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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

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Hi all,


my name's Nick, aka JaZzMaN251, and I'm from Belgium.

I was introduced to this site by Sweetcherrie, who you all probably know.

The idea of writing was interesting to me, 'cause most of the time, I can make things more clear when writing, than I do when talking. I don't usually write that much, but maybe this is a nice oppertunity to start writing more. It can be helpfull to get things straight, you know, those things that are flying around in your brain, those things you can't find a answer for.


I hope this all makes a little sense...


Greets to all of you!



Posted (edited)

Welcome. I know what you mean about being able to write more clearly than speaking. Of course, I am but a big ball of incoherence...

Edited by Loki Wyrd

Si vous etes Belge, vous devriez parler francais, n'est pas? Bienvenu si oui, mais seullement si oui. Sinon, tant pis.


Welcome! For ease of communication the main language here is english. There are forums for work in other languages. checck them out it would be nice to have some new contributions there. :) Bienvenue!


*JaZzMaN251 is happy to see there are so many nice people here wishing him a great time on the forums. He waves three big kisses to everyone.*



yep, you made sense. i think you'll find several people here who also find that things make better sense when we try to write them than when we try to say them.


welcome! Make yourself at home. The FAQ is at the top of your screen, the Manor of Tongues may be of interest as well, and feel free to drop a PM if you find yourself lost or confused. =)


Gryphon waves a hello at JaZzMaN251


Welcome along - I really do recommend the FAQ's when you've started to make yourself at home and you're starting to build up a set of questions. Otherwise all I can say is dive right in and enjoy yourself.


Posted (edited)
  dragonqueen said:

Hello and welcome.  Incidentally, do you play jazz, or listen, or...?

Yes, I do play jazz. I also love to listen to jazz too, ofcourse!

My 'guide' trought the evolution of jazz is Miles Davis, together with his great musicians he worked with. (Almost) every 'type' of jazz can be heard on one or more Miles Davis albums. It's really something to check out, even if you're not 'into jazz'.




*Creating avatar for this forum... ;) *

Edited by JaZzMaN251
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