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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

A last goodbye


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Nanthi looked out over the crystal waters of the Sagrisa Sea, at the slowly disappearing shore of Immerpool. It was her home and the home of her only love, Joth. A great billowing plume of smoke arose as the great Tower of Istil-shanthi collapsed upon itself, sending clouds of hot ash and debries into the midmorning sky. Nanthi stood at the edge of the boat, tears streaking down her face in ever-flowing drops. Joth was really gone.


The attack happened quickly. No one thought that dragons would ever attack here. Joth and Nanthi were cuddling in each other's arms greeting the morning sun by the seawall. Joth was getting promoted to sargent later on. His captian pulled a string or two to get him the position. He felt her warm body cradled in his arms and smelled her her scent; it was like rose petels after a light rain. With the roar and crash of the waves at the base of the sea wall ten meters down, the first rays of the sun began to chase away the shadowy twilight. The salty air was stirred lazily by a soft wind from the East. Nanthi nuzzled Joth's strong arms, letting out a loving sigh. Joth kissed her on top of her head. Joth broke the peaceful reverie,"Nan?"


"Hmm," her ears perked up.


"I'm umm," he stammered. His face was flush and blushing. He had said those three little words to her before, but now, when he needed his words, his thoughts; they elused him. Joth had known Nanthi since childhood. They had been fast friends almost as soon as they had meet. Joth had always felt there was something more then friendship between them. It was like a celestral bond between them. Little did he realize that Nanthi felt the exact same way. Nothing more then a few words seperated them from this realization within each other.


Yet the words left Joth there with Nanthi on the sea wall. He gave a light sigh of internal frustration before giving Nanthi a light squeezing hug. "What," Nanthi inquired.


"Nothing," Joth muttered," just thinking out loud." Nanthi turned in his arms to look into his eyes. She gave a small loving smile and a quick kiss before snuggling back against his arms. For a brief moment, the image of Nanthi's perfect green eyes invaded his mind. Then it dawned on him. She already knew! he could see it in that look she had just given him. A wash of fear flooded him, but evaporated like morning dew in the newly risen sun. He felt his heart skip a beat as a tear of joy formed in the corner of his eye. He thought about wiping it away, but didn't; couldn't. It was now a symbol of understanding between them, a symbol of love. Joth smiled as the tear fell from his cheek and onto the shirt covering Nanthi's shoulder. "I love you, Nanthi."


Though she had heard these words from Joth before, the tone and feeling in them was deeper then anything she had felt from him before. Again, she turned in his arms to face him. She saw the streak left by the tear on his cheek and the expression of sheer love on his face. She felt that welling of emotion being brought to the surface from deep within her own soul. She peered into his chocolet colored eyes as he asked that one question that would carve itself into her memory for the rest of her life along with the answer that would follow. in that one perfect moment in both of their lives, Joth asked,"Will you marry me?"


It took her a full minute to answer, for, though she expected it to come, the shock of the question overwhelmed her. "Yes, I will," she answered, embracing him, never wanting to let go. That's when the shadow of the first red dragon flew over head. The warning from battle horns was sounded as men raced to the battlements. Another dragon appeared in the sky, sending a lance of flame down upon a crowded street below. The screams of the dying and wounded filled the air, competing with the gutteral roar and hiss of dragon's fire. They watched as a battlement was awash in dark blue flame as a dragon swooped low, raining death from it's mouth. Joth knew he had to get Nanthi to the harbor, and onto a boat to safety. In a jolt, both of them were on their feet. Joth pulled nanthi in the idrection of the docks, hoping beyond hope to get there before the dragons destroyed it. As they ran, a complement of longbowmen haphazardly formed a group along an empty avenue, notching arrows as quickly as possible. One of the dragons saw the group and made a diving run at them. Inhaling air into it's great lungs, the red breast prepared to drown them in a sea of flame. The longbowmen released their volley into the monster, to it's suprise. A few arrows struck it inside the mouth, but the most damaging was the one that found it's home in the creature's right eye. Turning it's head in pain, the half blinded dragon didn't see that it was close to the Tower of Istil-shanthi Crashing into it. The beast, a hundred feet from the ground, was half-way buried inside the tower, but it was dead. Bricks and mortor rained down on those below, crushing bones and injurying muscle. Some lay in heaps and piles from the deadly shower. The tower shuddered from the impact of the dragon.


A rain of flame raked down a street after Joth and Nanthi. Faster and faster, it approached the two lovers. Thinking quickly, Joth turns down a small alley, yanking Nanthi along behind him. Heat from the dragon's breath continued down the street. Nanthi moaned in agony. Joth looked at her, seeing her shirt on the left side singed. Nanthi flinched as Joth slowly reached over and lifted her sleave. It skin was blistered and burned. Nanthi bit her lip through the pin, but fought back the urge to cry out. "We've got to get to the docks," Joth stated. Nodding, Nanthi got up and followed Joth once more through the backalleys of Immerpool. After a few more minutes, they made it to the harbor. Many of the boats were in the process of casting off. One small boat, a fishing boat, sat moored to the dock. A couple of fishermen saw the two and motioned for them to come aboard quickly.


