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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

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Posted (edited)

Gryphon sidles over to Knight and dragonqueen and peers over their shoulders to see if they've finished creating characters for the game yet... before wandering off to see who else is free to play




I'd cultivate patience...


in character


but patience is for those not strong enough to take what they want and take it now like those pathetic jedi. :D


Gryphon reaches out through the force trying to influence more people to join the game and hurry along those who've already signed up.

Edited by Gryphon
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Posted (edited)


Home Planet: Dantooine

Race: Human


Force Sensitive from an early age, Palu was born in a small town on Dantooine. Secretly hateful of all that existed, and somewhat depraved, Palu had enjoyed torturing small creatures, and performing generally malicious acts as a child. Noticed finally for his senstitivity to the force, Palu was taken in to be trained at the academy of Dantooine- whereupon his powers, and his skill with a lightsabre grew. Using a rather un-orthodox style of fighting, he wielded his lightsabre in two hands- much like a katana of the future.


Palu was expelled from the academy upon the realization from his masters that he was responsible for the slaughter of an entire village on Dantooine- the reason- he had been short-changed by one of the local merchants. With this, his masters had no choice but to exile him. And like all exiles, he left.


Shortly thereafter, he 'found' (Read: Killed the crew, and hijacked) himself a ship, and went about his merry way causing havoc and mayhem throughout the galaxy. It was during this period of time, that Darth Revan took a personal notice- and tracked him down. After a short, brief attempted battle- Palu tried to attack Revan, for reasons still unknown- which Revan beat him senseless. Recognizing his potential, and his love for the Dark Side, Revan sent him on to the academy, with his personal seal, and endorsement.

Edited by Knight

Cheers... I'm patiently waiting for 5pm EST... with unfortunately no clue how that relates to time here in NZ.


For me 5pm on the 24th is a mere hour and a half away... Can someone please tell me what major citys or areas EST relates to? That way I can possibly figure out how many extra hours I need to wait.


For the record I'm on GMT +12

Posted (edited)

EST = New York time.


And, if I'm not wrong, EST = GMT -5

Right now, it's... hm... around 9:45pm EST... if that helps you...


(Timezones can be mighty confusing! :P)



Edited by Tanuchan

Thanks Tanny... it seems that I've only got another 17 - 19 hour or so before the game gets underway. :P


I'm sure I can come up with something to do for most of the next day...


Gryphon goes back to being 'patient'

Posted (edited)

I wrote this some time ago, after observing a talk at IRC... I think it fits here :)




Anger leads to hatred,

hatred that hungers for power.

Power will bring victory,

victory based on fear.

Fear the fear, oh weak mortals,

the most powerful weapon there is.

Hitting the strongest valiant warrior,

deadly wounds the faithful heart...

Shivering, trembling, they'll cower away,

babbling in fear, surrendering to chaos.

And victory will come, sweet and bright

Riding the waves of fear unleashed.




Edited by Tanuchan

Not that I ever actually doubted your ability to write Tanny... but I just wanted you to know how cool that is. It really does encapsule much of the ideals of the Sith and their ways...


"Fear, fear is my ally"



Thanks, Gryph :)


It was inspired on a funny dialogue between Deg and someone I really don't remember... about half a year ago, I think. It was fun to read and write that :)


This is so much fun... I can almost feel the colossal arrogance that's all through that room. :D




One thing, how long is this introductary time going to be before it's defined if we're in day or night phase?

Posted (edited)

I *suppose* we're in the introductory day phase... 24 hours before the first kill. But only Deg can confirm that :)


By the way... if anyone wants to 'use' Mira in their posts, consider this:

* she's arrogant and ambitious, and loves to present herself as cooly controlled even if she's annoyed. However, if she's truly angered, she will show it and use it to fuel the Force. That's she in her most dangerous condition, as she will kill with a pleasure and that will fuel the Force even more.

* she never lets anything slip by her without response - that's the reason of her small trick on Rukmini; in her point of view, leaving anything withouth a clear response will make others see her as weak. However, she knows that they are tricks and that they don't mean anything. She hides her full strength very well, and what she shows in training is - usually - carefully planned so that the other students (her rivals) don't know what she's really able to do.


Or so she thinks :P Who knows what the others are able to do, and how many play it the same way as she? :)

Edited by Tanuchan

I've been looking for more info about the powers of the force, since Rukmini wil need to think up tactics to get back at Mira :)


And I came acrosse the following site

It describes the different powers and how skilled you need to be to use them.


BTW great post Tanny :D I don't like Mira already


- Sweetcherrie


Idle Speculation...

If everyone here is evil, but the Jedi/Wolves are good...then how do the Jedi survive here without going evil? Perhaps they are evil playing good playing evil playing...


And oh no I've gone cross-eyed

*chuckles sheepishly into the silence*

Um...yeah....no coke...

*grins and disappears to find some quickly before CheerMynx returns with a vengance*

Posted (edited)

Just looked at that page Sweetcherrie. It's interesting, but I strongly believe that it's just someone's interpretation rather than anything close to accurate.


Basically I have to go with the standard Star Wars line... if it's in the movies, it can be counted as absolutely accurate, anything else is open to interpretation and modification.


Or to put it another way - I'm going to hope that we don't errupt into 'forceful discussions' (never arguements) over what can and cant be done using the Force but unless someone outright says that something is wildly inaccurate then it's allowable.


Afterall, no-one really knows what the limits of individual abilities within the force are.


To give a super brief rundown:


Common force powers:

The actual degree that abilities can be enhanced is directly dependant on the individuals training and force abilities but they include:


fast movement, enhanced jumping, telekinesis, influencing the minds of those around you (These are not the droids you're looking for) and a form of precognative ability - sensing your opponents moves in combat or knowing when the empire has blown up a planet... the usual stuff...


Darkside abilities are things like:


Choking someone to death with the force, striking enemies with lightening from your hands, generally causing others harm, sometimes to your own benefit - syphoning off their life force to feed yourself etc


Light side abilities:


Healing, protection from some darkside abilities... essentially at high levels the light and dark side cancel each other out... but most of the powerful stuff will be beyond us as students - including the force lightening for the record - that's a fairly powerful ability. We're more likely to be at the level of using the force to move stuff (read throw it at your opponent in battle) or to increase our physical abilities / stamina / combat reflexes... think Darth Maul in Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace.




Edit: Deg can of course override any of what I just put to fit in what he wants for his own game. :)

Edited by Gryphon

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