Tanuchan Posted November 6, 2004 Author Report Posted November 6, 2004 (edited) LIST OF PLAYERS (at the beginning of 5th day phase) At the Haunted House... Leif Lady Celes Nave => Papa Smurf Gwaihir Ayshela Merelas Gnarlitch => bitten by CheerMynx... it seems we have now a CheerItchy... Back to the Party... YanYan => for liking pranks too much... but innocent ones. (villager) Dean => too drunk, but not one for pranks... (villager) Degenero Angelus/Transe => caugh in a net... scary vampire, but not a prankster (villager) Cryptomancer => the first prankster Mynx => panic-striken, drunk, wereMynx... but an innocent one. (villager) Finnius => discovered, but now missing... where's the little blue man? (Second prankster Vahktang => caught in a trap... he was the Baner. MOD NOTES Day phase ends in about 48 hours. Enjoy the time! Listkeepers for this game: Katz and YanYan (that means they know who got all the roles and can act as backup mods if I go MIA) Edit: Sorry, forgot to add... Dragonqueen as bowed out of the game due to vacations. Edited November 7, 2004 by Tanuchan
Vahktang Posted November 6, 2004 Report Posted November 6, 2004 I leave for the weekend and now I'm dead. Well, one more wolf and seer is still alive. Hope there is, still. Good hunting. More later, Vahktang
Ayshela Posted November 7, 2004 Report Posted November 7, 2004 well, hey, at least you weren't lynched first, eh?
Tanuchan Posted November 8, 2004 Author Report Posted November 8, 2004 (edited) Congratulations to the Villagers, who won the game against three wolves in spite of having had some trouble in their numbers due to RL interference. Of course, Vahktang baning Gnarlitch the first night was very important, and the Seer was extremely effective on choosing to See Finnius and Gwai; congratulations also, Merelas! Now, would you help me to end the story? I left my post at a cliffhanger... And I'd appreciate if any of the players can come and post in the sequence, so we can wrap up that together (specially to avoid myself writing something *not* IC for your characters...) The situation is: I don't know if Merelas can help Gwaihir or not (I'm PMing him about that). Gwaihir is being shielded as strongly as Tanny can (which isn't that much, as the energy she can actually control there isn't 'clean') so he cannot use any spell or magic ability (his own or given to him through the Curse). He can move, but he's surrounded by Merelas, Ayshela, Gnarlitch, and Katz, all of whom are armed. Gryphon's also there (but I'm not familiar enough with his character to say what he's actually doing - your move, Gryph...). So, I pretty doubt Gwai will try to run away. However, that's Gwai's move... My idea is (yes, I changed it from what I intended at the beginning of the game, because Merelas' accusation post gave me an idea ): Gwai has been in the House right before the party, having found it by chance. He had contact with the Necronomicon (Celes is right, it must be found and locked in the Library at the Pen), and was cursed. The shadow figure that appeared when Cryp was 'freed' is the personification of this curse. Somehow Gwai got Cryp and Finn in contact with the book and the curse. Now... I'm hoping either Merelas or someone else can free Gwai. It's your move, really... Tanny can't, not alone. She has Healing skills, but freeing Gwai is above what she can do; she can however channel energy into someone else to help. If no one can help, I'll have a way to take Gwai back to the party and the Healers there, who will be able to un-curse him. All players are free to post at the game thread right now, even those 'killed' or 'lynched', provided that it's IC for them. Finnius is still missing, but I'll ask him not to help Gwai (consider that, somewow, Finn also has been un-cursed, or will be during whatever happens). Whoever posts, I'll come back to the thread to add The End as soon as I know whether someone at the House can help or not. Thanks!! ~Tanny Edit: clarifying who was the Seer Edited November 9, 2004 by Tanuchan
Gnarlitch Posted November 9, 2004 Report Posted November 9, 2004 Well, I have no skill in magic, only at breaking things and being sneaky. I could pulp his head for you?
