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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

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Well, there is another game tradition on the Kenzerco.com boards. It's called "The Duel". The public picks settings and duelling weapons. Then the authors have three rounds to have at it.


Let's take a peek at when I got out from behind my running GM shield and stepped down as a player...



LurkerWithout said:

Thru-out the lands of Kenzer the news spreads.  A new Challenge has

been issued.  The brand new Arena Mk.II will be christened with the

blood and viscera of new gladiators.  And one of the combatants is

the deadly and pimptastic CrazyAl.  And the Ravager of LARPs has

challenged the ArenaMaster himself.  DeanTheAdequete will take a brief

break from binge drinking to battle in his own Arena.


On the day of the match the Arena fills to capacity.  Those who can't

manage to get into the Arena fill the countryside, forced to watch these

Battling Titans on Pay-per-View.


As the Master of Ceremonies begins speaking to the crowd, the cameras pan

to Dean's throne.  There sits the substitute BattleJudge, Emperor LurkerWithout.

The meglomaniacal kitten seems calm as he sips at a martini.  And next to

him is the Guest Judge for the first match.  It is none other than the

vanquished former head of CNN, Cygnia-Choo Bear.  Will these two villianous

felines judge a fair match?  Or are they just there to enjoy the bloodshed.


As the introductions for the two gladiators winds down, Lurker stands and

motions for a mike.


The rules are the same.  Fight to the death and no outside interferance.


The kitten pauses to take a sip from his drink.


Anyone caught cheating will of course be taken away and serve as raw-

materials in my labs.  So I encourage people to try.


His Emperial Felinatude smirks at the camera.


For the first match our competitors will battle it out in this lovely

recreation of Sesame Street.  And for weaponry, why they're to use

whatever other board members are available.  Lets.  Get.  It.  On!


Korath said:



DeanTheAdequate said:

Oh no...  They want blood.  Pretty soon they're gonna find out I bleed Gin...


Crazeyal said:

DeanTheAdequate sits in an unfamiliar location. 



Being King of the Arena has given him PLENTY of opportunity to visit the Gladiators in their locker room. He's seen the inside of this room so many times he knows how many layers of paint are on the walls.  He knows the lockers, the equiptment, the whirlpool bath that he personally supervised the installation of was custom built for this room.  HIS ROOM.  Truthfully, Dean knew everything about this room because he BUILT the room. He planned, financed, and in some cases, PITCHED IN to help build the more tricky areas of the arena.  Every last bolt, screw and secret door was his design.


But he had never walked inside it's halls as a combatent.




As Dean soaked in the theraputic bath, TV screens flipped channels of their own violition.  Absentmidedly, Dean glanced at their visage and shook his head in disdain.  Reaching outside of the marble tiled spa, Dean pushed a finger onto a built in Intercom, pausing to remember the code number of the "person he wanted.  "




"Yu call-ah KITCHEN boss!  Yu hungry?"


"dammit.... *tap*tap*tap*Jeeves?"


"Motorpool.... Well??  SPEAK UP!!!"


"yeesh.... gotta cut the Expresso down for those tool jockies..*tap*tap*tap*Jeeves?"


:heart:[glow:#FF99CC] :heart:ooooo  I just KNEW you'd be calling :heart:Deanie-poo.... :heart:[/glow] :heart:


"oh!..yum! s-sorry Natash... uh..Shirl...Sh..Sugar...  I ..uh wanted to let you know I'd be needing one of those WONDEROUS massages of yours after my match..." *tap*" .... I just wish I knew what the #$#$&^! her NAME was...


Don't worry [/f][glow:#006633]SUGAR[/glow]  It'll come to you when you get the credit card bill this month....  and that was the [blink]VOLUME CONTROL[/f][/blink] ....*squelch*







You want #37 for Jeeves...




"......oh my poor poor bank account.... *sigh*" *tapTAP*tap


"Hello sir.. Finally figured out the Intercom, eh??"


" :Matrix: I have no idea what you're talking about..."


"Yes Sir... ForGIVE me sir.. *COUGH*technofeebexCUSE me sir.... I assume this is about your opponant's champion?"


" yes...Which one has shown up, who am I fighting??"


"umm *cough* we... well we can't tell..."


" WHY NOT??? Which one showed up, dammit!!!"


"umm *cough*  allofthem ?"


" SAY WHAT????[/f]??"



To be continued (soon)


Crazeyal said:

From somewhere in the distance, the call of a Crow breaks the morning's silence.  Dawn flows over the empty city streets as the last of the dark retreats to the shadows, waiting for the night cool embrace once again.  The crow's cries echo strangely alone and unanswered, fading into the distance as the creature searches for home and hearth. 


Then, a sign of life breaks the eerie silence of the Urban tomb.





:Crutch: Sargent GILL MASTERSON  AT YER SERVICE!!!!  Glad ta see ya!!!  I wanted ta kick that "King" guy's behind fer him 'since I met 'IM!!!


:Nitro: Baby... who said YOU was gonna git the nod????  The [glow:#FF0000]PIMP DADDY o KENZERCO[/glow] should be the one SMACKIN DAT ASS!!! summbiotch shot at the Pimp Daddy


:FlakJack: BOYS BOYS.... (*looks over in corner*) yeesh... and whatever YOU are...  why all the DRAAAAAAMA??? 


:Crutch: WHO ASKED YOU, NANCY BOY!!!???  Them fangs aint gonna work so well if I snap em off on my steel-toed BOOT, Gregorian!  I gots anotha one fer yer hind quarters if ya keep mouthin off!!


:FlakJack: Now now...  No need to pop a BLOOD vessel, grandpa... *I'M* just pointing out that NONE of you have any choice in the matter... and fighting over it will just make you sit on the sidelines TIRED.... but what do IIIIIII know???  :P


:Nitro: :Crutch:  .........


:FlakJack: Dontcha HATE it when I'm right????


***********five minutes later*************



Crazeyal: Hey guys.... hmm... I half expected you guys to be FIGHTING or something.... (Gregorian winks at the assembled heroes, villans and ne'er do-wells) No matter... I've called all you here for a specific reason... HEY!! QUIET!! PIPE DOWN!!!  Sheesh... Sorry if some of you haven't seen alot of action these days, but I do what I can... Some of you have been to the Arena already, some haven't even been to Kenzerco. The people in this room are all my "creations" and some good friends.  I MISS running you guys, but my roleplaying days are few and far between these days.  I called all of you here because this is a BIG challenge. The master of an online arena has PERSONALLY challenged me, and if the SOB loses to me... I GET HIS THRONE!!! 


Pimp Daddy, Sargent Masterson, both of you have served me well before in the first version of the Arena.  Some of the others, like Gregorian Setwell Malkavian Vampire and Pain-in-the-ass-at-largetm, Saleed the Assimite Infiltraitor, the BIG GUY over there are well known from the LARP threads.  Some of my most enjoyable work was done with MEGA-GUY or Myron Melvin Mcfadden Armoed hero of the City Knights Superhero game.  John-Paul Xavier or "Bastard The NASTIEST SOB teenage superhero I've ever played...


:Newt: So... My murdered mother was a BITCH?!?!?


uh... no.. I misspoke... I APOLOGIZE....  I...


:Newt: No... no... So... Are we here to stroke your ego or feed your dog??!?!  Shall we carry the TRASH OUT???


I..uh.. wha??


:Newt: ah..... I see... ONE of us get's to get BEAT UP and you reap the benefits, while the REST of us are supposed to feel JEALOUS... is THAT the plan????


but.. but... but...




The assembled mass of characters and their creator fall into a pile of limbs and flailing legs as the room shakes again from a thunderous impact to the floor.  After a moment, Crazeyal's view of the world contains very little besides dust, floor and FEET.





That is... before the HOOF sets down near his head[/p]


Crazeyal said:

G..Guh GRENDEL!!!  i-it's great to S-see you....


[glow:#6699CC]Hold a moment... CREATOR...[/glow]


uh.. s-s-sure??? :eek1:


[glow:#6699CC]I see the assembledge here...


You describe them with praise.

You describe them with... love.






:FlakJack: HEY!  I resemble that remark!


[glow:#6699CC]Do you remember our LAST meeting Gregorian???[/glow] :twisted:


:FlakJack: S-shutting up... sir    :shocked:


[glow:#6699CC]This... "Bastard"....  You call him "the meanest SOB"  you've ever played.... But that is not TRUE ... now is it???


No... you and I know that he is a WOUNDED CHILD who saw his parents KILLED BEFORE HIS VERY EYES!!!!  He was SUPPOSED to be a sympathetic character.... But you FAILED him... didn't you???  [/glow]




:( y-yes.....


[glow:#6699CC]YOU focused ONLY on the "BASTARD" aspect of the character.  You REVELLED in the chaos you created...  But you were TOO disruptive.  the game, the very fourm he was supposed to shine in... DIED...  And you had MUCH blame in it...


DIDN'T YOU?!??!!?[/f][/glow]




[glow:#6699CC]So now you want one of US... to garner you glory and fame... while you AGAIN take all the credit, and we... the muse of your soul, get nothing but PAIN AND MISERY!!!![/glow]


The crowd grows silent...


Then it grows....  cold...





Before you LYNCH me... remember who you are TALKING TO!!!  Sure, I don't make things easy and take shortcuts for my characters, but what would you BE if I told stories made as thin as blades of grass?  IF I REDUCED you to cheap gags and deux ex machina every time things get a little hard.


:Jolly: Now now my boy... Can't have you getting DIRTY on us... can we?  tut tut.. "getting a little hard??" how.. Fruedian of you....:twisted:



L-LECTOR??!?!?  I did *NOT* invite you... what the he...


[glow:#6699CC]*I* invited him....

It seems the good Doctor scared even YOU a little bit....

The good Doctor and I had a chat... SEVERAL in fact.  He appreciates a good game of chess, and I appreciated the insights he threw out.  Yes.... I know he's manipulating me.  That's his way.  But isn't that YOUR way as well?[/glow]


W-what do you WANT Grendel???


[glow:#6699CC]What I ALWAYS have wanted...





You say we all have a part of you inside us.  You say we are your treasures...  But you throw us into battle like we were PIT DOGS, and think we will  love you all the more for the BLESSING of your attention....


And you are right.....






We are NOTHING without you....  But what ARE we???  Part or puppet??  An extension of you or just tools to be used and FORGOTTEN!!![/glow]


But.. but... The very REASON I do these things is so I CAN use you guys again!!!!


[glow:#6699CC]Fair enough...  But IF we are not SLAVES...


DO YOU HEAR ME?!??!  AR[/f]E [/f]NO[/f]T S<font size="6">LA[/f]VES!!!!![/f]





gk.. kinda.. need *gasp* t-*gack*hat wiHINDpipe...[/p]





<table style="filter:glow (color=#6699CC strength=2)">You... need???  Then this place you've brought us... we truely ARE equals....[/glow]



was.. tryin.. ta tell you that......[/p]


Crazeyal said:

"Sir... SIR!!!" came the frantic call over the Intercom.  After a few fumblings (and an unwanted call to Maui) DeanTheAdequate answers his head butler and right hand man with an all too familiar element to his voice.


"HAh..HALLOrsch *boip*  'Scushch me... *hic*"


"Oh bloody HELLS not now...."


The line goes dead and the sound of an electronic door lock being swiped soon follows.  "Access denied" comes a female mechanical voice. "GOOD GOD I told him NOT to watch Star Trek when talking to the designers.. but NOOOOOOO... *sigh*  "Password access JEEVES SHOULD BE RUNNING THIS PLACE!!!"  "Emergency access granted.  Thank you for using Borg technologies, resisstance is futile... just kidding!"


The proper English Gentleman looks over his charge and is NOT happy.  Dean is happily asleep with four bottles of Dom Perignon scattered about the whirpool bath, as well as two bottles of Asprin and an empty quart jug of Jack Daniels.  "sir.... SIR!!! DAMMIT DEAN WAKE UP!!!"*WHAP*  "Whuzzah??? Hooha??  "Sir... you have to FIGHT in five minutes... WHY NOW????" 


