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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

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GIR runs into the stadium just in time to hear Dave accuse Peepi, and the stinky cat person to consider it.






GIRs eyes turn red as he enters serious mode.

"Peepi was the masters hamster. Master's hamster good." He says, before his eyes shift green again and he sneaks up behind the stinky cat thingy, biting it's tail platfully and getting a facefull of stink gas stuff.


"WooooooHOO You're a STINKY CaT!"


OOC: A revenge lynch? I don't think so, Gnarlitch.

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Posted (edited)

Wile E. Coyote picks up the phone and orders an acme chance wheel

3 seconds later when it is dropped off he promptly adds everyone's name to the wheel.


Wile E. Coyote spins the wheel without realizing that the pegs are dynamite...


<BOOM> :pinch:


the only shards that Wile E. sees are ones that say <PE> <PE> that are still smouldering.


Wile E. puts 2 and 4 together and draws up plans to hunt Peepi


all he needs are some hamster seed, paint, an giant Hamster wheel, 288 pullies, and a 7 ton safe.


Hello acme....


OOC Peepi

Edited by Eyremon

Optimus Prime looks at the odd cast surronding him, he sees Wile E. Coyote devising a plan against Peepi, he sees Spider-Man giving a suspicious look to Peepi while Dave just want to be anywhere else but in Peepi's hand. Also, there's Pepe le Pew who also seems to have suspicion toward the gigantic hamster. Optimus notices that GIR is not to found of Peepi's new playmate. Optimus looks at the cleared rubble, then at the others. However, voting against Peepi feels wrong to the Autobot's core. However, seeing the #1 Acme client that is Wile E. Client, devising something against Peepi is a bit unnerving.


The coyote was in the middle of his preparations when he heard giants footsteps behind him. The Coyote looks back and the up before he's turning white. The robot leans foward and asks the coyote.


- So... what are you up to?


(OOC: A vote against Eyremon-Wile E. Coyote, although that his post is so hilarious.)

Posted (edited)
  Tanuchan said:

Dave steps ahead carefully, sword ready to slash at any sign of attack... when Peepi lowers his head to look at him with his big, innocent, cute eyes. Dave gulps down, and before he can make himself attack, Peepi's front paws grab him gently.


Spiderman looks ready to save Dave when the giant hamster starts nibbling very gently at Dave, licking and slobbering all over him in a clear show of affection.


Like you! You funny! Play with me?

heehheheehhehe THAT TICKLES! :woot: Ok ok OKAY! I'll play with you...just don't touch my dice, okay? You like RPG's or board games? Cards mebbe?


OOC: change vote to Wile E Coyote before the giant hamster tickles me to death! :P

Edited by Gnarlitch
Posted (edited)

The sound of laughter brings a glint of happiness to Peepi's eye, reminding him of the children who used to spent time in front of his little cage to see him playing. He nibbles a bit more, loving Dave's laughter, then lets him go and looks at him expectantly.


RPG...? Board...? Cards...?


Play with me... Learn fast!


The big eyes show curiosity, and Peepi nudges Dave very gently with his wet nose.



OOC Will come back later with a vote



Edit: for clarity, and adding two lines...

Edited by Tanuchan

Pepe yelps in an undignified fashion when Gir bites him. He whirls around again.


"Ai! Zee stupid dog has bit me! And what ees this? It does not like my fragrance? Can it not recognize the scent of love? Pah! Serves it right for biting such a one as me! Begone, you fiends! I can zee no place is safe!"


Nose in the air, Pepe springs away, before he has time to be accosted again. As he goes he mutters to himself about mammoth hamsters and offensive dogs.


"Ah, me." Pepe sighs. "How am I ever to find love in a place like zhis? Oh love, what have I done that you will not turn your fickle eyes upon me? Oh, woe!"

Posted (edited)

RPG? Board? Cards? Play with me...


