Whisky in Babylon Posted February 21, 2007 Report Posted February 21, 2007 Have you ever had a dream that you were doing stunts with Jonny Noxville, Bam and other guys... than your mom came and started doing stunts too.....so weird... Quote
Appy Posted February 23, 2007 Report Posted February 23, 2007 Have you ever laughed and cried at the same time, and meant each completely? Quote
reverie Posted February 25, 2007 Report Posted February 25, 2007 have you ever dreamed in Portuguese? Quote
Quincunx Posted February 25, 2007 Report Posted February 25, 2007 reverie has jarred my memory--I dreamed once in gibberish. Everyone around me was speaking gibberish, and I had to shrug and go about my duties with the scraps of communication I could get. Quote
Savage Dragon Posted February 26, 2007 Report Posted February 26, 2007 ever dreamed of a friend dying and then call them to warn them the next day? ever dream that they died in your dreams again the next night .... except this time it was you who killed them? Quote
Ozymandias Posted March 3, 2007 Author Report Posted March 3, 2007 been rejected by one of the most important people in your life and surprised yourself by being genuinely happy for them? owned more than sixty-five shaving razors all at once? eaten dinner out of a garbage can? gone for a walk in a hurricane? been asked out by the most popular girl in school and turned her down? given up and gone about your business with half a beard? been given a sole to remember someone by? had to park on instead of in the parking lot? been permanently scarred by the inappropriate use of a bookshelf? kept a record of your sins? slept in a hurricane? owned a puppet that's been to more countries than you ever have? slept in a homeless shelter's attic? seen someone killed in front of you? Quote
Ozymandias Posted March 3, 2007 Author Report Posted March 3, 2007 Tzim & rev: no multilingual dreams here, but I was able to read in two. In the first one, it didn't last. Watching the letters become gibberish characters was creepy and fascinating at the same time. Quote
Morgane Posted March 5, 2007 Report Posted March 5, 2007 (edited) Have u ever dreamed of marrying a guy and being turned on by him wearing pink FLANNEL full body underwear? managed to spit out a ciggy because u were laughing and managed to burn your chin recovering it? taken off your boots just to feel the mud squish between your toes? dreamt 3 eppisodes of Starship Enterprise in 3 nights? giggled at a book in the bus and got weird looks? sat in the woods for an hour only to notice in the end that a pile of poop was sitting right next to you? brutalised your pillow because you were angry enough to explode? eaten lasagne layer for layer? dreamed u were skinning your face and it felt GOOD? had a hole burned into your stomach by the hungry look of a cat? Edited March 5, 2007 by Morgane Quote
Ozymandias Posted March 8, 2007 Author Report Posted March 8, 2007 attempted to use an electric toothbrush as an exfoliant? bled orange? been asked a question so important, that it took three years to answer? Quote
Patrick Posted March 8, 2007 Report Posted March 8, 2007 Have you ever put something off until after the last moment and then realised that you actually had an extra day to do it? Quote
Ayshela Posted March 8, 2007 Report Posted March 8, 2007 ... felt that you had to walk into the space most valuable to you wearing full body armour, because every time you tried to help you got kicked for it? ... sat in your car trying to explain to someone what was going on, between waves of crisis, unable to speak for being caught between laughing, screaming, and crying - knowing each was totally appropriate and meaning each? ... read someone's comment, knowing they meant it, knowing it was a good thing, and sputtered wondering where and how they saw that? ... deliberately gone out and bought a replacement for something you couldn't find, knowing that by doing so you would then find the original, and found it as soon as you got home? ... stared at the screen with your mind so blank that the song playing in the next room echoed in your head? And only after realizing that, wondered why that particular song was playing? Quote
NightFae Posted March 8, 2007 Report Posted March 8, 2007 ...considered taking bets on which one of your fish would win in a battle to the death? ...been serious about it? Quote
Gryphon Posted March 9, 2007 Report Posted March 9, 2007 ... wanted to leap out the window to get away or just make it all stop - even though you're on the 16th floor? Quote
Whisky in Babylon Posted March 9, 2007 Report Posted March 9, 2007 (edited) Have you ever dress up as raver fairies and put on crazy makeup than took awesome pictures? (cause if you have not, you really should ) Edited March 9, 2007 by Whisky in Babylon Quote