"Unngh?? Jeeves?? hiiiiiiiiii ":crazy:


"You most certainly are sir.... WHY???" questioned the now soddened Butler, as he tried in vaine to grasp the flopping form of Dean.  "Whelp... I gotsch SUCH a fwiggen HEADACHE worrin' who dat BATShTID was gonna send at me dat I needed some ashprin... washn't helpin... SHOooOOooo I washt id downn own ownnnnn wid shome dat NICSH dwinkin whinnnnnne  *hah.. liddle joke dere... *BOIP*  "oh god...  PLEASE don't do that again sir... at least not near my NOSE...  guh... go on sir...." (unsucessfully tries to grab an arm and hold nose at the same time)


"who didst I end up gainst?? Dat army guy?? Duh pwatform shoe guh-guh-gu*AAAAAAAAuuuuIIRP* ( :shocked:phew!)guy??"


"No sir.. (Jeeves dumps Dean on a cot and rolls him over onto his back)  It seems Mr. "Al" had a bit of a rebellion... His fighters threw HIM into the arena!"


"Yea mean I don' haveta fight dat BIG guy GRENDEL???  I don' know WHAT I was dinkin...Say.. Jeevie poo?  Two questions for yah... *boip*  Didst dey ged dat POWAH amah.. powah Armor??  DA BIG METAL SUIT!!!!  .. and... WHY are you messin wid my SWIMMIN TWUNKS!!!??!??"


"Sir.. yes they DID obtain power armor... but this scenario forBIDS it... The weapons are... *sigh* other Kenzerites... and as for your buttocks.. I am JABBING THEM!!"


:eek1: uh.. Jeeves?? 


"Don't worry sir... Just a little prick..."





(Kool-Aid man themesong starts)

(Sayburr crashes through wall)


[glow:#000000]:Jolly[/glow] OH YEAH!!!!! CRASH BANG BOOM BANG BOOM!!!  It's CENSORING TIME!!!!!!!!!




:WeirdPete: darnit..... (leaves through the hole in the wall he just made)


"Ow... heheheheheh boy do I feel silly... shay... dat hoits.. *boip* what's in dat hypo??" asked the inebriated King of the Arena.  "Just coffee" smiled the Butler as he straightened his uniform.


WHAAAAAT?  Jeeves?!?!? You could KILL ME LIKE THAT!!!!  Injecting a Glucose and caffeine substance I can understand but COFFEE???it will.."


"Actually sir.. it was a mix of stimulant and vitamin B12.  The scare was just to get some addrenilin in your system, and the extras in that little cocktail should have you up and about with only ONE minor hiccup."




"Actually a yawn... A TECHNICOLOR one I'm afraid..."




**************************************many pints later*****************************


*sigh*...  "Okay... new rule... No stocking the fridge before a fight...."


"Yes sir...  We DO have to hurry sir...  You have to be on the set ... ah.. Five minutes ago...."


nnnngh.... "what's the setting???  Why is there a teleporter in my garage...?  WHY ARE YOU HITTING THAT BUT..."


(Dean is teleported away)


"Because the fight is on Sesame street, and the new Master of ceremonies wanted realism... AND BECAUSE YOU PUKED ON MY SHOES!!!!!


To be continued


Crazeyal said:

DeanTheAdequate materialized in the middle of the road.  His head was telling him that it ws NOT a successful teleport, and that materializing in the road was a LITERAL thing, and he was going to die within seconds....


But that was just the mother of all hangovers.



"Nggh... Why .. Why did Jeeves do this to meeeeee?  (*pounds head on pavement to make it feel slightly better*)"


Hello mister...  Elmo see you look SAD!! Elmo sing songs till your happy!!!!




This is the song dat nevah enddds.. I just go ON and On My FWIENDSssss Someding ELmo forget and SOmeding SOMEDING SOMEDING Dis is da Song DAt NEvah ENNNNNDS It just go on and onnnn my FWIENDS.. Did Elmo say dat alweady? Den get weady weady weady.. Dis is dah...



THUD WHUD Blood! WHAM BAM  (thank you ma'am!)bipbapBOOEY!!!


Elmo go to Hospital now.. Could Elmo have his leg back? Elmo know it ALWAYS improtant to say PWEASE and DANK YOU...andd...





Preety light.... Elmo go towards....... weeeeeee



"mmh.. Jeeves... Made Dean .. nto... KILL MACHINE....  must kill LOUD NOISE.. ow.. ow...  Crazeyal llll..llll  Come out to PLAY ayyyyyyyy... CRAZEYAL LLLLLLLLLLLLLLL COME OUT TO PLAY EEE AY!!!!!  grr... Need three beer bottles to clink together...Must go to corner store....






"BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!  It's just not the same since Jim died!!! My life is a LIE!!!! BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!"


(as the old man runs out of the store, Dean leans on the front counter and notices something)


"mmmm... Cash registery... "  CHING!




"oops... well... atleast I don't need a key...." Sproing


"You COULD have just hit "no sale..."


"CRAZEYAL!!!!  D-don't come any closer.. I've got a CASH REGISTER AND I'M NOT AFRAID TO USE IT!!!"


"Oh please.. you can barely STAND straight... Let me just hit you once, we can say we fought and you can go sleep it off. Whatcha say??"




As Crazeyal enters the store, he closes the door behind him, setting off the tiny chimes the old man kept on the door to alert him to customers.


Ching Ching




ummm... YIPE?!?!?!?


To be concluded (yes tonight)


Crazeyal said:

*****************************Some time later*****************






"I think we lost him.."


[glow:#0000FF]:SquirrelAngry:[/glow] "Crazy guy got any COOOOKIES??"



"Now is NOT the time...


[glow:#0000FF]:SquirrelAngry:[/glow] [color:"0000FF"] "I ALWAYS time for COOOKIES!!!"




Oh no!!!








From the ruined hidey hole of the late Oscar-the-Grouch Crazeyal watches Dean rip the Garbage can lid away and snatch the blue haired Monster with one blood covered hand.  Terror fills his eyes as he realizes ANOTHER of his childhood friends is going to be taken away.  The wounded and bleeding champion of the Arena looks down at the ground for a moment, and then back at the struggling blue mass of Fur.  "What the FLYING HELL am I doing???" He wonders aloud.




[/f]KATANN ANG ANNNNG[/f][/glow]

Crazeyal holds the broken stick next to the Garbage can that he just beat the HELL out of, and motions to Dean that he's willing to do it PLENTY more. Dean, having been reduced to a frothing pain wracked, wild eyed MADMAN by all the loud deathscreams and explosions, flinches a bit at the actual thought of PREVENTABLE noise.  Crazeyal motions with the stick towards the Blue furred Monster.  When Dean is slow to comply, Crazeyal raises the can on high....


And Cookie Monster is released.


Dean looks around desperatly.  Some portion of his mind is still functioning, he KNOWS there is something he is supposed to be doing... but he cannot focus through the pain to remember.  The one threatening noise... hasn't made any... Could Dean go to SLEEP???  maybe... if that nagging doubt would just let him.. sleep....



Ray slowly lowered his improvised weapons and bled as quietly as he could.  Dean had done a NUMBER on him...  He couldn't BELIEVE this guy was so VIOLENT... The chunks of flesh he was missing told a differant tale.  And the story they told scared him.  Badly. 


Crazeyal....  Forget Crazeyal... RAY should be DEAD!!!  He'd been bleeding through an artery wound for a good twenty minutes.  He tried giving up, Dean actually bit him HARDER when he did that...  The punches and kicks, and even hip tossing him through a plate glass window hadn't slowed Dean down.  And everytime someone made noise, Ray lost some flesh!


It was time to END this....


little noises attracted him, but didn't set off the beserker rage, so Ray put on his "crazeyal" face and started tapping the stick against the floor.  "nu.. more...."






DeanTheAdequate charged straight up to Crazeyal, with murder in his heart.


Ray blinked.

Crazeyal thrust the stick straight into Dean's murderous heart.













TAke....  th...


Ray looked down on the inert form and tears started to form in his eyes...  "It was only supposed to be a CONTEST!!!"





[glow:#FF0000]I DIDN'T WANT THIS!!!![/glow]



Smashing a overturned garbage can into the street, Ray looked upon the burning street named Sesame.  God... So many dead...  And what the FLYING heck were Bert and Ernie doing with those Riding crops???  DAMMIT!! If only he'd had a CAMERA!!!! Ray's foot lashed out to the garbage can again, only to stop mid kick...







Dean stood there, the broken stick dangling out of his chest, blood POURING out of the ragged wound, and STILL HE LIVED!!! STILL HE RAGED!!!


The words of the new master of ceremonies filled his head And for weaponry, why they're to use

whatever other board members are available.  NOTHING else would kill us here....  Other Kenzerites.... other... hmm.. Hell.. it worked before...



[color:"000000"]NINJAS SUCK!!!!!




[glow:#FF0000]NINJORZ SUXXORZ!!!![/glow]





GALANOR!!!  (god.. kill me now... I'm %#$%^# GLAD to See Glanor!!!)  He says that Ninjas can't move silently and that you AREN'T a real Ninja!!!



UTHINKNINJORZ cn b BEATEN!!! dude I AM THE GABE KAPLIN OF NINJORZ!!!!!  I AM2 KEEL you now!!!  TAKE THAT HA! Take THIS!  take.. wait a minute.. where is it?? no.. that's me.... hmmm no.. still me... hmm maybe Ninja master need diet.... hmm still me.. AH!!!! found sword... sword stuck..... NNNNNNNNGH  darn.. pants too sticky...


DeanTheAdequate:  moo?




uh... my mom made me wash that....


Crazeyal... oh for the lovah....


DeanTheAdequate: Dean confused...  Need sleepy.....








Crazeyal : DAMMIT!!! 


Eirishluck fires his pastry gun  into his hand and chews away as Galanor get's ripped a new one. SEVERAL new ones. 


Crazeyal: um.... hey Eirishluck ... Could you.. fire that thing at Dean????


Eirishluck : sure..  (Pum)  *SPLAT*




Crazeyal: DAMMIT!!  think think think......  And for weaponry, why they're to use

whatever other board members are available..... ohGOD!!!!!  YOU PERVERTED KITTEN!!!!  I KNOW YOUR GAME NOW!!


Crazeyal grabs Eirishluck by the scroff of his neck and rams his head straight into Dean's.




Crazeyal: BOOYAH!!!!!


Raising the smaller Kenzerite above his head, Crazeyal slams him down into the surprised and increasingly helpless Dean.


Eirishluck:OW..OW.. I..AM OW! NOT..A..OW..BLUNT ..INSTRUMENT!!!




Dean finally succumbs to the brutal beating, just as Eirishluck break's Crazeyal's grip on him.  Eirishluck fires his pastry gun, scoring a direct hit on Al's face, blinding the bleeding and beaten scrapper just long enough to make his escape.




"ohhhh no....."  Crazeyal runs over to the inert form of Galanor and literally rips him limb from limb.  Dean stand up with a screeching cry, ready to resume his reign of Terror on Sesame street.... when his eyes go wide.  He looks down and see's Galanor's dismembered foot sticking out of the ragged hole already in his chest. Dean takes one final step towards Crazeyal....






"phew... glad he wasn't lying about washing that thing.... !!"


End round 1 Crazeyal


DeanTheAdequate said:

"Oh my sporrin!" says Dean as he stares into the hastily constructed television duct taped to the commandeered console "Do I really sound like that?"


"'Fraid so sir." says Highwind "I really...  REALLY didn't want you to use the DeanBot.  It was for emergencies only."


"Pshaw!  Like getting stomped by Al's minions wasn't threat enough."


Dean quickly knocked back yet another Prarie Oyster to kill a bit of the pain.


"They're about to throw the fight to Al." Highwind reminded "You'd better get to the place we agreed on."


"Yeah, yeah...  Let's hope he dosen't have a spare Kenzerite in his boot, or it's all over."



The ground still smoulders as muppets and a whole ethnic diverse community cower in the allyways and shadows.  But it's clear who the victor is.  CrazyAl stands in the middle of the street, huffing and puffing like 4:20 at a hydroponics farm.


Up from his lofty seat, Lurker rolls his kitty eyes.


"Really, not much of a chase there." he sighs "I preferred it when you were trapped in a corner by Big Pimpin' and given a taste of your own banjo...  But alas, it looks as if the winner of this round is..."