Ok. Up fer anything huh. Ok, then I'll teach ya how to play the best game ever invented...HackMaster! But we need more players *reaches out and grabs Pepe by the tail, ignoring the smell* Hey! Stinkbutt! Come play Hackmaster with us. You can play too, robot dog and robot truck. I'll be the GM. Now *pulls out a bunch of books* this is how you play... :D


OOC: btw, Dragonqueen, yer gonna make me hurt myself laughing! :woot:

Edited by Gnarlitch

Dave proptly whacks GIR over the head with his HackMaster+12...


Dave DON'T EAT THE BOOKS! THOSE COST MONEY! now ya gotta pay for that! (more ways than one, hehehehe) *starts plotting to destroy GIR's first HM character*

Posted (edited)

"This is not a time for games" says Marvin the Martian


he pulls out his disinigrating gun and disinigrates the HM books


"somone has been up to something, hmmmmm. I think its that hamster over there"


OOC- Tanny, she's always up to something

Edited by MeThinksUFoolish
Posted (edited)

Pepe is pulled up short when Dave yanks his tail. Struggling to get away, he voices his feelings on the matter.


"Ai! Have you no respect? Away, fiend! Are you all out to thwart my search for love? Ai, let me go! I am no stuffed animal! And my name is not StinkButt!"


Pepe is extremely disinclined to favor Dave with a game at the moment, especially if it involves Peepi and Gir. He is gratefully relieved when Marvin disintegrates the books, making it impossible to play the game and causing Dave to release his hold. Giving up his previous manner, he is the picture of depression now. Head hanging, tail drooping, he drags himself off to a cornor to mope about his mistreatment.


"I am helpless in face of such devils," he sighs. "Why are they all against me? Are they so cruel as to want to keep me from love by any means? Oh fie, this day goes not well. All I want is love, and see what I get!"


OOC: Pepe is a fun character to play! And one vote for Marvin the Martian, I guess.

Edited by dragonqueen
Posted (edited)
  MeThinksUFoolish said:

"This is not a time for games" says Marvin the Martian


he pulls out his disinigrating gun and disinigrates the HM books


"somone has been up to something, hmmmmm.  I think its that hamster over there"


OOC-  Tanny, she's always up to something

Shooting some webbing at Marvin's gun, Spider-Man whips the gun into the air


Whoa there 8-ball. No need to be disintergrating things yet. Sure Dave over there may be a geek for playing HackMaster, but that makes him ok in my book. I can relate. Having a hard time relating to something without a nose though. That's gotta be helping you avoid Pepe over there at least.


OOC whoops forgot my accusation. One mark for Marvin The Martian

Edited by Nave
Posted (edited)

Peepi squeaks and jumps back when Marvin disintegrates the books, almost squashing Pepe against a wall with his movement. Feeling the dejected skunk's soft touch against his back and hearing his muffled yelp, the hamster looks back with a worried, gentle squeak.


Oh... okay, you?


He helps Pepe standing with a paw, then touches him softly with his wet nose, showing concern, nibbling softly at him to show his willingness to help.


Wanna friends... you wanna play?


Play.... oohh... play!


With another squeak, Peepi turns back to Dave, who looks at the places his books had been with a blank look. Sensing his loss, Peepi nudges and nibbles softly at him.


Then he turns with a somewhat upset look to the small martian, and his low squeak is very annoyed.


No fun. No play. No friend.


OOC A vote for Marvin/MTYFoolish

Edited by Tanuchan
Posted (edited)

Dave just sits there in stunned silence for a few moments and then...


AAARRRRRGH! You freaking, pint-sized, good-for-nothing, freak of an alien! You just destroyed my LIFE SAVINGS! I've spent the last TEN YEARS collecting all those books! I scrimped and saved, and borrowed...I may have even stolen once or twice. THOSE BOOKS WERE THE ONLY THING THAT GAVE MEANING TO MY MISERABLE EXISTENCE! NOW YOU DIE, EVIL FIEND!


