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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

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There is a time after all the children have gone to sleep and night is in full bloom and the moon, yes most importantly the moon, is high and fills the sky. That’s when the monsters come out to play. Out from underneath the rocks, out from the caves, out of the bodies of the everyday people we know and love. They come out and they kill. They kill for food, they kill for sport, some kill because they don’t know what else to do. They come out and kill.


Or, on the rare occasion, they come out and PARTY!!




Joe Richards (WW VI) couldn't wait to get there because he was sooo excited. When he had first received the invitation, he couldn't believe it. Of course he'd R.S.V.P.ed right away, just to make sure. And it was all true, Kinjiru-San, the famed ninja from WWII, was hosting a party and He'd been invited. Of course almost everyone had been invited, even some of the extras that didn't speak in the first games.


As he hustled up to the front door of the banquet hall, he reread the invite. Arrive before 6, arrive in character. He checked his watch, 5:55 he had just made it. As for his character, well he always had that ready. He walked into the doors of the large castle and was met by Wetherby Danielson (WWIII). Wetherby motioned to a piece of paper by the door. "Please sign," was all he said. Joe quickly signed his name at the bottom, taking a quick glance at the names that were already there.


Lady Celes Crusader- Elisabeth Christie, well-known socialite (WWIII)

Vahktang- Lord Washima, Strong head of the Washima Clan (WWII)

dragonqueen- Pepe le Pew (WWVII)

DeanTheAdequate- Dr. Van Muncie (WWI)

Katzaniel- Jaqui, Blind and somewhat bitter young adult (WWVI)

Eyremon- Wile E. Cyote (WWVII)

Merelas- Walter Morrison, nerdy High-school kid (WWVI)

Degenero Angelus- Markus Black, Gentle gang member from the old west (WWV)

Tanuchan- Amanda Black, née Tannison - Markus' wife (WWV)

Ayshela- Randomly bubbly teenager from high school setting

Gwaihir- Merchant-type



NCP- Elwen- Hisoka Kyodai, geisha (WWII)

MeThinksUFoolish- (Any of my old characters I feel like using)



Not that many people had arrived yet, I guess the rest were going to show up fashionably late. Joe looked up to see Wetherby with his pocket watch out. He checked his own watch, just 5 more seconds. "Guess I arrived just in time" He said with a smile. Wetherby smiled politely back.


Suddenly the big wooden oak doors behind Joe slammed shut, right as his digital watch beeped. Joe's smile disappeared to become a stunned stare. However, Wetherby's smile grew two-fold. "Yes," he said, "Just in time."


OOC: Alright I'll give ya a good 24 hours before our first NCP kill and hand out roles. Feel free to introduce, or reintroduce, your character before or after the door's closing. The list is always modifiable so its not too late for newcomers or changes in character.


and now.... Begin :wolf: :wolf: :wolf:

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Minutes before the clock strikes six, a coach stops in front of the doors. A tall man dressed in black gets off, lending his hand to help his wife out. Wearing a blue long dress, tastefully embroidered with silver flowers (loving work of her sister Rosalie), Amanda smiles sweetly at her husband.


"Thanks, Markus. You're always so gentle."


He kisses her forehead softly, pushing back the always rebelious strands of black hair that insist on falling over her face. Soon both are signing the paper by the door under Wetherby's attentive stare.


"No one we know. I'm so in need of fun... it's been long since we have gone to a party, and all those small problems at the ranch that we have to deal with..."


"And you deal with them perfectly, Amanda. Now, let's see what we have here?"


She nods, both entering the room. There are some people already talking in small groups, but they notice some who are also examining the surrounds. By the table with the beverages, there's a very well-dressed British woman and, at her side, a samurai-dressed Japanese man who seems quite suspicious of his surroundings.


Nearby, some random young people, and a young woman a bit to the side. Talking softly to his wife, Markus directs her towards the table.


Lord Washima looks around, suspicious.

The last thing he seems to remember was going to bed across the hall from his consort.

Many interesting people here.

Many gaijin.

No garlic eaters.

One walking wolf shape, a kami of some sort.

That speaks in signs that he shouldn't understand but does.


He waves off the server before him with the tray of drinks.

'I feel I've had too much already.'


At least his weapons were still with him.

Older he may be, but he was still fast. And he would want to go down fighting.


He did take a canape from a near by tray, and looked longingly at a plush couch. He dared not sit and relax.

Not at this point.


He made his way to the garden doors. Maybe they were open.


Just in time, Walter "Wally" Morrison pulled up in front of the door. 10 years after graduation, he has completed his bachelor's degree as well as medical school as well as an internship. He is currently working in a clinic with several other partners from Medical school, and doing quite well.