But before the name is said...  A familier chord is struck over the speakers, LOUD.  The "Iron Chef" entry theme begins it's chant as Dean rises from a convenient manhole cover.  As the music reches it's peak...


...A large bird dropping gives Dean a 2/3 coating.


"You yellow sunofa..." Dean says as he makes a small incantation to summon.  A quick blast of his new 12 guage and Big Bird flops with a heavy thud in between the combatants.


CrazyAl stares in disbelief as Dean quaffs a potion of "Clean and Dry".


"That...  That..." CrazyAl stammers.


"Was a total cop-out, I know" says Dean "The 'Evil Twin' niche' is soooo cluttered right now.  Really, it was supposed to have a goatee so you'd KNOW..."


But he was talking to nothing.  Al had run off.


"Aw man..." Dean called up the Who's Online listing "What to do, what to do..."



Al ran down the allyway, checking the list as well.


"C'mon, c'mon...  Here we go!  I PM... OOOOOF!"


He ran into a big red mass.  Part elephant, part macreme'.


"Hey guy...  Could I have a twenty for some downers?"


"I don't have time to deal with your slow self, MOVE!"


Al quickly scrambled over Snuffy and sent his PM.


Now if only it was answered in time...



"Now let's see here," Dean said "All I have to do is cross the street..."


Dean puts out a leg and is immediately given a splitting shin.


"Oh no...  It's following all the rules of the show.  I've got to find a hand."


"Me help!  Me help!  Hospital across street!  Take Elmo's hand!"


Dean looks sadly down at the little red muppet and extends his hand.  They walk about halfway across when Dean shakes loose and bolts for the other side as Elmo is cremed by a speeding mail truck.


"Sweet." says Dean.  He began to admire his work when he was hit about the head with GLJordan.


"Arrgh!  Sweet cripes!  Why did that hurt so much?"


"Three word 'opinions' to get the old post count up?" Al says, brandishing GL like a louisville slugger "Seriously, it's pretty wooden acting all around."


Dean quickly took to his heels and rolled through the PM lising, summoning up Lyriel.  The three give pause.


"You realise a world weary traveller and frequenter of many a vampire LARP has no problems dealing with a risque hotty gamer chick." Al says "Even moreso uneffected because of my really great wife."


"Yeah.  But I do have a few of her uncensored avvies."


Dean inputs a command as several pictures of nerd-worthy demi-pron pop up all over the place. 


"Your point?" Al says with a sneer as he hefts GL for a finishing blow.


"You'll see..." and with that Dean turned ethereal. 


"Isn't that che..." Al began, and then he heard it.  Even GL was rousting from his standard state.  He heard the stampede...


Hundreds of Kenzerites including MrThou, Brainguyd20, Otakuguy, Jhulae, Jimu113, HeironeousLord, DireApe, leif106, HisDivineShadow, and even Skeet (Such a joiner) rush to the scene.  The ensuing trample left Al a twisted heap on the ground.


"Wait..." he said with a sputtering cough "I still function..."


Dean pops out of his self-induced ghostliness and gave a sharp whistle.  Galanor slinks out of the shadows, buttering up a frisbee.  As the HAXXOR NINJA begins to administer the pill, Huskie flips out, kills Galanor, then shoves the frisbee down Al's throat.


"THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE!" Huskie shouts as he does the secret ninja dance of joy.


"Um... well that went everywhere at once, didn't it?  I need a drink."


"There is no hard liquor on the street of seeds Dea-san" Huskie says, his Ninja-ness still on.


"Then butter me up another frisbee..."

As it turned out, I took the round but lost the popular vote. Al seemed to really need a good write off. He's won both of the other duels he was in, and keeps a gaggle of fans for his LARP stories. Also, I apologize for the broken smilies and whatnot. Untranslatable UBB code, dontcherknow. And now, let's look at round 2...


[glow:#6699CC]Then what's good for the creations... IS GOOD FOR THE CREATOR!!!!! [/glow]



WHA?? Geddoffmeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee*














[glow:#FFFF00]...unn... ay... ppin... s'awa....[/glow]








[glow:#FFFF00]Sunny Day

Sweepin' the clouds away

On my way to where the air is sweet


Can you tell me how to get,

How to get to Sesame Street [/glow]



To be continued



To be continued


LurkerWithout said:

As the Sesame Street set slowly withdraws into the floor of the

Arena, a small army of medtechs and clerics rush out.  The wounded

are repaired and the dead are revived.


As CrazyAl is wheeled back to the loving arms of his "people", Dean

is rushed into the Lounge and hooked up with a Gin IV.


His Imperial Kittenish once again stands and addresses the crowds.


"Muwr, yes that was indeed a lovely event.  But now for the second round.

And a new guest judge.  But feel free to stay Cygnia and enjoy the Arena's



As everyone looks on the giant floor of the Arena seems to expand.  And

then fill with thousands of gallons of sea water.  From the center an

"island" of lashed together pontoons and wooden platforms bobs up to

the surface.  Scattered about this raft are several crates filled with

baseball bats.  Wooden ones, aluminum ones, ones wrapped in barbed wire and

ones with nails in them.


"For this event, our brave contestants will have to maintain their balance

on this floating bit of scrap.  But watch out for the friendly relatives of MrThou

waiting below the water.  Winner is the whoever scores the best "home run". 

And for our guest judge, let us welcome the Bunny Emperor Leif."


DeanTheAdequate said:

Dean steps out of his corner.  An assistant brings over a bucket for the 'swish and spit'.  Dean pushes the lad away, gargles, then swallows.


"Never a drop wasted lad" he says as he steps into the catapult.  He's launched into the pontoons, barely standing in the choppy waves.  But soon he gains some footing from his VR training (i.e. that one time when he drank a five gallon bucket of varnish and Goldshlauger).


He carefully balances and is still...  Until Al is pulted in opposite him.  Both wobble and fall a bit, but then thier eyes catch...


"Well, screw this." Al says as he slides into the water and begins swimming towards one of the boxes.  Dean follows suit to a box much closer.


As they awkwardly crack open the crates, they each rush to the waterlogged main area again.


Al stands triumphant with an old NYC childhood favorite.  The duct taped broom handle for a stickball game.


Dean brings his weapon to bear...  A plastic yellow wiffle ball bat.


"Urm...  I think this is the point where we have to run in and scream at each other." says Dean.


"Battle cries." Al responds "Has to be battle cries."


Al and Dean heft thier weapons and cherge... carefully.




"NOT IN THE FAAACE!" Dean responds as they clash bats...  And wobble into the drink.



Both the combatants flail for a moment, but Al digs dep and remembers his training.  With a quick upstroke he hits surface and snaps his broomhandle over a pontoon.  He dives back to see Dean flailing towards the surface.  He thrusts down again and catches Dean in the arm.  As Al comes around for another pass Dean readys himself for it.  He catches the makeshift spear and pushes past it.  Both combatants lose momentum and are left to trying thier best to scramble at each other for a few moments.


And then they see them.


The blood from Dean's arm drew up some sharks to join the fray.  The two combatants quickly pull themselves to the surface.  Then bob fo a bit as they catch thier breath.



A few minutes later Al is up and hopping to another box.  This time a nice Louisville slugger.


Dean, for some reason, still has the wiffle bat and is using it as a makeshift cane.  Al, howevver, has his sea legs.


"Aw poot..." Dean says as he begins hobbling away.  Lurker appropriately puts on "Yakkiy Sax" as the chase ensues.


Dean staggers and Al goes for a hit.  But on his way down Dean rolls the pontoon and Al stumbles past, falling over the next pontoon.  As the louisvill slugger floats by, Dean picks it up.


"And now the other hand, is on the other bat... or something..."


Dean swings over and over at CrazyAl's backuntil Al slips back into the water.  Dean steadies himself, but Al dosn't surface.


Dean knows it's not over.  The round hasn't been called.  He spots one of the containers dipping, and then sinking.  Dean heads over, wiffle bat in one hand, slugger in the other.  He approaches carefully, but all is quiet.


Dean scans around.  The Box is nowhere, but a small shark is seen floating belly up in it's place.


"Where IS he?" Dean muses.  But a moment later the box surfaces.  Dean swirls around... Then is knocked silly by a blow from one of those nice titanium babies.  Dean rolls over as Al brings the bat down, hard.  The pontoon cracks and begins to capsize.


Al figues he can either finish this, or head for yet another round with the sharks.  He brings the bat down again.  Dean brings up a bat.  Unfortunately for him, it's the wiffle bat.  The bat cracks and only divirts the blow a little past Dean's ear.  Dean brings up what's left and plunges it into Al's ribcage.


"Not nearly enough.." Al says as he tries to steady himself for another blow.


"Bait and switch," Dean says as he brings the louisville slugger up to the 'nads.  The pontoon has had enough!  It sucks in water and goes down with Dean and Al.  The water is ablaze with activity as the sharks find the blood.  Then all is still for a moment.  Soon a black jacketed arm is thrown onto another pontoon as Dean lifts himself out of the water.  The louisville slugger isss little more than kindling, but it seems to be coated tin the red stuff. 


Dean settles on the pontoon and begins to pat himself down.  He pulls out a roll of gause, and tosses it into the water.  He then pulls out a bottle of VO and a small bottle of asprin.  As he downs the pair an arm flops next to him.  Al tries to pull himself up, but Dean is done.  He shoves whats left of the slugger and jabs it into Al's neck.  Al sinks back below, into the darkness.


Crazeyal said:

**************************Four hours ago**********************************[/p]


[glow:#6699CC]Surely... CREATOR... you jest!![/glow]


"No Grendel.  My mind's made up.  You sealed the deal when you threw me out there.  I HAVE to be the gladiator for this match."


:Jolly: He may be the living dead... But SURELY, the Puppetmaster chafes under his own strings.  Being offered a safe way out of danger is something asmart man would recognize.... :twisted:


"Thank you for your counsel Doctor, I wouldn't presume to ignore it, but I have other considerations."


:Jolly: Ever the Gentleman... 


:Doctor... As the rather large, cloven hoofed friend of mine pointed out... YOU SCARE ME.  Being rude to you is not healthy, therefore I do my humble best to understand your meaning, while being appreciative of the favor.  The fact is, it would be rude to my opponent to switch myself out of danger now.


[glow:#6699CC]BUT...  that one... HE has ALREADY switched himself for a duplicate!!  Honor would be satisfied if you followed suit!!![/glow]


"My old Marine Corps Sargent Major laid out honor for me once..."

To be honorable, you have to do what's right.  There are no degrees of it. Being Honorable when others are honorable is EASY.  Being Honorable when others aren't... IS REQUIRED


:Jolly: The honorable dead get a flag.  The dishonorable usually get to WIN.


"Only if they are tougher than me..."


[glow:#6699CC]And HOW would this be so impossible!!!  You are nearly forty years old, your training is LONG since past, and you haven't held a weapon in a DECADE!!![/glow]


"yeah... and I'd be REALLY worried if I hadn't gotten up off my fat lazy ass a few months ago and started working out again.  But it doesn't matter.  with or without the extra twenty pounds I dropped, I would be doing this.  My word is my word, even  if SOMEONE gave it for me..."


[glow:#6699CC]Creator... please...  Do not let your pride end you!!  I do not trust these healers or their ability to correct matters if you lose again.  And what about the others?  What happens to them if you DON'T come back??[/glow]


"Second thoughts after the fact, huh Grendel?  You truely are part of me  And what would YOU DO, Grendel.. if I broke my word and called you inside the arena?"


[glow:#6699CC]I would stand fast, kill or be killed!!  I find the freedom that I wanted... a bit high priced.[/glow]


"It would cost you more than you THINK... or has it escaped you that it's BROAD FRIKKEN DAYLIGHT OUT THERE!!!!




"You'd get three steps... burst into flames, and I'd get the pleasure of seeing you destroyed, before I died.  no...  Live or die, victory or defeat.. this is MY FIGHT NOW, and I'll win it on MY TERMS!!!



**************************One minute ago**********************************[/p]


"Not nearly enough.." Al says as he tries to steady himself for another blow.


"Bait and switch," Dean says as he brings the louisville slugger up to the 'nads. The pontoon has had enough! It sucks in water and goes down with Dean and Al.


