be noted by others as he too was on my list of suspects and I needed to judge him based on actions too."


Sabastian met Ciroth's gaze, his expression was unreadable, so Sabastian continued.


"There are reasons the house suspects you. I was asked to investigate due to the nature of the information being circumstancial. However, I have failed in my attempts to discredit the source, or the content of the brief that the council gave me. This left me at an impass, I need a strong ally, and Sol offered that after Minobee was struck."


Sabastian turned and offered his hand in a gesture of truce, "Your actions today have been witnessed by the council, you have proved your honour in my eyes and in theirs, I am sorry that our meeting could not be made by more friendly circumstances. Please, join me now and let us share a drink?"




Sabastian moved to get himself and Ciroth a drink, leaving the demonformed Hendrake behind him once more. Ciroth contemplated challenging Sabastian to a duel to answer for his accusations and his insults and his hand dropped, not to subtly, to the hilt of his blade.


Sabastian was well aware of the threat that Ciroth posed and the possibility that blades might be drawn in challenge, the question of whether his own training in the blade would stand up against one trained by the weapons-masters of house Hendrake turned idly in his head and he smiled to himself, entertaining his own thoughts.


In the darkness behind Ciroth something moved.


alert for treachery from Sabastian, Ciroth didn't notice the stealthy patch of darkness behind him, but alert to the threat from Ciroth, Sabastian did.


Turning with a glass in both hands Sabastian gave Ciroth a smile, his eyes widening in suprise as a patch of black on blackness rose behind the son of House Hendrake and plunged a silvered blade upwards, where it bit deeply slicing into the brain of the demonformed warrior.


The shadow regarded Sabastian for the briefest of moments and he calmly raised an eyebrow, then bellowed the call to arms as the shadowy figure whirled and was gone.


The guards arrived seconds later, never far away due to the volatile nature of the succession, to find Sabastian with both hands holding glasses of wine - no sign of spillage - and Ciroth undenyably dead, with an all too anonymous dagger planted firmly in his now cooling corpse.


"Father, Johann has still not returned." There were tears at the edges of Sienna's eyes. She knew very well what her brother's sudden unexplained absence meant, but her heart did not want to admit it yet. Her aged father, his long white beard reaching his chest did not reply. He seemed almost apathic at receiving this news. Johann had been his only son, and he did not want to contemplate his possible death, neither as a father, nor the ruler of House Wererathe.


"I want to see his body," he finally announced after several minutes. "Use any means necessary," he added for the aides, several of whom hurried off. "Dear daughter of mine, I hope that my feelings are wrong this time."


However, half an hour later they were confirmed.


"Mylord, we have prepared the summoning circle and are ready to commence," an aide announced. Duke Wererathe stood up, and heavily leaning on his daughter's shoulder with one hand, and his stick with the other wobbled over to the summoning room.


The pentagram was laid out on the floor, surrounded by candles. Several experienced warriors were standing idly next to the walls in case something went wrong.


Sienna sincerely hoped that the summoning would not work. If that were the case, it would mean that Johann was still among the living, and finding him was only a question of time. Chants rose in the chamber as the summoning was begun. An aide flung powders with magical properties inside the pentagram at the right moments and, unfortunately for House Wererathe, his efforts were successful. A ghostly, almost transparent shape of Johann appeared inside the circle, only loosely bound to the world. Sienna fell to her knees, breaking down in tears.


Duke Wererathe kept his calm for the moment. The time for mourning would come later. He stared intently at the lifeless eyes of his own son looking at him, and his own eyes asked the question of what had happened. The ethereal shape replied, in an almost inaudible voice, which made his father silence everyone in the room.


"I'm sorry father...I was not strong enough, not prepared for what had happened...avenge those who tricked me, so that my spirit can find rest."


Duke Wererathe inquired about who had done it, but Johann knew not. Slowly starting to fade, he fulfilled his father's wish and told him where's his body could be found before finally disappearing.


