Vahktang Posted October 12, 2004 Report Posted October 12, 2004 Releases the entourage to their own pleasures. Goes and gets a grinder from the snack table. Chats up whoever is nearby.
Ayshela Posted October 12, 2004 Report Posted October 12, 2004 Ayshela meets Tanny's grin with one of her own, in full appreciation o fthe illusion and its effects. Hurriedly setting the bar to rights, she begins restocking it in probaly vain hopes that it won't end up destroyed again. Hearing the musical selection, she nearly drops several bottles as she's overtaken by violent shudders. The bar back in business again, Ayshela looks about for someplace to hang her cloak, and wistfully gives up the idea of finding a dance partner.
LeifTheBunny Posted October 12, 2004 Report Posted October 12, 2004 Approaching the bar, Leif looks at Ayshela. "Hello. I hope you stocked more mead. These bottles have holes in them if you catch my meaning." Leif winks at Ayshela. "Do you mind handing me a bottle, preferably with only the hole where the cork goes?"
Katzaniel Posted October 13, 2004 Author Report Posted October 13, 2004 A full five minutes after the Celes calls off her magical ticklers, Katzaniel steeled herself to climb out of the tree and rejoin the party. Wanting to pull Finnius aside and ask him if he could remember and recite the Hallowe'en poem he made up last year, she went to the dance floor. She had barely finished the request when something pulled hard on her tail. Yelping as only a cat can, she tried to turn around, but stepped on Cambronne, who was also being held hostage via the tail, by Mynx. Finnius stared helplessly as Katz tried to talk to the cheerleader and Mynx utterly ignored her pleas. Repeatedly, Mynx yanked the tails of both cats. Getting angrier, the tigertaur shifted into a variety of different types of cat, but Mynx always shifted her grip. Finally, Mynx went off after Tanuchan's illusion. Sighing gratefully, Katzaniel thanked Tanuchan and apologized to Cambronne. Then the new song gets to the word "sing", and this triggers a magical effect of the alcohol she had drunk earlier. Within moments, Katzaniel is standing wide-eyed in the middle of the dance floor, unable to stop herself from loudly singing "Achy Breaky Hearts", repeatedly... OOC: When I was in high school, there was a fundraiser where they played that song repeatedly during breaks until they reached a certain level of money. I don't remember how well it went, and thankfully I didn't remember the song well enough to recognize it immediately either!
Gnarlitch Posted October 13, 2004 Report Posted October 13, 2004 As soon as katz starts singing the song for the thrid time, Gnarlitch has had enough. He re-engages his light-weaving camoflage and makes his way to where she is singing. Quite abruptly she is bound and gagged, gently, of course. He then takes her in search of a mage to remove the curse....
Lady Celes Crusader Posted October 13, 2004 Report Posted October 13, 2004 Hissy Carbone hides herself underneaths Celes' gown while Cambronne is now as his normal calm demeanor. The cat stares at the ballroom with his bright yellow eyes. Celes walks over the bar while carefully avoiding stepping on the ever shy Carbone. Once over the bar stool, she puts each feline on a different chait and sits on one between her pets. While Celes orders a glass of porto and drinks it, Carbone is now constantly meowing at her mistress for attention. The mage answers her demanding cat by petting her head casually.
