Ozymandias Posted March 3, 2005 Report Posted March 3, 2005 Yep, it's that time again. You are getting promoted once more! (quick note- these are February's promotions) Last time, we found out what your names say. This time, I thought it would be fun to see what you'd say. (quiz furnished by Memegen 4.0 - The ultimate quiz factory and grlintrrupted) What's a Good Quote for You? The quiz asks for a name and a color, so I picked a color for each of you as logically as I could, as follows: To Page: Sweetcherrie cherries are red, soo... "Mmmmm...cheese." Sweetnightmare Nightmare, most associated color= black... "You know what your problem is? You're stupid!" Sparhawk hawks are very often brown. "Every time I go to the doctors I get a jacket, a straight one. It makes me feel special because I get to hug myself." Riven Riven, the sequel to Myst, takes place on an island in the deep blue sea... "sigh" Wavechild The sea has waves. It is also green. "The cat sctratched me...yeah, the cat." Equester Equester...a play on sequester? Nuns and monks sequester themselves in monasteries and nunneries, which are old, tan brick quite often. "Showers are for people that want to smell good!" To Quill-Bearer: Venefyxatu Flies under the Jolly Roger, who's all a-bleached white. ""If you turn your panties inside out, they are good to go again! Black9 Black! Danke for simplicity, Sirrah! :>) "You smell like butt!" Ummmm...yeaaaahhh... Congratulations, one and all!!!!
Tanuchan Posted March 3, 2005 Report Posted March 3, 2005 (edited) A black wolf bounds into the Cabaret, and upon finding the promotees list immediates leaves. She returns soon later pushing a food cart, grinning. "Hey, we need a party!" Congratulations to you all! And special hugs to Sweetcherrie, a great Werewolf player, and Venefyxatu, my partner in the AVV Quest! *hugs everybodyl* ~Tanny Edited March 3, 2005 by Tanuchan
Yui-chan Posted March 3, 2005 Report Posted March 3, 2005 Congratulations, all! ... and I'm glad this thread wasn't Russian spam, like I thought it might be at first. So, Ozy, what does the title say? >:} Yours, ~Yui
Peredhil Posted March 3, 2005 Report Posted March 3, 2005 Helpful Peredhil presents: Useful Russian Phrases: 1. Çäðàâñòâóéòå [Zdravstvujte!] Hello; How do you do? 2. Äîáðûé äåíü! [Dobry den'!] Good day! 3. Äîáðûé âå÷åð! [Dobry vecher!] Good evening! 4. Äîáðîå óòðî! [Dobroje utro!] Good morning 5. Ñïîêîéíîé íî÷è! [spokoynoy nochi!] Good night 6. Ãîâîðèòå ëè Âû ïî-àíãëèéñêè? [Govorite li vy po angliyski?] Do you speak English? 7. ß õîòåë áû ïåðåïèñûâàòüñÿ ñ Âàìè (ñ òîáîé) [Ya khotel by perepisyvat'sya s vami (s toboy)] // "s vami" is more polite I would like to correspond with you. 8. ×òî çíà÷èò ýòî ñëîâî? [Chto znachit eto slovo?] What does this word mean? 9. ß íå çíàþ. [Ya ne znayu] I don't know. 10. Ñïàñèáî! [spasibo] Thanks! 11. Âñåãî õîðîøåãî! [Vsego horoshego!] All the best! 12. Äî ñâèäàíèÿ! [Do svidanya!] Goodbye! Useful Finnish phrases 1. TER-VEH hello 2. NA-KE-ME-IN goodbye 3. (does not exist in Finnish) please 4.KEE-E-TOS thank you 5. MIS-SA ON W-C Where is the bathroom? 6. SUK-LA-AH chocolate 7. O-LUT beer 8. Voi Luoja! Paassani on kirves! Oh my god! There's an axe in my head. Useful Japanese phrases 1. Ookina zo-san desu. It's a big elephant. 2. Zo-san ga ippai imasu. There are many elephants. 