Duke Wererathe put a hand to where his son's ghostly hand had been, and almost felt his touch. The pain was almost unbearable, but he knew that he could not show his followers how much he grieved. He motioned an aide to follow him. Outside of his quarters he gave orders for the body to be retrieved and that he was not to be disturbed in the coming hours, not even by his own daughter.


He could finally release his tears, the pent up emotions of sorrow. For long he only cried, cursing the powers that be for tearing his son from him. Once his grief was spent, and no more tears could come, Duke Wererathe wrote a letter. A letter about a purpose to which he would dedicate the remainder of his existence.


Young he was and still had many years ahead of him, yet suddenly was he taken from among us, my son: Johann of Wererathe. House Wererathe has fallen into grief as the consequences of this atrocious act sink in. Yet even in grief there is purpose, and my House shall not rest until that purpose is fulfilled. We shall hunt down and find those, who did this to my son. If your house had nothing to do with this ghastly deed, then you have nothing to fear from House Wererathe, but if our investigations find that you are implicated, then may justice be swift.


Duke Edmond, of House Wererathe


The ink barely even dry on the sheet of parchment, the Duke called in an aide.


"Have this letter copied and sent to every Major and Minor house!" he ordered.


The aid took the letter, but did not yet leave. The Duke asked with his eyes why he was not doing his bidding.


"Your son's body has been recovered. It has been laid down in the Great Hall half an hour ago, but you asked us not to disturb you."


With a gesture he dismissed the aid, and dreading what he would see, slowly walked to the Great Hall of House Wererathe. Johann's brown hair was matted with dried blood, and there was no life in his blue eyes, which had stayed open even in death, betraying the pain and horror that he must have felt in death.


"We shall have a private burial," the Duke announced.


Sabastian stood looking at the fallen form of Ciroth. This was not good, House Hendrake would be annoyed at the lack of protection the Sawall had provided, no to mention the suspicion that would be caused by the initiating circumstances of the meeting.

Sabastian summoned a messenger, "I need to speek to Sol of Sepharis, Urgently."

He hoped that this was not retaliation from Sepharis without adiquate proof. In this volatile time, any hasty actions could prove fatal.


He needed to talk to Sol, the last thing this race needed was a third house screaming for a vendetta. Sepharis and Hendrake need to hold off untill the truth is known, and ally with Sawall for the investigations, three of the strongest standing together would win support from the others.




Night fell early, and the tall torches speared all over the Tarquin compound had nearly burnt out. A few children still ran and shrieked underfoot with the dogs, wearing eye-masks with their empty jewel sockets, but many of the revellers sat or lay in a stupor, piled four to a couch. The only chair in the place was one of a pair, with an opened barrel sitting between them and Dame Fortunata overflowing the other seat, facing the flat-topped and empty marble coffin, the Tomb of Tarquin.


"It's just not right!" wailed the Dame of Tarquin, dipping her two-handled cup into the barrel and draining it; her hand was stained to the wrist with wine. "None of them have come! Not one! Don't they understand? Cid's gone!" Her emerald-encrusted half-mask clanked also as she collapsed onto the top of the tomb, sobbing, "The Duke doesn't even care," and sloshing wine in his direction.


Duke Malvolio lay on one of his favorite fainting-couches, under a spreading shade tree, but not alone. A fine-featured but spotty girl sat by the crook of his body, feeding him spoonfuls of gelato from a silver bowl. Malvolio wore crimson embroidered with gold, the girl wore a dusky rose dress with cream-colored slashings, and the gelato was tinted pink with strawberry juice. The girl unfolded a lace-edged handkerchief—also creamy—from her sleeve and leaned forward, trembling.


“No, no, Polina,” he murmured, unfolding her fingers from around the handkerchief, “you also have some on your lips.” She brought up her other hand in alarm, but he caught that one also, leaned forward, and pressed his lips onto hers. Polina flushed to a deeper hue than her dress, throwing her spots into sharp relief, and dropped the bowl of gelato onto the lawn as she fled.


