Katzaniel Posted April 25, 2005 Report Posted April 25, 2005 WWXX. It could mean so many things. WWXXF - The Extra Extra Wrestling Werewolf. I gonna win dis tourney any way I hafta! WWXXL - For those plus-size Werewolves... No, I won't insult anyone. WWXXO - Huggy and kissy Werewolves. I killz you because you flirt wit' my guy! WWXXWW - Back to Real Wolves again... Been awhile since I could kill you 'cuz you human!! WWXXER - Extra-Injured Werewolves. I want dis hospital room to meself! And the super odd fact that that almost spelled "Flower". Strange. Anyway, I had a brainstorm that I like better, so I'm gonna pitch the idea and come up with the correspondingly-cool title later. The Survivor-spoof, Reality Island or some such. I am aware that many will probably be wary of this idea, but I'm not a big Survivor fan myself, and I'm still pretty pumped about modding this, so I guess we'll see. Day: Roleplay the challenges of the day such as making your huts and finding food. At the end, voting. I'm going to totally skew this for the sake of mirroring the show layout, and have all votes PM'd to me. Also, PM alliances are allowed. That means it's difficult to have voting based on previous votes, making increased chance for a wolf win, but that should be lessened by the advantage for seer/baner gained by PM alliances. I want as much roleplay as possible played out in the main thread, though... if you're making an alliance with someone, and someone else, it's natural that both groups would at least have seen you talking with the other. Anyway, as much you dare, please. (Note: To ensure this, I'm going to dictate that a PM'd vote will not count unless there is at least a short IC post that day phase. This isn't be too far off what's usually done, so shouldn't bother anybody.) Night: The wolves set traps for the Challenge. Seer might see it happen, Baner tries to protect someone each time. I'll post the basic idea for the night's challenge (to take place early morning gametime) each lynching, so that players can roleplay the night, and it can involve discussion/preparation for the challenge, and possibly parts of the morning's challenge itself. I'm thinking the wolves are actually hired by the TV company so that they don't have to pay out the money at the end. That way it actually makes sense for equal number of wolves to villagers to mean the end of the game, since a tie vote can be settled by some skewed means. Tie vote will, by the way, be decided by a dice roll. This fits the game idea, but is actually mainly so that I can impose a schedule easy for me (and hopefully others) to follow: Mon & Tues Wed Thurs & Fri Sat & Sun Day Night Day Night I will post the phase-change posts Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday at right around this time. Weekends are established to be slow anyway, and I think it will be easier all around if everyone always knows what days they have to be posting and voting. Make sense? Sound cool?
Mynx Posted April 25, 2005 Report Posted April 25, 2005 sounds very cool. I'm in! Will have a character soon.
dragonqueen Posted April 25, 2005 Report Posted April 25, 2005 This sounds like fun. I'm in, character coming soon.
Venefyxatu Posted April 25, 2005 Report Posted April 25, 2005 Oohh, PM alliances ... now there's something new! Now, to think of a good character for this ... (read all that as : "count me in" )
Mynx Posted April 25, 2005 Report Posted April 25, 2005 ok ok ok I got it! Jessica Casey - 24 - Beauty Princess Drop dead gorgeous (and she knows it) Jessica is a horrible, backstabbing little ***** who will do anything she can to get her way. Despite her beauty, Jessica has never gotten higher than first runner up in a pageant, and she knows she is running out of youth. She is solely in this game for the money, and will do anything she can to ensure she gets it. Blond, buxom, blue eyed stick figure with curves, she loves flouncing in a bikini and is a constant distraction (not to meantion utterly useless). Woe betide whoever gets her in their team...
Patrick Posted April 25, 2005 Report Posted April 25, 2005 (edited) I'm in. Will edit this post either tomorrow or in two days time with a character. And here is the character: Johnny Straw Jr. Aged 27. He has charms and is in the game for the money. But he hopes that he manages to pick up a girl to be with in the game as just an added bonus. Unknown to all the other players, even the show host, his father was a millionaire and when he died last year he left Johnny his whole fortune with one condition. Johnny has to prove that he is capable of earning his own living. He thought that the easiest way to do this would be to take part in the Survivor game. He had never had a real job, due to the constant influx of money he had gotten from his father and had lived the life, spending more than what his father gave him. Edited April 25, 2005 by Patrick Durham
Gryphon Posted April 25, 2005 Report Posted April 25, 2005 Count me in. I'm thinking Zak Doyle He's the surfer dude, the one who always seems to be wearing shorts and no shirt. He's bronzed from the sun, loves the physical challenges and looks like he spends all his time stoned or drinking... which he doesn't, but it's a look you know. Generally easy to get along with though that fact alone is sometimes enough to really aggrovate some of the more competetive people on the show. He's more in it for the fun than the money, though the money would be good fun too.
