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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

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Ok... I like this when i cant start writting.


You get someone else to give you a line, then, write a poem using it as your first line.


Any questions?


Please feel free to post a line for others to use...


or to write a poem for any of the lines given.


or just read and enjoy


Mynx and I started this on msn......


Here is what we started with.




Mynx gave me this, (from Calvin and Hobbes)

'Still and quiet, feline form'


And here is the result


'Still and quiet, feline form'

Curled in interwoven turns

Upon my heart, as in the light

Of early dawn, I dream again,

Of still and quiet, feline form.


Soft and warm, beautiful love.

Woven in my hearts embrace

The form of one so pure, so rare.

Upon my arms, in sleep I trace,

Soft and warm, beautiful love.


Gentle and true, forever you,

All my visions and dreams

Truly blest, any place I rest

For in them all you are there

Gentle true, forever you.

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Posted (edited)

Dontcha just love the way this damn bird can weave his words?


Ok...Crypt gave me this line: Upon the crest of supple wave.


I came up with two...


#1 - Upon the crest of supple wave

The birds perform their dance

While on the beach, inside a cave

I contemplate the chance

Of proving all I wish to be

Of doing all I can

To make others look and notice me

And respect me for what I am

Yet my wishes are as fleeting

As a bird upon the sky

For despite all my loves see

And all they claim

Sometimes I wonder if it would be better

To simply live a life of shame.


#2 - Upon the crest of supple wave

The birds perform their dance

Twisting about one another

Beautiful to all who glance

Standing at the water’s edge

I watch the beasts of air

As I feel my feet sink in the sand

I wish to join them there

Grounded by my fears

I am forced to cope

Yet I watch the birds dance in the sky

To join them is what I hope


Nowhere near as good as the word smith, but hey, I'm a storyteller, not a romantic...

Edited by Mynx

Here is the second one Mynx set for me.


"The silver orb that is the moon"


My scribbling......


The silver orb that is the moon,

Guides my every turn, and trail,

Looks upon the searching soul,

The strength that will prevail.

Light of darkness, night’s eye,

Guide of searching dreams,

Waxing waning entity

Of emptiness unseen.




How can I convince that silly cat she can write?


For the line I gave Mynx....


"Upon the crest of supple wave"


I wrote.....


Upon the crest of supple wave,

Softness in the peak,

Gentle curves intoxicate

Smooth in form and line

Open to the lightest touch,

The lighting of desire.



Posted (edited)

I am not saying I cannot write. I'm getting through school, aren't I?

But there is no way you can expect me to believe that i can write well.


(Exibit B )


Line given: In depthless solitude I seek for peace


Trash created:

In depthless solitude I seek for peace

Secure in the haven of my thoughts

My room of rooms inside my mind

Is protected by beings unseen

Life continues to live around me

People coming, going, love and war

But for that moment in time

When I can return to my room

The enveloping calm protects me once more

Edited by Mynx

Heh, this looks fun.


I've been bouncing this line around in my head for a while, but I'm not very good at poetry. So, anyone want a shot at "From eternity to here"?


~ I'll shoot, got one here. It's the first time a poem actually got written for a long time, so thanks Katz :flower:


Thanks Crypto and Mynx aswell for starting this, grand idea! ^_^


This is mere sillyness tho... hope you'll enjoy anyways ~


From eternity to here

the light blinds the darkness

night preys on day

and the moon ate the sun


From eternity to here

logic feels chaos intruding

misery flees from joy

and the flowers hunt the bees


From eternity to here

thoughts drop down senseless

words defy the pen

and the keyboard stings my fingers


From eternity to here seems impossible

but it is were I love you

From here to eternity

and beyond




~ And I have a new sentence aswell, it's old to me tho, been wanting to use this for some time now.. never happened. So have fun ^_^ ~


Smells like the colour purple


Well, you wrote for mine (and I enjoyed it immensely!), so I'll give yours a shot.


Smells like the colour purple,

Tastes like the colour red.

Feels more like orange, though;

It must be time to go to bed.


Smells like the number four,

Tastes like the number eight.

But feels just like thirteen,

Which means it isn't right.


Smells like you are happy,

Tastes like you're bemused.

My fingers tell me you're afraid,

So maybe I'm confused.


Oooh I really like that one....


Never would've occured to me to continue with numbers, that works really well! Thanks :D


*laughs and claps*


Who'da thought the random conversations that I so often have would turn out to be something fun?

Okay everyone, I have a line for any takers.