On the opposite side of the tomb, Gaia was sandwiched between the Grandduke and Granddame, with a nursemaid standing behind her and holding little Lavinia, until the baby started to fuss and the nurse carried her away. The Weeping Tarquins prevented speech, but the shiny trails on Grandduke Luciano's jawline might have been tears--or sweat. Gaia wore a partial mask also, the rarely used ivory Lonely Tarquin that left her lips and eyes visible and usable, but no one had expected her to speak.


"No one liked Cid."


Sabastian stood at the podium in the middle of the circle of seats that made up the Sawall Council Chambers, Each seat filled and awaiting Sabastian’s address.


Sabastian bowed low, pausing long enough to show the fullest respect. “I apologize, for my news is not positive. Sepharis, and Hendrake, both suffering loss at the hands of who we seek for Jarin’s death, now seek open vendetta. Ciroth’s death within our walls has pointed suspicion at us, preventing an immediate and easy alliance with both, but most especially Hendrake.” Sabastian paused and gathered his thoughts, and allowed his words to seep into the collective mind of the council.

“We need to allow meetings at the highest level to be arranged, on our own initiative. Council to council if necessary, the strongest need to meet and lead the way forward, without hesitation, proving the honour of those that stand firm in the face of this adversary.”

The speaker of the Council dismissed Sabastian, “Seek a meeting with the candidates, allow full protection of Sawall to be offered for security. We will discuss the suggestions you make, and act upon our decision.”


Sabastian left the chambers, concern etched upon his face. Another meeting was not a wise option, but he had to work for the council, and Sawall would be protecting them. If anything happened, Sawall would be directly in the line of fire.


He began to send messengers to the others houses, each one written in his own hand, addressed and written for the house that would receive it. He hoped it would be enough.




It was obvious to the remaining cantidates of the succession that the laws of polite society were no longer in play with regards to the succession. While there hadn't exactly been an outright slaughter or a night of the long knives the average life expectancy of a cantidate for the throne of Chaos had certainly diminished in recent times.


Distrust and suspicion were running rampant and each of the remaining cantidates had long since taken the advice of their Houses and employed whatever additional means they could to ensure their own safety.


For this reason Choseyre wasted no time on the normal niceties when one of the other cantidates stepped out of nothing inside her own parlour. Snapping out a summons for her family guards and retainers Choseyre unleashed a spell which splashed harmlessly off a pre-prepaired shielding spell whilst rapidly arming herself with a long dagger from a nearby wall display.


So armed Choseyre spun and dropped gracefully into a defensive crouch in time to see her unexpected visitor bar the door through which moments later trembled as the summoned guards pounded on it, moments too late to help.


Snarling a curse Choseyre snapped off a shielding spell of her own in time to deflect an incoming spell attack from her assailant then she returned to her defensive crouch and waited for a chance to strike with her hastily procured dagger. The pounding on the door stopped and Choseyre's attention flickered momentarily. Unfortunately it was a moment too long.


With a gesture and several words of power her attacker stripped away the last of her sheilding spell with a whirlwind of blades, then a second spell following on the heels of the first closed about her body locking her in an icy grip. As Choseyre's consiousness faded she became aware of the sound of axes biting into the wood of her door and then she was gone.




Approaching Choseyre's frozen form the other cantidate cast a quick glance at the door which was suffering badly from the axe blows being rained upon it and was sure to fall at any moment. Calmly a Trump was raised and a spell uttered and moments later both candidates were fading away in a splash of rainbow colours.


Sitting in her living room, Samantha looked at the two messages that had been delivered to her. The first had been Sabastian's message. Following closely behind, the second had been an announcement of Chosyre's disappearance and possible death.


She was at a complete and utter loss now for as what to do. Samantha had no idea if it had been luck or good politics that had kept her safe. The possibility that her house was seen as too small to bother about also existed, but if that were the case such a plan could potentially backfire now.


How many of them were left? There was herself, Sabastian, Sol and...what had happened to Denor? She had received no word of his disappearance or death but he had vanished from all public activities. Could he be behind these deaths?

Samantha sighed and looked again at the notes.


Only four candidates left. And still the death's continued. Samantha sighed softly to herself and, moving to her writing desk, began to compose a letter of condolences to the House of Aricline, before writing to Sabastian to confirm her presence at his requested meeting.