**************************Thirty seconds ago**********************************[/p]


The Kitten yawns and stretches on it's silk pillows.  Dean looks nervously down at the frothing water.  The blood in the water has stirred the Sea's ultimate predator into it's most dangerous pattern of behavior on the planet THE FEEDING FRENZY!!!!  Highwind looks over at his tired and endangered master, and then to the Arena's new master for a ruling.  To emphasize this he holds out and open palm towards Dean's harried form, and then points angrily at churning froth where Crazeyal went down.


"No... Not JUST yet..." Lurkerwithout said as he stretched again.  With one claw he pointed to the trail of bubbles just beside the mass of Great Whites jockeying for position.  "When THAT ends... it is over... not a moment sooner.  Dean stays in peril until all evidence says otherwise!"













:Jolly: Even if you survived the sunlight to the protection of the waves, the size of your .. entrance into the water would attract the predators. Half burned and dazed, you would fail AND cost him his precious honor... No, Grendel... You will stand by and watch.  Watch as yet another falls under YOUR watch.... :twisted:


[glow:#6699CC]HE. WILL.  NOT.  FALL!![/glow]


:Jolly: Technically he's floating...  But perhaps you're right... Shark feces DOES tend to keep moving a bit...



[glow:#6699CC]You will not have my pain NOR my rage Doctor...  I know why I have done this, and I may have been wrong to doubt, but I do so no longer!!  Creator... I told you to call for help if you needed it...  Say the word... Say the word and it will happen... DO NOT LET PRIDE END YOU!!!![/glow]



A shark, breaking off from the maddened territory dispute, notices the almost still form of Crazeyal, slowly descending the churning waves.  It's sandpaper rough hide scrapes along the exposed skin of Crazeyal's back.  The newly opened wound sends out fresh blood, stopping the fight above and drawing the pack as one, down towards the falling and failing combatent.




~*Need... help*~[/p]


~*Need... h-help*~[/p]








The shark's frenzy reaches a crecendo of rolling fin, muscle and teeth.  Crimson floods the water, causing the spray to reach into the air itself, the orgy of feeding and violence taking whatever control the sharks had over themselves.  Millennia of instict tell them to KILL KILL  KILL[/f]


One of the smaller sharks is wounded in the frenzy, and it's fellows turn their bloody jaws on it in a cold blooded heartbeat. The predatory dance continues as it always has, as it always will.  The strong feeding on the weak.  Unwilling to give in to the inevitable, the smaller shark leads it's brothers and sisters away from the ruined set, leaking fluids that will attract yet more of it's kind.


As Lurker looks out onto the ruined scene, Dean has scrambled onto one of the las remaining Pontoons, half maddened by the fear of the spectacle. The Kitten raises a paw, ready to declare Dean the winner, but pauses a moment for the Fallen Crazeyal.  There is nothing left to ressurect....


The waters begin to churn as if boiling.


Dean grabs onto the pontoon for dear life.


Lurker's nostrils flare and the feline sense of smell tells him what his eyes CANNOT BELIEVE!!!


A monsterous Great White breaks the surface, it's many rows of razorsharp teeth gnashing and thrashing in UNBRIDLED RAGE!!! 


LurkerWithout: It's... CRAZEYAL!!  He's....


Dean: ...riding a shark??

Highwind: ... wrapping his belt buckle around it's nose?

Jeeves: ... uh.. wearing a bandanna around his eyes?




Dean: What the?  How the?  Who the???


On the question of who... all the answers come forward with three.. little.. words....




[blink][glow:#FF0000] DUN [/f][/glow]</font>[/blink]



Dean: oh... Saybur!!!!


Crazeyal pulls tighter on his leather belt wrapped around the Shark's one weakness, it's sensitive nose.  The Belt buckle digs in a bit deeper and the giant beast does it's DAMNDEST to dislodge the irritant AND it's insane rider, to no apparent avail.  With a devilsh look in his eye, and hastily riped eyeholes obscuring his vision, the Bandana'ed madman leaps onto the belt buckle itself!  The shark shudders in pain and flips it's nose upwards, sending Crazeyal hurtling towards Dean at a rocket's pace.  The angered and confused beheamouth flials and thrashes off into the distance, faster than it approached the remains of the set.


Dean, frozen in shock by this who spectacle, reacts far too late when he realizes his combatent means to attack him instead of simply land!  Somewhere in the back of his mind, Dean comforts himself in thinking "no-one can blame me for getting hit... He didn't raise his legs to strike.. he's coming at me CROTCH FIRST!!!





:BrianL: :confused:

:Stevil: :confused:

:Gary: :confused:

:FlakJack: :confused:

:SaraL: :heart:



:Jolly: My my my...  Half a brain after all....


Crazeyal's crotch slams into Dean's nose at signifigantly under mach 3...  But no-one would EVER be able to convince Dean about that afterward...



<table style="filter:glow (color=#666666 strength=2)">KA-TANNGG ANNG ANNNNG!!![/glow]


:SaraL: :eek1: was.. that.. M-metal????


Crazeyal:  FIRST RULE OF COMBAT DEAN!!!! WEAR A $#%&!!in' CUP!!!!!!!




Crazeyal:  You tried to stab me in my PACKAGE  *kick*  DEAN!!!


Dean: MWOOF!!!  Morf teef!!! 


Crazeyal: I've had guys fire ROCKETS at me  ... KIYAHHHH!!!  Have I mentioned studying Ling Nam Su Lam?  Southern style Shoalin Boxing?YAHHHHHHHHHH I WEAR  A $#%&!ing KEVLAR AND STEEL CUP!!!!  sorry.. I think that earlobe has to go...


[glow:#6699CC]But... If he's channeling the Captain... why isn't he .. using MAGE abilities....  Chaos wasn't a fighter?!![/glow]


:Nitro: : no... He wasn't...


[glow:#6699CC]Rob... Cornelius???!!But  you..[/glow]


:Nitro:: Are the one Ray CURSED with Captain Chaos... yes...  If he was going to channel George..  He'd be Captain EVERYTHING now...


[glow:#6699CC]But if he's not Channeling... what.. what is he DOING[/glow]


:Nitro: *sigh*... Being RAY dagBLASTIT!!!!


Dean falls to the ground again, his lip split and left eye swollen shut.  Desperation and anger show through his remaining eye, though.  Beaten, bloody, but not out.  Spitting a glob of blood aside, Dean's hand falls upon a large peice of wreckage and pulls it up as a makeshift club.  Half blind but enraged beyond caring, Dean flails at Crazeyal with every ounce of energy he has.






FIVE.. SIX!! SEVEN!!!  Can he can he?? EIIIIIGHT!!!!!!



DeanTheAdequate:Huff*PUFF*HOOAAARR*GASP*  Wuh-why are y-you counting muh-my swings???


Crazeyal: Oh...  :twisted:  I'm not counting your swings......  I'M COUNTING THE CORKS I'VE PULLED OUT OF YOUR BELT FLASKS!!!  Shouldn't jump around without them corked...


Dean looks down and sees some of his rarest and most prized potions and liquors spilling over the cracked and sinking deck.  The salt water washes up and carries the expanding pool of precious intoxicants, and Dean bending over in shock and disbelief makes the situation all the worse!




Crazeyal walks over to the remnants of the Loisville slugger that wounded him and picks it up with disgust. He looks over at the harried form of Dean who is alternating between leaning over to pick up the spilled potions and jumping up when he realizes that he is spilling more.  Crazeyal uses the jagged edge of the bat to cut the remnants of Dean's belt and the entire supply falls to the ocean floor.  Dean looks over at Crazeyal with a wide eyed look of disbeleif, and doesn't even flinch when the bat is used to Hamstring him.  Without a backward look, Dean dives into the ocean for his treasures.





I'll save you!!!


I'lll... *gurgle* savvv*rggle*eee yogggggggggggllllkkkkk*


The wound makes Dean unable to swim, Dean's very nature makes him unable to leave his PRECIOUS behind...



LurkerWithout:  hmm..... aaaaaaYUP!!!  he's trying to DRINK the ocean folks.... *sigh*  annnnnd  he's dead...  The WINNER ROUND 2 CRAZEYAL!!!!

Al took that one. To tell the truth I had a hard time... I wanted action and tried quite a few things I'm unfamilier with. But hey, I kinda liked it.


LurkerWithout said:

As the water is drained from the Arena, the contestants are

healed and revived.  With Dean's death by obsession its all

tied up, one apiece.  And so to the aptly named Sudden Death



The two gladiators are quickly mended and restored and shoved out

into the Arena floor.  There the crowds go wild.  Some supporting

the Drunken Archmage, others the Mad Storyteller.  Both seem almost

surprised at the support they recieve.


Slowly from the floor a pair of booths rise up.  One for each contestant.

As the pair look up to the Emperor, he motions them onward.  As they

enter the booths a large and odd looking device rises up.  The pair

of booths slide into it and within moments a pair of energy beams flash

out into the sky.  As the crowds look upward in confusion, the roof of

the Arena closes overhead and flickers into life as a gigantic viewscreen.


The view is of an asteroid belt in deep space.  And not some couple of

rocks every hundred miles realistic asteroid belt.  Nope, this is a movie

type belt, with hundreds upon thousands of rocks of all sizes slowly

moving about.  Occasionally crashing together.


LurkerWithout:  Yes, when our brave little warriors arrive they'll be in

a vacuum.  But don't worry they'll have perfectly adequette space

suits.  Not very strong ones, but still plenty of air.  No propulsion

of course, cause that what be too easy.


The Emperor takes a moment to freshen his drink and to welcome the third

round guest judge.


LurkerWithout:  Before we announce the weapons lets all welcome the last

guest judge, Brimstone.


Cygnia and Leif stand and welcome the new Judge before getting back to

the drinking.


LurkerWithout:  And for their final weapon, the gladiators will be armed

with longbows and 100 broadhead arrows.  Hopefully they both know the

basic Laws of Motion.


Crazeyal said:

[glow:#6699CC]Again we watch and wait, Creator. Again you risk everything because we.. I desired to see you back down, to ask for help.  To know the pain we felt, if only for a little while.  It still is not too late to call for a champion.  If the sharks had devoured you...[/glow]


"But they didn't.  I admit it.  I got lucky.  I'm pushing it.  My luck won't hold and my skills are nothing compared to my chosen Avatars. But that's the very reason you ARE my Avatars, chips from the mountain of my Muse.  Grendel, You're the leader I've always wanted to be. Gregorian, you're the mad poet that I only dream to be.  Speaking in riddles thought to be nonsense, you always told the truth, even if it was hidden in a cry of fear or a burst of laughter...


:Jolly: Yes... and I..?  I am to be the cruelty that you harbor.  The justice of untold lengths... Rightous fury perhaps???


"...Or just me being a bastard and loving making people squirm..."


:Jolly: Hmmmm  how.... accurate...



:FlakJack: So.....


"Hoooo boy... What is it Gregorian??"

*Gregorian saunters up to Crazeyal, a smile on his lips and a tune on his toungue.  Happily humming and strutting, the effervescent Malkavian belies the beast within him even as his smile reveals the dagger sharp teeth.  In a flash of motion the Vampire has moved half the room's length in three great strides and grabbed Crazeyal by the throat.  The violence and anger in Gregorian's voice seems as if from another person, so alien to the Gentle Malkavian's normal contennance.  The words come out rapid fire, with a cruel lilt to the voice that seems somehow.. familiar...[/b]


:FlakJack:The little Godling ventures out on his own, clipping his Angel's wings. They flutter, they fluster, but earthbound they stay, caged birds yet still they sing. 

For onto war did the good Godling went.




With help, hope and Heros all but absent.

The best of intentions make the worst endings. When men wage war, Souls to Heaven ascendings. But what doth the Godling do when his time is nigh? If  already do you dwell above....? BUH BYE!!!!  Puppet to master, as always they say...  but remember you this... THE STRING RUNS BOTH WAYS!!!!!


*Crazeyal is released with a gurgle and a THWOMP as Gregorian skips merrily back to the corner he came from.  The LARPmaster gasps for a moment, covering his face as he regains his breath.  His visage is one of  coiled fury when he bellows "THAT ... was some TERRIBLE poetry...."