Gyrfalcon Posted October 13, 2004 Report Posted October 13, 2004 A small, robed figure trotted to the clicking of claws on stone, passing through the doorway and pausing to take in the room, a faint blue glow extending itself beyond the figure’s deep black hood as it slowly turned its head before finding its target. It grinned (not that it had much of a choice in the matter) and trotted purposefully into the crowd, easily slipping between and around legs as it passed the tanuki Tanuchan in the process of returning to her human form, bearing down on its target. Salinye was talking to Finnius, finally relaxing enough not to flinch nervously every time a crash sounded near the inebriated Mynx, which was happening quite often, and thus unaware as to the approaching robed and four-legged creature behind her until it spoke. “YERF!” it said, it’s voice echoing of tombstones and iron mourning bells. Salinye started badly before turning around and gasping in relief, breathing hard and putting a hand to her heart. “Daryl! You nearly scared me out of a decade of my life!” she said chidingly, a blush creeping across her cheeks in response to how startled she had become. “What was that all about?” “YERF YERF YER MRPH Y-*coughcough*” Daryl said, “Yerf mrph mph.” he finished more weakly before coughing again. Literally translated, he apologized for scaring her, noted that the opportunity had been too good to pass up, and that he was attending as the Death of Foxes. Salinye laughed and gathered him up, then paused, for he was lighter then he normally was. Almost hesitantly, she pulled back his hood. A gleaming white fox skull grinned up at her, having no other choice. The blue lights in the eye sockets danced merrily though, for the two seconds he remained in her arms before she screamed and flung the fox skeleton away from her. Daryl described a long arc through the air, howling all the way “Yeeeeeeerrrrrrrrf!” With a crash and a splash, he landed next to the spiked punch then went straight through, throwing the oddly smoking punch everywhere. He slid off the other end of the table without an appreciable loss of momentum due to the slick nature of the spiked punch and ricocheted off the wall, ending up spinning slowly in the middle of the dance floor, bony limbs and tail sprawled in every direction. “Yer...?” Something wrapped around him and pulled him into the air, and blue-glowing eyesockets came up to meet Mynx’s grey orbs. “Like, wow! You’re sort of cute! You have good taste in clothes too, but you’re sort of, you know, sort of bony!” she said, her tail waving Daryl, the Death of Foxes, back and forth as she bounced excitedly. “YERF.” Daryl put his head down and watched the ground swing back and forth, glad that she wasn’t tossing him across the room, at least.
Mynx Posted October 13, 2004 Report Posted October 13, 2004 Cuddling the Death of Foxes close to her, Mynx grins at the creature suddenly, her eyes lighting up the way a child's does when it sees Santa. "I'm gonna call you Fluffy!" Before he knew it, Daryl was wearing a large, bright pink bow tied around his neck, hiding the collar Mynx had somehow fixed on him without his knowing. Tying a leash to her new pet, Mynx smiles at 'Fluffy' and bounces of in search of Umbra/Gryphon or Cryptomancer to show off her new pet, dragging the hapless fox skeleton behind her.
Gryphon Posted October 13, 2004 Report Posted October 13, 2004 A pale mist rises from the ground behind the CheerMynx and her new... pet. Slowly the mist takes the vague shape of a fox - a shadowy grey one to be sure, but a fox none the less. The sparky blue firefly eyes flicker and slowly turn red to compliment the blue of Daryl's illusion. With a very gryphonic grin (for a fox) the mistfox trots across the floor behind Daryl just for fun.
Finnius Posted October 13, 2004 Report Posted October 13, 2004 "Heya, Dary-" And that's as far as the little blue man gets before the pro-tem Death of Foxes is hurled headlong across the room, through a punchbowl, and into the "care" of a heavily inebriated CheerMynxer. Finnius stands dumbfounded for a moment, glancing sidelong at Salinye with heavily lidded eyes, then shrugs and takes a sip of (decidedly non-spiked) punch. "Yup, it's a party." As the room churns with the pent-up chaos of the Mighty Pen's denizens, one lone blue-skinned semi-mage leans against a wall and murmers to himself, and anyone else who happens to be listening. "Dancing, laughing, frolicking fun, Beneath the moon or in the sun, The Mighty Pen's for all and one, A place where writing can get done. But under the sheefs and writing cases, Beneath the hallowed halls and places, Lie still and silent, echoed traces, Writer's discontented faces. Another autumn comes and goes, Beneath the leaves, beneath the snow, How odd, how strange the things that go, How dark and dank what lies below." Having finished, Finnius leans back and chuckles to himself, taking another sip of punch and adjusting his mask before heading off into the swirlingly chaotic, and utterly wonderful dance floor to line dance with the CIA.
