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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

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I'm getting that writing itch again, and will have some time over this holiday weekend. So, I thought a good place to start would be with getting rid of my weenie. I have an idea in mind, but I would need a writing partner who is male. Actually, let me revise that. I need a person who has a male character. The sex of the writer doesn't matter. :0) Now, this won't be some long epic, like some of my other writings, probably just a few posts. Instead of asking someone specific to do it with me who might not have the interest or time, I thought I'd put out an "HELP I NEED A MAN" flag and see who responds. First person to hear the details and is interested I'll take! Just a silly exchange, really. Also, those who know me, know I love to write with other people. So, anyone interested, respond here or pm me and I'll let you know when I have a partner. Only rule is that you have to put up with me and my crazy ideas. Those who know me well, might be scared. *grins*


~Salinye :fairy:


I am tempted to reply to this if only because you made me curious as to what your crazy ideas are :) I'm willing to put up with them if you're willing to put up with my absolute lack of ability to arrive anywhere on time.


Hmmm, Z. Could we truly call you a "man"? I'm not so sure. The Dreamer is so much more than that...errr or something. *grins*


On a side note, got a pm first, waiting to hear back, then if they decide not to do it, I'll work down the volunteers. Thank you so much, I'm excited to write with any of you! Well, except Dreamers because the story would most likely end with my untimely death! :P


~Salinye :butterfly:


Well, I asked for a man and got an...almost man.


So, thank you so much to everyone who was willing to grace me with their talents and time. My very first volunteer came via pm and he is interested in the ideas that come from the folds of my warped mind.


Thanks again and *hugs*


~Salinye :fairy:


First the bachelor auctions wins (yes, that's wins, as in multiple) and now this? Geez, and I thought I was demanding. . . (Tzimfemme flips her hand, grinning like a hyena to show she's not serious--but still writes down the phone number to link into one of her stories--)


*Stick dips himself in chocolate then runs at Salinye and Tzim, who look at the crazy little... whatever he is with eyebrows raised.*


"Can we help you?"


"I'll be someone's man! ...ow."


"Did you dip yourself in hot chocolate?"



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