From a song by a band native to my hometown...


"You can't slow this down"


*sits back and waits for some entertainment*


I don't know where this came from but hey, I'm tired and it's no worse than my other attempts here... :D


Love is like a toothpick

Prying between the cracks

Of bones and walls put up against it

Forcing resolve to crack.


Love is like a toothpick

A small but deadly weapon

You don't think to treat it with respect

You try to forget and carry on.


Love is like a toothpick

Crafted finely it is smooth

But when treated badly, splinters form

And then Love makes you choose.


I wouldn't dream of rewriting, it's all yours now ^_^


I'll be thinking about toothpicks now lol....



A little haiku for you Mynx :)



You can't slow this down

because the brakes aren't well-

adjusted to us

Posted (edited)

Posting at the same time heh



But when treated badly, splinters form

And then Love makes you choose.

I really like this part... well done ^_^

Edited by Appy
Posted (edited)

Cryptomancer and Mynx, this is a lovely idea :) As soon as my Muse gets hit awake by one of the lines, I may contribute also... (writer's block... meh... )


Meanwhile, would anyone like to try...


Time flows around me





Edit: actually, that line (my own...) struck my Muse... :P It's posted below :)

Edited by Tanuchan

Time flows around me,

And carries me on by.

Through memories of friends long gone,

Enough to make me cry.


Time just keeps me trekking,

Towards it’s lonely end,

But as it floats me down its stream,

I find a brand new friend.


Time it flows so swiftly,

The days go rushing by,

But spending time with thy loved ones,

Should be a cause for joy.


Let time carry me where it will,

Mighty river strong and fast,

I will take it as I can,

Treat each day like it’s my last.





Fun. Here's one for anyone who feels like having a go:


Like a new day dawning

Posted (edited)

It`s a lovely poem, Gryphon... I enjoyed it very much :)



Mine is here... quite different feeling...




Time flows around me

sometimes in soft ripples

sometimes in rushed currents.


I stand and listen and see,

whispers once known

echoing in the void,

smiling faces from the past

lost in capricious swirls.


I reach into the flow

to grasp some of its strands

but my hands close on emptiness,

the cold, uncaring wings of time.


I face the endless stream

face still, a perfect mask,

let time flow around me

take my memories to unknown end.



Edit: Added a title

Edited by Tanuchan

Like a new day dawning

I start a life with You

My heart warming to your love

The feelings that are so true

And as the day progesses

So does the love that we both share

No matter what our lives lead to

Being with You is all I care.



Try this line someone...

"Within the darkness no light is seen"


Within the darkness no light is seen

For it has no place where I have been.

Darkness holds in its fist

The lightless place, helplessness.

Light found me there.


Dreams beheld it in a vision,

Opened my eyes to see,

The windows of my soul did light

The way from you to me.


Soft illumination, storm's radiant blue,

Your eyes that are my heavens

Light my way to you.


Like a new day dawning

her being responded to my touch.

Lighting the path of searching fingertips

As I caressed the supple skin of her neck.

My teeth gently pressing, sensitizing, teasing.

Our kiss alight with dew soaked desire.




Time flows around me,

Friendless to my eye,

Taking from my paradise,

Her presence,

Her love,

My life.




Silence stole my shadow,

Softly slipped away

Company stole my darkness,

And kept my fears at bay.

Comfot gave me shelter,

And wiped away my tears

But it is Love that gave me life,

A life I wish to share.


Smells like the colour purple

Burned into the sky,

Twisted upon the cloth of clouds,

As the sun causes the day to die.


Tastes like deepest blue

Fading to the night

A sky of radiance fading

To the caress of darkness bright.


Fade to black

My heart still sings

Of all I have received

My day is gone

My time goes on


For now


Joy lets my heart

Taste the colours

Of this day



Posted (edited)

‘Love is like a toothpick’

The sign at hand spoke.

Its neon shimmer reckoning,

With my mind, as it did provoke.


My thoughts it did capture,

With its brightly lit simile,

Prompting the discussion

Of my mind and me.


Of all comparable things,

To say it is this way,

Makes not sense to my heart,

The thoughts not going away.


Toothpick? Wooden shard?

A small stake to skewer

The ever fragile heart

Or hold it to another?


The chef my thoughts did read

And hence approached my seat

‘It is never appreciated,

Till it is held between your teeth’

Edited by cryptomancer

*cough* BUMP *cough*


I think it's time for a new line.


"Nobody's Listening"


Let's see what people can come up with...*grins*

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