Tanuchan Posted November 9, 2004 Author Report Posted November 9, 2004 lol Somehow I doubt Gwai will like your idea Anyway, go ahead and post whatever you want to. I know how it will end, but I do need some answers first... I can work with whatever is posted, so don't worry. ~Tanny
Gryphon Posted November 9, 2004 Report Posted November 9, 2004 I tend to favour transformation, transportation and defensive magics with a bit of shape changing and attack thrown in.. I dont know that I can do that much to assist in fixing a possession. Having said that, in Gryphon form I'm big enough to hold Gwai down or i can feed energy to anyone who can deal with that kind of thing... or assist in holding some pretty tight sheilding over him. On the plus side since I dont go much for earth magics (being a creature of the air) I can probably boost anyone without having to worry too much about the unclean power down here. Let me know if that helps anyone at all and I'll taylor my assistance since I've had minimal involvement.
Tanuchan Posted November 9, 2004 Author Report Posted November 9, 2004 Gryph, I'm having tons of ideas with both your assistance and Celes *grins* I've got a really really nice idea from Cryp in a PM and I asked him to post it. Gwai will be uncursed and we'll have to deal with the personification of the curse, what will be much easier as RP since we don't have to worry about hurting a friend After Cryp posts that, anyone can follow as they may. And I'm looking forward to see Gryphon in action It will be fun! ~Tanny
Lady Celes Crusader Posted November 10, 2004 Report Posted November 10, 2004 I'm looking forward to it.
cryptomancer Posted November 10, 2004 Report Posted November 10, 2004 ok.... for the record, the rune used was a very small trick, it was just a protection from evil, all I could really muster in my current state. If I am needed to fight, I will be doing it had to hand, but as there are sheilds around thet would affect this particular part of my nature, I would prefer to avoid further confrontation. If you write me in, it will be as a shadow, as it is the form I will stay in for the duration of my time in this thread, (thanks) one point though, my shadow is in the form of a small wraith, and cannot become larger than my human form at this point in time, weapons are two short swords, and several knives. If you need me to fight hand to hand with this thing, ask. have fun
Gryphon Posted November 10, 2004 Report Posted November 10, 2004 My main restriction is that I've no idea what it's abilities and capabilites are... I can probably build a shield that'll hold it... unless it can translocate or something like that. Any information would be good and useful.
cryptomancer Posted November 10, 2004 Report Posted November 10, 2004 (edited) think very very nasty powerful undead/demon/wraith, if you can go etherial then you can attack it directly, magical weapons etc will hit it, main issue, if it touches you, like reading the book unprepared, you risk possession by it. Is there a Cleric in the house? Anyone? A cleric? please?..... Damn, *draws swords, knives, axes, daggers, (small cheesegrater and a squeesy bottle of lemonjuice.)* Edited November 10, 2004 by cryptomancer
Gryphon Posted November 10, 2004 Report Posted November 10, 2004 Looks around into the silence of the thread Ah, Tanny? Anyone? Looks at Cryptomancer I hope we're not going to be the only two taking this thing on. OOC: Maybe we'll wait until everyone else is awake and posting before planning more on how to take on the nasty thing.