3. Kono koppu ha zo-san de ippai deha arimasen. This cup isn't filled with elephants. 4. Onaka ga sukimashita. I'm hungry. 5. Oishii desu. It's delicious. 6. Onaka ga ippai desu ga, zo-san de ippai deha arimasen. I'm full, but I'm not full of elephants. 7. Watashi ha watashi ga wakarimasen. I cannot understand myself. 8. Okini ookina kujira ga imasu. There is a big whale in the ocean. 9. Ookini, ookina kujira ga imasu. Thank you, there is a big whale. 10. Sono kado wo migi ni magatte kudasai. Please turn to right at the corner. 11. Hidari ni modoru to midori no ki ga arimasu. If you back to the left, there is a green tree. 12. Baka na kaba. A stupid hippo. 13. Neko chan ga chou sukitte kanji. Like y'know, I love cats. 14. Ohesotte nani? What is the meaning of my bellybutton? 15. Kazoku sorrote no seppuku ga yokatta. I loved the part where the whole family disemboweled themselves. 16. Omawarisan! Chikan o tska-mate! Police! Arrest this pervert! 17. Osoroshii kangae nimo osoware mas. I have many evil thoughts. 18. Ebi no idaina saigo desu! How honorably shrimp struggle as they choke to death! 19. Anata no hiza ni suwattemo yoroshii deshoka? Do you mind if I sit in your lap?
Zadown Posted March 3, 2005 Report Posted March 3, 2005 Quote 8. Voi Luoja! Paassani on kirves! Oh my god! There's an axe in my head. It should be "Voi Luoja! Päässäni on kirves!" - it just looks very wrong without the umlauts. I'd fix the minor other errors as well but I think you'll do well with just this pharse, as the other words are rarely used but this one is certainly needed in daily life for both tourists and natives. Oh, and as for "please" we do it with conjugating(?) the verb, as in "Ota tämä kirves pois päästäni!" "Take this axe off my head!" vs "Voisitko ottaa tämän kirveen pois päästäni? Se ei sovi imagooni." "Could you please take this axe off my head? It doesn't fit my imago." PS. Only russian pharse I know is "Surrender, Russian soldier!" - I'm sure it'll be as handy for me as this axe-thing is for any tourists visiting Finland.
Zariah Posted March 3, 2005 Report Posted March 3, 2005 (edited) I put Zariah and Brown And I got "You smell like butt" Congrats to the promoted Pennites. Edited March 3, 2005 by Zariah
Peredhil Posted March 3, 2005 Report Posted March 3, 2005 Hugs Zadown thankfully for his linguistic help Latin anyone? 1. Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam. I have a catapult. Give me all your money, or I will fling an enormous rock at your head. 2. Fac ut vivas. Get a life. 3. Vescere bracis meis. Eat my shorts. 4. Mater tua criceta fuit, et pater tuo redoluit bacarum sambucus. Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries. 5. Estne volumen in toga, an solum tibi libet me videre? Is that a scroll in your toga, or are you just happy to see me? 6. Antiquis temporibus, nati tibi similes in rupibus ventosissimis exponebantur ad necem. In the good old days, children like you were left to perish on windswept crags. 7. Quantum materiae materietur marmota monax si marmota monax materiam possit materiari? How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? 8. Borges sumus. Resistere inutile est. We are the Borg. Resistance is futile. 9. Conlige suspectos semper habitos. Round up the usual suspects. And again, Congratulations to all those promoted!!!!