".... and would it HURT to brush yer friggen TEETH.. you got thuh [glow:#FF0000]Blood breath[/glow] man.... yeesh.... *cough*"


:FlakJack: yes...  http://www.themightypen.net/public/style_emoticons/default/ohmy.gif I went over and bit Grendel .. JUS' POR VOU!!!  Got that ol  [glow:#000000]DEATH BREATH[/glow] goin.... :evilgrin:


:confused: :confused: :confused:


[glow:#6699CC]yes.... He caught me when I wasn't looking... BUT I BROKE HIS SHINS FOR IT!!!!  [/glow]


:FlakJack: You hurt me SOOOOOOO good baby....  I can do something ELSE naughty if you hit me again??? pwease???


[glow:#6699CC]Cursed to walk the night... Ugly even by Nosferatu standards... Hunted... BETRAYED...  More fury and impotent anger than CAINE HIMSELF!!!! [/glow]*Gregorian buffs his fingernails and takes a deep intake of breath, a long tirade of silliness is sure to follow!!!* [glow:#6699CC]...and I wind up straight man to the Pauley Shore of Kindred... [/glow]




:Jolly: Impressive counterstrike... I didn't think you had it in you...


[glow:#6699CC]When you lead a pack, you must learn discipline that does NOT involve a hospital stay... I've .. DEALT.. with Gregorian before.  This should keep him occupied for a while.  Creator?  Are you well? Should I go in your stead?[/glow]


No Grendel.  Just because it is dark, does not mean it is night.  The Sun still holds sway, and there IS no night here.  You cannot go where I go, my friend. None of you can. It's time to face Dean.


**************************Space The final duel**********************************[/p]


*Crazeyal looks at his grey colored space suit with disdain.  Pulling the sleeve towards him, he sees something that clearly  confirms a suspition, and he whirls on the Arena's new master with a fury usually reserved for combat.*


LURKER!!!!  What the $#$%^&!! is this???  Why in th %^&$%ing %#%^$# do I have a RUSSIAN SPACE SUIT?!?!?!?


Lurkerwithout: purrrrrfectly simple reason...  The American models that don't have jetpacks built into them are all antiques.  These may be.. *lap*lap*lap*ahhhhhhhhhhhh *boip*  no frills.. but they DO work.


"What about telemetry? What about backup oxygen supply? What about self sealing technology???"


Lurkerwithout: Don't tell me... You were also a junior SPACE RANGER before you joined the Marines.... *lap*lap*  *boip*


"... So I READ a little bit before I came here... SUE ME!!!  I'm on the Internet... a little bit..."  http://www.themightypen.net/public/style_emoticons/default/ohmy.gif


Lurkerwithout: Sorry ... By the way.. the countdown started when you entered..



T-minus 1 minute and counting...[/f]

oh geez..."*ziiiiiPpipP* krrnnnnnnnnNNnnnn


T-minus 30 seconds and counting...[/f]

oh geez... ohhhhhh (*BEEP*)" *fwap* *THUD*  ...ow... zip zip zip  ChaLUNK zzzipCHinkzzipchink



$#%#^&!!! that was close!!!!"  ssss  *hurn*  sssss *hurn*  ssss  *hurn*  *thumpthumpthumpthump*  sss  sss ssss  ssss


"Good.. I REEEEALLY didn't want to go the whole battle sounding like Darth Vader's Russian cousin...  annnnd OF COURSE... he's out here already!!"


DeanTheAdequate stumbles in the zero G as he waves hello just a BIT too hard.  The slight hop Dean makes is enough to send him sailing sideways on the large Asteroid both comabtents start off on.  With a decidedly drunken waver to his flightpath, Dean scuffs the floor and shrugs, raising a covered martiniglass to his helmeted face and pressing a release button.  The device works perfectly.  Of course, it's designed for INDOORS zero G use, and merely releases liquid into Dean's faceplate.  Crazeyal shakes his head in bemusement as Dean flails through the sudden puddle, trying to grasp the spreading liquid with his metal gloves.


Reaching back to the quiver strapped to his suit's back, Crazeyal grasps both an arrow and the Longbow from their specially designed magnetic straps. Crazeyal's eyes narrow with concentration as he sights in on the distracted Dean.


"Okay... For every action, there is an opposite REaction... There's no gravity pulling this down... so I shouldn't have any drag on the arrrrrrowwwwww... I KNOW I'm missin' something....."


Crazeyal pulls on the Longbow, only to find the drawstring not budging very far.  The space suit was designed to allow movement, not combat, and the joints are re-enforced to prevent hyperextensions or muscle tears from bad landings. The drawstring's pullstrength is designed for a medieval hunter or warrior, an ordinary man without an encumbering suit would have a problem drawing it back.  With persistance and panic driving him, the "Mad storyteller" manages to get the string 3/4 pulled and notches an arrow.


"And here I thought hanging out with the SCA was wasted *huff* t-time...nnnnAAAAH!!!"


Crazeyal's aim is perfect. His stance however, is flawed.  On earth, the weight of the archer themself keeps the bow and the bowMAN still while firing.  The only thing keeping THIS bowman stationary is surface tension and a lack of inertia.  The arrow AND the bowman push off in opposite directions, and Dean get's to say hello to a lazilly floating arrow as the "Mad one" skids to a stop.  This fianlly garner's DeanTheAdequate's attention.  He is NOT pleased.


Dean springs to life with a summersault and a springing leap. Darting over Crazeyal's location, Dean pirrouettes in mid air and lands witha flourish.  Even through the tint of the suit's helmet, Crazeyal's gawk can be seen loud and clear.  The suit's radio crackles to life with Dean's voice.


DeanTheAdequate: Oh come now... Didsht you tink dat a MAGE wouldsht be  fweaked out by a lil' WEIGHTLESSNESS???  SHPAHHH!!!  I wuz flyin when you were a *hic* .. a  *hic...  when you weren't born yet...



"Juuuuuust great...  Good thinkg Mages can't shoot worth a damn...."



DeanTheAdequate: My Dear boUURP... My Dear bUURRROOOIP  :mad:  My good man... What m-makes you think I need to SHOOT that wretched thing...?  hmm?  TELEKINESIO!!!


"Telekinesio?? Who are you?? Harry Fraggin POTAAAAGH!!!!


The longbow has levitated and fired an arrow directly at the master storyteller, only Crazeyal's noticing it and twisting out of the way of it's less than speedy tradgectory saved him.  But the magic of Dean is not done yet, as the arrows begin to come faster and straighter. Crazeyal begins a depserate dash to save his own life, launching off the asteroid in a flip, landing in a handstand, desperatly trying to JUST. KEEP. MOVING.


DeanTheAdequate: *boip* yaknow.. if I w-wu-wAAAAAAARP was sober.. I'da hit you already... WOULD ALL THREE OH YA STAND S-STILL ALREADY???


"Not bloody likely!!!" Crazeyal grabs a loose rock and flings it towards the still reloading longbow.  Dean is just about to laugh and ask what good THAT would do, when the rock stikes the bow and snaps the taut bowstring like a cheap rubber band


DeanTheAdequate: oh... that...


"Ha..Hoof... Heh... *gasp*  Man I think the mixture ran a little light ... HUUUUH... phew... Huhhh *cough**cough*cough*"


DeanTheAdequate: Oh well... *GULP*GULP*GUlp*  mmmm Martinish...  Gotta do this the hard way...  uhh whut ta do whut ta.. hmm only rock.. all as de eye can see.. hmm hmm hmmmm  OO! Rock... SUMMON EARTH ELEMETAL!!!





Crazeyal is thrown off his feet as the very ground rises up underneath him.  A monolithic, vaguely humanoid shape coalesces from the sandy boulders and craggy rocks of the Asteroid.  The creature roars a silent scream of thunder in the Vaccum and stirkes it's mighty fists at the ground  near Crazeyal.  Stunned by the impact, the ex-Marine's footing is lost by the impact crater caused by the mighty blow.  Crazeyal can only look up at his doom as the monsterous figure looms for another strike.


The creature's formation took a massive chunk out of the asteroid, changing it's weight, size and balance.  The creature's blows to the ground further altered the course of the hurtling asteroid, straight into a horde of smaller sattelights, which immediatly start impacting on the surface.  Dean dives for cover, reliquishing control of his beast, but it does not dissipate.  The meteors slam into the asteroid, closer and closer, finally smashing into the rocky shape itself, knocking it end over end, sprawling into the dust.  The meteor shower ends abruptly and for a moment, only the shimering dust moves on the combat grounds.


Crazeyal get's up first.  His faceplate scratched and mimutely cracked, the wordsmith warrior stumbles in Dean's last known direction.  Dean, coming out from  behind an outcropping, starts a mystic incantation. Dean's hands wind through distinct and dextrous manuevers as he prepares to speak the somatic componant....



and Dean's spell fizzles into lifelessness.


DeanTheAdequate: Why would you SAY such a BLAPHEMOUS THING?!?!?!?


"Hey... you Mages have to concentrate to make a spell... just TRY to weave a spell while I'm thinking out loud!!!"


DeanTheAdequate: Fir..



DeanTheAdequate: *gack*  ohGHODyuirnasty.... Timesto..

"B-BARBRA STREISAND!!!  :shrugs: Memmmries...  light the corner of my mind. Misty water color mem..






DeanTheAdequate: Aren't you going to say something??


"No... you messed up that spell all on your own... :D"


Crazeyal takes a step towards the confused wizard and stops dead in his tracks as a shadow looms above him.  He has time to scream before the uncontrolled Earth elemental grabs at the person who hurt it last, CRAZEYAL!!!





:Jolly: ...this.... This is bad....


:FlakJack::Ah.. so SOMEONE'S finally come around...


:Jolly: hmmmmm 


:FlakJack::oh stop being so grumpy... If you had waited any longer he wouldn't have heard the little "CLUE" you wanted to give him.  The only reason you waited THAT long was pure PRIDE anyway...  So I jumped in and used YOUR voice...  As a wise man once said.. "BIG FAT HAIRY DEAL!!"


:Jolly: This would be FAR less disturbing if you hadn't justquoted "Garfield the CAT!!!"


:FlakJack::But you KNEW the quote.. right??Ehh ?? EHHHH??? :D  Now it's up to HIM to figure it out.... :(


The rocky creature roared silently and grabbed Crazeyal with both massive fists and gnashed rocky teeth at him while starting to S-Q-U-E-E-Z-E... The glass of the faceplate fractured even more.  The seams of the suit popped at the shoulders and precious oxygen hissed it's way into the cold cold void. The pain grew dimmer, the air grew thinner, the light was fading... fading....


He hurt so much...

He wanted to let go...

Something nagged at him though...

Even with all this...  in the last moments... it bothered him...

That... wasn't Gregorian




Puppet to master, as always they say...  but remember you this... THE STRING RUNS BOTH WAYS!!!!!




Grendel hesitates a second while the rest of the Avatars look on.  Gregorian shakes his head at a clearly disturbed Hannibal Lector


:FlakJack::I've done my part in this...  You got off easy once...  Put up or shut up Doc...


:Jolly:Do NOT call me "Doc"... or I shall feast on your SPLEEN seventeen times, or until it STOPS growing back!!!  Grendel... You wanted freedom.. YOU HAVE IT!! Freedom of CHOICE!!  Help him or not... but you must choose NOW!!!


[glow:#6699CC]No choice... not for one of Honor...  CREATOR TAKE MY STRENGTH!!!!![/glow]



Crazeyal's eyes glow with crimson fire as the full Elder Vampiric might flows into his veins like Lava into the Sea.  With a mighty roar that nearly deafens Dean over the radio, the creature's hands are forced open... apart... AND THEN OFF IT'S ARMS COMPLETLY


[blink][movealt]  [glow:#000000]ROARRRGHHHHHH[/glow][/blink][/f][/move][/blink]</font>[/b]


His bare hands exposed to the cold of the void, the suit's oxygen seeping out ragged holes, the faceplate completly missing, the Gargoyle's strengths hold sway.  He needs no air, the Vaccum and void are but hinderances to him and his RAGE! The creature, haggard but not yet aware of it's mortal wounds, struggles to swat the dangerous speck away, but Grendel's great strength pulls chunk after chunk away from the ragged form.  The last of the Elemental is thrown towards a mystified DeanTheAdequate, who barely dodges the once mighty rockbeast.  As Dean leaps upward and out, away from the disintegrating Elemental, he is met with a FAR greater threat.... CRAZEYAL EMPOWERED!!!