cryptomancer Posted November 10, 2004 Report Posted November 10, 2004 *sits with Gryphon in the void of the global timezones* "How far ahead are we? 12 hours? With daylight saving too?" "Ok," *hands Gryphon a 6pack of coke cans* "Drink while we wait?" *picks up a second 6pack for himself*
Tanuchan Posted November 10, 2004 Author Report Posted November 10, 2004 (edited) cryptomancer said: *sits with Gryphon in the void of the global timezones* "How far ahead are we? 12 hours? With daylight saving too?" "Ok," *hands Gryphon a 6pack of coke cans* "Drink while we wait?" *picks up a second 6pack for himself* Cryp and Gryph, you are on the other side of International Date Line *and* ahead of all of us much more than a couple of hours... For your reference, Cryp... your last post is marked Wed 10th, 07:27 AM in my timezone, and that's currently +3 EST. So, although I was up and ready to start working by that time, I believe most of people active in the thread were sleeping... lol I'm all okay with what you're planning. Hm... about fighting a wraith... well, I need more info about it, also. Tanny is a skilled hand-to-paws-&-fangs fighter in wolf form, but she can't fight *and* channel at the same time. She's skilled with knives and bow, and skilled enough with a sword if she needs to use one. And, for the party, she has just taken her throwing knives. Tanny's main ability at this point would be the channeling of any 'clean' energy she can get to weave something... she's able to Heal, Shield, and manipulate anything that can be related to earh/water energy in an offensive way (just need a bit of imagination for me to imagine how... ). I've talked briefly with Merelas; he can Heal using Chrissiania's Jewel, and his energy can be drawn, but he can't channel otherwise. So it seems that, at least currently, Tanny is the only one who could gather the energies from those mage-skilled. Merelas can do anything that involves fire, I believe. And he's a skilled sword-fighter. Add that in the recipe... I don't know how Celes' work, though... if she thinks she can do something, she'll be welcome to it I received a PM from Vahk, also. He suggests using his nice amulet (that was at the base of his Baning ability) to help throwing a barrier, but he won't go through that dark, damp, and haunted tunnel again. Anyone able to teleport him?? Edit: I think we'd better think of the mage-side of the group as a source of shielding/healing. Basically, Tanny is just trying to hold a shield around the Spirit of the Curse, giving time to the others to figure a way of fighting it. Her main source of energy there, earth, is tainted by the presence of the curse and she can't use it effectively. She took Celes' offer to channel energy into her, and there was a previous offer from Gryph to do the same with air energy. I don't know if he can channel into her and still work his magic, so I'm trying to take control of his shields to free him for fighting. If he can't, it's pretty okay -- just be sure to answer Tanny's question in the thread Hm... just as a final information, when Tanny finally lets go of all shielding (for any reason, including failing to keep the shields), and whether she chooses to do anything else or not (depends on how the RP goes), she *will* collapse. Very, very pale and unconscious, to use Cryp's words ~Tanny Edited November 10, 2004 by Tanuchan
Mynx Posted November 10, 2004 Report Posted November 10, 2004 (edited) *soft chuckle* I can't help but feel that the fact that Mynx is a sorceress would be a great help in this current situation... Unfortunately, not only am I sleeping off a hangover due to a certain spell cast, but in RL I am currently in the middle of my finals. Heh, I've got my next one in 40 minutes...maybe I should get ready to go... Would love to help...but I have to sit this one out folks. Sorry. *rueful grin, picks up books, disappears* Edited November 10, 2004 by Mynx
Gryphon Posted November 10, 2004 Report Posted November 10, 2004 Quote I received a PM from Vahk, also. He suggests using his nice amulet (that was at the base of his Baning ability) to help throwing a barrier, but he won't go through that dark, damp, and haunted tunnel again. Anyone able to teleport him?? I can get him there, if I know about the amulet, or his ability to assist with holding this thing... it's hard to say since I wasn't actually I'm unsure what I'd know as ex-cannon fodder. I'll also have to drop all sheilds in order to do it, but if you've got it confined at least temporarily that wont be a problem. I did have an idea though, I asked if anyone knows anything about taking out spirit like undead things but it seems that no-one in our current group actually uses combat magics - you're all hand to hand, or claw, or fang or whatever types. I cant think right now if there's any member of the pen who can do combat magic, or who might be able to confine/destroy dark spirits (necromancers?) or who has some ability in that general direction. If anyone wants to suggest a name or two to me, and that person agrees to get however briefly involved in the story let me know and I'll bring them there.
