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I'm sorry I haven't voted yet, I'm really having trouble finding an IC way for Cook to suspect *anybody*, tucked away in the kitchen as she is. And not liking kids doesn't mean she thinks them capable of murder. So... er... still thinking. I might just not vote this round.

Posted (edited)
  Katzaniel said:

I'm sorry I haven't voted yet, I'm really having trouble finding an IC way for Cook to suspect *anybody*, tucked away in the kitchen as she is.  And not liking kids doesn't mean she thinks them capable of murder.  So... er... still thinking.  I might just not vote this round.

She would hear all sorts of gossip, though, woldn't she? From all her helpers... even if the Cook is stuck in the kitchens, her helpers aren't. And people would go there from time to time, either to complain of something or to try to make her cook something they like... I guess that's perfectly possible.


I'm having trouble making Kyraine accuse IC also; I'll try to post soon. Need to go for a little while right now. :)

Edited by Tanuchan
Posted (edited)

This concludes the first day phase.


Since Patrick said that he'd be unable to post until Friday (and suggested using his character as an NPC until then), I think it's best to have him as an NPC in this game.


Patrick, you're still welcome to roleplay though!


The same thing goes for Dragonqueen : since I won't have real deaths in this game (I'm assuming that life is too precious in a Vault to waste) you're more than welcome to roleplay Irene in her room, or any other NPC you can think of.


Current player status :


Player Character
Katzaniel Cook
Sweetcherrie DJ
Mynx Mary
Tanuchan Kyraine Morgan
MeThinksUFoolish Chuck (Samuel Barnes)
Patrick Durham John Doe (gone NPC)
Ozymandias the Elder Richard Braggins
dragonqueen Irene Taylor (locked up - first lynchee)
Quincunx Billie Jo Pike
Akallabeth Irwin
Ayshela Melinda



Also, for people having a problem with IC suspicions, that's no excuse :P Just make an IC post and add an OOC line with a (for all I care completely random) accusation ;)

Edited by Venefyxatu

I like having an IC excuse.


Usually, in a game like this, my first vote is entirely based on IC reasons.


Besides, I was in the process of making a post when you shifted phase. ;)


That was quick. Oh well, it was fun while it lasted. Incidentally, Irene wouldn't be a 'Mrs.' Anyways, have fun, and I'll be following the game with interest.


English abbreviations and titles strike again... if I figure out what it needs to be changed into (or you let me know) I'll do so right away!


Patrick : glad to see you're still posting ;)


Just a note to everyone : since Patrick said he'd be unable to post for some length of time he has, obviously, not received a Special Role.


And another note : since I have to go soon the night phase will be extended until I'm home. As soon as I get home, however, I'll be switching to day again!


I wonder how many phases will actually have their proposed length :P


Current player status :


Player Character
Katzaniel Cook
Sweetcherrie DJ (deceased - first night's kill)
Mynx Mary (deceased - first night's kill ... open the door!)
Tanuchan Kyraine Morgan
MeThinksUFoolish Chuck (Samuel Barnes)
Patrick Durham John Doe (gone NPC)
Ozymandias the Elder Richard Braggins
dragonqueen Irene Taylor (locked up - first lynchee)
Quincunx Billie Jo Pike
Akallabeth Irwin
Ayshela Melinda


Let's see some more voting this time eh? :)


i swear i'm still here! not putting words together coherently atm, due to a spate of bad news, but i will get a post in before this phase is over, i promise!


*Ayshela ducks flying tomatoes, frying pans, and a random old shoe*


Unfortunate timing gamewise, but I won't be posting any more this day phase, unless it's somehow extended a little. So please don't say anything directly to Cook and expect an answering post. Feel free to RP a reaction yourself, though, she's a pretty easy character to borrow.

Posted (edited)

Here we go again!



Player Character
Katzaniel Cook (deceased - second Wolfkill ... open it!!)
Sweetcherrie DJ (deceased - first night's kill)
Mynx Mary (deceased - first night's kill ... open the door!)
Tanuchan Kyraine Morgan
MeThinksUFoolish Chuck (Samuel Barnes)
Patrick Durham John Doe (gone NPC)
Ozymandias the Elder Richard Braggins
dragonqueen Irene Taylor (locked up - first lynchee)
Quincunx Billie Jo Pike (locked up - second lynchee ... who's this desperate?)
Akallabeth Irwin
Ayshela Melinda


Oops ... looks like I forgot to update this last time :blink:

Edited by Venefyxatu

Thank you, Tzim, for so elegantly including Melinda in the storyline when I got hijacked by Real Life. I appreciate that more than I can say!


Ayshela : you showed up just in time to make the deciding vote ;)


The roles were divided as follows :

  • Seer : Quincunx / Billie Jo Pike
  • Cupid : Mynx / Mary
  • Lovers : Sweetcherrie / DJ and Mynx / Mary (as if you didn't know yet ;) )
  • Wolves : Dragonqueen / Irene and Ozymandias the Elder / Richard Braggins
Modding this was harder than I thought it would be - especially living up to the end-of-phase deadlines :P



I think the only thing left to say is this : a big Thank You to all of you for making the Vault come alive. I really enjoyed it!


*laughs* awwwww dang, i was at least half kidding when i mentioned to Oz that it'd just figure if i pried myself loose from Real Life just in time to kill the game! This one moved really quickly!


Nicely done!


Wow. I was absolutely, well 95%, convinced that Tanuchan was a wolf. I was 80% certain that her partner was Ozy. If you hadn't killed me, Ozy, you might have had a better chance, but I guess you were hoping people would assume I was killed because I had it right.


But.... Tanny... how did you not see that Quincunx was the Seer and had tagged me as innocent? (The post with the knives). I was certain that you wouldn't have missed that, and therefore were a wolf. Plus I had suspected your very first post.


And dragonqueen? I guess we were very lucky, getting her right off.

Posted (edited)

Well, Katz... I was really sure you were the wolf this time. About the Seer... no, I never read her post as coming from the Seer. Maybe because this time I was playing right IC, without bothering much with reading between the lines... I guess I didn't want to worry about being killed or not, but not so much as to accept a lynching meekly ;)


Ozy? Call that a lucky guess. He seemed a bit suspicious in his voting, and was my best option. Venefyxatu followed my reasoning, and I suppose he had quite some fun. I don't remember anymore why I ended up suspecting Ozy, really.

Edited by Tanuchan
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