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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

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Jonathan Wolfe rolled on his side and smacked his lips, snoozing lightly, eyes tight-clenched as the morning light crept towards him, along with another, darker shape. The fox stretched out in the center of the bed, oblivious to his danger until a yelp of “BANZAI!” made Jonathan’s eyes snap wide open!


Ten minutes later, Jon grumbled with ill-humor as Daryl gnawed lightly on his ear. “I already surrendered.” Jon reminded Daryl in Fox.


“Of course you did, but this is fun!” Daryl said, finally stopping his gnawing and moving to settle a few feet away from Jon, nosing at his tail. Jon grumbled and pulled himself to his feet, shaking himself to resettle his fur. “Now what the heck was that about?” he demanded.


Daryl pulled out a card and nosed it Jon’s way. Curious, the fox stared at the card. It read simply in Gyrfalcon’s hand writing.



I have something important to tell you. Meet me this evening at The Confessional. A map is on the back if you do not know your way.



Jonathan blinked and stared at the card, then Daryl. “Do you know what this about?” he demanded, and Daryl grinned and shrugged.


“You do know! Tell me!” Jonathan demanded. Daryl just grinned wider. “I am that is!” he said before jumping down and scampering out the door. Jonathan sighed.


“That’s my line!” the fox complained to thin air.


Daryl snuffled at the ground outside Jonathan’s quarters before returning to the Cabaret Room, seeking to find his next targets. A scythe-wielding tiger morph, a talking gryphon, and a human wouldn’t be too hard to track down.


Indeed, before reaching the Cabaret Room, Daryl hit upon the musky scent of a gryphon and followed it, leading him eventually to the Assembly Room, where to his delight he found all three of his targets, weaving the next portion of their literary work, Walking the Unseen.


He trotted up to Mynx and tugged at the edge of her robe, causing the scythe-wielding tiger to look down. “What? Oh, you must be the half-elf’s pet fox... or that other fox.”


Daryl yerfed and wagged his tail as the other two stepped forward to inspect him. He plucked three more cards from his tail and stretched his neck towards them. The three carefully took the cards, and held them gingerly. “I wonder what an Elder wants with us?” Gryphon said with a touch of concern after reading the card.


“Whatever it is, he hasn’t been noticed to call frivolous meetings.” cryptomancer said quietly.


“Tell Gyrfalcon that we’ll be there.” Mynx bade Daryl, who yerfed his assurances that he would and wagged his tail at them before trotting off, snuffling the ground for his next prey.


Daemara, more commonly known as BlackCagedHeart was quickly found in the Banquet Room and her card placed in her hand, and Daryl trotted off again, snuffling and searching for the last of his prey. The person’s trail led back and forth across the Pen, but eventually Daryl found a fresh scent and followed it to the writer’s workshop, where Loki Wyrd was hard at work on a poetic masterpiece. It took a fair amount of yipping and yerfing, but Daryl finally got Loki Wyrd’s attention and the card delivered before scampering off to inform Gyrfalcon that everyone was informed.




The six who had received Gyrfalcon’s message assembled that evening at The Confessional. They noted the sober silence, the tavern apparently dead that evening, with only Daryl and Gyrfalcon there to greet them.


Gyrfalcon stood next to a small indoor pool at the base of a great tree that spread its limbs across the length and breadth of the large hall, leaves green and fresh despite the slow turning of the seasons. The six approached hesitantly, surprised at the presence of others then themselves.


“You wished to speak to us, Elder Gyrfalcon?” Mynx asked.


“Yah, what’s up Gyr?” Jonathan chimed in, looking about curiously, for the room was thick with scents despite its emptiness, many of them recent.


“There is something very serious that you are all a part of.” Gyrfalcon said quietly, forcing them to focus their attention on them. “And it is for this reason you have been summoned here.”


The six looked among themselves, confused. To their knowledge, none of them were involved in any of Wyvern’s crazy schemes, so it surely couldn’t be for that. As for any other reason...


“Loki Wyrd, Gryphon, cryptomancer, BlackCagedHeart, and Mynx!” Gyrfalcon suddenly barked, and the five stepped forward hesitantly.


“All five of you are but Initiates of the Pen, but devotion to it has been steadfast. Likewise, you have contributed your poems and stories, your very presence to our community. For these reasons and many others, I hereby promote you to the rank of Page, and I wish you the best of luck with your future endeavors in the Pen.” Gyrfalcon said warmly.


