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Important update:


Thanks to Akallabeth for finding this...


Here is a link to some background information on how the political situation in the Courts of Chaos works, and also a list of the 12 major house names of the more powerful houses of Chaos.


It specifically mentions that it's not usual for a series of assassinations to be the way a new person gets to the throne. I am (of course) trying to cause that exact situation to take place.




Please note, this site also lists the names of the 13 major houses of Chaos - you don't have to be from one of these, but if you see one that fit's well with your character concept then please feel free to be a member of an 'official' major house of Chaos.

Posted (edited)

Choseyre of House Arcline


After an absence of five years, "studying abroad," Choseyre is back. Also, she has spent the last five years training as a mage so she is now much better than she was She is still a bit shy of showing off her skills, but those who see her work tend to be impressed.


Physically Choseyre is a woman of medium height with Dark brown hair. She is not beautiful, partially because of a scar on her face (and quite a few on the backs of her hands) that she says she acquired while young and foolish. Still, she manages to look quite interesting and more than one man has wondered if her smile was an invitation or a threat. Choseyre is always found dressed perfectly in the current style and because of her charming ways she is often found to be close friends with parties on both sides of any quarrel.

Choseyre refuses to shapeshift, because she says she is too shy.

Choseyre's personalilty tends to be something in between mediator and gossip. She is too shy to be the average court gossip but she tends to befriend as many people as she can so she usually knows quite a few stories about everybody.

Edited by Gwaihir
Posted (edited)

*high-pitched voice*


I'm still in as well ... same character


Purple ninja edit : question :ph34r:


What about past PM dealings? I assume that they are null, void, nonexistand and "never-happened" now?

Edited by Venefyxatu
Posted (edited)

Vene and I have agreed on one of the Great Houses, and I've edited my character description accordingly.


Katelyn and Karen of House Minobee




"The House Minobee are Traders, and this is far beyond the simple aspects of money. Trade can take any form, and can be of anything. A Minobee will never give you, young Diplomat, what they can sell to you. They are always looking for the margin to profit."


Edited by Tanuchan

*takes out a pair of scales and sets it up neatly*


*she then takes out ww game and graduation, and places one on each side of the scales*


*promtly the scales drop to the side of graduation*


sorry... won't have time :(


Johann of House Wererathe


Johann is a young man in his early twenties, who despite his young age, is already a quite adept shadowmaster. In his human form he has shoulder-length blond hair, and blue eyes, which make him quite a favourite of the ladies.


In his demon form he resembles a mere shadow, mostly moving around unseen, rarely fully materializing.



OOC: consider my previous character scrapped.


With regards to previous PM dealings:


If they'll add usefully to your characters back-story, and will give you a better grasp of your character then treat them like a reference to the past.


Any in-game plotting should be ignored because of the revised rules of the game.




So far we have confirmed back in the game:


Mynx - Samantha of Aldwin

Akallabeth - Ciroth of Hendrake

Gwaihir - Choseyre of House Aricline

Tanuchan - Katelyn of House Minobee

Venefyxatu - Karen of House Minobee

Patrick Durham - Johann of House Wererathe

JDRollins - Character to come

MeThinksUFoolish - Duke of the house Munich

Vahktang - Character to come


Thank you all, as I said before, new players are welcome and those who had signed up before are welcome back if you choose to play.




Come on guys give me some more players, please. Think on it, high court, treachery, deceit, cunning and back stabbing potential. Survive by the strength of your wits and take down your enemies by misdirection or a good sharp blade... or poison, or an enslaved demon, or whatever other nasty method you can come up with.


Even if you've never played before and you want to give it a go, jump on in and try! The more players the better the game will be.

Posted (edited)

Ciroth of Hendrake



"The second House in line is ours, House Hendrake. Yes, our beloved Duchess Belissa, the head of our House, is next in the line in succession after the Grambles. Our House's traditions you know well...honor, martial prowess, loyalty. We are one of the larger Houses, by the way, in terms of actual numbers."

In the tradition of his house, he is a warrior, though he is slightly unique in his mastery in the use of the two handed sword. He isn't of a high rank in his house, but neither is he of a low one. However, he has sought to change this with another tradition that he intends to begin.


That of ambition.


He aspires to gain the prestige of being a successor to the throne while keeping the traditions of his house. For there would be little wisdom in gaining one support while losing another. To succeed, he has only his intelligence, his reputation, and his skills to draw upon. He is not extremely accomplished in magic, his primary achievement being that of shifting between his two normal shapes. He also realizes that he is no shadowmaster, though he is not incompetent when it comes to weaving a web of shades.


Perhaps his ambitions shall triumph...





Physical Descriptions:


"Human" form:


Age: 32 years

Height: 6.5 feet (1.98 meters)

Weight: 215 pounds (97.5 kilograms)

Build: Medium, though having dwelt near the Abyss makes him seem lighter than he is. Most of his weight is in solid muscle, kept up by constant training.

