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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

Question from a new reader

Guest Kunax

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Guest Kunax

As a new reader I was wondering how you people know each other characters? ofcasue there is the obovius solution, that "you" been here since the begining and there for know most if not all of the people here. But i was hoping there might be a short description somewhere I had over looked.


This bring up another question. Do you "maintain" the same character in all stories/threads or create new one if needed?, and what about all the side character like Daryl the werefox.


whats in the member section?, more stories or just a place for the initiated to secretly plot there plans for world domination.




oh yea, Salinye please continue "Wayward Daughter" :)

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A thread called "Pen RP Character Descriptions" can be found in the Greenroom, which is a members only area. Contains descriptions of most of the Pen characters. A lot of us have been here long enough to know the characters of the other old-timers pretty well, as ye thought.


Most of us have one (or a few) "main" characters we use as default, and then perhaps additional characters generated for specific RPs.


Members section has both more stories (not much, most are in the public sections), places for critic, OOC and other meta-writing stuff, the place for secret world domination plans and a place where we discuss the structure and administration of the Pen. Initiate can see most of the rooms, but some are further restricted.


There's FAQ somewhere, too.

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Also - while it is no longer stickied, my own Quill Quest - The Fall Ball was originated to address this very question. Most of the people at the Pen at THAT point (Last October to early Devember) made an appearance on that thread and introduced their characters. *this* thread is publicly available, and worth reading in its own rights as there was some excellent roleplay done there.

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*blushes from the request*


Thank you for reading Wayward daughter! It is being finished, in fact, my muse is rather stuck in that storyline and making it a struggle to write in anything else! I often describe my muse as a bikini clad Ogre, so as you can see, I don't win many fights with her!


Zadown and Ayshela answered your question rather well. My onlyother suggestion would be to pm people that you are curious about and ask them if they would mind pming you their character descriptions. Most people are quite in love with the creativity and things they have created about their main characters and would happily oblige. :0)


Welcome to The Pen. I hope we see more of you soon!


~Salinye :fairy:

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Guest Kunax

Ayshela: thank for the link, sofar I have only read page 1, and already I have a fealing the storie will be fun to read, altou I must say its more a presentation of self, then a discription of once charater.


But its not so imported anymore, I was just confused from one of the first threads i read here, the carnaval thread with the kissing booth(it seems I cannot find the link), in which your very fast introduced to every thing from a live painting to a bird or 2 to a lizard of oversized demensions.


oh i might be wrong but i think Wyvern might be a overgrown lizard :).

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Guest Kunax

Salinye: pm'ing seem to be a bit much now, hell it took me a day or 2 before this question bugged me to much, and when i finally ask i already had a answer.


I douth you will see much from me, other then perhaps a random question once in a while.

I lack the many words used to describe things that rest of you vield so easly, I have never partisipated in RP stories, i just like to read them(not entirly true, i have 1 thread in another forum).


edit: did i mention bad spelling, but atleast that can be help with a spellchecker :)

edit 2: exampel of a word i lack "muse" what is that?, see now i have to look it up, are you sure you char. is not a witch :)

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Muse....how to describe one's muse. It's the desire, the passion and the nagging annoyance that controls your creativity and your ability to write. Someone might say they've lost their muse if they can't seem to get anything decent written down for a time. Me, I want to write all over the place, but my muse is screaming at me "WAYWARD DAUGHTER FIRST!"


BTW, I am NOT a witch. *hides her broomstick in Yui's closet.*


Enjoy, and don't worry, we'll lure you into writing soon enough. Mwhahaha :ph34r:


~Salinye :fairy:

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Guest Kunax

PS. Fill out your bio!


It's hard to be nosey without that!

indeed it is :) , i see what i can do about that.


in short muse is your thought and ideas? *cough*dictionary.com*cough*, but without hurring on you, I think you should listed to you muse :)




Enjoy, and don't worry, we'll lure you into writing soon enough. Mwhahaha

hehe lure away, without a character(s) I would like it seem unlike i post anything.
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The initial setup for the Fall Ball is indeed background story, however once you get beyond that the attendees do indeed give character descriptions and interact appropriately. Probably the most comprehensive publicly available listing out there.


In the members area - is all the rest of the board.. more stories, works in progress, secret plots for taking over the world - oh, umm.. i mean.. organization details.. stuff like that. :D Really - you'll have to join to see.

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Your vocabulary and spelling should get better as you write more and more. Do not be afraid to write just because you do not know how to spell or you do not have the best vocabulary. I am sure that everyone here would be more than happy to help you out.