Suddenly, Dave Boswell is transformed before your eyes. No longer is he a small, geeky-looking gaming nerd with no life. Suddenly, he is EL RAVAGER made flesh. in his hand is the biggest, most bad-ass sword any of you has ever seen. As he steps towards Marvin the Dead-Meat Martian, he fancy cape billows in the wind, flying back from his wide, muscular shoulders, and showing of his immaculate gold-chased full plate armor. The blade seems to sing as it cuts through the air. All hold their breath in anticipation...



OOC: Ok, I'll end this post here and let our mod take it from here if he wishes. Of course, I am assuming that Marvin the Dead-Meat Martian is getting lynched now, as I also am changing my vote against him.

That was just sooo way unkewl! :yuimad::censored: :yuitongue:



Also OOC: It was very IC for Marvin to do that though... :hmm:

Edited by Gnarlitch

Just as Miroku is about to shout his confusion to the gathered creatures (to be sure to be heard by the significantly taller ones), the strange scholar who had seemed to be asking the aid of the skunk, hamster, dog, and car demons for their aid in searching his vast tomes and Miroku watch in mounting surprise, then anxiety as the odd creature that seemed to be a tar demon dressed in a red garment, green helmet with a brush on top of it, a green armor skirt, and sneakers produced a device that he shot the wise man's books and scrolls with using the strange orange light it emitted, vaporizing all of the paper almost instantly.


Before the young monk can react, the wise man, screaming in rage, reveals powerful shapeshifting ability as he changes abruptly from a pudgy, triangle-haired pale man into a weatherbeaten mighty warrior of giant stature.


Not wasting another moment, he leaps into the fray from his perch atop the wall wreckage, blocking the beheading strike aimed at the small creature from the wise man's massive blade with his staff.


The alien aura of the huge sword glowed a bright red as the two weapons collided with terrfic force into Miroku's staff, the sword hemmoraging a deadly red into the atmosphere, and a nimbus of holy light broke forth from Miroku's staff even as he grunted and began to sweat with the effort of holding back the mighty blow.


The two vied for mastery over the other's strength of arm for what seemed an eternity. Finally, feeling himself weakening, Miroku managed through gritted teeth, "Noble teacher. Must this obviously weaker creature meet death at your hands? Justice will be served if this is what he desrves, but is it what he truly deserves?


Or is there some more...fitting punishment you may mete out?", he finishes, with a small, knowing smirk to El Ravager.


(OOC: Marvin. Sorry, dude. But while Miroku might wanna save ya, I have to say THOU SHALT NOT VIOLATE YOUR NEIGHBOR'S GAMING LIBRARY!)

Posted (edited)

Illpalazzo- OK then, the contestants in the javylin throw have all singled out the Team Warner Bros. second hurler, Marvin the Martian.


Daffy Duck- Let's go down to the field to our valient reporter... Faye Valentine.



Faye Valentine- Thanks Daffy, *The things I do for money...*. Anyway, here on the field there is a tense situation. "The Rav" is about to behead Marvin for his impunity but Miroku has staved off a beheading for now...




Whoops! Looks like Wile E.'s banana flinging contraption has hit the wrong mark.


Miroku has slipped and "The Rav" has hit his mark. And changed back to his smaller, geekier form...


And the referees are on the field. Let's listen in.



"Ref" Underdog- OK, penalty shot for Team Warner Bros. Fight fair now. Medic to treat the wounded...


Marvin- Oooo... The stars...



Illpalazzo- Hmmm... That's one obstacle for domination taken care of...


Daffy Duck- Anyway, there has been a change up in the next event. Instead of the 130 meter anvil-sack race... There will be a short Hack-Tourney. Group one will be Dave Boswell (Gamemaster), Tsukishiro Yukito, Johnny Quest, PeePi the Hamster, Wile E. Cyote.


Group two will be Miroku (Gamemaster), GIR, Spider Man, Optimus Prime, Chichiri, Pepe le Pew


Each group will be taught the rules, given books, and the event starts in three hours.


(OOC: Marvin was an innocent! Back to the ol' drawing board. I need the PMs please. Also, you are in a RPG tornament. The larger team is handicapped nbecause of GIR. Enjoy!)