Hair: Black, one or two inches (two and a half or five centimeters) long

Eyes: Grey/green

Skin: Med. Dark

Other details: Emotions are kept inside, except for flickers in his eyes. He is merely average in looks.


"Shift" form:


Species: Unknown type of demon

Height: about 5 feet (1.52 meters)

Weight: about 210 pounds (95.3 kilograms)

Build: Heavy

Hair: None

Eyes: (2) Diamond shaped, grey/yellow

Skin: Large, mottled brown and black semi-overlapping plates covering a very dark skin of indeterminate color.

Other details: Horrible to look on, it is used by Ciroth for fighting, training, and any situation requiring a non-human form. It walks on two feet, and has two arms, and the layout of its body is similar to that of a human. However, its limbs are shorter and much heavier; and it has no neck to speak of, just a point above its shoulders that slopes into a barely movable head, which reveals little more than the eyes buried deeply beneath their lids, and a gap through which the creature may speak.

Edited by Akallabeth

I've decided I'd like to be if a major house so I am editing my post to be of the house Arcline.


By the way, if others have not seen this description of the houses then they may find it useful.


For those that are wondering about these links that are being posted:


As far as I can tell they draw their information from a combination of the Amber RPG game, ongoing online games set in the Amber universe and some from the story books.


My information is drawn almost exclusively from the stories written by Roger Zelazny, however in order to free you from some of the restrictions that come with making up characters from a 'known' universe I'm not only allowing (encouraging even) this additional source material, I'm also setting the game far enough in the future after Merlin's ascention to the throne that some of the minor house names (maybe even some of the major house names) can be altered.


In short, feel free to take 'official' house names from these links, but don't feel obliged to. The political structure of the Courts of Chaos is... well... chaotic. House names that don't match the list can be from a House newly risen into the list of 13 greater and lesser houses.


Current players:

Mynx - Samantha of Aldwin

Akallabeth - Ciroth of Hendrake

Gwaihir - Choseyre of House Aricline

Tanuchan - Katelyn of House Minobee

Venefyxatu - Karen of House Minobee

Patrick Durham - Johann of House Wererathe

JDRollins - Denor of House Helgram

MeThinksUFoolish - Duke of the house Munich

Vahktang - The General of the House of War

Quincunx - Cid of Tarquin


Signup ends after this weekend, anyone else who wants to play is still welcome.


Ok, since we can't have PM alliances anymore and that would leave my charcter in the dark (he was originally the only surviving meber of his house), i'll edit my story a little.


Duke (name not a title) was originally a part of the house Verboden, but the house was wiped out by the other houses for their infamous cruelty to the people they ruled. Duke, a child of two at the time, was spared and adopted into the House of Munich, a small house but growing in popularity. From there his ambition and genreosity to others has helped him to become a leading member of the house. He is accepted as a full member of the family and is known only to lose his temper if you mention his old family's name.


For a description of Duke and Duke's demon form check my earlier post

Posted (edited)

Grandame Lavinia's funeral wake was THE party of five seasons ago--a fortnight of continuous masquerading and excess at the Tarquin family compound, beloved of everyone but their neighbors in a ten-mile radius. At the frenzied end of the wake, the guests lifted the chief mourners above the crowd, those who were wearing the masks of the Weeping Tarquins, handed them up the staircases to the Grandduke's and Granddame's quarters, crowned them with diamonds and pulled off their sapphire-studded masks. Grandduke Luciano and Granddame Maia (pity the people that had to carry her!) threw the Weeping Tarquins from the balcony, into the waiting hands of Malvolio and Fortunata, now Duke and Dame; they, in turn, pulled off their ruby wedding rings and tossed them into the youngest generation of Tarquins, who fought to catch them. The Laughing Tarquins were the key to attending court. . .


Cid of Tarquin:


The new Grandduke and Grandame Tarquin are idiots, a peasant couple in rich regalia with fourteen children running around barefoot. The Duke and Dame were competent enough to survive at court, but have no head for their new duties of maintaining the Tarquin household, except keeping the family nursery full of "gifts from the gods". Lavinia would not have lived long past the coronation of Merlin's successor, and House Tarquin would have been torn apart from outside if they had changed generations in a stable time. Therefore Cid suffocated the reigning Grandame. He suspects that she understood his reasons.


Unlike the past two generations, Cid is keeping his 'gifts' to himself; his pants stay buttoned and his demonic advisers imperceptible. Only with reluctance does he play cards at court, as all Tarquins have done, and hates it even more when he must play to lose. He was the first Tarquin shadowwalker since the time of his great-grandmothers to capture the beasts beyond and command them; this has caused a change or two in his appearance that he covers with a heavily bearded full mask, which also hides his youth. Cid travels with a small collapsing telescope, which he uses during the night-time for astrology, and during the daytime to snoop on conversations on the other side of the hall--a lip-reader benefits from people who do not wear a mask. Ridiculous to wear a heavy plate of porcelain with hair glued onto it and swagger around like a pirate? Maybe so, but the Tarquins are all a bit ridiculous, aren't they, har har!


