Sweetcherrie Posted February 25, 2005 Report Posted February 25, 2005 I got this one send by a friend of mine, I didn't know any of the answer, but I've got a good excuse, I'm blond. Thought that maybe you pennites would enjoy it. Quote The World's "EASIEST" QUIZ Only four correct answers are required in order to pass! GOOD LUCK! 1) How long did the "Hundred Years War" last? 2) Which country makes Panama hats? 3) From which animal do we get catgut? 4) In which month do Russians celebrate the October Revolution? 5) From what is a camel's hair brush made? 6) The Canary Islands in the Pacific are named after what animal? 7) What was King George VI's first name? What color is a purple finch? 9) >From where do we get Chinese gooseberries? 10) What is the color of the black box in a commercial airplane? All done? Do you wish to change anything? To not spoil it, I'll be posting the answers later. Good luck - Sweetcherrie
Appy Posted February 25, 2005 Report Posted February 25, 2005 ohoh can I try? tell me if you want it posted in PM or if I just make guesses inhere please. I already know the answer to the first *bounces around a bit, anxious to try*
Sweetcherrie Posted February 25, 2005 Author Report Posted February 25, 2005 (edited) Maybe best in PM, cause if you already know one answer.... - Sweetcherrie Edited February 25, 2005 by Sweetcherrie
Sweetcherrie Posted February 25, 2005 Author Report Posted February 25, 2005 I was just thinking... I could post people's score here, that way people can kind of compete with eachother. Yeah, that's what I'll do - Sweetcherrie
Appy Posted February 25, 2005 Report Posted February 25, 2005 Well, I send mine, without doing something as cheesy as checking a dictionary for those that I didn't know about... like, what IS catgut or a purple flinch? No idea heh Was fun, thanks!
Sweetcherrie Posted February 25, 2005 Author Report Posted February 25, 2005 (edited) Sweetcherrie had hardly posted the quiz and the first contestant had already arrived. A white answer sheet slid into her mailbox, and she eagerly took it out to check the replies. With a red pencil she checked the answers. OOC: Appy 2 correct answers, Yeah for Appy, 20% smarter then me Edit: I've changed this post to fit with the others. Edited February 27, 2005 by Sweetcherrie
Sweetcherrie Posted February 26, 2005 Author Report Posted February 26, 2005 Sweetcherrie was sitting in front of her mailbox impatiently waiting for more replies. The thing started rattling and clicking, and with a loud bang an envelope with 9 smilies on it dropped in her inbox. Sweetcherrie smiled to herself, so many smilies could be from only one person, Katzaniel. Picking up her red pencil she opened the envelope and went at work. She put a red cross at the incorrect answers, and a little red hart at the correct answers. With the point of her tongue sticking out she carefully placed a few red crosses, before she could draw a heart. 5 minutes later she was done and looked at the result, "I'll quickly let her know how she has done," and ran of to the Cabaret Room. OOC: Katzaniel: 1 correct answer. Hey, it's still a lot more than I had.
Sweetcherrie Posted February 26, 2005 Author Report Posted February 26, 2005 Having just finished with Katzaniel's answers, Sweetcherrie's mailbox starts rattling again. She picks up the newly arrived answer sheet, and picks up her pencil again. Smiling to herself she draws a few red hearts before having to put the first red cross. "This guy should definitely be a rocketschientist!" she thinks, while happily humming to herself. OOC: Deggy you past the quiz!!! with 5 correct answers.
