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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

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Posted (edited)

I have talked to you about your new man

It makes you sound pretty happy

It feels like someone just slapped me in the face

My stomach is turned into knots

I say he doesn't have what we had

And it makes me kind of mad

That I lost my one true love


There is no need for a jacket or umbrella

I can see the storm coming in quick

I'm going outside into the rain

because I can't handle this pain


For 2 1/2 years we made it work

And now its all gone, leaving tears on my face.

Im writing this one last letter

To let you know how I feel

Before I do my best to keep it all together

And keep my broken heart concealed.


I will be on the other side

Patiently waiting for the storm to clear

Watching over you as best I can


We went from lovers to friends

We'll go from friends to lovers

So, if he makes you smile

There is nothing for me to do but accept it & respect it


I'm saying my last goodbye in hopes it will sink in

And let you think about it

Then I'll just leave you alone and let our frienship be

And be a man about this situation.


*just fixed a few small errors I saw*

Edited by Tasslehoff - AngelXIIX
  • 4 weeks later...

Mr BBE, excellently crafted poem. Obviously the pain in each and every word is what truly makes this an great work. Amazing job evoking such emotion, especially in someone like me.


*hugs* This poem hits hard in the right spots. You do a good job of painting the situation while leaving it vague enough that the reader can identify intimately with it.


I have one suggestion for improvement. Consider the stanza which reads:



There is no need for a jacket or umbrella

I can see the storm coming in quick

I'm going outside into the rain

because I can't handle this pain

I thought it would be cool if you replaced the last line with something like, "Because I can't stand this leaking roof anymore"


Thanks Sabre.. Long time no hear.


I see what you are getting at Budda.. Interesting approach. Ive been looking into it and cant find something that I feel flows.. *leaking roof* just doesnt seem like it has enough strength.. You know? Any other ideas though? We are thinkin vivid!!

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