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I have one happy healthy little baby growing inside of me. :0)


Much relief and gratitude.


Thanks for the kind thoughts and prayers, I'm sure they helped.


~Salinye :fairy:


Yes, very excited and very relieved.


Due date is August 5th or most likely sometime in the two weeks following that date lol.


~Salinye :fairy:

  Salinye said:

Due date is August 5th or most likely sometime in the two weeks following that date lol.

August 13th is a very good day on which to be born... I highly recommend you aim for that one. :D


Congratulations, Salinye! I'm so happy to hear your hopes have borne out. Just be careful for yourself and for the child, and be sure to let us share a little measure of your joy when the newest member of your family is born.


All love and best wishes,

~Yui (and Aegon)

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