Lady Celes Crusader Posted April 26, 2005 Report Posted April 26, 2005 PM alliances? Interesting. I'll come up with a concept soon enough. Here's the character: Stacy Chaplin: She's a 25 years-old Afro-American New-Yorker that had to face challenges in her everyday basis. She's the mother of a 7 years-old boy and shes raises him with the help of her sisters in an appartment in Queen's. While she manages to make a barely decent salary with two jobs, the money she could earn in the show could help her family a great deal as she could start a restaurant franchise. She's used to live in a though world and she's not afraid of any challenges that the show will put for her intent.
Gnarlitch Posted April 30, 2005 Report Posted April 30, 2005 Ok, I'm in as myself: mentally imbalanced combat vet who's just looking for something outside the day-to-day grind of life. This guy is the "loose cannon" who you never know how he'll react to any given situation. However, he also seems to be closely related to "McGyver," as he seems able to do almost anything and make do with few supplies.
dragonqueen Posted April 30, 2005 Report Posted April 30, 2005 Pansy Johnston: Pretty much an average neighborhood girl. Not exceptionally pretty, but not hideous either. Fairly intelligent and very timid. Athletically inept. Well-meaning, but tends to bungle things.
Katzaniel Posted April 30, 2005 Author Report Posted April 30, 2005 (edited) Alright, not bad numbers, but not great either. I guess I'll kick it off Monday morning but allow the customary 2 days (or 3, depending on whether numbers make initial night/day phase better) and then close off sign-up at the end of that time. So: Thanks for the players that have already shown interest, and new players are still welcome! Edited April 30, 2005 by Katzaniel
Katzaniel Posted May 2, 2005 Author Report Posted May 2, 2005 I've been warned that some people may be afraid of joining because they feel that they don't know enough about Survivor/Reality shows. Well, I've only watched Survivor a couple of times myself, but I guess it's true that it might help to have seen it. So I'm going to try to compile a list of the basics for those who haven't seen even as much as I have. A group of people get put onto an island, or inside a house, or someplace relatively remote. In this case, an island. About every episode someone gets voted off. Usually this happens by "secret ballot" though the contestants do get to see how many votes there were against them, I think. This can lead to lots of tricky political maneouvers like promising two different people that you'll vote for the other, and hoping that no one finds out, or voting for someone you think is really useful because you don't want them to be a threat later, or sometimes just trying to be really agreeable so no one hates you... however you want to play. Viewers curse and swear at players who are mean or lazy but manage to stick around by not ever being the most threatening... I'm going to encourage lots of NPC "audience" posts. In survivor, there are "challenges" that give the winning team "immunity", meaning the voted-off player can't be from the winning team. In this game, there will be challenges in which the losing player actually goes off the island. No immunity. Also, PM alliances are going to work just as they did in other werewolf games (like the High School one). All PMs should be cc'd to me. Note that you can claim to be innocent whether you're a werewolf or not. IC PMs are highly preferred because I don't want anything that relies on OOC information becoming a major plot point. I'd like to stay away from PMs like "So and so went away for a week and there's only one wolf left, so he can't be it..." as much as possible. If I'm missing anything, or you're considering joining but are confused about something, don't be afraid to post here or PM me... I won't take vague interest as token to nag you to join. Though maybe I'd have more players if I did...
Venefyxatu Posted May 3, 2005 Report Posted May 3, 2005 Sorry for taking so long ... I've had quite a lot on my hands. As a matter of fact I have this idea that I still do, but with a long weekend coming up I should have enough time I'll be playing Jack D. Nillebergh, Couch Potato Extraordinaire. He's the kind of guy who always knows better, even though what he's best at is converting beer into belch gases. But hey, who would be afraid of a guy who does nothing but hanging around, giving bad advice and belching, right?