Curious Mylo Posted March 9, 2007 Report Posted March 9, 2007 Have you ever argued with a bunny for a half hour before realizing that they weren't really saying anything? Have you ever used a kitty's stummy as a pillow while they purred you to sleep? Have you ever painted your nails 10 different flavors of jelly belly jelly beans? Have you ever randomly started laughing in the middle of a serious discussion about something said the day before? Have you ever unconsciously started humming The Entertainer at the most depressing part of Titanic? Quote
Ayshela Posted March 9, 2007 Report Posted March 9, 2007 felt the smile stiffen on your face and paste itself into place as "yes, of course, no problem!" slips between your lips again while all inside you shrieks and crumbles, leaving only whispers of "no more no more nomorenomorenomore" Quote
Ayshela Posted March 9, 2007 Report Posted March 9, 2007 OH! And one from today... have you ever watched the doc checking over an MRI, and had to hold your breath to stifle laughter as you were suddenly transported to freshman health class and pictures of genitalia? *snicker* (Mylo says I'm awful, even she didn't think of that, and SHE's the teenager! heh) Quote
GeldrinHor Posted March 10, 2007 Report Posted March 10, 2007 From one who has had a LOT of physicals in the last 5 yrs.... Have you ever had to stifle a giggle during a hernia exam??? (Because the doctor is female, young...AND cute!) Quote
Peredhil Posted March 10, 2007 Report Posted March 10, 2007 Have you ever... Lain in bed not getting up because you couldn't remember who you were going to be that day? Listened in horror as the Wrong Words leaked from your mouth despite your minds saying, "Don't say that!" Been in love with the idea of someone so much so that you were reluctant to meet them in fear reality would destroy it? Focused on and gathered pain so you could transform it into the energy required for action? Felt so drained that speaking was like pushing word-boulders up from deep in your belly, up and over your tongue one by one? Follow-up: Had to focus on the motion of tongue and lips to prevent slurring? Have you ever accepted your lack of dexterity to the point that you no longer notice the day's bruises on hips and legs from colliding into things? Have you ever wondered where you got a scar you found? Quote
Ayshela Posted March 10, 2007 Report Posted March 10, 2007 ... had someone have a heart attack right in front of you? ... stayed up at night listening to the sounds your house makes, just so you'll know which sounds are normal? ... had someone drift into your lane and almost hit you - and realize you were only angry about it because you weren't alone in the car? ... wondered if putting a full-spectrum bulb in your porch light would make it so you could see rainbows when it rained? ... been so intensely thankful for the people who put up with you that "thank you" seems completely inadequate, but you can't think of anything else to say? Quote
Peredhil Posted March 10, 2007 Report Posted March 10, 2007 Ayshela said: ... stayed up at night listening to the sounds your house makes, just so you'll know which sounds are normal? Big *BONG!* of recognition on this one! Every new sleeping place... Quote
Appy Posted March 10, 2007 Report Posted March 10, 2007 .. had love sneak up on you? And was this because you were sure of that love already, just in a different manner? Quote
Mynx Posted March 11, 2007 Report Posted March 11, 2007 Ayshela said: ... been so intensely thankful for the people who put up with you that "thank you" seems completely inadequate, but you can't think of anything else to say?Yup Have you ever known full well that you were siding with the wrong person, but done so anyway, just to see what would happen? Quote
Ayshela Posted March 11, 2007 Report Posted March 11, 2007 Mynx said: Have you ever known full well that you were siding with the wrong person, but done so anyway, just to see what would happen? nope. but... Have you ever been stuck squarely between arguing friends, angering both by agreeing fully with neither because they were both partially right? Quote
Mynx Posted March 11, 2007 Report Posted March 11, 2007 Ayshela said: Have you ever been stuck squarely between arguing friends, angering both by agreeing fully with neither because they were both partially right?Either that, or I refused to believe either of them was right Have you ever woken up covered in scratches and/or bruises and been utterly unable to figure out where they came from? Quote
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