Maybe this time around she would get some answers without people dropping dead.



The mistrust was evident in so many of the responses to Sabastian's call for a meeting. Sawall was not seen as fully able to protect the great hall or any public arena fully on their own.


Sabastian's response was simple, Sawall would host, The Sawall hall was secured easily by theirs personal guard, and provided a large enough environment to accomodate the meeting.


The new messages were dispatched, with all the necesary reassurances of safety.




Samantha sighed softly as she finished her preparations for the meeting at House Sawall.

She couldn't help but wonder how many of the remaining four would arrive. She supposed that Sabastian was a given, but after the way things had turned at Duke's meeting even that could change.


Worry about that when you get there, she told herself.

Rechecking her form in the mirror, Samantha let out another sigh, before gathering her her 'public face' about herself like a shroud and making her way to House Sawall


It was the fact that Denor had again not arrived for a meeting that promted more direct action, Sabastian had sent a messenger to Helgram. The reply was short, Denor had fled into the shadows, and was being evasive of the attempts to find him. Helgram suspected foul play, Sabastian apologised to his invited guests, and arranged to attempt to find Denor himself.


Helgram welcomed the attempt with due caution, and became more concerned on seeing the ever growing contingent that followed Sabastian. Samantha again first to arrive, followed slowly by the rest, each with their own idea as to Sabastian's interest in finding the missing candidate.


Sawall escorted all, and remained to protect those gathered.




The atmosphere was thick with tension and impending strife could be felt in every word and gesture. In many cases the potential for bloodshed in the evening was averted only by a combination of the guards scattered not-so-subtly around the great hall of House Helgram and years of iron clad tradition forbidding open bloodshed and public dueling... Sadly not all were being so restrained.


Sol's arrival at Helgram did not pass unnoticed and his joining Sabastian and Samantha as they discussed how best to locate the missing Denor was observed carefully by a number of the ranking nobility who were present having come at the summons of Sawall to represent their houses interest in the outcome of any discussion about the regency.


"... and I shall provide protection to those who choose to come with us after Denor."


Sol's voice dripped with sarcasm "Oh yes, your protection, funny but I don't feel that safe around house Sawall myself. Considering the way your family first gained power around here, I'm suprised anyone could be said to trust you at all."


The backhanded slap from Sabastian's glove hitting Sol's cheek brought an immediate hush to all those nearby. Sol's reaction was immediate and violent as he sprung at Sabastian while snatching his knife from his belt. Sabastian pivoted and reached out to slap Sol again as his immediate rush carried him past. Sol snarled and spun into a crouch briefly before launching himself once more at Sabastian only to find himself leaping to his own death as his momentum carried him directly into the path of Sabastian's knife coming the other way.


With dismay and pain written across his face Sol coughed quietly, his final whispered words carried to those nearby, "How many? Johann, Duke... How many other deaths of our peers came from your hands?" then he died.


Samantha's voice cut through the disturbed murmers that followed.


"That was poorly done Sabastian. You know as well as I that custom forbids our engaging in casual dueling. There is the matter of Denor's disappearance and the appointment of the regency to be delt with."


Sabastian turned slowly and regarded Samantha with solemn eyes before speaking, his words falling forever into the hush that had once again fallen around them.


"Indeed there is the matter of the Regency to be settled, but you know as I do Merlin's wishes in that, as many who are here do not. Have you taken it upon yourself to decide that this is the right time and place for that knowledge to be made public?"


Samantha swept the room with a glance noting as she did so that representatives of all the major families that had been involved in the succession were present before turning back to Sabastian. "Very well, why not let the decision be made now? All those concerned are present... with the unfortunate exception of a representative from house Sepharis."