Wyvern Posted October 13, 2004 Report Posted October 13, 2004 As cheerleader-Mynx directs her new pet Death of Foxes towards an area where more pretty pumpkin sylphs are hovering, a familiar-looking almost dragonic figure enters through the open front doors of Custos Manor. The overgrown lizard is dressed in a hawaiin shirt and bermuda shorts, as well as an unfashionable pair of sunglasses that rest awkwardly on his reptilian snout. Observing the party scene at hand and grinning at the prospect of sipping spilt alcoholic punch from the floor, the table cloths, and the dresses of Pen babes, the lizard gingerly steps into the hall and proceeds to make his way towards the beverage tables. Tanuchan perks up upon noticing the Wyverns entrance, and frowns when she see's that the overgrown lizard is dressed in his typical Office attire. Abandoning the amusing spectacle of Mynx and Katzaniels entanglement, she decides to make her way towards the lizard to inform him of the costume policy, and steps in front of him just as he's about to reach the beverage tables. "Wyvern." says Tanuchan in a half-enthusiastic, half-hesitant manner, blocking the lizards path. "Glad you could finally make it. Ummm, you know about the costume policy at this party right?" "Yesss, I'd like to think so." hisses Wyvern, poking at Tanuchans dark blue dress and examining it closely. The reptilian Elder sniffs at her garmets and leans his snout dangerously close to the curved dagger at her waist. "You're looking pretty dressy after all, I'm liking the leaves. Say, could I maybe lick the spilt punch off of your dress, I'm sure the leaves will give it extra flavo-" "W-w-what?!" cries Tanuchan, taking two steps back from the lizard and blushing furiously. "What do you mean? No, that is to say there's no punch, I mean not that it would matter. On it, that is. Uhh, you have no costume Wyvern, where's your costume?" Wyvern considers the question for a moment, then stands up straight and triumphantly pokes a finger at his hawaiin shirt, letting out a sinister laugh and hissing: "No costume? Come on, look at me, I decided to come as a lazy red gecko in search of alcohol!" Tanuchans face goes blank and she opens her mouth to speak, only to jump as Wyvern darts around her and quickly dives underneath one of the beverage tables, his scaly tail sticking out from under the tablecloth as he begins sipping alcohol that the servers have yet to clean up from the floor. The wolf maiden sighs to herself glumly as she suddenly realizes that forcing the lizard to dress up specifically for the event would take more than words alone...
Gryphon Posted October 13, 2004 Report Posted October 13, 2004 The shadow following Daryl suddenly disolves into the floor, the red fireflies shooting off to hide under one of the tables... As Wyvern laps up the alcohol spill he becomes aware of a mist rising from the floor around him. Thinking that the alcohol is evaporating he begins to suck it up faster, stopping only when two geld coloured fireflies come darting under the table to join him. Entranced by the thought of fireflies made out of geld Wyvern's eyes begin to glaze over as thoughts of an Almost Draconic Sideshow featuring the Amazing Gelden Fireflies begin to stir in his mind. As he passes into a plotting fevor he fails to notice the mist take the form of a familiar shape... complete with tail and pseudo-shadow hawaiin shirt pretending to soak up alcohol right next to him, that is until the geld coloured fireflies turn a silvery sheen and take their place as ~umbra~gryphon's eyes. The shadow-apparation grins at him then vanishes leaving a single feather in its wake.
cryptomancer Posted October 13, 2004 Report Posted October 13, 2004 Cryptomancer turns to look for the owner of a voice he heard.... Quote Upon hearing the offer of a drink (granted to someone other then himself), Nave locates the source." "Hey if you're smurfin out the free Hooch, hook a smufy brother up!" Nave finds himself looking at a very tattooed bald figure holding a bottle of faintly green liquid. "Care for a taste of the finest drink upon the surface of the plane?"
Yui-chan Posted October 13, 2004 Report Posted October 13, 2004 Late as usual and typically edgy before entering the confined chaos of a Pen party, Yui strolled through the courtyard of Custos Manor with her eyes on the half-open double doors. Her swagger was a practiced exaggeration, all hips and attitude, and it matched the plastic tommy gun at her side and the grey bowler set at a jaunty attitude atop her head. Decked out in pin-striped Armani, sporting a fake faerie ring and a thin layer of illusionary fur, she felt like she walked the line between interesting and rediculous... but, hey. It was Halloween! The thought was buoy enough to her confidence that the little Huntress (much smaller, mind, than the Giant Guinea pig she was imitating) slipped sideways into character and settled there like a marble in a pothole, the story she'd concocted for this disguise slipping down around her like a stage curtain. She didn't even notice how her glued-on whiskers tickled her nose when she sneered. Shoving the doors open with unnecessary force, Yui-Guido bounded into the party with her faux machine gun at the ready and paused only long enough to scan the surroundings and find her dastardly target before she was barreling through the crowd, mumbling the required Polite apologies to those she bumped without even noticing. "Youse villain!" The shout drew stares as she stomped to a stop in front of where a rather meek Doctor Evil chatted too-amicably with white-masked Finnius and bewildered Gwaihir. Her target blinked at her in surprise, taking a half-step back as she raised the tommy and aimed it in the general vicinity of his chest. "What'd youse do wit' da Boss's fav'rite pocket hanky? Huh? HUH?!"