If only they could see me now, those jerks from high school, he thought as he signed the sheet near the door.


Quickly he entered, and felt a twinge of nervousness. He still wasn't the most comfortable in social settings, but he stuttered only rarely. Quickly, he scouted the room for drinks or snacks. There was safety in the corner near the food.


Shana's heels clicked rapidly against the sidewalk as she hurried to the door. Fumbling in her bag for her invitation, she caught sight of her watch and gasped in horror, realizing it was but two minutes before the time she remembered - yes, there it was! And she was almost late! She almost ran to the door, slipping inside just before time.


The everpresent smile on her face faded just a bit as she looked at the names on the sign in sheet. How odd! Not a one here that she knew. Why... why had someone she didn't know invited her to a party with a group of strangers?


Ensuring her half-mask was secure, she smoothed the skirt of her white silk dress and turned toward the room. Even if she *had* known someone she wouldn't likely recognize them now. She shrugged slightly. Oh well, there had to be *someone* to talk to! Turning the wattage back up on her brilliant smile, she slowly scanned the room.


While approaching the table, Amanda inadvertently bumps into Shana, who looks at her startled.


"I'm sorry... I was distracted." She smiles at the young woman, noticing her hesitation.


"You seem to be alone... maybe we could make company to each other? My name's Amanda Black." She smiles, friendly.


There's a feathery brush into her arm, and as she turns Walter apologizes, coloring slightly.


"No need for apologies... I myself feel somewhat clumsy here. " She shakes her head softly, feeling a bit embarassed.


As George pulled up he snapped at his driver for not being quite close enough to the curb but in truth he was quite pleased. Tonight promised to be a great time to contact people. Some of these people would be well-off...and might have a business interest in him. Others might be suckers who he could persuade to have a business interest in him. The others didn't matter, but as George tugged on his gaudy rings, he didn't think there would be too many of them.


He stepped out of the limo and pulled his cloak around him, looking himself over to make sure his appearance was perfect...Satin shirt-still spotless dark red perfection; black pants-the cut was still chic, but maybe that other pair would have been better to wear; black cloak-velvet is the richest fabric ever.

Yes, George was very satisfied with his world as he entered the party room.


((OOC: I had to stick a ref to my favorite anime in, more than I already have in choosing my character name. *cough* Forgive me...)


In the corner, Hisoka stands gracefully against the wall, ever-present writing book tucked inconspiciously between her arms. Her purpose here is only to observe...and to write. The young geisha knows not how she arrived here, especially when she should be dead, but she has dealt with the supernatural, with her family and best friend, as well as what had happened in Lord Mizuhara's castle, long enough to have an idea of her fate...maybe she has become one of those spirits who stuck around after death, too tormented to pass on freely? In the spiral-of-life-that-is-not-life?


As her green eyes flicker around the room, her eyes settle on the familiar man who is looking around confusedly.


Lord Washima.


Hisoka sighs. This is going to be very difficult to explain, should he recognize her...especially because she didn't have any idea what was going on herself.


Serena swayed to the side leaning on the side of the building. Pulling a crumpled up piece of paper from her black silk purse, she matched the address that was hastily written on it with the numbers on the building. “Yep, this is the place.” She thought to herself as she tucked the paper away, snapping her purse securely shut. Placing a hand to her roughly styled black hair, she smoothed the front of deep burgundy spaghetti string cocktail dress and walked up the stairs. Not quite drunk enough to slur her words, yet tipsy enough to sway a bit, she entered the room ignoring the people in her search to see if there would be an open bar at this shin dig.


Leaning against the wall and listening to the myriad conversations in the room was a young woman. She had come alone and stood alone, but as she listened she considered the male voices and wondered whether any were worth approaching. She was blind and judged worth by opinions and actions over appearance, and thus she stood silently, observing in her own way.


From the crowd, Jaqui picked out a voice that she had not heard in years. Walter, one of the decent boys from her graduating class. She had more or less known him through Arielle, but back then she had been one of the jerks and had never really given him a chance. In fact, it was surprising she had ever become friends with either Arielle or Chandler. Jaqui had known Chandler well since elementary school but seen him only twice since she'd moved away for university. She had never understood at the time why he did not seem to be attracted to her and that had probably fuelled the alienation she felt after grad. Luckily for Jaqui, though, Arielle remained a good friend to this day. As it happened, Arielle had known even in high school what she wanted to be, and talked about it often. Jaqui became entranced with the idea, too. Psychiatry. This was something that was interesting, something she could do. And possibly an area of work where she would not run into discrimination for her lack of eyesight. Both friends got accepted into the same university and they helped each other through. There did turn out to be prejudice but she overcame it. Herself and Arielle even found work in the same clinic, both had loyal clients, and were doing well enough.