Relief and then shock broke across the five as they stepped back, stunned by the suddenness of their new titles. Gyrfalcon smiled broadly at them and winked before motioning Jonathan Wolfe forward.


“Jonathan, you are already a Page of the Mighty Pen, and you have shown a desire to take on a larger role within this community. Over your time here, you have contributed to the community with your presence, and likewise with your many poems and the story you hold close to your heart. It is with sincere pleasure that I award to you the title of Quill-Bearer! When you are ready, you may embark upon a Quill Quest for the good of the Pen to earn the right to one of the voting titles beyond Quill-Bearer. Congratulations, my friend.”


Gyrfalcon smiled as Jonathan tottered back to stand with the other five recently promoted.


“And now for you all, what promotion is complete without its very own party?” he said with a suddenly impish grin, waving his hands and causing the spell casters to dispel their illusions. The room was suddenly transformed, tables along the walls groaning with food and drink, and the majority of the Pen standing in deep ranks around the six. A few hands started the applause, and then many joined, a rising crescendo of welcome to the newest Pages and Quill-Bearer of the Mighty Pen.




Ayshela leaps out of the shadows, tacklehugging Mynx gleefully and babbling "hurrahcongratsiknewyoucoulddoityou'regonnaloveitherei'msogladforyouhurrah!!" before releasing her to catch her breath and go on to tacklehug and congratulate each of the rest in turn.



I'm...we're...we're a...


Mynx stammered, utterly stunned to the point where her consistantly controlled calm is completely destroyed. She was vaguely aware that she had dropped her scythe but didn't hear it fall. A grin began to spread across the feline's face, as she was tacklehugged by Ayshela. Smiling happily, Mynx returned the embrace before grabbing her two companions tightly and hugging them both.


OOC: Wow! Thank you so much! I'm still stunned and lost for words so I guess I'll just bounce around for a while...




Gryphon stands stunned for a moment or three - long enough for a Mynx-type tigercat hug machine to huggle him then be off bouncing around the room...


That is so cool... thank you Gryphon drops to a deep bow I am deeply honoured.


A few muttered words and a gesture and some coloured lights go bouncing happily around the room to add to the celebratory nature of the gathering. Gryphon then goes off to mingle with the other members of the pen... and to find out who cast those illusion spells that were so good he couldn't pentrate them :)


(Me talk shop? at a moment like this? ... Hell yes ;))

Posted (edited)

A smile lights the face of the Cryptomancer, and removing his hood, he bows low to Gyrfalcon.

"My deepest thanks Gyrfalcon, I hope I can honour the pen with my gifts, as highly as you have honoured me."


Turning to Ashela, Cryptomancer's attempt to bow is halted by a tacklehug.

Cryptomancer tentatively returns the hug before stepping back to bow.

"Thank you. I am truely honoured."


As Mynx grabs him into an embrace with Gryphon, Cryptomancer's smile broadens.

"Well done my friends, Congratulations."


Turning to Loki Wyrd, and BlackCagedHeart, "Congratulations, I am honoured to be recognised in the company of those as skilled as you both."


And finally, turning to Jonathan Wolfe, "Congratulations, A well deserved honour, I look forward to reading your Quest."




The smile still firmly in place, Cryptomancer replaces his hood, covering the blush that has finally broken the control and is now making his shaved head glow bright red.




[Edit; Spelling]

Edited by cryptomancer



Peredhil blinks. You mean, you weren't just pretending to be surprised? The illusions worked on y'all?


Drifts over to congratulate the mage responsible.




Congrats to you all! You surely deserve the promotions, and I hope we can keep reading such nice writing pieces from all of you :)


A slender woman hugs all of them except one, then tacklehugs Cryptomancer, grinning.


"I really enjoy your poetry!" she grins, "and also your RP. May your muse be always gentle!"


Shimmering into her wolf form, she bounces around nuzzling all other promotees, then disappears somewhere between the tables of the Confessional.

Posted (edited)

Jonathan smiles at his old friend Gyrfalcon and shakes his hand, "Thanks for the ecouragement, I wouldn't be here if you hadn't hounded me every step of the way."


Gyr smiles and nods in assent as they both turn to the revelry before them, and Jonathan speaks up,


"And they celebrate, though the journey is far from over. A moment, a day, a lifetime of glory and achievment and friendship abound. We shall hold steadfast against the night in the company of our friends and our companions. Here's to the Pen!"


Thanks again everyone, this is just a little something that raises the bar a little higher :)

Edited by jonathan_wolfe

A confetti covered Mynx bounces around the room, her paw clutching tightly to what appears to be an endless cup of coffee from which she sculls regularly


Mass suicide? Hey that sounds like fun...oo oo oo! How about mass HOMIcide?