Vahktang Posted October 13, 2004 Report Posted October 13, 2004 "Yes, as a matter of fact, I do take campaign contributions," says The Candidate. "But only in the form of topping off my drink." The listener does so. "I thank you and your country will thank you."
LeifTheBunny Posted October 13, 2004 Report Posted October 13, 2004 Walking up to the candidate, Leif overhears the plea for more beverages. "What kind of platform do you stand on? One of fine drink I would hope." Leif winks at the candidate. "I carry mead. Would you care for some?"
Vahktang Posted October 13, 2004 Report Posted October 13, 2004 LeifTheBunny said: Walking up to the candidate, Leif overhears the plea for more beverages. "What kind of platform do you stand on? One of fine drink I would hope." Leif winks at the candidate. "I carry mead. Would you care for some?" "I have never tried mead."But if my prospective constituant thinks that it is a good thing, then I think it is a good thing." I put down my cup and pull up a mug. "Pour, please, prospective voter."
Xaious, Master of Time Posted October 13, 2004 Report Posted October 13, 2004 It had taken a few days to perfect, but Xaious finally had everything ready for his costume. Four days it took: three to fix up the bottle so that it would always be near empty (though never fully)--the contents;Vodka--, and one day to get into his costume. Xaious walked up to the door dressed in his normal casual attire or black and baggy, plus a royal purple cape and a bottle of Vodka, though near empty the bottle. Then someone inquired of his what he was supposed to be. Five minutes pass "Oh, my costume? I'm late, five minutes behind...and stuff...." Xaious grinned, and walked past, sipping on the liquor. OOC: Yeah. Delayed reaction time of at least five minutes. For everything. If I get hit in the head by anything, it won't affect for five minutes...=P Have fun with this one!
LeifTheBunny Posted October 14, 2004 Report Posted October 14, 2004 Vahktang said: "Pour, please, prospective voter." "Gladly Candidate. The golden liquid is said to be directly from the gods and is not for one man to possess." Leif takes the cup and pours a full glass. "It is a honey wine and is sweet. Do not chug the liquid, sip it so that you can appreciate the nectar. Now tell me about your platform." Leif hands the cup back.
Vahktang Posted October 14, 2004 Report Posted October 14, 2004 Quote "Gladly Candidate. The golden liquid is said to be directly from the gods and is not for one man to possess.""Then it is fortunate for us that the gods are so generous." He sips, lets it breath, tasting it on his tongue, then swallows enjoying the feeling of it going down his throat and warming his stomach. "Well one of the planks of my platform is listening to the voter. "What concerns you? "Cell phones in the theatre? "Airplane food? "Ah, one I have had great sucess with is: "No X-mas decorations before Thanksgiving. "No songs, no shows nor movies. "With the sucess of this campaign, we'd start the '30 days before the holiday' legislation, to make is so for all holidays. No more holloween decorations in August, that sort of thing." "Your thoughts?"
LeifTheBunny Posted October 14, 2004 Report Posted October 14, 2004 "There difinitely needs to be tighter legislation on cell phones. It's getting to the point where you can't even go to the bathroom without people talking on their cell phones in the stalls. And as for airline food, wouldn't the Geneva Convention have to convene a hearing on the matter?" Leif paused for a break to sip on his mead. "You know, I'm pretty easy all in all. I don't have too many complaints." Leif winks.
Lady Celes Crusader Posted October 15, 2004 Report Posted October 15, 2004 While Celes drinks her porto, she listens to Vahktang speech and chuckles; he definatly chose and ood time for this mumbo jumbo. While both cats were sleeping Celes wonders if should stay here at the bar, keeping a close eyese on her pets or trying to find a dancing partner.
