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"losing some of the lyricism of the original"????? geez, you think???

*shocked and dismayed*


And I quote:




Stupid fricking Microsoft! (And I thought Cliffs Notes were evil...)


I guess we can wait for the 1337 version (leet in normal lettering, from elite... yeh right..) aswell then.... *sobs*


The Reader's Digest version for the ADHD generation...


Impartially, it should sell well - there are Pen members who find multi-paragraph posts too daunting to read before replying, I'd imagine Homer is just another Simpson to the general populace.


Is not really surprised or shocked.


This is my favortie part of the whole story:



Book Two is reduced to just 24 words of 'messenger speak', losing some of the lyricism of the original.

Sure... Society and technology level everything from the lowest and the first thing we heard is that "Kids these days don't read enough and can't write well." Kinda appreciate the irony here.


*Shoots a mock glare at Deg*


I know you're kidding. Or at least I hope so. Because then I can be just kidding when I defenestrate the next person I see doing that. :P


Gyrfalcon winces as he comes across the pancake-like form of ntraveler, then glances upwards to a window several stories up, where Alaeha looks slightly apologetic as she ducks back into the room she had pushed ntraveler out of.


The half-elf sighed and pulled out a Rod of Resurrection, glad he had found one at a wizard's bargin sale a few weeks ago- the result of the wizard summoning a creature he wasn't quite prepared for, and his apprentice selling what he didn't need anymore. For some things, Resurrection wasn't really an option...


Wonder of wonders around here, the Rod still had a few charges left.


A few moments later, ntraveler opened his eyes to the world and gasped in a large breath to fill lungs that had been rather flat moments before. "What was that for?" he asked in bewilderment.


Gyrfalcon shrugged as he stashed away the Rod of Resurrection. "That's something you'll have to ask Alaeha, I believe." he said before nodding and continuing on his way.




I agree, it's pretty sad when they reduce a classical work of literature to 24 words of messenger-speak. -_-

Posted (edited)

*trips* :blink::censored: what the :censored: do they :censored: :censored: think that they :censored: :censored: :censored:


I am in no way proud to say that I am a part of this generation. This makes me sick. How could they ruin the illiad? Classic literature! emoticons in place of accual emotional imagery? Oh my freaking god. the structure, rhyme scheme, all the work that goes into writting an epic. Do we even have literature like that anymore? Everything that is so beautiful about that peom, because it is more than just a story, it is a work of art....i can't believe they could do something like that to something so classic. What happened to teaching our children how to read and appreciate real literature ? Instead of accepting our decline and conforming to it, we should be doing something about it! Things like this really scare me. if i am still alive when this sort of thing becomes the accepted norm, please, shoot me if I haven't shot myself already.


*curls into fetal position in a corner and begins to rock* I am so glad to have this place.

Edited by purple_shadows

Honestly, you're all taking this a bit too seriously.


Sure, it's a desecration of classic literature. So? It's not like they're burning all the other copies. It's not like you will have to read this. It's not like they're going to be teaching it in school.


It's an ad campaign, for crying out loud. I don't think it's a good ad, but I find it sort of funny, and I don't see how this is harmful in any way at all.


One, I was being sarcastic.


Two, knowledge, literature, and respect mean a very great deal to me, and it is more a respect isuue than anything else. I don't care if i don't have to read it. That isn't the point, the point is that people are taking out the complexities of something that is beautiful because its intricacy in order to make it easier and less time consuming, because we as americans don't want to bother with anything that doesn't have something to do with technology. Is this not disrespectful to the writter? Is this not disrespectful to those who still value some sort of intelligence? Because I think it is.


Three, does this not reek of 1984? Our scentences are being shortend to a few charecters, expressions into emoticons. You can't even be begin to express the complexities of emotion in a damn smiley, it just doesn't work.But perhaps that is the point. Instead of Big Brother, i imagine signs saying "Bill Gates is watching you."



All in all, i was being sarcastic, not uncommon. However, I also see this as a serious serious violation of respect. So yes, it is funny, but at the same time, it makes me mad.

Not to mention the fact that i'd rather not see bill gates' face plastered on the side of buildings. (incase you couldn't tell, i meant that as a joke)



and here i was finding myself oddly reassured that people were still willing to "take seriously" something that didn't directly impact them.


This reminds me of Bardbury's Farenheit 492(?) (I never remember the exact title) when the head fireman told Montag how the litterature changed to fit the need of a leisure aimed society. Knowing it is written in the 1950's and comparing it to today's society, the ressemblance between Bradbury's universe and ours is frightening.


Publicity stunt. . .the more outraged people get, the better-so the Omijuana board told them.


Still, best to ignore them. It's a sad world we live in when negative publicity reaps more attention than positive. . .

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