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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

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"Guess it can't be helped. He does need it more than me."


Zadown of the Old muttered the words and sighed silently. He lifted the heavy object in his hands once as if weighting it before putting it inside his robes and walking away, towards the stairs to the more frequently used parts of the Pen Keep. Somewhere above him, his target kept on snoring, oblivious.




Wyvern turned in his sleep and was suddenly shocked awake by the sound of something very familiar. He didn't open his eyelids yet, trying to remember what the sound had been like. Like the feet of a taxman? Or perhaps the heavy tread of a mob of creditors? Could it be ... the sound of ... gold!?


He leaped up, scattering the bills he had been using as a blanket to every direction and sending the small packet placed on his chest to the floor. This time the sound was unmistakable - the heavy, pure sound of gold on gold. With a gleeful smile, Wyvern tore open the packet wrapped in green and found a small stack of old geld from Terra past, carrying the mark of the Legion of the White Rose mint. Underneath them was a small card with an unadorned message:


"Happy Birthday Wyvern!

PS. Don't use it all in one scheme"


Gyrfalcon grins as he pats Wyvern's shoulder, the greedy almost-dragon still staring at the geld in his claws. "Happy Birthday Wyvern... and in celebration, I'm cutting your debt to me in half." Wyvern grinned wider - everything's going his way today!


"Of course, that means it's back to what it was at your birthday *last* year." Gyr said with a wink. "But think about how much less you have to pay."

  Gyrfalcon said:

Gyrfalcon grins as he pats Wyvern's shoulder, the greedy almost-dragon still staring at the geld in his claws. "Happy Birthday Wyvern... and in celebration, I'm cutting your debt to me in half." Wyvern grinned wider - everything's going his way today!


"Of course, that means it's back to what it was at your birthday *last* year." Gyr said with a wink. "But think about how much less you have to pay."

Half of infinite should still be infinite :blink:

Happy birthday Wyvern.


Zool popped into the large painting overhanging the cold fireplace (containing the ashes of many a failed scheme) in Wyvern's room with a wide grin and an easy wave.


"You da lizard Wyv. And by the way, that half geld I owe you, it'll be in the mail just as soon as I figure out how to send postal paint express!"


Echoing from somewhere unseen a 'Drums of mirth' was heard expending with a 'Rat-a-tat Bump!', followed by what sounded like the sad groaning cluck of a rubber chicken, also from somewhere unseen.


"Um, yeah. In the mean time, you have my best wishes for a great birthday!" :D


Zool popped out even faster than he popped in.


"ok, now guys, really. Be nice to him! It is his birthday after all. NO BITING!" and with that warning, Annael sent her little messangers off, each with a gold piece clutched in their tiny feet.


Flying through the keep, the hundreds of butterflies were a sight to see. Flying a little off-kelter because of the added weight of the gold pieces, they flutter all around, weaving and dancing as if they were drunk. Pennites stopped to watch their progress, pointing and laughing at the sight.


Ignoring the laughing people, the little butterflies flew faithfully towards their intending victim. Finding Wyv smiling at Gyrfalcon and clutching the geld in his claws, the butteflies started to let their gifts fall on the two below them. Cringing as the geld started to land on their heads, they dove for cover. When Wyv realised what was happening, he yelled and ran out into the open, ignoring the geld falling on his head and leaving welts, he tried to collect as much as he could.


"The heaven's are raining gold!!!" Dancing and laughing in the shower of geld, Wyvie was delighted in his winfall.



Happy birthday dear one!! :D


Wish I had the time to have a little fun here, but alas, thesis due in 9 days says otherwise!


Anyway, happy birthday man :)


A flurry of blond curls could be seen as little Sweet ran down the hallway towards the Cabaret Room. In her hands she held a box that was rattling with each hurried step she took. It was the great lizard's birthday, and she was almost too late, this could not happen. A party with the lizard, and she not there.


She skidded around the corner, and came to a halt as she crashed into Gyrfalcon. The crash sent her package flying, and Sweet tried to get back to her feet to catch the present before it would hit the floor, but she was too late.


The box hit Wyvern on his head, and got stuck on his horns. A loud 'crack' could be heard, and the next moment chocolate syrup is running down the lizard's face.


"I'm so sorry, it was a 'make-it yourself cake', but I guess it's cake mix now." The little girl looked sad at losing her perfect idea for a gift, but the next moment a broad smile appeared on her face. Careful not to slip over the chocolate syrup that had dripped from Wyv's face on the floor, she walked over to him, and put her chubby arms around his neck.


