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Liked it. I must agree, Grievous is quite cool, and have one question (which I don't believe is a spoiler) about him:


Is he alive, or is he a machine? I never quite understood that.


Cartoon Network has a series of 5-minute shorts that takes place between Episode 2 and Episode 3. I really didn't get to watch them all in coherent order, so I can't really answer that, sadly. Something to look around for online, though.


Oh, and for those protesting about Jar-Jar being my reason for not going: Well, he is one of them. School, work, and homework tend to fall into places 3, 4, and 1 respectively.

  Akallabeth said:

Is he alive, or is he a machine? I never quite understood that.

I've not actually looked, but at a guess I'd say 'cyborg' would be fairly close to the mark.



I'd say cyborg.

It's absurd to think a robot has asthma, and there was definitely living attributes to him once you get a closer look...




As for the living under a rock aspect I have a true life example. My wife has not seen the last three episodes and actually (with a little shielding from me) managed to go into episode three without knowing what was going to happen. She LOVED it and is still hoping that Annakin will come to his senses and return to the light! I know, life under a rock...


By the way I thought it was pretty good. I am not a huge addict like Gryphon but I admired the tying up of all the loose ends and Yoda, fighting simply is the best!



Posted (edited)

Hmm, Valdar, that's an idea, but in my opinion seeing I-III before any of the others would bring a number of surprises that are worth not being surprised at "Vader's his father" and "Leia's his sister".


Think about it: Seeing these for the first time not knowing Anikan will turn, not knowing there will be two children, not knowing precisely who will survive and who will not. Seeing even Episode IV gives all of that away.


With all respect, Rune, I disagree... I think I want my kids to see I-III before IV-VI.


I do agree with you about Anikan's actor, though. What you said was exactly the way I tried to describe him to Tam... either really good or really bad. I mean, would it hurt him to smile occasionally? Sure, Ani's character is kind of the person who wouldn't smile when he's happy, but it makes it hard to believe that Amadelia fell in love with him and all that. I didn't like the stone-faced acting.


And now that I've seen the movie..


I wanted to say the plot was really neat: there are some surprises despite knowing who's alive at the end; it was really cool to watch the politics, a little romance, the inner battles and of course the physical battles all within one film. I didn't like the way Anikan acted his "normal" scenes but he did do "tormented" really well, and the other actors all gave good performances as well. I've heard some say that Yoda's CG wasn't any good in these three, but it didn't even look like CG to me, which is the mark of good CG. I think my biggest beef with the movie was that nearly all the great lines were in the trailer, so in addition to knowing the outcome I knew much of the dialogue, but I can certainly forgive the movie that because it was just so worth seeing. Then again I thought II did a good job when I watched it a second time (when I was willing to forgive it not being made in the late 70's, early 80's) so if you honest-to-goodness did not like that, I can see you still not liking this one. (Not to say that only those people might not like it, I can't possibly predict everyone's tastes, or that those who didn't like it have bad taste in any way. Just different from mine. B))


Also, there is yet more fuel for the contention (for which proper credit should be given to BPO) that R2D2 has actually studied Jedi arts. :lol:

Edited by Katzaniel

Gtievous is a combination of Trandoshan and Cybernetics.

To put it simply: He was a Trandoshan (lizard-type humanoid in the Star Wars Universe) (Well, I'm pretty sure Trandoshan..might've been something else), but he got severely injured in battle, and all they could save was his eyes, brain, and some organs. So they made a robotic body for him, and he was as you saw in the movie.


*blink* Yes, I meant Xaious.


My excuse will be the funky way that the word "Vader" in his post could be read "Valdar" by someone in a dyslexic mood.


Because I sure don't know what else that was! :P


I rate the movie "meh", which is far better than the "arrrghhnopleasemakeitstop!" of episode one and "ewww, icky!" of episode two, but still not very high. A lot of the acting was very wooden and as the end result was already known, the suspense was pretty low. So if you liked Ep II or heaven forbid, Ep I, go watch it - I doubt you'll be disappointed. If you didn't, you might get better value from seeing some other movie. -_-

  Katzaniel said:

I've heard some say that Yoda's CG wasn't any good in these three, but it didn't even look like CG to me, which is the mark of good CG.

Actually, they brought back the puppet for this one.

I expect my workmates (all of whom saw it last night) will come in here an an hour or so and begin to rubbish this movie and tell me how much they all hated it...


Sometimes being the only person around who actually really really likes these movies can get a little bit sad.


Oh well...maybe they'll have liked this one.


To put it short, I greatly enjoyed this movie. I'd probably have to see it a few more times to really find out what I appreciate the most, but I have no complaints. I think a lot of people are being to critical on lots of the aspects of the Star Wars movies; of course, they can go ahead and do that... everyone IS titled to their opinion. I just happen to disagree. Perhaps it's just that I'm not that critical when I'm watching a movie I go into with the mindset that I think I'm going to enjoy... or something. I had no problems with Anakin; and going back to the first 2, okay, there were some lame things such as Jar-jar, and the pod races. But even so, people should keep in mind that not every single person and/or event is going to be totally cool. There are things/events that are lame. Take it with a grain of salt ;p


Anywhoo, enough of my ranting. I enjoyed the transition from III to IV, as suttle as it was. I won't reveal anything yet, but I'll reference what I called the 'asterisk wings' I thought they were nifty. And as Katz mentioned, R2-D2 is totally a Jedi. If you don't believe me, just watch the movies and keep in mind a few things that both R2-D2 and Jedis share in common:


Super-jumping, droid killing, exploding things with their mind, precognitive (is that a word?) reflexes, and an astute intuition. Seriously. That little droid is a friggin' Jedi. Think about it, please!


eh, I liked it... The only thing, I took issue was is that it moved a little fast... Bam... This guy's dead and Zip-A-Zap this guy's dead...



That and certain jedi master seemed to get some super improved skills with a light saber out of nowhere...




I saw the Clone Wars Cartoon and Greivous got his lungs crushed by Master Wiendo in the last episode... So that probably explains why his skills weren't up to snuff...


Also with the exception of the Whale Scene: Hitch Hiker was just plain not funny. Once again the book/radio was soooo much better... Actually it's the funniest book i've ever read...


Despite all that, Zooey Deschanel makes the movie worth it.


love that name.





I've finally went to see it and I appreciated it. It was indeed better than Episode I and II but it's not to the caliber of the other three episodes. I appreciate that it brings in lots of answers and it really bridges well to the Episode IV.


Speaking of Episode IV, I rewatched it this afternoon. Now that I've seen all the prequels, it gives a new perspective to the actual movie.

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