Looks around, grinning


I have blades a plenty...

Any takers? :D


Cryptomancer moves silently from group to group, thanking all for the honour, and the congratulations, enjoying the celebration.


Soon his aimless wondering through the gathered crowd shows that it was not aimless, and at a table in the corner he stops and sits, watching the merriment, enjoying the atmoshere of the room.


Sipping slowly on the coffee, he lets his thoughts wonder.


'I need to learn, the bar has indead been raised, and it is time i start truely testing my gift.'






[OOC: Thanks to all.]


the bar has indead been raised

Mynx pricks her ears


What? You wanna limbo? But I thought you lowered the bar for that...




Bounces off in search of stronger caffeine


Still giggling idly as she continues to drink from the endless coffee cup (which appears to be full of industrial strength coffee syrup) Mynx collapses into a chair in a corner, randomly picking off pieces of confetti from her pelt as she regards the celebrations happily.

She notices Gryphon sitting in the middle of a crowd, showing off with his conjuring tricks, and felt her smile widen.

She then noticed Cryptomancer sitting quietly in a corner, once again sitting alone with what she had no doubt were his constantly poetic thoughts.


Suddenly, Mynx sits bolt upright as she remembers something. Calling a kitten minion to her side, Mynx passes a few muttered words with the adorable minion, watching as it bows its head in assent before disappearing once more to other corners of the Pen.


Hunching down once more, she proceeds to search through the folds of her robe, muttering to herself.


Where are the blasted things...I know I brought them...AHA!


Smiling triumphantly, Mynx pulls from her robe a pair of beautifully crafted wooden fighting sticks, as she looked at them closer, her face falls.


Didn't wrap them...dammit...hmm...


Looking around her, Mynx notices a vase on the table next to her. Smiling, the feline woman plucks a long stemmed flower from the vase and begins entwining it about the two sticks, until they are bound together by the makeshift ribbon.

Bounding up from her chair, Mynx races over to the corner that holds Cryptomancer.

He looks up to find his feline friend grinning at him in a manner he had long since learned to suspect.

Bowing low, Mynx offers the gift to Cryptomancer, chuckling at the stunned look on his face.


What? You didn't think I'd remember?


Grabbing him by the arm, Mynx drags Cryptomancer to the centre stage of the festivities and whistles loudly. Ignoring his struggles as he tries to hide from the faces that had turned to watch, Mynx tightens her grip on the poet’s arm and begins to speak.


I was going to arrange a party for this, but seeing as there is already one going on, I figure it saves on writing more invitations.

Because this is the type of friend I am (there when you need me, and often planning things when you don't want me to) I figured it was about time for me to make an announcement...




As the crowd begins to clap, Mynx hugs her friend before disappearing from the stage with the swiftness that is natural to felines, leaving Cryptomancer surrounded by a throng of people smiling and cheering, Mynx's gift still clasped in one of his hands. He manages a hesitant smile and pulls his hood over his head to hide the blush forming there.


[OOC: I'm gonna be gone for a week, so I figure I may as well cause some mayhem before I go. *grins* Happy Birthday Crypt, hope you like the present.]


Cryptomancer stands cradling the gift from Mynx against his body, the blush fading slightly as he looks at the beautifully crafted weapons. The carved and patterned hand grips rest in the palm of his hand, feeling so perfectly suited for his grasp.


"Thanks Mynx, I love the gift, very very much." Turning cryptomancer bows to the group, "It seems It was announced early, so I could not escape the celebration of my aging yet again. My thanks to you all for your acknowledgement of another passing year of my life, (OOC: looks at watch.) and although it is technically not yet the right day, for me at least, it will be in less than an hour."


Smiling through the still evident blush, Cryptomancer slips through the crowd to return to the table in the corner.




well before he reaches his table in the corner, cryptomancer notices a swiftly moving blur out of the corner of his eye. Suspecting Mynx is up to something else, he turns just in time to take an Ayshela at the chest and a Kaitlyn at the knees. "Happy happy birthday!" they giggle, picking him up and brushing him off from his most recent tacklehugging. "I'll bring your birthday present back in just a little bit, i'm teaching Kaitlyn how to get about unnoticed, but couldn't let a birthday pass unhugged!"


hugging cryptomancer once more, Ayshela took Kaitlyn by the hand and, with matching cheery waves, they melted into the shadows by cryptomancer's corner table.

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