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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

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A loud thump is heard by the doors of the Cabaret Room, causing the inhabitants to look up in alarm as more sounds follow: scrabbling, clawing, desperate noises of frustration, and more thumps.

The doors burst open and Mynx falls in, dressed not in her customary robes, but a pair of faded jeans and a t-shirt, a cap pulled over her head to hide the pointed ears. She claws at the ground, leaving deep furrows as she tries to gain hold, her hind paws seemingly incapacitated as the feline tries to drag herself into the room.

Eventually, as Mynx manages to claw her way across the threshold, it becomes clear what is holding her hind legs: a large shoulder bag, bursting at the seams with even larger text books. The bag appears to be alive, as it wraps its' strap tighter around Mynx and growls, tugging the feline away from the room.

Pulling a dagger from her belt while she digs her claws once more into the floor, Mynx shoves a piece of paper onto the end of the blade and jams it into the floorboards, before offering a tired smile to the confused watchers and, with a sigh of resignation, releases her hold on the floor, allowing the growling bag to pull her from the room.

When the growls finally fade away, a few cautious members get up and move slowly over to the dagger to read the note...


Study Leave. Joyous.

In two weeks time I will be sitting my final exams for high school in vain hope that I can achieve the grades necessary to enter my desired courses. This means that I'm officially under house arrest until the end of November.

I will still visit here, especially as I am currently in the middle of the Halloween WW game, but I will not be contributing as much as I would like until I am finally set free.

So...wish me luck, and I'll see you all in a few weeks!


Edited by Mynx

*huge hugs*


Good luck, Mynx... hope things go well for you and you can get the necessary grades.


And whatever happens, you'll always have a special place here! Come back when you can :)




All the best of luck to you for your final exams. I hope you go into them confident and come out feeling satisfied with yourself. :) We'll be waiting as patiently as possible for your triumphant return!







Is that that thing that the people do with the looking at the book and the looking constipated and the looking at the book some more and the muttering and the throwing the book across the room?


*Hopes Mynx hasn't been horribly cruel to her books... unless they deserved it.*


Good luck!


Ayshela studies the note in growing alarm. Suddenly shouting "oh no! not my Mynx!!!" she races out the door to rescue Mynx from the growling, hungry backpackmonster!



best of luck, dear.

you'll do fine.

*pouncing huggles*

  Alaeha said:



Is that that thing that the people do with the looking at the book and the looking constipated and the looking at the book some more and the muttering and the throwing the book across the room?

...Hmmm... I think I've confronted that beast once.... Stu...dy....hmm....

But that was like seven years ago.......

*looks around with an obviously fake look of innocence on...*


Hugs Mynx


Good luck with your exams kitten... I'm sure you'll be more than ready for them and you'll do well.


Besides, I happen to know you've got a study plan. Stick to it and you'll no doubt pass with flying colours. Just remember that we're all here to give you huggles whenever you need them if you feel that you need a short break from stress.





WMAO is something I understand. (W==work)


You'll find acceptence, understanding, and support here, and when you return, open arms and hugs.


I think of the Christian Morgenstern quote when I think of the Pen.


"Home is not where you live, but where they understand you."


—Christian Morgenstern


Hey Mynx,


As one who has sat his fair share of exams (and most of my friends shares, and then some) I wish you all the best. I hear you have a study plan.....That is a very good idea! Must have been suggested by someone brilliant. Stick to it and you will be fine. Don't and .......


Best of studying to you. Remember luck has nothing to do with it! Go for divine intervention.




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