AS for character making it took me at least 8 tries until I got the results I felt were right. Even now, I am still smoothing out more than one rough spot on my character (mainly his past). Point being just keep trying until you get the results you feel fit.


I also feel that Zadown, Ayshela, and Salinye, answered your question very well.


I hope to see some of your future posts soon.

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Write, it is in the writting that we find the words, the character and the passion.

All you need is to start and it will flow from there, if you seem to get stuck on a point, dont worry, the setting of the thread and the writtings of those involved will guide you very well.


I am new to this too, storytelling and character forming is not a style I weild well, but once I started the flow comes, and as the story grows, so does my passion for the style, and I am having fun.


So, write, enjoy, and see where the path leads you.



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I believe I am rubbing off on you, Raven.

But what he says is very true.

If you get an idea, write it down. Make a start and the rest will come...trust me on this...I'm a Mynx...I know these things ;)

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Guest Kunax

I am new to this too, storytelling and character forming is not a style I weild well, but once I started the flow comes, and as the story grows, so does my passion for the style, and I am having fun.

same here, sure I have read simular things else where many times before. But only recently did I participate in a storie, and i must say im kind of hook on the style, the creativity is amazing.


AS for character making it took me at least 8 tries until I got the results I felt were right. Even now, I am still smoothing out more than one rough spot on my character (mainly his past). Point being just keep trying until you get the results you feel fit.

I do have a character in mind, and have had so for some time, but it is slightly problematic(is that a word). But i like it, i find it funny and cannot seem to release it.



Salinye also mentioned something, with or without purpose i dont know :), but a fair degree of members have a short discriptin of there character(s) in there profiles

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Writing can be (I suspect) a different thing for each person who does it. It's possible to plan everything you write, work through a storyline, if something goes wrong you can go back to your plan and re-work the story...


Others people just let the words flow onto the page as though they have a life of their own.


I say find the way that works for you. When I have a character inside my mind for a story I let go and write as that character. Sometimes it doesn't work, but often enough the words just flow directly from my character to the screen through my fingers on the keyboard.


That could be because my characters are part of me... know thyself.


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Note, too, that there's a lot more to the Pen than just RP'ing. True, a lot of the people here do RP, but I haven't participated in a single RP story in the 2+ years I've been here. There's poetry, single-authored stories (my forte) and just about anything else you can cook up that still fits in the category of "written words". If RP'ing is your thing, hey, go for it, but don't let your lack of experience in that keep you from joining the community. There's much, much more to see and do here, and everyone is always learning. =)

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Muses come from the Greek culture. Muses were goddesses devoted to creativity, song, inspiration, invention, anything that would further the arts, primarily. They were credited with the inspiration - or lack of it - that any author, poet, bard, or artist had (mostly bards, since song was still the primary form of entertainment and record keeping in early Greek times).

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There's no need to be shy writing because we can make typos, faults, etc. We're all here to learn from each others in a postive and constructive way. Also, for someone who's not a native English speaker like me, this is a great oppotunity to learn more words, expressions and sentences twists.


Anyhow, welcome to the Pen. ;)

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Guest Kunax

:) writing is not a problem, I know my errors and can live with them, can you. No having something to write is.


I came here looking for stories, thinking it all be RP stuff, I have found much more then that by now.

Sure some of the work here is fasinating, and I would be lieng if I said I didn't want to partisipate, but for now, im satisfied reading.... and well those litttle wierd tasks Salinye and Ayshela setup where funny.

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Guest Kunax

forgot, Tralla: i have seen your storie "The Gift of Fear" it sounded promesing with a subtitle like "Warning: This will be a dark(er) story", but the first post is just a little long, so sofar i kind of skipped it :)

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Guest Kunax

ooh, eeh, i knew that, i was.. just checking....


anyway Tralla if you have to say your self, is it worth a read :)



btw: The entire storie is not in the first post, its cut short, perhaps there is a MAX. post size

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Tralla doesn't have to say for herself. I'll tell you it's worth the read, and I'm a pretty picky reader. ^_^


Welcome. If you see something you like or dislike as you're looking around here, you can send feedback to the authors through the Private Message system or by posting in the thread on shorter works. I hope you'll enjoy the works you find. :)




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Guest Kunax

Tralla doesn't have to say for herself. I'll tell you it's worth the read, and I'm a pretty picky reader.

yes but it would be so much more intresting to hear her own oppinion, or at the time i ask that was the reason anyway.

hmm i gues you already had thies type of think in the member section :)


moving right along, what does "san" mean?, is it gender specifik?

my first guess is: san means boy.

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