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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

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Have you ever been afraid

of life

of love

of god?

What if you're not really afraid

of what you think you're afraid of?

What if you're really just afraid of losing it?

of not being good enough


Have you ever wanted to


and shout

at the top of your lungs

for all the injustices that have been caused?

that you've caused


What if no one is really out there who hears you?

What if we really are all alone?

What if I jump and no one's there to catch me?

then what?

would this still be worth the risk?


things are always scary

when you're learning to let go


I like it!


Its like an emotional impact, whose force is built line by line, with the meaning and logic captured in the last two lines, recalibrating the stunned reader.


Nice job Purple Shadows.

  • 3 weeks later...

a small multitude of intertwined questions

which demand answers

which demand truth

which demand honesty, from ourselves

which demand honesty, from others

a small multitude of intertwined questions

which takes courage to ask


i'm glad you asked.

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