The first blow catches him center mass, doubling him over, violently changing his path of flight.  At a rocket's pace, Dean hurtles away from his attacker, but Crazeyal is NOT done with him yet.  Touching the floor, he leaps with ALL of his borrowed strength and intercepts Dean midflight, hitting him square in the back with both fists.  Hearing an audible SNAP from inside Dean's suit, Crazeyal grabs the spasming body of Dean and holds him above his head.  The Russian spacesuit begins to crack as the terrible strength flows through Crazeyal like a drug.  Dean's arms and legs form an almost perfect v as Crazeyal bends both man and metal.  The suit  itself seems to be heating up as vapor starts to rise from it..  but ... the vapor is NOT coming from Dean...


[glow:#6699CC]The... *ngh* Solar winds....  B-burn like the SUN ITSELF!!!  I.. I can t-take the pain.... b-but i-it's KILLING HIM!!!!!  H-hurry... S-s-SOMEONE TAKE MY PLACE!!!!! HE'S DYING!!!!!!![/color][/glow]


:FlakJack:Don't look at me.. Same problem...


:Jolly: Not I... We all know who ... or shall we say... HIM?




:Crutch:Boy... That man SAVED YER LIFE!!!!  YA MAY NOTA LIKED HOW HE DID IT... but he still did...


:Nitro: buh.. buh... I finally got this THING under control...


:Crutch:And how long ya think THAT'S gonna last if ya let him down when he needs ya...?


:Nitro:  dammit....  *sigh*


:Jolly:I believe you have a battle cry??


:Nitro:dun dun dun






[/f][blink]DUUUUNNNNN[/blink][/f][glow:#FF0000]LET CHAOS CAGED....

BE LOOSED AGAIN!!!!![/glow][/f]


The smoldering around Crazeyal becomes a RAGING inferno!  DeanTheAdequate is flung from Crazeyal's embrace to the tattered ground of the asteroid. The vapor becomes smoke.  The smoke becomes a whilrwind that engulfs the master storyteller.  Dean comes out of his pain wracked stupor to take advantage of the situation.  Prodding his drink display to HEALING POTION, the whiskey filled Wizard casts another spell  Repair Sundry Item and suddenly the seals on his suit are closed, and the shattered mask is whole again.  When he sees the swirling fountain of smoke begin to recede he quickly reacts to the growing threat  FIREBALL


The blast of fire smashes into the tornado and blasts it into nothingness, the fury of Dean's recent injuries perhaps causing an even bigger yeild on the mass of flames than usual.  The fire grows brighter, hotter... BIGGER 


This is not normal.


[color:"FF0000"][glow:#FFFFFF]Energy Sphere[/glow]<!--color-->[/f]</font>


The fire dances around Crazeyal like a lover, not burning, but removing heat from cooling welts and flash fried skin. 


[color:"FF0000"][glow:#FFFFFF]Matter Sphere[/glow]<!--color-->[/f]</font>


A cloud of gas surrounds and soothes the charred and chaped skin, cooling rain gently cleans the woonds while gently warmed mountain air surrounds the floating LARPmaster.


[color:"FF0000"][glow:#FFFFFF]Do you know what ELSE falls under the sway of the MATTER SPHERE Dean???[/glow]<!--color-->[/f]</font>




Scattered about the asteroid and flung off into outerspace, broken into parts smaller than the sand burying them, come the arrows.  Bidden to come and collect, mend and repair, turn...




Dean:  Just a sec.... *GULPGULPGULP* ahhhhhhh  It's still gonna hurt.. but I won't care as m..

[glow:#990033]THUNK  THUNK  THUNK THUNK thwickTHUNK ShhWOOTH STH THUNKTHUNKTHUNKTHUNthukthkthkthklthkthkthkthkthkthktkhthk[/glow]


100 arrows peirce Dean through every portion of his body, shredding the spacesuit and exposing his body to the ravages of the void. 


[color:"FF0000"][glow:#FFFFFF]Just in case there are any doubts....[/glow]<!--color-->[/f]</font>


With a wave of his hand, the Asteroid flings itself farther and farther away from the portals back into the Arena, out into the Void.  The Avatar of Chaos holds an outstretched hand with a burning globe of plasma building and building, brighter and brighter it glows.  When it starts to arc energy, the Chaos Avatar concentrates harder STILL and only when the ball plasma is shuddering and shaking wtih it's power does he release it's fury upon the asteroid.  Flying towards the suddenly still rock, the energy arcs leap off the plasma and surround the asteroid like a spider's fangs and legs wrapping around prey.  The arcs dance over the surface for a second and then draw the white hot center into the main mass of the Asteroid, blinding all onlookers with it's destructive fury.  When the fury clears, the Asteroid, and any trace of Dean's body, are gone.


[color:"FF0000"][glow:#FFFFFF]THAT's for the shot in the NADS...[/glow]<!--color-->[/f]</font>


:Jolly:hmmmmm I wonder how we are going to get that Chaos Avatar BACK where it belongs....?


:FlakJack:: For a smart guy... You're kinda DUMB... *YOU* ASK im.....






DeanTheAdequate said:

A chunk of Dean's torso and his bendy-wendy neck slams into another astroid part.  A small splitting of glass is heard.  Dean's one eye opens and it glows red.  It's lucky that there is no sound in space, for the scream could be heard all the way back on earth...



Grendel removes himself from the battlefield.  His work is done here, the creator saved, and existance, no matter how flawed, will continue.


Al floats himself over to the airlock, but finds it won't open.


"OK kitty." Al says "Open it up.  Dean's dead.  Let me down for drinks on the veranda and the complimentry afterparty."


Lurker just smirks in a very cat-like way.


"All I can say is that Dean IS dead...  But I have evidence that he's still able to fight."


"You don't mean..."


Al would have finished the thought if words didn't rip through his mind all of a sudden...


[movealt]"Oh yes... always check for treasure when the body is destroyed.  Fundamental rule of KTATTS..."[/f][/move]


Dean floats through the asteroids on a "Floating Disk" spell.  His broken spacesuit ripped way from parts of his body.  His bow and arrows in verey bad shape.  His bow is snapped in half.  And yet, he lives.


"Dean the Liche, at your service." Comes the voice "It was a slim chance, but I knew that potion of lichedom would come in handy.  And now, for you..."


Dean slides in towards Al, but Al has unstrung his bow, and good timber is good timber.  As Dean gets up close Al braces against the airlock and beats at the liche.  Dean is sent sailing off of his disc and into the maze of asteroids.


"He's DEAD Lurker" Al says in the radio "Call th fight!"


"UN-dead Al" says the kitten as he bats at his string in the Imperial box "I need him snuffed, but don't worry.  His heart-jewel had to be in the play field somewhere.  I made him do that for each course.  And his radio is out, the poor guy.  He'll only be able to talk to you with telepathy spells.  Well, you'll get used to it."


Al takes stock of what he has.  A few broken arrow bits are scattered about.  The arrowheads are quite varied, but he finds one he wants.  After some searching he finds a chunk of asteroid that will suit his purposes.  Plan in mind, he sets out to hunt Dean. 




Al floats among the asteroids searching for Dean.  But something's wrong, it's as if the rocks had stopped moving.  Usually as he pushed the rocks they would fly out of his way.  Now they felt more... solid.


This realization let him push up as two of the rocks try to crush the life out of him.  Unfortunately he manages to get his foot stuck.  Soon Dean comes from out of his shadows to gloat.


"So Al," says Dean as he raises a broken arrow "any last words before I give you one last acupuncture treatment."


"Yeah," says Al "Of all your bottles, I hope you brought your SPF 300."


And with that Al puts his plan into motion.  Siphoning from tank #2 and the auxilliarry water tank (Filled w/gin so as Dean had no "Unfair" advantage) Al jets out a mixed stram of pure oxygen and large proof alcohol.  In the same motion the flint arrowhead strikes the iron asteroid.  Dan is on fire for a moment, freaking out his newly gained undead side.  Dean slides through the asteroids to safety.  Then he lets them go.  They still feel wrong, very, very wrong.


Al looks towards the ones "closer" to earth.  He sees that they're glowing red.  Very red.  Whatever Dean had done to the asteroids had been undone by his break in concentration.  Al may have won, but he would still die.


Al looks around.  Perhaps there was an asteroid with enough mass...  Improbable that he would survive anyway, but he had to TRY.


He pulled for all his worth to a large, flat meteor the size of a manor and climbed up as best be could. As he crested the, erm, "top", he spies a figure to the opposite side.  He also felt the pull of gravety beneath his feet.


"Dean?" Al wondered aloud.


"Oh yes..." came the thought "Not a whole lot of sight seers out here don'tcherknow..."


Al checked himself over.  He still had the bow.  Sure, it was unstrung and he'd definately need strength AND time to restring it.  But there was just no chance for that. 


Dean flies into Al.  Al gives him another swipe with the bow, but Dean catches it with a free hand.


"Now now... We don't want this astroid to re-enter too, now do we?"


Dean tries to wrench the effective wooden staff from Al, but to no avail. 


"I don't have time for this," Dean's thoughts say as he makes a simple gesture.  While unfocused, Al brings the bow under Dean's chin, sending him flying away.  Al rushes forward.


"Remove the head and send it to burn up, it's the only wa..." Al stops.  He spies something glittery.  A bejeweled martini glass.  Dean's heart.  Finding the new target, Al races to it, brings up his bow.  And slumps over.



The match is called.  Meks come out of the floating space station and gather up the combatants.  Each of the opponants are brought back to life.  Or actual life in the case of Dean.  As Dean floats in his re-animation tank Lurker bursts in.


"A bow and arrow set." said the kitten "And you coulden't get it right.  He died of a lack of oxygen.  Looks as if Al will geet your arena.  And to think I let you work for me."


Dean gestured as he floated there.  If it wern't for the mask Lurker would swear Dean was smirking.  A viewscreen came on and a stagehand began to belt out a report.


"Lurker!  We found Al and his suit was intact.  The only hoses cut were the ones he used for his fire trap."


"So what killed him?" the kitten half-growled.


"We checked the tubing and found a blockage."


The stagehand held up the clogging.  A frilly pink hair bow, a christmas wrapping bow, and a bowtie with two glowing martini glasses...


Behind him, Dean's tank was churning with bubbles as he laughed inside his mask.

Well, Al took the end round as well. But frankly, we were having too much fun. So Al put up an epilouge...


Crazeyal said:

**************************20 minutes ago**********************************[/p]


"Lurker! We found Al and his suit was intact. The only hoses cut were the ones he used for his fire trap."


"So what killed him?" the kitten half-growled.


"We checked the tubing and found a blockage."


The stagehand held up the clogging. A frilly pink hair bow, a christmas wrapping bow, and a bowtie with two glowing martini glasses...


Behind him, Dean's tank was churning with bubbles as he laughed inside his mask.


**************************5 minutes ago**********************************


"I can't believe you almost lost the arena!!!!"




"Oh stop that... You took a potion of LICHDOM, not Zombism... It's not MY fault you allowed yourself to get nuked before you defeated that NUTJOB Crazeyal. AND STOP GNAWING ON MY PILLOW!!!"




"*Sigh*  The sooner you take this post back, the sooner I can get back to my sniping... uh.. duties at Lurkland.  I have to say, this *IS* one impressive setup. Oh Jeeves.. Another Milk and tonic  for the road eh?  The fact that you enchanted the entire Arena simply staggers me."




" yes yes... I saw the automated  robotic servants in the "Master's chambers".  you sick dog you...  Wait.. how in the WORLD did I understand that????  "


[glow:#336600]BRAINS.... http://www.themightypen.net/public/style_emoticons/default/ohmy.gif[/glow][/f]???


"Ah... The potion is temporary?  The lichdom wears off?  Ah... I always understood Lichdom took quite some effort. The potion was just a last ditch effort and now you are.. Degenerating???  What happens when it wearsoff completly?"