The Mask of Cid


Shaved head with red-gold stubble; a high-cheeked mask with a full, flowing beard; wide-cut silk garments to hide his reedy limbs, in gaudy colors; a small telescope and basket-hilt rapier--the Mask of Cid looks like an expensive pirate costume. The mask is a theatrical mask which gives his voice a slight booming quality and while he keeps the phrases to a minimum, sailor jargon does slip in.


Cid the Human


Cid is seventeen years old, 5'10 without a pirate hat, thin and without muscle mass--much like Fortunata in her prime, as she was his mother. Summoning demons has altered his eyes to slitted red-gold and put additional mats of hair on his torso.


Cid the Summoner


When Cid channels the demon-spirit Marduk, from the chest upwards he transmutes into a lion, a lion's tail forms (and usually gets trapped in one pant leg), and his extremities end in appropriately sized paws. This form is both biped and quadruped, and although Cid could control the transformation enough to retain hands and fight with weapons, the pounce and bite of a lion-man has better shock value.



Gaia of Tarquin (NPC):


Cid's cousin-wife is fourteen years old, and as wordless and bug-eyed and curly-haired as her suspected father Grandduke Luciano. Cid lifted her above the mob of Tarquin hopefuls to catch the rings and didn't put her down until they reached the nuptial bed; she was barred from court while pregnant due to Tarquin customs, and Cid expected that she'd die while trying to give birth. She didn't. Once baby Lavinia is weaned, Gaia will be free to join her cousin-husband at court and there will be blood spilled--but whose?


OOC: Darnit, I enjoyed the decadent pair. Had some delicious dialogue set up for Fortunata and Malvolio. Ah well. The house of Tarquin sprawls out over many generations. (If anyone wonders, it began in the Final Fantasy world, and I assume that Cid is shadowwalking back to some of those worlds to get his 'demons'.) And I'll be playing this with a swagger that'd make Lord Flashheart sick to his stomach.

Edited by Quincunx

Name: Denor of House Helgram


Physical description (human form): 6' 0" tall 179 lbs. He has brown hair that he keeps cut short all except for the tail in the back that he lets grow long. He has hazel eyes. He loves the color green as he always wears it in one form or another. No other color is he ever seen wearing.


Physical description (shift/demon form): 6' 3" tall 290 lbs. with dark green skin and light flourescent green eyes. No hair and very small horns at the base of his forehead. His fingers end in short claws.


Someone has to guard the realm.

Someone has to actually fight.

Not duels, or scouting, or magic, but actual battles.

Soldiers in combat. Masses of men.

For years the one that has done that has been known as:


The General.

House of War.


He stalks palaces and parties in a demonic form, 8 feet tall, cloven hoofs, big round horns on the head, muscular and bright red.

His human forms are those of generals: Zod, Eisenhower, Maximus, Lee whoever is appropriate for the situation.

His magic skills are based on spell resistance.


I will be playing, but won't have a character until I get back from visiting UNC this saturday evening (hopefully that's not too late!)


Not too late at all Azuran, the game will start after the weekend, so with a little allowance for time zones that's somewhere about 4 days from now? Or on the 4th day, or something. I'll work it out in the end. :)


PM me if you have any questions about a character for the game, I'll do my best to be around at the appropriate times.



Current players:


Mynx - Samantha of Aldwin

Akallabeth - Ciroth of Hendrake

Gwaihir - Choseyre of House Aricline

Tanuchan - Katelyn of House Minobee

Venefyxatu - Karen of House Minobee

Patrick Durham - Johann of House Wererathe

JDRollins - Denor of House Helgram

MeThinksUFoolish - Duke of the house Munich

Vahktang - The General of the House of War

Quincunx - Cid of Tarquin

Azuran - Character to come


Any others who still want to join in are welcome.


For those that missed what the game is, the short version is that you're all sons and daughters of Chaos - pretty much the best, strongest, most cunning etc of your house and in the line of succession to the throne.

A throne which may have become available with the current absence of the king - Merlin.


So the battle is on to take the regency, which may well lead to being confirmed king in the end.


More details on the plot twists and turns when the actual game starts. :)

Posted (edited)

Gryphon, I think Saturday evening for Az would be Sunday afternoon for you... I believe he's around 16-17 hours behind your timezone.

Edited by Tanuchan
  Tanuchan said:

Gryphon, I think Saturday evening for Az would be Sunday afternoon for you... I believe he's around 16-17 hours behind your timezone.

In that case, Gryphon you think you could call me some time before 2:00? you might be able to remind me to bring my english homework, i forgot it this morning

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