Sweetcherrie Posted February 27, 2005 Author Report Posted February 27, 2005 Sweetcherrie hung up her coat, and poored herself a glass of coke. She had been dragging rookie students around Paris all day long, and was now very tired but eager to see if there were any new replies to the quiz she had given her fellow pennites. She flicked on the computer, and opened her mailbox. The laptop started rattling and clicking as normal, but then the clicking got louder, and the rattle seemed to intensify. With a loud bang, and great, big clouds of black smoke the laptop spat three new answer sheets on her screen. Coughing she tried to wave the smoke away, while doing that she accidentally clicked on the ‘view new posts’ button. The laptop started squeaking, and whaling as if it was in immense pain. The cloud of smoke got thicker and blacker, and she feared that she would have to get the fire extinguisher from the hallway. With another loud bang, the laptop listed the newly added posts, and the noise died away.. After having done his job the laptop went back to a satisfied humming, and seemed to go back to sleep. She opened the window, and waved the smoke outside. Returning to the screen she saw that the list was longer than normal, no wonder the computer had had problems with doing all this work at the same time. With a sigh she picked up her red pencil and started with the new answer sheets. The new posts would have to wait, because she didn’t think that her laptop would momentarily be able to handle the excitement of all those goodies that were waiting to be read. OOC: - Peredhill 1 correct answer - Gwaihir 0 correct answers, hey you’re just as smart as me, blond by any chance? - Venefyxatu told me he’d taken the quiz before (this honesty is rewarded by the fact that he can now add even more of my respect to his list, and it was already very high ) 4 correct answers
Sweetcherrie Posted February 27, 2005 Author Report Posted February 27, 2005 Sweetcherrie was halfway reading the new posts when she received a message, telling her she had received another answer sheet. Careful, afraid to upset her computer, she clicked to open her mailbox. Then took a step backward, and put her hands in front of her face, in case her computer would explode on her. ….nothing happened. She glanced through her fingers, and saw that absolutely nothing had changed, and that the laptop had simply refused to do the jobs asked from it. The mailbox had not opened, and so the answer sheet was still not visible for her. Now there was only one thing left she could do. She pressed a button, and opened up her computer to get the answer sheet manually. She could see the white paper, being stuck inside the laptop, and reached out to grab it. Just as she had almost completely removed the paper, the computer started growling and took a bite of the paper, almost taking one of her fingers with it. She pulled back and held a half- chewed up paper in front of her, her computer obviously didn’t like being handled manually. She closed her computer again, tenderly striking it, and whispering words of apology. She would have to be nicer to her computer next time, but at least she had the answer sheet. She quickly checked it, now knowing the answer by head, and asked her laptop kindly to take her to the Cabaret Room. OOC: Finnius 3 correct answers
Gyrfalcon Posted February 27, 2005 Report Posted February 27, 2005 Question: Are we allowed to research our answers? Because I know the obvious answer to any of those is in fact, wrong. The Hundred Years War didn't last a hundred years, for example, nor are purple finches purple, due to the fact that that'd be too easy. I assume the answer required for King George the VI's first name involves the fact that he probably assumed that name and was probably born as a William or some such, etc. *grins*
Sweetcherrie Posted February 27, 2005 Author Report Posted February 27, 2005 (edited) Waking up, Sweetcherrie needs a moment to realize what has happened last night. Than it all comes back to her. She glances to her desk and sees that her laptop is till sleeping. They would have to have a serious talk today. Quickly she takes a shower, gets dressed, and makes herself some breakfast. Than she sits down behind her computer, but instead of pressing the on button, she asks it kindly to wake up. The computer flicks on and starts loading, a message appears in its screen, “Good morning, what can we do for -, oh its you are you going to let me do overwork again?” “I’m sorry for what I have asked you to do lately, I know it’s been hard, but to me it’s quite important.” The computer seems to think for a moment, then the next message appears, “I just wish you had taken my feelings into account...” “I know. I hope you accept my apologies, in the future I will consult you first when I start anything, ok?” Sweetcherrie could now almost hear her laptop thinking. “Ok, apologies accepted, so what would you like me to do today?” “Can you open my mailbox please? I would like to know if there have been any more replies.” The laptop zooms happily to her inbox, and hands her a new answer sheet. OOC: Akkalabeth 0 correct answers, you can join the blond people club, we're having a great time here Gyrfalcon: And yes, if you want to do research, you're more than welcome. I'm honoured that you are willing to spend so much time on this 'easy' quiz Edited February 27, 2005 by Sweetcherrie
Gwaihir Posted February 27, 2005 Report Posted February 27, 2005 lol, not blond, but I over-think. I kept giving you answers that probably weren't all precisely right, but they weren't precisely wrong either, because I simply overponder. And I think we weren't allowed to research, that would seem cheating
Gryphon Posted February 27, 2005 Report Posted February 27, 2005 I've a feeling that this probably would be easy... if you were a history student or lived in the right part of the world. But I'm neither of those, and so I know very very well that if I dont research the answers I'm going to get none of them. (no, I'm not blonde either)
