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Valentine's day....Heh...

Prior to last year, I didn't care for it. T'was nothing more than savage indiscriminate commercialism of an otherwise regular day, filled with thousands upon thousands of easily witnessed events of affectionality between people I never cared for and people who never showed any other than apathy save dislike for me.


Then, in the end of 04 I got a girlfriend. Wait... That's not how I want that to be taken...That is to say, I had a girlfriend for the 05 Valentine's day.... Best thing ever, but I wasn't anywhere near thinking about February 14. But the day came around, as it always does, and I found myself being given gifts including a half-dozen Chocolate Roses, wax Fortune Hearts, and a card. Suffice to say I was happy. Unfortunately, at such time I had the wonderful misfortune of not being able to transport myself due to lacking vehicular device; luckily she has and had a vehicle. So I bought us lunch at Quizno's, and then we went, found ourselves a nice beautiful little spot on a bayouside and ate our meal. Much happiness.


Come to this year, I have a car.....And the same girlfriend....The car, well, she's an 83 Buick Regal, two door sedan...and currently on jacks in my driveway waiting for my dad to finish checking her out: The oil pan's off, and I'm hoping the crankshaft ain't messed up, cause I love that car and if that's messed up we're not putting anymore money into it, so I'm hoping it's just the bearings....Unfortunately large metal shavings we found in the oil pan....But this topic's not about my car, so....

Thanks to my inability to use my car, and therefore the need to rely on others, I can't go out to get stuff for her tomorrow (well, work too factors into that...), but I'm looking forward to Tuesday...mostly.....We were going to go eat chinese, but we tried out that restaurant friday (octopus in an interesting....). But now I don't have any problems with the basic idea of the day, even if I still don't care for the mass marketing and advertising...


It's amazing here... Red rose prices go up from $20 for a bunch of 10 or so... to about $250 for the same, or lesser quality roses.


That alone is reason enough to protest Valentines day, or perhaps re-inact the St Valentines Day Massacre at your local florist.


Personally I try to do special things throughout the year without waiting for the pink and red, money sucking day from hell to come around... so this time we're going out to dinner several days after Valentines day it's self. :)


It was Like...


TAMARANIS: So uh... merry Valentines day.

KATZANIEL: Uh... I... I can't really come up with a snappy response. Joyful Valentines day?

TAMARANIS: You should have gone with "frabjous."


And that's what we did today!


Oh yeah, and...


  Salinye said:

But then ofcourse if we got a surprise valentine or flowers from someone then we quickly abandoned all loyalty to each other and our protest and joined the starry eyed love sickos by the masses! lol For shame! For Shame!!

For shame! For shame!


Well, I haven't really been much of a fan of Valentines day... ever. I mean, when I was a kid I liked doing the card thing, it was nifty, but meaningless. As I got older it was just a painful reminder for all the non-single people to show me how alone I was, etc...


Anyways, I've recently acquired a significant other, and well, despite the lame commercialism it's a decent excuse for me to by something nice for the l'il lady. Besides, you don't *have* to by the tacky stuff. I got her some orange roses (her favourite colour) and some other stuff that had some thought to it...



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