Tanuchan Posted October 15, 2004 Report Posted October 15, 2004 (edited) Tanny sighs, looking askance at the table under which Wyvern's enjoying his alcohol supply. She thinks about trying again to talk to him, but a sudden memory of entangling arms and legs flying arond her makes her shudder, and she quickly changes her mind. Seeing Celes quite alone with her cats, she joins her. "I hope Cambrone and Carbone have recovered from our CherrMynx's attention?" The mage looks at her pets and smiles, nodding. "Yes, I think they will be better after this nap. Where is she, by the way?" "I'm not sure... last time I saw her, she was going in that direction with poor Daryl in tow... However, some minutes ago I heard a cry coming fomr *that* other corner." She points at the opposite direction. "Of course, there are other people prone to making crashing noises..." she chuckles, remembering some of the arrivals. "But anyway, Celes... maybe we should find some dancing partners? I think I may be able to convince our DJ to play something nice for us... I know Ayshela wanted also to dance." ~~~~ (OOC note: I've edited the first post of the poll/signup thread to include a list of guest and main events at the party.) Edited October 17, 2004 by Tanuchan
Tanuchan Posted October 16, 2004 Report Posted October 16, 2004 (edited) The party goes on, people having fun in one way or another. Ayshela dances with Xaious, finding it somewhat trying as her partner is almost exactly five minutes and half slower in following the rhythm. YanYan surrenders the DJ position to Dean for a quick turn at dancing, grabbing Celes' on his way to the dancing floor. Katz, bowing to Tanny, invites her to dance also. A loud crash, followed by acute yerfing, freezes both of them on their way to the dance floor. Other eyes fly into the direction of the noise, the rare sober people hearing also giggling mixing to the yerfs. "Daryl!" cries Salinye, darting into the corridor that leads to the basement. "Mynx...?" wonders Cryptomancer, gesturing his bar away and joining the growing line of people going after Salinye, Tanny, and Katz. Daryl meets Salinye at the door to the basement, having broken free of Mynx and yerfing indignantly. She removes the colar and the pink bow, what calms the grinning fox somewhat, then he yerfs some more, poining at the open door. "A what? Cave in? In my basement?!?" Wondering, the group enters carefully. Someone brings light, and at the center of the basement a large hole can be seen. Kneeling by it, Merelas is shouting at Mynx. "Hey, are you alright?" "Merelas?" Tanny joins him, "I haven't seen you enter... " "I was grabbed by that... hm... CheerMynx... as soon as I entered... she was babbling something about shiny and pretty stuff... then entered the basement. We heard a noise, rushed in... found the hole... she's down there..." Katz peers down curiously, poking first with her spear. Then she nods, "It seems there's a tunnel in here. I believe CheerMynx is following it... I think I can hear her giggling... " Salinye looks as surprised as everyone else. "A tunnel? Under Custos Manor? But I never..." "Sure not, Sal." Ayshela opens her way to the group peering down the tunnel. "But I guess we should find CheerMynx... before she gets into more trouble." Some sighs are heard, but mostly there are happy cheers at the prospect of investigating a mysterious tunnel that has just appeared under Custos Manor -- and just at Halloween!! ~~~~~~ From this point on, this thread will branch into the werewolf game. For the ww players, please see the new thread. This thread will keep being the Party Thread, and just at Custos Manor. The tunnel and Haunted House are exclusively at the game thread. Anyone from the ww thread can interact back into this thread (aka Party Thread); those who are not playing are welcome to post at the game thread, but please do not interfere with the game (no voicing of opinions or suggestions). If anyone is interested in being a Ghost at the Haunted House, please PM me Edited October 17, 2004 by Tanuchan
Katzaniel Posted October 17, 2004 Author Report Posted October 17, 2004 (edited) Katzaniel, who had earlier been largely dispensed of her curse, peered into the tunnel. She still occasionally moved her lips in silent repetition some song, but no one watched to find out if it was the song or not. "I think it's best if someone stays behind to watch over the Manor," she said as various Pennites rushed into the darkness. "We can't all fit in there, so I'll just keep watching over this party. Someone will have to explain to latecomers where everyone's gone to, as well as organize a search party when this search party gets lost..." OOC: In case this isn't clear, let me reiterate what Tanny said, in my own words. If you just want to party, indicate that your character does not enter the tunnel and feel free to ignore the "game thread" (GT) entirely. You may join this thread, the party thread (PT), at any point. If you want to play the ww game, you must go to the GT and RP there, as well as signing up. WW players may come back to this thread, physically to the manor, if they want - especially when they've been "killed" (though no one actually dies) there. If you want to post in the GT without actually being a player, then you need to look into being a ghost... Tanny knows more about that, PM her, but like she said it means no interfering in the player's votes. Edited October 17, 2004 by Katzaniel
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