[glow:#336600]BRAINS  :([/glow][/f]


"Death?? But you're already dead??  This won't DO!!!  We'll have to get some of those high level clerics you've bartered into service and have your body restored then ressurected...  As soon as they're done ressurecting Crazeyal, they can work on you. what IS taking them so long?  It was only a simple suffication, he should be up and running by now"


The head cleric humbly walks up to the kitten and the shambling mess that was once DeanTheAdequate.  Her robes are stained with the proof of her efforts to revive Crazeyal, a mixture of blood, char and dust cover the once white garment.

Cleric:.... uh.. I'm s-sorry sir... this has never happened in all my years of s-service!!!


"Calm down High Priestess.  What seems to be the problem?  *lap*Lap*Lap* *BOIP*"


Cleric:  http://www.themightypen.net/public/style_emoticons/default/ohmy.gif my.... spells seem to have.. NO EFFECT!!!


"But.. that's IMPOSSIBLE!!!"




Cleric: I know... I checked his life signs, there were none...The spell went off perfectly, I know it woked because the arena floor started growing grass under his body after I cast it.  I've cast this spell HUNDREDS of times before.  The only time it hasn't worked was...  *GASP*


[glow:#FFFFFF]When the recipiant was FAKING being dead....[/glow]<!--color-->[/f]</font>


Cleric: Oh Dear...

"Uh Oh..."





[glow:#FFFFFF]I was content to let you win....

I would have let you keep your toys...

I would even have let you boast about beating the undefeated CHAMPION...

But you couldn't leave it alone.....


[/f]SO BE IT[/glow]<!--color-->[/f]</font>


Energy crackles around Dean as he prepares a spell, but his state is such that he is just ONE SECOND too slow loosing his magic.  It is one second too much.


[glow:#FFFFFF]MATTER SPHERE[/glow]<!--color-->[/f]</font>


Dean, Lurker, and the support staff of the Arena all freeze in their tracks as the very air around them is changed to crystal.  Dean's fireball spell goes off, but only manages to melt the transformed elements about twenty feet in front of the undead Mage's trapped form.







Crimson lines of light fly from the center of Crazeyal's levitating body, crisscrossing the Arena's many levels.  They fly into and out of secret passages, hallways and skyways alike.  Never slowing, actually increasing with each passing second.  Suddenly each and every line stops, reverses or plows forward in the same direction.  The hundreds of glowing traces all point towards a specific spot.  One that the Kitten appreciates very little.


"My LITTERBOX??!?!?  You hid your heartgem in my LITTERBOX!?!?!?





Crazeyal holds the fragile jewel in one hand and starts to squeeze.  Fissures appear in the gem, and Dean convulses a silent scream as energy starts to leak out of his undead form.




[color:"FF0000"][glow:#FFFFFF]One question

One word



Dean is DEAD, and is now unable to fight.  Getting him back if you destroy that gem will be hard, costly and time consuming.  And YOU will have to complete the task if you want to claim this Arena. I just have one question to ask before I give you the win...


[color:"FF0000"][glow:#FFFFFF] Proceed[/glow]<!--color-->[/f]</font>[/p]


"Who ARE you?  Crazeyal certainly could be this cruel, but you lack his... style... 



[color:"FF0000"][glow:#FFFFFF]Perhaps...  Perhaps not...  After Defeating Dean, I realized that the only thing I had to look forward to was returning to Servitude and imprisonment with the former Avatar of Chaos.  [/glow]<!--color-->[/f]</font>[/p]


"Wait... you are saying you are the power.. the CHARACTER lent to Crazeyal... Captain Chaos??? I find this hard to believe...  I've heard the stories... Captain Chaos was.. was..

[color:"FF0000"][glow:#FFFFFF]A fool[/p]



Rob Cornelius knew he could not get rid of the parasite that had invaded him without dying.  But he chaffed at the personality forced upon him in dangerous situations.  A Son of Ether Mage can do wonders if given the proper motivation though.  Too bad he was GREEDY.  He attempted to rid himself of the over-ride personality while keeping the power.  Much to his sorrow, he succeeded.  The spirit of Captain Chaos was excised, while leaving the very thing that powered it intact.  It took half of his order to stop me when I realized that they'd actually been foolish enough to free the embodiment of Chaos.  The Mages still could not seperate me from Cornelius, only the creator could do that.  Cornelius refused to ask for help, and then was thrust into the onus of being on guard FOREVER, or allowing his nemisis to feel what HE had felt.  The fact that he'd ALSO be paying back the life-debt owed sealed the  pact.


And here I am.... [/glow]<!--color-->[/f]</font>[/p]


uh.. MROW!!! phit!!  No offense or anything.. but could you .. I dunno... GET US SOME AIR THAT ISN'T SOLID?!?!??!



[color:"FF0000"][glow:#FFFFFF] The crystal was porus. my .. host.. slumbers.

So long as I do not violate his ingrained moral codes, he STAYS that way.  But he WILL defend himself.  I find myself hungering.  For too long did I exist inside a being  who's very nature was order. I MUST FEED ON CHAOS!!!  I shall let you and your staff go.  We shall fight. Perhaps with the Mage's aid, you might even stand a chance....  But the death, carnage and GLORIOUS CHAOS shall feed me for CENTURIES....[/glow]<!--color-->[/f]</font>[/p]


"uh... or you could take over the Arena..."



[color:"FF0000"][glow:#FFFFFF]WHAAAT?? [/glow]<!--color-->[/f]</font>[/p]


"We don't WANT to fight.  You won fair and square. Like it or not, you are still Crazeyal, or a part of him, and HE WON THE ARENA.  Let the staff go and they'll even work for you.  Dean, the idiot, set the place up to respond to anyone who can righfully claim themselves as *Master of the Arena*"


At that moment the crystal disapears, Dean stops convulsing and the staff... runs away.. QUICKLY.  Except for the head Cleric.



[color:"CC9999"][glow:#FFFFFF]UNDEAD COMMAND




The rapid fire progression of the magic barely gives Dean time to scream before he is engulfed again and again in powerful magic.  The priestess calls to her diety itself and begs for protection of Dean's soul and mind.  As violently as the ressurection started, the gentleness of it's cessation radiates throughout the arena's floor.  Even Dean's ruined garment becomes whole.  His voice, even and steady, gives thanks to the woman who just gave him back his existance.





[/p]You have been a mighty opponant.  You risked everything for the fleeting thing called EXCITEMENT.  I offer you a place amongst my staff.  these wall will hold battles unseen since the Titans lost their wars. 


JOIN ME.... [/glow]<!--color-->[/f]</font>[/p]



"Well Dean?"


"Will you hand me a Martini?  Getting rezzed always clears my head and I DON'T want to be sober for THIS decision!!!!"




No vassal of mine will dull their senses!!!!  I offer you a place here.  I will even offer you an eventual chance to win back your prize, but only AFTER I've fed.  BUT... Clouded people make wonderful chaos, BUT TERRIBLE SERVANTS!!!!  Make your choice Dean.... A chance at your seat of power... eventually.. or Intoxicants. Choose well....[/glow]<!--color-->[/f]</font>[/p]


To be continued by DeanTheAdequate


DeanTheAdequate said:

Dean turns his head.  He sees the audience in rapt attention.  He sees the staff, loyal, dependable, adaptable.  He sees the polish and shine of every seat, every vendor, evey skybox. 


In the silence of the moment, he looks at the parasite.


"No." he says, definately. 


"Then I will have to create my own chaos..."  the parasite says.  A bolt of energy rockets towards the priestess.  She brings her hands up in a futile gesture...


But the magic is deflected.  An arc of magic was summoned before her before the blast consumed her.


"No." Dean said again "I did not lose to you.  You are but a TOOL.  Weilded expertly when needed.  Placed back in your velvet lined box when not.  But you're trying to be in charge.  No tool can handle that."


"Your answer, then" the parasite says "The drink or the stage."


"Right now, I shall partake of neither.  The stage is Al's.  The drinks are last call."


The temperature cools.  A wind rustles at the two enteties.  The priestess gathers up Lurker and heads off to safety.  It does not pay to be in the middle of a wizard's duel.


Silence.  Both figures stare at one another without blinking.  Minutes pass.


"What are they doing?" hisses Lurker to the priestess.


"It's all about thier mental energy now," she responds "One slip of concentration and who knows what will happen to you.  And don't think Dean's going to be a pushover.  Ressurection purifies toxins from the body..."


"You don't mean..."


"Yeah, he's sober..."


At that moment, Dean shifts his foot and the colors begin flying.  Arcs of energy begin striking spheres of resonating sounds and colors.  Each being trying thier own to get in that one spell that will assure them victory.


"It seems deadlocked..." says Pimpdaddy.


"Not so..." says Grendel "I have seen the parasite take a few hits he dosen't seem important to block.  A simple ESP message."


Grendel pulls on a sort of invisable string and places his hand on a piece of paper.  The message scrawls itself out.


...You get the prize Al, no, Ray.  Now TAKE it.  YOU need to reach out.  I can only help you up and hold him off from consuming you for now.  You must stand on your own...


"What does it mean?" Lurker says as he sidles over.


"It means if the creator dosen't use his prize," Grendel says "We;re all about to experience the wrong end of chaos..."


The spells continue to clash.  The skies take on a darker color.  Parts of the arena begin to shake from the strain.  It won't be long before everythign is consumed by thye gathering storm...


To be Continued By CrazyAl


Crazeyal said:

Dean and the Chaos Avatar squared off, again and again. Feint, countestrike, subtle ploy and simple unbridled HATRED, all of it played forth between the two magical forces.  The captive form of Crazeyal, housing the Avatar of Chaos, glows a blackened red as the power flows towards Dean.  Dean, in response is AMAZING as he pulls spell after spell, Illusion and even Cantrips to deflect, defer and disipate the aggressor's attempts at murder.


[glow:#BBFF00][color:"FF0000"] LIGHTNING BOLT



... [/glow] uh...[glow:#BBFF00][color:"FF0000"]BELCH!!! [/glow]


[color:"FF0000"][glow:#FFFFFF]MATTER SPHERE

Energy Sphere

ENTROPY!!!! [/glow]<!--color-->[/f]</font>

Dammit[/p] *buuuuuoip*  You WILL die for that...


Dean is ragged, holding on by an edge, breathing in ragged gasps, AND DEFIANT STILL!!!


[glow:#FFFF00] [color:"000000"]TIME STOP!!![/glow]


The Avatar of Chaos is held frozen, as if in Amber.  Dean pulls scratched and blackened magical componants out of his ragged robes and sets them up rapidly. As the spell expires, a cruel glower escapes Dean's concentration.


[glow:#BBFF00][color:"FF0000"]BANISHMENT!!! [/glow]<!--color-->[/f]</font>[/b]


The Chaos Avatar's eyes grow wide as the seemingly harmless objects spark, glow and then hum with an Eldritch energy. Blackness fills the void between the quickly strewn componants, and the darkness itself starts to move.  Tendrils of ink black night spear forth, defying the light to dispell it.  Then the look of surprise becomes one of disdain.




The Blackness of the tendrils fades to grey, then white, then dissolves to the ether.  The Chaos Avatar glows with Eldritch energy and a renewed fury as he turns to face Dean again


[color:"FF0000"][glow:#FFFFFF]NOTHING is forever. The skies themselves will eventually fall. The very earth you stand on is only temporary. THAT is the power of entropy. I AM ENTROPY. I AM INEVITABLE.  <font size="3">






Dean becomes translucent, then unseen. The Chaos avatar rages, fire lashes the area around where he stood, but no trace of the magician is found.  The Chaos Avatar blindly rakes the heavens and earth with lightning, but fails to notice the two simple footprints in the sand, DIRECTLY BEHIND HIM!





The Chaos Avatar's visage grows dire when Dean's mocking laughter surrounds him from all angles.  Crazeyal's eyes close and the glow surrounding him dims a moment, and suddenly flares brighter thean the midday sun.