Sweetcherrie Posted February 27, 2005 Author Report Posted February 27, 2005 If anybody wants to spend time researching they're more than welcome, but it's more fun to actually do this without research. That way you get to test your knowledge on the questions, instead of on your knowledge on how to do research. Added to the fact that there is nothing to win, the answer will be posted in this thread as soon as I don't receive anymore PM's with answers. So the time spend on research woul probably be better spend reading all those beautifull poems, stories and RP's on the pen But hey that's just a blonds opinion - Sweetcherrie
Sweetcherrie Posted February 28, 2005 Author Report Posted February 28, 2005 Sweetcherrie felt that this must have been the longest day of her life. That teacher (who looked like Mr. Bean) had been droning on for hours, bur still she felt he had't said anything. The first thing she did when coming home was flick on her computer, so she could have a look around the pen. Unfortunately she ran into some of the roockies students needing to know where the supermarket was. (poor people they have been here since last tuesday, what did they eat?) Finally arriving home she clicked the on button of her computer and made a cup of tea. Five minutes later she had a nice, warm cup of tea in her hands and opened her mailbox. Ever since the serious talk her computer had been nice again, so she thanked it, and checked the new answer sheets that had arrived. - Quincunx: 3 correct answers - Gyrfalcon: 10 correct answers (brilliant job on the research there, If I ever need any info for school projects I’ll be knocking on your door ) - Kasmandre: 2 correct answers
Yui-chan Posted March 1, 2005 Report Posted March 1, 2005 Gyrfalcon, the official Google spokesperson, strikes a pose next to the squiggly blue 'g' while thousands of camera bulbs reflect blindingly off the sheen of his pearly white teeth. In the hubbub of near-desperate journalists, one bold man manages to get the photogenic Ranger's attention long enough to shove his mic forward and shout out, "Gyr! Is there anything you can't learn from Google.com? Anything at all?" The crowd falls silent as the half-elf tilts his head, rubbing his chin thoughtfully. At length, he nods slightly to himself and leans in to the mic. "Well, there is one mystery that's beyond even Google, the source of all knowledge." Through the collective gasp that follows, he continues with a grave face. "Only the most perplexing enigmas in all the multiversum are beyond the reach of my dear friend, Google, and I dare say, they may be beyond the comprehension of anything that exists today." "W-what would that be?" the reporter asks hesitantly, his wide-eyed gaze trapped by the doom in the Ranger's expression. "... women." When the dust and panic clear a moment later, Gyrfalcon stands solemnly beside the squiggly blue 'g', amidst a sea of fainted men and smug-looking women.
Peredhil Posted March 1, 2005 Report Posted March 1, 2005 Hugs Yui-Chan Now THAT is perfect. You really should write humor more often; you have a gift for it. One of the favorite writings I ever did was on Darkness Rising with you and Zoolio. Bows to the Mistress of Shadows.
Sweetcherrie Posted March 1, 2005 Author Report Posted March 1, 2005 (edited) Sweetcherrie came home, and pressed the button from her laptop, and went to get a nice cup of tea. When she returned with the tea in her hands, she had expected to see a message from her computer, asking her what she would like to do. But instead of one of the friendly message’s from her laptop, it said, “We have taken over your laptop, you can get it back when you pay us 5 chocolate cookies and 1 glass of milk. Sweetcherrie immediately had a shrewd suspicion what was going on. She opened the disc drive, and a familiar looking gnome was sitting there staring at her. “Hello,” it said while sheepishly grinning at her, “We’re on holiday, and picked France as our destination.” - Lord Panther: 9 correct answers (lol, another person that will be devastated that he cannot learn all about women on Google) - Black9: 0 correct answers I wished Google could learn me more about men Brilliant post Yui-chan! Edited March 1, 2005 by Sweetcherrie
Gyrfalcon Posted March 2, 2005 Report Posted March 2, 2005 Nice one, Yui-chan. As Peredhil noted, you have a great sense of humor when you choose to turn it loose. But you're absolutely correct, Yui-chan.
Sweetcherrie Posted March 2, 2005 Author Report Posted March 2, 2005 “But why? It’s been snowing here as well, you know.” Sweetcherrie asked the gnome. “Yes miss, we know, but we can handle the cold, miss, we’re used to it. We just decided that we wanted to see the Eiffel tower, miss.” “Hmpf, as long as your not expecting me to guide you around, I have seen the thing at least a 1000 times now, and its not getting any prettier.” “No miss, we don’t mind. Can we stay, please miss?” Sweetcherrie sighed, “Yeah whatever, as long as you don’t finish my chocolate cookies without asking first, and you don’t interfere with the work I need to do.” “Deal!” The gnome said happily, and stuck out its little hand. Sweetcherrie shook the little guy’s hand with her pinkie. “Now will you please get out of the way, I have to check if there’s any new answer sheets.” “I will get it for you miss.” The gnome slipped into her laptop, and about ten seconds later he came running out again, and handed her a white paper. “We would all like to say thank you, miss” “Yeah, yeah,” Sweetcherrie was already in the middle of checking the replies of the new answer sheet, and waved him away. OOC: Lady Celes Crusader 9 correct answers (research or knowledge?)
Katzaniel Posted March 3, 2005 Report Posted March 3, 2005 (edited) * grins wickedly * What's so hard about this? PS. 'Twas Yahoo that led me there. Edit: I should probably warn about semi-mature content such as a nude (but kind of cartoonish) picture and frank discussion of the difference between men and women which, y'know, has to be at least a semi-mature rating. Edited March 3, 2005 by Katzaniel
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