"You can be your own cake now!" she giggled as she gave the lizard a happy-birthday hug.

With a finger she tasted some of the syrup, "And you taste pretty good as well."


More giggling followed, but then she finally managed to get out a "Happy birthday, Wyvern!"


I have three exams coming up on Thursday, so I unfortunately do not have the time to make any roleplayed post. So, it'll just have to be a plain and simple:


Happy Birthday Wyvern!


Ayshela and Kaitlyn crept into the Cabaret as early and as quietly as was possible with a small child. Kaitlyn decorated each table with gold and silver helium balloons attached to a bag containing noisemakers and confetti eggs. Ayshela made sure the central table held the usual array of plates, napkins, and silverware, all carefully arranged around a large cake frosted to look like a huge geld piece. With a few deft touches of streamers and ribbons, Kaitlyn and Ayshela melted away, leaving a banner swaying gently behind them. A black banner, on which gold paint shone clearly - Happy Birthday Wyvern!!!


*the Succubus sends her 6 handmaidens to Wyvern, each with a birthday message to whisper in his ear. Her eyes sparkle gleefully as she imagines the red face her friend will soon have!*


Happy Birthday! Many happy returns.


I first met my scaly friend as a guildmate in the game Archmage. He has always had a marvelous sense of humour and mirth. The schemes always showed an intelligence greater than the pea size brain a reptile with wings should have. I can't believe how young you still are Wyvern because you have always shown a maturity beyond your years. Many happy returns and may all your schemes come true! Happy Birthday !

Posted (edited)

Evangeline walked into the Cabaret and blinked at the gold-tinted windows, lightbulbs, carpeting, tables, dishes, food, streamers, glitter, confetti, clothes, and walls.


"Um, right."


Then she looked up and saw the banner - "Happy Bithday Wyvern!"


"Oh, 'tis HIS birthday, is it? Well then, I've got a present for thee - ought to be perfect!"


Evangeline held out her hand to the blissful lizard. In it was a small, old, dusty, nondescript, brown paper package that looked like a seed-packet. In fact, it was a seed packet. On it was written the following:



Contained herein is one (1) seed of the Etz haKesef.


Care: Plant within the heart of one,

Whose noble bearing holds him high,

Whose deeds speak greatly of virtue,

Who doesn't ever cheat or lie.


Water daily with tears of joy,

Fertilize with humility,

And guard it with care and with love,

To benefit from it fully.


There is naught else that I can tell -

Follow my word, 'twill all be well.



Wyvern took it, mysitfied and a bit scared by the stern instructions, but when he turned it over and saw a stylized representaion of a tree with gold coins hanging from the branches, he got excited all over again.



Evangeline walked out of the Cabaret with a secret smile playing about her lips and a bounce in her step.





If you couldn't figure it out, Etz haKesef means, literally, Tree of Money - also known as a Moneytree. Happy birthday, Wyv!

Edited by Evangeline

Wyvern's eyes widen in a transfixed state of happiness as they read over the gold letters of the black banner for the seventh time, the full extent of the pennite well-wishes slowly registering in his almost dragonic noggin. His claws feverishly tear away at the ugly white wrapping paper of Zadown's super-generous donation, and he flashes wide grins at the planeswalker and Gyrfalcon for their respective fundings. A butterfly lands on the lizard's snout and drops a geld piece there, causing Wyv to go cross-eyed for a moment before it circles his head and flies away in graceful motions. The lizard carefully slips the Seed of Etz haKesef into his pouch between geld counts, nodding and flashing an excited smile in the direction of Evangeline.


"th-thank you." Wyvern's voice comes out as a timid squeak, and he tries to cough it off, unsuccessfully. "everyone."


Wyvern raises his forked tongue to his cheek as he considers three-dimensional art mediums as a potential paint postal service. He licks a spot of chocolate from his scales, revealing a fading blush that remains from Mynx and Sweet's respective licks. The blush suddenly deepens ten-fold as a seductive female voice whispers something into his ear about how Wyvern taste-testing could be taken to the next level. Wyvern seems to melt before the spectators in wavey motions as he considers the statement, and he collapses upon a bed of flowers in bloom that break his fall.




OOC: Thank you for the birthday wishes, everybody. :-) Reading over what people post here has become one of my B-day highlights over the years, and I just want you all to know that your words mean a lot to me. I really appreciate the kind thoughts and creativity... thank you, once again. *Hugs to all*

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