[color:"FF0000"][glow:#FFFFFF]Matter Sphere[/p][/glow]<!--color-->[/f]</font>


The Earth itself rumbles and roils under sway of magic. The ground for miles around cracks under the sudden pressure.  A dust storm forms from the land grinding against itself, growing wider and wider, spreading throughout the land like a swarm of locusts.  Then the earthquake stops as suddenly as it started. The dustcloud roils forward a second and then stops as if time itself has been halted. Slowly each of the motes of dust and grains of sand start to glow and move, seemingly of their volition.  The swarm the land, sweeping this way and that. Dean's protection of invisibility fails as he is coated head to toe in the glowing sand.  Then the main swarm of angry glowing embers falls upon him like a tidal wave hitting the coast. Dean didn't even have time to scream.




The energy embers flow away, their power ebbing and fading as they do.  The remnants look akin to a furnace being lightly stoked, belying their ominous nature of mere seconds ago.  Dean lay prone, unmoving on the ground.  The Avatar motioned with his hand and Dean's unmoving form flips rightside up. Dean's eyes snap open, filled with rage.


"Did you think it was going to be THAT easy??!?!  You don't know why I drink the way I do... You think me a befuddled POWERLESS SOT!!! YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT I WENT THROUGH TO GET THIS POWER!!!!  [glow:#FF0000]YOU DON"T KNOW ANYTHING!!![/glow][/f]


Dean's eyes glow a fiery red... AND THEN CATCH ON FIRE!!!!  Pinpricks of blood show up on his forehead, spreading to a trickle, then a flow of crimson as gnarled horns force their way through his reddening flesh.  The Chaos Avatar is thrown back as the Demonic DeanTheAdequate makes his displeasure known.


[color:"FF0000"][glow:#FFFFFF]THIS.. is not.. possi..



The Chaos Avatar crumples under a low blow from a clawed fist from the now DEMONIC Dean.  Fire sppreads around his reddening hands, as he squares off for another strike.




Dean's eyes curl up in his head as seizures wrack his body and mind alike. He foams at the mouth. Dean's skin cracks and splits from internal hemorraging. His newly grown fingernails fall off, leaving the quick ragged and bleeding.  Gagging and gasping for breath, Dean defiantly looks up at his attacker, and his eyes open wide in surprise.


[color:"FF0000"][glow:#FFFFFF]You thought physical force would stop me?  You had more chance with your feeble magic.  Demonic possession? The only thing safe from me WAS your soul... I...



Speaking about being safe....


[color:"FF0000"][glow:#FFFFFF]No... Not you... NOT NOW!!!!![/p][/glow]<!--color-->[/f]</font>


Entropy cuts both ways.... I was WAITING until you did that...


DeanTheAdequate: w-Who are y-you talking *cough* t-to???


As if in response, the Chaos Avatar's chest begins to vibrate, then the flesh begins to bubble and buldge.  A scream of pure agony washes over the Arena floor as a fist tears it's way through the Avatar's chest.  Dean wearily tries to fend off the flying gore as the rest of a body makes it's way through.  He shuts his eyes to the spectacle, but even the wisened wizard shudders at the noises produced from the brutal egress happening.  Dean opens his eyse to find the Chaos avatar amazingly still standing despite the ragged hole through most of his torso.  He looks down at a man sized figure, gasping for air at the Avatar's feet.


[color:"FF0000"][glow:#FFFFFF]You think this will end me... *cough* *choke*  When I was saddled with ... THAT THING you created.. I had limits...*gasp*  This battle has created enough Chaos energy for me to FEED!!!  Y-YOU CANNOT STOP ME!!![/p][/glow]<!--color-->[/f]</font>


The figure rises slowly, unsteadily grapsing the edges of strewn boulders for support.  A tattered peice of Dean's cloak is hastily grabbed and used to clear the eyes of the new combatent.  Dean mutters something Arcane, the tattered cloth glows a bit, and the new arrival's face and body cleans and clears.  Crazeyal nods appreciatively at Dean and looks upon his own face with disdain.


You might just have the juice to do what you want... Even with me here....  But... I had a little time to do some SOUL SEARCHING...


[color:"FF0000"][glow:#FFFFFF]no... [/p][/glow]<!--color-->[/f]</font>


And this ISN'T a job for me.....


Crazeyal takes the tatter of the robe and wraps it around his eyes.


Dean smirks and shakes his head while murmuring...







[color:"FF0000"][glow:#FFFFFF]NOOOOOOOOOOOO! [/p][/glow]<!--color-->[/f]</font>


The tattered rag becomes a skintight mask.

Light shines all around the transformed Storyteller.







[color:"FF0000"][glow:#FFFFFF]I WON'T GO BACK TO THAT!! NEVER !! NEVERRRRRRRR!!![/p][/glow]<!--color-->[/f]</font>




:Nitro: Oh crap.....



The Chaos Avatar shimmers and disolves into a ball of plasma.  The energy is drawn at an accelerating speed backwards, up, and straight into Rob Corneilius.  The large Black man falls to his knees and sobs once before losing conciousness.


[glow:#6699CC]NOW... all is finished and safe... [/glow]


:Jolly: Not .. QUITE....


Crazeyal helps Dean to his feet, brushes the bedraggled Mage off, and sighs heavily before both men start to giggle, then laugh.


DeanTheAdequate: I *ahaHAHheheheh* really d-don't know what I'm laughing at... I haven't been THIS sober since GRADE school...

Crazeyal:*EHEHEHHAAHAHAHAHA*  ohGOD... what a RUBE!!!!  n-nice work there Dean....

DeanTheAdequate: *snicker* y-you did all the hard work *heh* all I did was pervert a repair sundry items spell and throw up a "create light".  *snrrrk* t-that was pretty much the last of my spells... HAHAAHHAHA  Y-you see the LOOK on his face when you let out that battlecry???

Crazeyal:AHAHHAHAHAHAHA  And how about when you went DEMONIC!!!?!??

DeanTheAdequate: HAHAHAHAHA Oh GOD what a SUCKER!!!!  A little red paint and some *pop* press on horns?? *sqiurts blood out of forehead* WHAT A ROOKIE!!!

Crazeyal: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHA!! *gasp* ohgodohpleaseIcan'tbreathe HAHAHAHAHHAho hoooooo hooooooo  *sigh*  man... I GOTTA find out what Cornelius did to poor C-Cap  but DAMN that was funny....  and SPEAKING of  being sober...  I think I can spare a drink or three hundred out of MY liquor stock...


and the arena fell silent[/p]


DeanTheAdequate said:

Dean finishes paching a massive trunk.  Then snaps his fingers and the trunk becomes pocket sized.


"You're really not going through with this." says Phil "I mean... You could stay on as custodian.  Or at least stick around to show Al the ropes."


"What ropes Phil?" Dean said as he raided his own mini-bar "Oooh, cashews... You see, it's not as if I had all the technical experience to run this place.  Besides, Highwind and Janus can get him started better than I can."


Dean took one last gaze at his room and walked out, into the many hallways.  Phil trotted after.


"But what about the..." Phil began "You know... The spirit of the stage?  Will he still keep you alive?"


"Sure, as long as the stage is run well.  But I coulden't have lost to a more competant caretaker.  Besides, for those last few moments there it was the Liche juice doing it's magic.  But hey, nothing like 14 hours of magical surgery to make a guy feel less dusty."


Phil skidded to a hlat in front of Dean, his claws scrabbling on the polished floor.




Dean stopped and stared at his little familier.


"Because it is a thing.  Even an archetecht does not live in many of the houses he creates, a baker does not eat his cake, and plumbers do not <wsclark> where they work.  Besides, I can get more things."


Dean walked past the black cat and around the corner.  Phil obediently trotted up.


"Besides, this also gives me the freedom for my next project." Dean says as he hears Phil's trotting "You see, while in Lurkers employ I found something... interesting.  A map to a dungeon.  And in the center of that dungeon is a prize.  Such a prize.  It is the home of... The Spare Set of Moderator Tools."


Phil stopped.  Dean stopped.  Both grinned at each other.


"And so... Another arena?" Phil says.


"Nothing so crass, nothing so crass.  Besides, I know I won't be able to find them on my own.  No, I have to make some... Events happen.  Then we'll do something amazing."


The pair began to walk out of the arena proper.  Into the daylight.  And out into a throng of the staff.  Each one had to see him off.  One last look before the last act.  Appropriately, the PA system began playing the sad walking away music from "The Incredable Hulk".


"Aww... they remembered." Dean said "Remember folks, there is no such thing as "Defeat".  Only opprotunity.  Take advantage of your situation.  Help the new Master of Arena find his opprotunities.  And keep the promise of Semper Spectaculum.  Until next time.."


Crazeyal said:

Crazeyal steps up to the throne of the Arena, dusts it off while the many servants run to andd fro, repairing the damage that the battle did.  Settling into the chair, (and then remvoing the "kitty pillow") he holds up a hand to a running servant, who skids to a stop.


Yessir???  Diddyouneedanything? IcangedditrightawayfiyoudidandbyrightawayImeanRIGHTNOW!!!!


"Woah woah WHOA... Calm down, son... B-R-E-A-T-H-E...  Just clould you tell someone in the back I'd like a d...







**************************************three seconds later*****************************************[/p][/glow]

So Al's got the gold. But I've set my sights on even bigger projects. Hopefully I'll make more and more "Pen-Worthy" Heh-heh-heh...




"uh.. if I caught that last comment correctly...  no offense... but to quote Sho' Nuf... *Who is the master???*"


I'mverysorryArenamasteritwon'thappenagain... Yearsofserviceandallthat...Sorryreallyreallysorry....


"GoodGOD friend, what does Dean feed you guys???"




"Well.... I guess it's a good idea... let me think about that one...  *sip* I...




:eek1: :eek1: :eek1: :eek1:




"What THE HELL was THAT???? Rocket fuel???


NossiritwasMasterDean'sspecialbrew! Herequestediteverymorningnoonandnight...and..teatime..coffeetime..brunch..3rdsie

s.. fifteenthsies... and...


"YEAH.. *cough* I GET IT ALREADY!!! *spit* look... Is there any BEER around here???


Beersir???  I..uh.. THINK..uh..


"Nevermind.. get me whatever beer there is around here, stock up on Budweiser, Perhaps some Heineken... Sam Addams definatly...Sam Addams light (gotta watch the ol' figure)  annnnnd just move the liquor to the dungeon...  Keep some small mixing stuff around, I like the occaisional Long Island Ice tea...  But GET RID of THIS!!!!"


get... rid .. of .. ALL OF Master Dean's private stock?????


"Huh.. THAT  cured your fast talk... Yeah.. It's NASTY!!! I don't even want it in my ARENA!!!  Tell you what... Lurkland is still rebuilding after the war, call on over and see if they need some Rocket fuel or Insect repellant, this stuff will cover for either or both!!!


yes... um.. sir...






"Ah.. It's GOOD ta be thuh King!!!!!!"


DeanTheAdequate: Excuse me?? I wasn't defeated by YOU, I was murdered by an out of control TINKERTOY that someone else BROKE, and now I'll take MY Arena and perhaps stay sober for a while.  It's been quite some time that I've decided to stave off study.  Perhaps I'll end these games as well... I don't know WHAT I was thinking...  and just what is THAT look for...?


:rolleyes1: :evilgrin: :twisted:


Crazeyal: I grabbed something from the Chaos Avatar.... (*Crazeyal dangles Dean's heart jewel from a silver chain*)  Now do we REALLY have to go through all this again???  And before you make the obvious grab... This one's a fake.  I know where the REAL one is, and the fact that the Avatar made about forty copies just to confound you.  We.. kinda think alike...  http://www.themightypen.net/public/style_emoticons/default/ohmy.gif  Now.. you can either admit defeat... or....


*Crazeyal squeezes the crystal in his hand so hard, the outer layer splinters.  Dean falls to one knee *


Crazeyal: oops.. sorry.. I lied... this IS the real deal...  Comon Dean... I don't want to do it.. not after all this....  Give it up....


DeanTheAdequate: N-NEVV  *ARRRGH* my h-home...


Crazeyal: LURKER!!!! comon... don't make me ... it's over... you know it...


*From out of nowhere the Kitten appears and lowers his regal head to Dean's suffering form*


LurkerWithout:  I'sm sorry Dean  I DECLARE DEANTHEADEQUATE UNABLE TO CONTINUE!!!!  The Arena is ... yours.....

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