Zariah Posted May 3, 2005 Report Posted May 3, 2005 Alright, I will join! I'll post a character discription later. (Should we go ahead and post an application in character in the actual rp thread as well???)
Katzaniel Posted May 3, 2005 Author Report Posted May 3, 2005 Ven - thanks! I hope you don't end up regretting it. Zariah - awesome! No, you don't have to post an "application", but it's encouraged to make a post at least once per day phase, and depending on time constraints you may want to post more than that, since it makes for a better RP. I should reiterate that usually votes are given at the end of an IC post, but that for this game votes are PM'd to me, and won't count unless you have posted something IC that phase. Or maybe if you have a really good excuse. (I'm not very good at being iron-fisted )
Venefyxatu Posted May 3, 2005 Report Posted May 3, 2005 Regretting it? No way! When I was writing up Jack's application I suddenly got bitten by that writing urge again ... yay!
Katzaniel Posted May 4, 2005 Author Report Posted May 4, 2005 Okay, the results are in! Mynx - Jessica Casey 24 - Beauty Princess Dragonqueen - Pansy Johnston Average neighborhood girl Venefyxatu - Jack D. Nillebergh Couch Potato Extraordinaire Patrick Durham - Johnny Straw Jr. 27 - Charming but lazy Gryphon - Zak Doyle Surfer Dude Lady Celes Crusader - Stacy Chaplin 25 - Afro-American New-Yorker mother of one Gnarlitch - Gnarlitch Mentally imbalanced combat vet Zariah - Brianna Michelle Taylor 23 - horse rancher and administrative associate No more players will be accepted, but the official post involving you all being flown to the island won't be until tomorrow because given the number of players I want the first phase to be a night phase. There will be 2 wolves and there will be both a seer and a baner, as I hope this results in a better game than just 1 wolf, and I think the baner will also help offset the private-vote thing some more. As far as in-game playing goes, assume your character has received the acceptance letter in the mail, and you have only a few days to prepare for the flight. I will send out the roles now and it's technically night phase today and tomorrow.
Katzaniel Posted May 5, 2005 Author Report Posted May 5, 2005 It's occurred to me that the station isn't very smart If they had offered the same deal to every participant, in pairs, they'd be paying out half the dough nearly for certain... A'course, the viewers might start to notice then.
Venefyxatu Posted May 5, 2005 Report Posted May 5, 2005 That would've been riskier as well ... if even one of the participants decides they don't like this, then the station can forget about the show ....
Katzaniel Posted May 6, 2005 Author Report Posted May 6, 2005 Ack! I have to go right now, and it looks like I've messed up my schedule already. I'll figure this out later, sorry guys.. Day phase for now, anyway...
Katzaniel Posted May 6, 2005 Author Report Posted May 6, 2005 (edited) I guess I must have just miscalculated when I needed to end night phase in order to start day phase at the right time. I don't want to cut day schedule short on you, so to fix this, I'll post the day-to-night / lynching post Sunday morning and then the second night-to-day / wolf-kill post on Monday as planned, ie, cutting the weekend-night-phase short instead. Also, I realized that I'd failed to post a few of the standard rules... I suspect most of you know this anyway... Tanuchan - from WWIII said: * Wolfsbane: the Baner can bane himself if s/he so chooses. Baning the wolves' chosen target results in no killing. Baning a wolf stops this wolf from killing; if there's a packmate, then s/he is entitled a saving throw to escape wolfsbane (50% chance of killing the intended target). * Night phase: roleplay at will, but no accusations whatsoever. * Ghosts (dead players): I'm allowing ghosts to post IC, if they want to. However, they may not interfere with the game, nor give any opinion that may influence the "living". They cannot interact with the living, although they can interact among themselves if they wish. * Ties and lack of necessary votes/PMs may be handled by the mod (me) rolling dice. * If something happens and you have to bow out early from the game, please PM me and I'll see to it. In this case, anyone is allowed to post an NPC, or Viewer post, and that's the same as the rules for a Ghost. Edit: Scorecard... Competing Mynx - Jessica Casey 24 - Beauty Princess Dragonqueen - Pansy Johnston Average neighborhood girl Venefyxatu - Jack D. Nillebergh Couch Potato Extraordinaire Patrick Durham - Johnny Straw Jr. 27 - Charming but lazy Gryphon - Zak Doyle Surfer Dude Lady Celes Crusader - Stacy Chaplin 25 - Afro-American New-Yorker mother of one Zariah - Brianna Michelle Taylor 23 - horse rancher and administrative associate Out of the Game Gnarlitch - Dan First Wolf Kill, Innocent Villager Edited May 6, 2005 by Katzaniel
