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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

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Posted (edited)

Isn't character creation on both of these servers disabled for the moment?


[EDIT: Bad info. Only on Icecrown.]

Edited by Quincunx
  • 2 weeks later...
  Gyrfalcon said:

Well, we're on Argent Dawn if you want to start an alt there. There isn't a huge number of Pennites there, so the chances of nailing someone at the same time is pretty low unless you can set up a time with someone. Otherwise, Gyrfalcon is an Artisan leatherworker, so if you need leather armor or armor patches, just ask and I can make sure some are sent to you. Otherwise, I'm playing a low-level mage named Hanzoku at the moment. :)

Woo hoo! Nice to know that there are more people playing WoW. I thought I was the only one. ;)


I have a L40 Mage named Madoka on the US Kilrogg server. I am a Enchantress / Tailor, so I have a bit of gold -- just bought my horse too. :)


I will try to make a character on the Argent Dawn server then. :) Although I don't have much time to play these days... :(




Cool, just ask Gyr or Hanzoku if you see me on at the same time... though it is possible that character creation will be disabled off and on, as I've seen Argent Dawn show up on the list for no new accounts.

  Gyrfalcon said:

Cool, just ask Gyr or Hanzoku if you see me on at the same time... though it is possible that character creation will be disabled off and on, as I've seen Argent Dawn show up on the list for no new accounts.

Character Generation is disabled when there is a queue, neh? You can still create characters on the server if ye do it during the off-hours, as far as I know.

  • 2 weeks later...

Managed to finally create a Night Elf Warrior named Madoka on Argent Dawn server. :)


Have added Gyr and Hanzoku as friends!


See you all online!!! :D


Ja ne~




I just thought I'd mention... My main server is Mug'thol (now that my guild chose to transfer from Archimonde). If any of you find yourself there, please be sure to let me know. My main character is Rhoelyn of .





PS: Twice, I've seen 'Orlan' when I was playing. Both times I sent him the following message:


"So, what would you say if I said 'The Pen is Mightier than the Sword' to you? :)"


Seeing as neither was our Orlan, you can imagine the strange looks I got in response. :P


*laughs!* I've also seen a couple Orlans and said much the same thing to them.. they must think we're crazy people.


Warriors, Warlocks, Priests, Mages, Shaman, Paladins, Rogues, Hunters......I see no Sexy class so I don't think Orlan could make it lol ;)


But....I did see a "Taleth" and was curious where that name came from hehe




A thin imp sneaks out from the shadows...


Down the road tat leads to sorrow

From the Dreamword she is calling

Come to me, come runing, falling

Come and sip sip the sacred poison


...she fades back to the darkness.



Thank you for making my day a bit funnier, Slinky (and you, seven or so people who might be temporarily embodying Slinky.)

  • 2 weeks later...

hmm, I might join that server... Keep an eye out for a Lhzle or a Mrrgrrt. If those names are not taken already it will be the name I use in that server


*peeks in* I play Warcraft O'Worldie as well. Currently my characters reside on Eldra'Thalis. I will make an alt on the server you guys are playing on as well. What times do most people play?


Just as Rune is sure she's safe, she hears a dopplared yip as a fox crashes into her, licking her face and wagging his tail wildly.


"Yaaaaaaaay, Rune! Yaaaaaaay!" Daryl yipped enthusiastically.

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