Joth and Nanthi ran to the boat. Joth was helping Nanthi aboard when he heard the first section of the great tower collapse. Dust was kicked up into the air, making it hard to see and breathJoth heard screams and saw the outlines of people limping in the hazy dust. A woman yelled,"Help me, for the love of the Gods, help me!" Similar pleas and cries for help arose. Joth couldn't ignore them. Looking into Nanthi's eyes, he said,"I'll be back." before she could protest, he was sprinting toward the helpless people trapped by the collapsing tower. He pulled his shirt over his mouth and nose to breath a little easier. His lungs tingled as he made his way to a woman trapped under a a fallen column that had pinned her leg. As best as he could and with all his might, he roll the stone off of her. her leg was smashed beyond use. Scooping her up in his arms, he make his way back to the boat where the fishermen and Nanthi were waiting apprehensively. Nanthi released a relieved sigh. Joth lowered the woman in the boat, informing them of the woman's leg. He went back into the haze and dust three more times. Each time, he brought someone else out of the ruined tower. The last person he helped, a young man about Joth and Nanthi's age with a nasty cut on the top of his head, was helped into the boat. "There's a girl still inside the rubble," Joth reported. He smiled at Nanthi, looking into her eyes for the last time. Finally, he turned back to the ruins to save the girl. More bricks and mortal dust filled the air as the structure of the tower that remained erect faltered a little, Joth called out to the girl. She weaking moaned as Joth blindly groped in the dusty darkness. His lungs burned as did his eyes. Almost accidently, he found the girl. She was huddled in a small alcove, caked in dust and sobbing in fear. Joth comforted her as he picked her up. She clung to him, hoping he'd be able to protect her. He stubbled over large chunks of rock and stone. As they made their way out, the dragon struck the tower with it's tail, causing a huge section to come down on top of Joth and the little girl, burying them both.


At the harbor, nanthi wailed in horror and heartbreak. The dragon's attention began to focus on the harbor now. The fishermen quickly cast off. Nanthi tried to get back on the dock and to Joth, but was pulled back into the boat. A burly fisherman who held her said,"There's nothing we can do for him. I'm sorry but we have to leave now!" The small one masted boat hoisted it's lone sail in an effort to catch the wind to make good their escape. The sail unfurled, using the winds to propel the boat to the safety of the sea.


Now, Nanthi watched as the last speck of land dissappeared pver the horizon. She turned her gaze down to the crystal shimmer of the ocean. "Good bye Joth," she said as numbness overcame her,"Until we meet again." When she uttered those last few words, she took a step over the side of the boat, sinking into the watery imbrace of the ocean. 'Soon I will be with you, Joth,' she thought as her mind got foggy and a sleepiness brought by drowning filled her being,'Soon.'



The End

Edited by Pillow
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Nice, I love dragon stories, they're like an addiction.


I didn't pick it up until I re-read this though, there's a brief indication of orcs capturing and taming the dragons:

The attack happened quickly. No one knew the orcs had the capability to capture dragons, let alone tame them.

Maybe some indication of where the orcs fit into the tale, a paragraph or even a line indicating two young lovers catching a moment's respite from an ongoing battle with orcs from the nearby mountains or something. :) (please forgive me for presuming to dictate a possible path to the story)


I just think some indication of where orcs fit into the picture might be possible without disrupting the flow of the story. Just as their removal wouldn't hurt that much in the slightest. Maybe there's some other reason for a pair of dragons to attack small town?

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Nice, I love dragon stories, they're like an addiction.


I didn't pick it up until I re-read this though, there's a brief indication of orcs capturing and taming the dragons:

The attack happened quickly. No one knew the orcs had the capability to capture dragons, let alone tame them.

Maybe some indication of where the orcs fit into the tale, a paragraph or even a line indicating two young lovers catching a moment's respite from an ongoing battle with orcs from the nearby mountains or something. :) (please forgive me for presuming to dictate a possible path to the story)


I just think some indication of where orcs fit into the picture might be possible without disrupting the flow of the story. Just as their removal wouldn't hurt that much in the slightest. Maybe there's some other reason for a pair of dragons to attack small town?

I'm impressed that you even considered it worthy enough to reread! This is just a small blurb (originally planned as a finished product) of a growing storyline. I was at work today listening to my mp3 player and more just came into existence as I worked. I'll post it later (my date drank me under the table tonight :D ) when I have more time and coordenation...






AKA: Pillow

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I'm impressed that you even considered it worthy enough to reread! This is just a small blurb (originally planned as a finished product) of a growing storyline.

What can I say, I'm a sucker for dragon stories, though often not patient enough to write them myself.




If it's a part of a greater whole I shall be watching further developments with some interest.

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