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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

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Hi all,


Just thought we should have a topic dedicated creative new ways to save to world.


I'll start:




Grow THC-Free Industrial Hemp.


Save Trees, Grow Hemp.

It's natures industrial soy-bean. You can make pratically anything out of it.

Such as bio-diesal Fuel, Food, or Fiber for Clothing etc.


Step to implement idea:

1. Legalize Production of THC Free Hemp World Wide (Currently legal in 30 countries)

2. Phase out Tobacco production by getting Tobacco Farmers/Industry or other interested parties to grow Industrial Hemp.

3. Phase out Trees harvesting in the production of paper and other accesories.

4. Build Biodiesal Infrastruture by mandating Auto/Gas industry phase in Biodiesal as a viable alternative fuel source within a set period of time.

5. Perfect and popularize use of Hemp Plastic.









Well, that my idea.

What's yours?



Edited by reverie

legalize marijuana and magic mushrooms. The world will be in a perpetual state of happiness and gun violence would become minimal. lol, if only it were that simple.


The world and the nature was once balanced. All orgamisms contributed by absorbing the bio-product from other orgamisms and in turn be/or produce matters for other organism to be devoured or absorbed. In turn all organisms on the natural cycle is control thru it means. Then evolution created one organism that does not follow this rule. It simply absorb the bio-product and the resources of the planet and produce only waste that further decays the cycle of nature. It grows and multiply like a virus, devouring the biosphere unto no ends.


That organism are humans.

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