Appy Posted March 3, 2005 Report Posted March 3, 2005 "The monkey flew down and stole my cracker!" Appy runs around shouting that one line over and over again. After several minutes she collapses in a heap of giggles.. "Very funny, this thingy... and congratulations to all you promotees! (Is it promotees? like the subject of a promotion? I hope so ) runs off telling everybody that the flying monkey stole her cracker. PS: Wheeee! (Appy and Green)
Yui-chan Posted March 3, 2005 Report Posted March 3, 2005 (edited) Peredhil said: Helpful Peredhil presents: ... lots o' stuff. I think speaking about hippos and elephants in Japan might be even more useful than asking to have the axe removed from your head in Finland. Maybe. Anoo.... Peredhil no nihongo wa anmari hentai desu, nee. Doko ni kimasita ka? Madoka-san ni? (Um... Peredhil's Japanese is a little bit strange. Where did it come from? Madoka?) And since we're at risk of derailing this noble and wonderful thread... Re-congratumalatations to the promotees! Again! Watch-dogging, ~Yui {edit: ... ni? ... e? ... which one was which, again? Crap. Sorry if I've gotten it wrong. } Edited March 3, 2005 by Yui-chan
Sweetcherrie Posted March 3, 2005 Report Posted March 3, 2005 (edited) Sweetcherrie happily bounces around the pen, humming to herself, when she sees the Russian signs. Carefully she sticks her head around the corner. Last time she walked into something that had russian signs on it, she had had an amazing time, but they had offered her so much wodka that she'd had a headache for three weeks straight. When she sees that the rest of the text is in English, she hops in and reads the rest. After reading it the first time, she reads it a second time. Her brains don't want to believe what her eyes were telling her. She was promoted to page!!! And she had even gotten a colour and a quote! Filled with joy she hugs all the people that have left their congratulations, and congratules the other pennites that are promoted. She blows up a few balloons, and adds more decoration, happily singing, "Mmmmm....red cheese, la la la." Edited March 3, 2005 by Sweetcherrie
Quincunx Posted March 3, 2005 Report Posted March 3, 2005 (edited) 0. Nunquam ubi sub ubi! 10. Nihil curo de ista tua stulta superstitione. I'm not interested in your dopey religious cult. 11. Si hoc signum legere potes, operis boni in rebus Latinus alacribus et fructuosis potiri potes! If you can read this sign, you can get a good job in the fast-paced high-paying world of Latin! 12. Utinam logica falsa tuam philosophiam totam suffodiant! May faulty logic undermine your entire philosophy! 13. Recedite, plebes! Gero rem imperialem! Stand aside plebians! I am on imperial business. Edited March 3, 2005 by Quincunx
Loki Wyrd Posted March 3, 2005 Report Posted March 3, 2005 Congratulations to all promotees. All I've got to offer is English, hope it's enough.
Akallabeth Posted March 3, 2005 Report Posted March 3, 2005 Congratulations to all those promoted! And thanks for the language lessons!
Kasmandre Posted March 4, 2005 Report Posted March 4, 2005 Me gusta you guys! (It's part spanish...) Anyway, congratulations to everyone promoted! Enjoy your shiny new ranks! And finally, "I wear more bracelets than a Russian whore."
Ozymandias Posted March 4, 2005 Author Report Posted March 4, 2005 Yui-chan said: Congratulations, all! ... and I'm glad this thread wasn't Russian spam, like I thought it might be at first. So, Ozy, what does the title say? >:} Yours, ~Yui A really, REALLY bastardized way of saying, "Promote you, now!"
Katzaniel Posted March 4, 2005 Report Posted March 4, 2005 Sweetcherrie! Venefyxatu! Black! Aw, who am I kidding, we all knew it was time. Ozy: It couldn't have been too bad. The translator I found was actually able to put it back to "Promote, now!" Also, individually the words were: ADVANCE, FURTHER, HELP ON, PROMOTE, PUSH, PUSH FORWARD, PUT FORWARD, PREFER, CARRY FORWARD, BOOST, FACILITATE, RATTLE NOW, NOWADAYS, PRESENTLY, PRESENT: AT PRESENT Peredhil (& copycats ): I don't say this often, but: LOL! That was great. Elephants!
Venefyxatu Posted March 4, 2005 Report Posted March 4, 2005 Thanks, and congratulations to the other promotees as well! If I ever go to Finland, I'll definitely keep in mind the phrases about the axes ... Venefyxatu wanders off, pondering whether the quote he got would really work
Mynx Posted March 7, 2005 Report Posted March 7, 2005 It figures that I take up classes in German only to have all the other Pennites speak Russian, doesn't it? *grins* Ah well CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL (would say something really witty in German right here but have only been learning for a week...)
Black9 Posted March 10, 2005 Report Posted March 10, 2005 Black hops around the room on his new quill happily:)
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