Curious about this invitation that they had both received, Jaqui had taken the week off of work and come down. Apparently Walter had gotten one too. Making her way down to where she could hear him speaking, Jaqui waited for a lull in the conversation then tapped him with her cane.


"Hey Walter, do you have any idea what this party is about?" she grinned benignly, wondering how quickly he'd recognize her.


OOC: Merelas, I'm hoping you weren't planning on having Walter still friends with Arielle? By your post it did not appear as such. Let me know if I should change anything here in order to better coincide with what you intend to do.


Elizabeth Christie was dressed in an elegant emeralf taffetas gown that was in the highest victorian fashion. Her neck is circled with an intricated chocker made of five rows of delicate beige pearls while he sophisticated bun is also adorn with pearls. All her jewels were creations of her now deceased husband, Archibald Christie.


With a glass of Cointreau in hand, she walks over the garden door over a reflective Lord Washima.


- Gardens... they do hold their share of mysterious beauty, don't they? murmurs the widow


Washima was startled by the woman's presence, although surprise quickly leads its way to charm. The red haired British beauty was striking. The samurai finally answers to the lady.


- But gardens can hold so many secrets. I am Lord Washima Shin.


- Lady Elizabeth Christie. Nice to meet you.


Lord Washima noticed a gorgeous alliance on one of the woman's right hand's finger.


- Do you have a spouse and why he is not with you?


Elisabeth sighs, looks down from a moment and then, looks straight in the gentleman's eyes


- My husband is no more. Illness tooked him away.


(OOC; Your turn Vahktang)


Van Muncie scans the room. A large crossbow resting from floor to his palm, and a small dixie cup of punch in his other hand.


"I knew I smelled a wolf when that invitation was accidently delivered to my door."


(Meanwhile, at the asylum...)


Napoleon stares out of his window and sighs. Still no mail...


(OOC: Katzaniel-- Yes, Arielle and Walter still know each other and are still friends, and they've seen each other as more than friends a few times, but nothing too serious just yet. You can go ahead and assume that Walter didn't know that you worked with Arielle, though :D)


BIC: "Umm... wait... Jaqui? I haven't seen you in ages... how are you?" Walter is a little surprised and a little apprehensive... he had never exactly been the best of friends with his classmate--he had always gotten the feeling that she hadn't liked him much. Briefly, he considered offering to get her a glass of punch, before he remembered that she had always looked down on those who had tried to patronize her.


"So... how are you?" he asked after a moment, and looked at her apprehensively.


Wile E. Coyote walks in wearing a majorly dented purple helmet with a flowing black judges robe. As he tries to make his way into the party, A man with no name steps into the doorway blocking entry.

"we don't allow no varmets into this here party."


Undaunted Wile E. contacts acme to order 1 pair of rocket skates.


Wile E lights up the skates and head towards the door.

The man with no name simply flicks his cigerette onto the sidewalk.






As expected the cigerette stopped all the forward momentum of the skates propelling Wile E into the wall.


Wile E Coyote will find a way into this party.

  Eyremon said:

Wile E Coyote will find a way into this party.


Keep it up.



OOC; Your turn Vahktang)

Lord Washima seems to be trying to overcome awkwardness at this party, of his age, in this strange place, at the friendly returning smile of the young widow, as he finds that people understand him though they don't speak Japanese.

"Ah, I am alone, too. "

He is lucky enough to not speak his next thought:

"I believe that my, ah love, my consort, was slain through violence. The killer never caught."

He covers the silence with trying the garden doors once more, verifying that they are indeed sealed.

"It seems that there is no way out, that way."

He bows and indicates a direction nearby.

"Please, this way."

He leads her away from the door to a nearby writing table.

There, as he speaks, speaking of life at home, how her life enfolded, inquiring about likes and dislikes, he picks up a piece of paper, folds it, then refolds it, attaches string to the folded papers and the string ends to a long pencil. He then does that to another, then another.

He finally demonstrates the finished product, a flock of origami cranes, that fly around when the long pencil is turned.

Lady Elizabeth finds herself laughing in amusement, amazed at this seemingly reserved character's actions.

He presents it to her as a gift.

"Please forgive my forwardness. If it pleases you, you may address me by my personal name, Shin."