Edited by DeanTheAdequate

ACKK, if only i had known how much everyone liked HackMaster, i never would have destroyed the books. oh well, im rooting for the wolves on this one. HEH HEH HEH AVENGE MY DEATH WOLVES! AVENGE ME!!!!!


OOC: Blah. RL had to eat me this voting phase. Gomen nasai...*whimpers* I'll try to find a plausible excuse to waltz in late.


IC: Teach you, ya firking midget alien from yeranus! Mess with my books will ya. Jeeeez. *sits back down with a brand new set of books appearing as if by magic* Ok, so Yukito, yer gonna play a samuri? Kewl, samuri are sooo way badass! Here, I'll let ya even have a +5 Katana of Dhoom! And Peepi, yer sure ya wanna play a pixie faerie thief? Ok, whatever floats yer boat. You might want this ring of invisibility then. And Johnny, I see you've chosen to be the all-powerful mage type with the Inquisitor package. Kewl. You get a Wand of Dealing Devastation. Trust me, you'll like it. And, uh, Mr. Coyote, I'm not so sure that a cleric is the right choice for you...ah...I get it now. That's some patron gawd you chose there. We'd better keep that one just between us...


OOC: Ouch, I think I pulled something laughing so hard! :woot: :wizzie:


Pepe lets out a startled "Ulp!" when Peepi squashes him. As Peepi steps back worriedly, Pepe staggers around in a proper squashed cartoon fashion, aka, like a paper doll.


"Oh...ai, my head!" Indeed, minature stars and planets orbit Pepe's head. "I give up. What use ees resistance? Very well, I will play your silly game. As love ees avoiding me 'till zhis be solved, 'twill serve to pasz the time." Having given up his search for love - for now - Pepe spares a mite of concern for Dave. "Oh, fie, zee eevil Martian! What has eet done? Love does not destroy! I am sorry, Dave." Striking a dramatic pose, in a tragic voice, Pepe professes his sympathy. "I too, know what eet ees to lose a love! Oh, woe! I feel your pain!"


Failing to hear a response of any sort, Pepe quits his pose and looks around. In annoyance he notices everyone is too wrapped up in Marvin's destruction to attend to his dramatics. Sighing, he droops and watches the action, for lack of any possible romantic prospects. Despite himself, though, he begins to get into the action. Soon he is on his feet and shaking his fist.


"Get him, zee eevil fiend! Smite zee enemies of love! Smite him, smite him! Hah! Take that, you eevil alien!"


Pepe stands down, redfaced, when the action is over, slightly ashamed of his loss of his usually perfect self-control and composure and slowly calms himself. Resuming his usual air, he strokes his chin and ponders his character of choice in this "Hackmaster".


Optimus Prime was already reading the books that were given to him. He thinks that younger and cheerful members of his crew would have appreciate a roleplaying game better than him, but he'll give a try. He looks at the characters and decides that a Paladin might do it.


- I should be able to bring some home, I know some cadets who'll be eager to pay with this. So, Mr. LePew, did you find any interesting character for you?


Pepe skims the books quickly, and snaps the last one shut with an official sound. "I," he announced, "shall be zee bard, forever searching for zee elusive love, singing romantic ballads every step of zee way, a hopeless dreamer to zee end..." Lost in his own vision, he trails off. Coming to his senses in a moment, Pepe inquires as to the specifics of the game. "What are zee rules of zhis game?"

Posted (edited)

Peepi looks at Dave, with a happy smile. He nods at his talk about faeries, but cocks his head at the ring of invisibility.


Faeries cute. Thieves funny. Invisibility? Peepi likes being seen... no one plays with invisible Peepi...


Dave explains to the giant hamster with a very patient look. "You are a thief. Thieves don't want to be seen. That ring will help you.


Something distracts Peepi, and as Dave checks he sees that Wile E. Coyote has got his order for hamster pellets...


Food? Hungry!


Peepi jumps right over Wile to get the pellets, smashing him to the ground in the process.



Edit: spelling

Edited by Tanuchan

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