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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

Spot the Similarities!

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Part 1:


Sign up to play (preferably in PM, because signing up publicly may give away information important to Part 2) and I will PM you a list of ingredients for a story or poem. (Putting it here as there seem to be fewer things planned for this room).


The ingredients will not force you to center your story around a given person or plot. Rather, some examples:

  • A main character must be blonde.
  • A lampshade must figure prominently into the story.
  • The location must be France.
  • An ant must be at least mentioned.
So you can have a male or female blonde, you can mention the setting as some city in France without ever mentioning France specifically... you can have a poem about someone dancing in a bar with a lampshade on their head and accidentally stepping on an ant, or it could be a story about a couple arguing about the colour of their furniture versus a lampshade, and maybe it starts with the woman screaming about mosquitoes and ants in the house.... It's really very much up to you, as long as it includes all of the elements given.


Geld for contributing here: 10 per piece, up to 2

Due date for your piece: Wednesday July 20th



Part 2:


After all the stories/poems are written, geld will be given for finding the various themes. Note that depending on the number of writers found for Part 1, there may be 2 or 3 groups of themes with 2 or 3 or 4 pieces in each, and there will be no hints as to which contribution belongs in which theme-set. (This is why I don't want everyone signing up publicly... then people can just look at the order of signing-up and guess that the first 3 are probably in the same group, et cetera.)


Geld for contributing here: 1-3 for each element found. Must name all pieces with said element. Varies depending on difficulty.

Due date for guesses: Wednesday July 27th

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Note, I had a question, and you do not need to participate in Part 2 if you do Part 1, or the other way around either. You can do both, but don't have to, and of course if you do both you won't get geld for finding the similarities of your story/poem to others.

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Part 2


(Anyone can play!)


Okay, I don't want to make this impossibly difficult, so I'll give a few hints.


1) All of the theme-sets follow a similar format to the example. 4 elements, one of which indicates a setting, another something about a main (loosely defined) character, another an element which must figure prominently, and the last an element which has only to be mentioned. "Element" need not be an object. (Note: Geld for finding these ingredients will be 2, 2, 1 and 3 respectively).


2) I had 7 participants (well, one twice) so there are 3 theme-sets, one of which was done thrice.

EDIT: Excuse my insanity, but it seems to actually be 6, one twice, equalling 3 theme-sets, all twice.


3) If you want to play but don't want to read all 7 pieces, ask me (here or in PM) to send you a list of 2 or 3 stories (please specify, if you care) with the same theme-set and I'll let you find the elements for half the geld reward. (This can't be done 3 times. ;))

EDIT: You don't get a choice. 2 or 4 (half points) or all 6 (full points). I'm really not clear why I was so sure one group had three participants. Possibly I'm just still confused, but all my references indicate 5 people and 6 stories.


4) I forgot to remind everyone that this part had started, so due-date may be extended somewhat if I'm still getting a fair number of guesses in as of the 27th.

Edited by Katzaniel
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Yes yes, please PM any and all guesses. B)


And in reference to a question PM'd me, no you cannot guess anything that was in a story you wrote, not even for half points, but you'll note you get more geld for writing it than you would have for getting all the elements correct, albeit not by much.

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My internet and computer access in the last few days hasn't been too good, due to painters having taken over our house and me having to sleep at my grandmother's place, so I haven't yet had a chance to pm my guesses for the similarities.


Is there a time limit for when the guesses need to be sent in?

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Nominally that time limit is probably over, but it's not like we need to finish this section in order to move on to a part 3 or anything, and the fact that I've had only 1 person take a stab at it is also a cue that that wasn't enough time. So yeah, anyone who wants to keep guessing, I'm not sure if this event even needs a time limit (other than the obvious end-of-carnival limit). Just keep in mind that the sooner you guess, the sooner you get the geld, (insofar as one of us having time to update before Orlan has time to update goes).

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