Tanuchan Posted November 10, 2004 Author Report Posted November 10, 2004 (edited) Gryph, I think the one who would help the most would be your ex-cannon-fodder-mate, Yui She's an Ascendant Mage (hm... Holy magic, basically) but she needs people channeling energy into her as she's a mage with very low mana reserves (but that can be dealt with, as Tanny and Celes are able to channel energy into others). I can PM her to see if she agrees on being 'used'; if she does, I'll link here a nice post of hers where she's seen using those powers against undead (from Hostel Fox) so you can have more ideas. Also, I think that Merelas deals with combat-magic as he's a fire-elf and controls fire completely. I'm PMing him also, but I'm not sure when he'll be able to post. The only other character who may be of help is Horace, Katzaniel's character who's also a demoness... I'm not familiar with her. I can also ask Katz... though I don't think she will actually have the time to post. I'm not sure what Finnius can do... but I'll suppose that, when Cryp's rune 'disembodied' the Spirit of the Curse, Finnius also was freed, wherever he was. It seems I'll be PMing rather some people... Oh, yeah... Gnarlitch and Merelas know about Vahktang's amulets. Gryph, if you can teleport Vahk, you can just mention one of them remembering that and letting you know about it. Then you can proceed to teleporting him. Once there, I'm sure he'll find a way to help us. Edited November 10, 2004 by Tanuchan
Tanuchan Posted November 10, 2004 Author Report Posted November 10, 2004 One more thing... Cryp, I think you're the one who's 'responsible' for the characterization of the Spirit of the Curse... So, I guess you're the also the most qualified to take care of the destiny of the Book I suggest finding a way to take it to the Libray at the Pen. There's a special warded room there, where dangerous books are kept. Yui is the responsible for the Library.
Gryphon Posted November 11, 2004 Report Posted November 11, 2004 Vahktang is there. There's probably a limit on how many people can be brought in that way by Gryphon. I know it's a different system of magic to what some of the others use, but like so many of them it does take personal energy to control the power from outside. I'll keep an eye on this thread to see if anyone else is going to be joining us for this little battle. We've still got people that can confine this thing, but by the sounds of it not many other than Gryphon with any combat magic. I dont have a lot of that as it is and the energy cost of transporting people into the battle zone like that is going to wear me out pretty quickly... This could be interesting / fun
Tanuchan Posted November 11, 2004 Author Report Posted November 11, 2004 I will see if I can corner Merelas tomorrow and make him give an answer and a post. But I'm pretty sure he can use combat magic... at least a big firebal... see here I think anyone who can help us is already at the house. If no one else can help, I may have some ideas... if Mer gives me permission to 'use' his character a little bit. Yup, it *will* be fun
cryptomancer Posted November 11, 2004 Report Posted November 11, 2004 (edited) I would love to take care of the book, it still contains certain information that I wish to gain access to. *grins* Oh for the record, I can do combat magics, just i would be weak in my current state and not up for much as a human, so logic says to stay shadow and go hand to hand. Just realise that if I get involved in hand to hand i will need to get inside the shields and would be effectivly trapped there so it is not a prefered option. *looks around for book* Edited November 11, 2004 by cryptomancer
Gryphon Posted November 11, 2004 Report Posted November 11, 2004 No! Bad Cryptomancer... no more necronomicon for you! OOC: No more drugs for that man.
Ayshela Posted November 11, 2004 Report Posted November 11, 2004 *shrug* by the time i had time to look again and post, y'all had moved the story far beyond anything i can be at all of use with. specifically requesting combat *magic* leaves me out of the loop and i saw no point in posting that i was standing about uselessly. if you have use for my character short of as sacrificial distraction, feel free.
Gryphon Posted November 11, 2004 Report Posted November 11, 2004 (edited) Sorry Ayshela, it's a character flaw - Gryphon thinks in terms of magic since he's primarily a mage. However, I'd rather not add "stupid" to that description. If you've anything at all that can be contributed to taking out nasties please, please, please jump right in. After all, you've a certain experience when dealing with the nasty things that come out at night (I've been reading Hostel Fox ) Right now, unless someone's gone and posted while I wasn't looking we're still all just holding the Spirit of the Curse in place, no-one's actually done anything yet. Edit: I'll add that I've no experience in dealing with evil spirit types. ~Gryphon - the hopefully not stupid mage Edited November 11, 2004 by Gryphon
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