Turning to address the gathered families Samantha gave Sabastian a brief glance before talking:


"With Jerin's death a struggle began as all of you through your families made a bid for power by taking the Regency. While we knew that Jerin was Merlin's choice to take the title of Regent in his absence no clear instructions were left in the event that Jerin couldn't take up his duties. The knowledge that Sabastian talks of is a contact from Merlin shortly after Jerin's death that was made in my presence. Sabastian was told to take the regency and no-one else was to know to prevent him meeting the same fate as Jerin did. Steps were taken to safely remove some of those who were attempting to wrest control of the throne..."


Samantha paused and shot Sabastian's grim face a brief glance before continuing, "... some of those who were lost will be returned to their families. I ask all who are here now, knowing Merlin's wishes in this matter, will you confirm Sabastian as regent until the time of Merlin's return?"


As Samantha and Sabastian watched and waited representatives from Tarquin and Aricline moved toward Sabastian and bowed briefly before standing behind him in a clear gesture of their support. Slowly a representative from Hendrake steps forward and pitching his voice to be easily heard by all those present he began to speak.


"While we appreciate that Merlin has his own wishes in the matter of who is to safe-guard the realm in his absence many of our Houses have lost people to this unseemly fight for the position of regent. House Hendrake cannot speak for all those gathered, but I assure you that our long time support of Sawall has been shaken and we shall not be giving our support to Sabastian in this matter. Due to the absence of a cantidate from our own house we are willing to suggest an alternative to those gathered in this hall today. We would like to suggest that you take the position of regent Samantha of Aldwin, to hold the throne until Merlin's return. While some of the houses present may have their own issues with you as regent, we believe that you are the best of the remaining cantidates and we are willing to support this point of view to Merlin on his return. Until that time you have our support."


The rest of the families held hushed and muttered conversations amongst themselves, the conversations spreading until all of the remaining houses were holding the one discussion together. Finally an unknown member from the middle of the crowd called out.

"We agree with Hendrake. Samantha of Aldwin has our support."

"And ours", came a cry from another family.

The rest of the crowd murmered in agreement their support of Samantha.


Sabastian watched the crowd with growing agitation, until finally he could take no more.

"This is outrageous!" he roared to the gathered families. "Samantha cannot be regent! She is from a minor house! Aldwin has no true power and is not truly fit to hold the throne until Merlin's return! Even she would rather support me than lead!"

"I never said that Sabastian," Samantha spoke cooly against his anger. "I will willingly support you, yes. But if the other houses believe I am capable of holding regency then I will do my best not to disappoint."


"You would have been nothing if I had decided it," Sabastian turned on her and hissed. "You might have been willing to support me but if I thought your house might actually be a real threat I would have taken you with my bare hands."

"And is that what Merlin requested of you Sabastian? To kill until the only reason you held the throne was because there was no one else?" Cold anger blazed behind Samantha's eyes as she withstood the verbal mud being thrown on her house. "You might have been a worthy candidate to replace your cousin but you were never the only one. Just because Merlin wanted Sawall to remain in power did not mean you had been given a death warrent for the rest of our heads. And my being from a so called minor house has nothing to do with capability. I have negotiated the Logrus with as much success as any from your house. The very fact that I became a candidate in the first part must say something for my ability!"


Suddenly Samantha turned to the crowd. "Houses of Chaos! This choice is ultimately yours. I will support any decision made, be it for myself or Sabastian to lead. But even if Sawall has been supposedly acting on Merlin's wishes, will you willingly put your trust in the killer of those who oppose?" Samantha turned and glared coldly at Sabastian before continuing. "Or would you put your trust in this candidate from the house of lesser worth?"


The roar from the crowd left no room for argument. Sabastian snarled to himself as Aldwin's name was screamed as successor, before he turned to leave.

He took a few steps before he stopped, turned, and sketched a sarcastic bow to the newly decided regent.

"May your success as regent be as fruitful as my cousin's, Samantha. If you are lucky this game won't resume for a full month after your confirmation. You might even last until Merlin's return, but I doubt he will be happy to see such an inferior house in his place."

"Then I will face what happens Sabastian. But i will do so as honourably as I possibly can."

The only response Sabastian gave to this was a derisive snort, before he turned once more and stormed away, leaving behind the supporters he had failed to attract, and the throne he had failed to capture.

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