Shana turned and looked up, a bit startled as she was gently bumped into. The lady seemed nice enough, if a bit flustered. Amanda, she said her name was Amanda. Shana focused on that thought for a second, trying vainly to fix the name in memory. I'm so BAD with names, I hope she'll forgive me if I forget. She was about to introduce herself when Amanda was, in turn, bumped into. She stood there, smile wavering slightly, feeling terribly out of place.


Amanda smiles as he notices the young man who bumped into her apparently finding a known person. She observes the room for some minutes, and then turns back to Shana.


"There are many people here that seem not to have acquaintances... I guess I'm lucky to be here with my husband. And you... sorry, I guess I don't know your name?"


Amanda blushes slightly, betraying a bit of embarassment.


It's been too long... I don't feel comfortable at meeting completely new people, it seems. Where is Markus, anyway?


Shana laid her hand softly on Amanda's arm, saying "I'm glad I'm not the only one adrift here. I'm Shana, and I'm really not even sure why I AM here. I don't seem to know anyone, and didn't recognize any of the names on the invitation or sign in sheet. Do you know what this is about? I'm used to being a bit confused, but this..." and she shrugged slightly, letting her words trail off.


"Shana... it's a pretty name. And please, forgive me if I eventually forget it; I'm not really good with names at first, though I never forget a face." She flushes a bit more. "I'm really glad to know that I'm not the only one who has no idea of the purpose of this party... you see, we got the invitation and Markus and I thought that it could be fun. But we really expected to meet some of our old friends here."


Amanda again looks around her, frowning slightly.


"I would like to walk around just a bit... maybe you'd like to come also? I see also my husband over there."


Serena walked around looking at different people, trying to decide if she recognized any of them. She doubted they would recognize her. Back in high school she had been among the nerdiest. Not many people paid her much mind unless it was to be snide or cruel. Since graduation, things had changed for her quite a bit. She had outgrown her gangly form and developed into a lovely young woman. She had also completed college with honors and become the editor of the successful Shades magazine.


It really was too bad that getting the invitation in the mail had sent he reeling back into old high school insecurities. She wasn’t normally much of a drinker, but it was all she could do to get the nerve to show up and to escape the feeling that they all saw her just as they used to. Uhg…what am I doing here? Feeling another overwhelming wave of nervousness, she turned around and headed back for the door she came in.


Amanda passes by the slightly unsteady young woman heading to the door, and automatically reaches out a hand when she stumbles, holding her arm.


"Are you feeling well?" Her look is gentle, but with a hint of repproach at noticing Serena has obviously drunk more than the advisable.


George looks around at the current situation. There were certainly some people here, but not everyone probably. He had meant to be later. Ah well, so now was the time to politely do as much of the rounds as possible. He moved over towards the drinks table. A lot easier to do it all with a drink in his hand.


Lord Washima looks at the crowd.

'They all seem so young.

'When I was young, parties were filled with much older people.

'And the people here all act young, too.

'Getting drunk in public, like a bunch of monks.'

Lady Elizabeth sees a quick look of disgust cross his face as he scans the room, but the look is quickly removed, and replaced with an almost smile.

'I hope the charming lady in front of me is not like that.'

He continues to talk, and, more importantly, listen, while trying to figure out if she would be impressed by poetry.

At the same time, he tries to remember some appropriate poetry.

'This afterlife stuff is not easy.'


Jaqui finds herself analyzing Walter's hesitant response and mentally shakes her head. It doesn't really matter what his old impressions are, they are both new people now.


"Much better than last time you saw me, Walter. I went into psychiatry at the same time Arielle did, and I learned a lot about myself. Now I regret not getting to better know people like you. Tell me, what have you done with the last ten years?"


Elizabeth was charmed by Washima's delicate gift and surprised herself to blushing a bit.


- Thank you Shin for that esquiste gift. I've never seen paper so skillfully folded.


When Shin shows his odd disgust for alcohol drinking she chuckles.


- I didn't knew that drinking in public was frowned upon. I must admit that I have a strong taste for alcohol and that I am a pub regular. But I usually drink among classy people. So, do you fancy a game of poker?


Washima raises an eyebrow and wonders what kind of other surprises this British Lady helds under her sleeves.


- Honestly, I must admit that I don't know anything about this game.


Elizabeth smiles and gets up, inviting the Samurai along.


- Well, I'll show you if you follow me. I'm sure that I'll find volunteers among these people.


While Lord Washima reluctantly follows Elizabeth, the Brit lady walks over an inncopied table that was at the middle of the different groups, while shuffling her cards. She then invite everyone outloud.




After ordering another glass of Cointreau, Elizabeth keeps shuffling her cards with her sharp shuffler's skills, keeping Lord Washima mesmerized.

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