Gryphon Posted May 6, 2005 Report Posted May 6, 2005 (edited) What kind of activity do you want in the day thread Katz? I have limited knowledge of how reality TV shows work because I usually tune them out, but if memory serves me we'd normally have a day or two of activities to complete with evenings of private interviews where all the contestants get to say who they think is good and who shouldn't be there. Then they vote for someone to leave and the presenter gathers them all together and gives the little 'one of you is going home' speach before telling the group who was voted off. Until the later stages of the game anyway, at which point the vote gets done in a public gathering... Actually considering the numbers we're probably at that stage of the game, and votes would depend largely on how people do in the challenges during the day. soooo... what do want posted in day phase? Edit: Maybe we can do challenges - a challenge could be posted and each of us would have to post a response or our actions during the challenge. That would at least give us some gossip fodder for the voting sessions. Edited May 6, 2005 by Gryphon
Katzaniel Posted May 6, 2005 Author Report Posted May 6, 2005 You've nicely summed up some of the stuff that goes on. I was thinking for this first day, at least, that there'd probably be a lot of RP around setting up a camp. Also, I guess that the cameramen would give you on-the-spot interviews at any moment they happen to see you alone, not just in the evenings, so if you feel like giving a monologue to the camera at any point it would not be inappropriate. I suspect there'd be a lot of talk with each other about who did what during the challenge, and I guess I could have some sort of scavenger hunt challenge to give you something else to do. Yeah, how's that... today, the characters are going to have enough on their hands finding a good place for a camp and setting it up... figuring out how you're going to get food... agreeing on responsibilities like fishing/cooking/hunting/firebuilding... (lots of gossip fodder there, I suspect). Next day phase I'll introduce a scavenger hunt to give you something else to do. Note: I'd been planning on having challenges each morning to get rid of the wolf-kill and votes each evening to handle the lynchings, but I realized that I couldn't possibly handle bringing all of your characters to the next morning, so I had to rush the first challenge. IC, say that you did this first challenge immediately so that you could concentrate all night and all day tomorrow on setting up and getting to know each other. After that, I'll go back to my original plan (for however long that lasts).
Katzaniel Posted May 8, 2005 Author Report Posted May 8, 2005 Reiterating, the votes were 2 for Pansy/dragonqueen and 1 for Johnny/Patrick. Night phase... Happy hunting. Competing Mynx - Jessica Casey 24 - Beauty Princess Venefyxatu - Jack D. Nillebergh Couch Potato Extraordinaire Patrick Durham - Johnny Straw Jr. 27 - Charming but lazy Gryphon - Zak Doyle Surfer Dude Lady Celes Crusader - Stacy Chaplin 25 - Afro-American New-Yorker mother of one Zariah - Brianna Michelle Taylor 23 - horse rancher and administrative associate Out of the Game Gnarlitch - Dan First Wolf Kill, Innocent Villager Dragonqueen - Pansy Johnston First Lynching, Innocent Villager
Katzaniel Posted May 9, 2005 Author Report Posted May 9, 2005 Day phase. Competing Venefyxatu - Jack D. Nillebergh Couch Potato Extraordinaire Patrick Durham - Johnny Straw Jr. 27 - Charming but lazy Gryphon - Zak Doyle Surfer Dude Lady Celes Crusader - Stacy Chaplin 25 - Afro-American New-Yorker mother of one Zariah - Brianna Michelle Taylor 23 - horse rancher and administrative associate Out of the Game Gnarlitch - Dan First Wolf Kill, Innocent Villager Dragonqueen - Pansy Johnston First Lynching, Innocent Villager Mynx - Jessica Casey Second Wolf Kill, Baner
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