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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

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hmmmm. perhaps the PE PE I had found earlier didn't spell out Peepi the Hamster.


:hmm: But who could it be then?


Tsukishiro Yukito no their is no PE PE in that name.

Spider Man No it couldn't be... or could it! Peter Parker maybe....

Of course that is the only logical assumption.


<hello Acme Quality Products>

<Yes I need one superhero costume>


Wile E. Coyote opens up his new package. Inside is a purple helmet with matching costume. Wile E. dons his new "Magneto" costume. complete with magnetized gloves and boots.


Wile E. tests his new costume by raising his hand and a refrigator is pulled to him.


:lol: It works!!!


out on the arena floor prepared to face down spiderman.


As Wile E. tries to get the attention of Spiderman something unpredicted happens.


Optimous Prime starts sliding backwards.




Wile E. tries to run away but simply succeeds at not moving.


Optimous Prime's heels catch on the a few bleachers. Sending them flying towards Wile E.




Massive amounts of metal start converging around Wile E. Coyote.

By the time Optimous Prime arrives a tiny bit of purple helmet is still visible.

Then Optimous Prime looses his balance.


Flattening the metal ball. :pinch:


The metal pancake and Wile E. are swept away by the Jetson cleaning 'bots whom Optimous Prime starts talking to about Robot rights and how the "man" is oppressing them.


They roll away with Autobot stickers on their backs.


<O.O.C.> Spiderman.

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"Well if I didn't know you were innocent Wile, I'd almost think you were an eraser with Pepe. But I do know your innocent, because I watched you last night as you worked the janitorial service to pay back ACME a little bit.


If I'm not here during the next time we figure out who the eraser is, despite Wile looking innocent, don't think he's the eraser. I've cleared him. Just make him feel guilty for having voted against me ;)"


Optimus is rethinking again. What was surprising was Yuki's vote himeself and how determine Pepe le Pew is. Now, it was two scenarios unfolding before him.


Scenario A was: Pepe and Yukito are the erasers, Pepe pretends to be the Seer. However, two things sounds wrong in this scenario: Yukito is voting AGAINST Pepe, basing his voting according to Optimus' and Pepe gave a logical explanation about the built of scenario B.


Scenario B: Spiderman and Dave are the erasers. The Erasers knows who are innocents and one of them waited that the reel Seer manifested himself in order to build a real thought up scenario. That way, they can defend two of the genuine innocents and pick on the less active of the bunch as Pepe's accomplice.


But, in both case, the why motive is questionable.


- Well, now I genuinely mixed up and I'm not sure whom to believe. But... one think is sure... something stinks and it's not the skunk.


- Of courze I don't stink! Zis is the smell of romance. nods Pepe


- Errr... let's drop that would you? Anyhow. The only think I am sure of is that three persons here knows who are innocent: me and that splattered coyote over there. Now, I am asking myself why both him and I are alive. The coyote over there kept minding his own business and aimed his attention against Peepi.


- Hey we all know that but, what's your point? asks Dave


- I'll tell you later. As for me, either I befriended both Erasers, either my suspect list was totally off. I do think that the reason is for the latter.


- That's nice but you're thinking to much. You know it had to be stinky over there.cuts Spiderman


- Well, that's the problem, I don't know anymore. What I predicted will occured did happen. But Yuki's voting is just to bizarre for an accomplice's. Maybe there's disloyalty among them, maybe he's the third innocent...


((OOC: Change vote for Nave/Spiderman))


"Prime, buddy, you're making a mistake. Course I'm not the only one who will pay for it. Since you have Yogi's vote tied with yours, I'm as good as dead. Hope you enjoy being eraser. Keep in mind though that Yogi is tying her vote to you. At the time she knew Pepe would be going down. She was probably just trying to cover her tracks so that during the next day, she was smelling like a rose, which couldn't happen to someone who hun around stinky. I've said my piece, just let's get this over with shall we?."


((OOC: Ano, Nave, a little correction: you spelled my name wrong. Yukito, or Yuki if shortened. And while Yuki may look fragile and pretty like a girl, he's no girl. Gomen nasai if I sound harsh.))


Pepe does a little victory dance. "Hahhah! Zee? Zhey are no fools; zhey know truth when zhey zee eet! Zee zpider zhall trouble uz no more!"


Folding his arms, Pepe has a smug look of satsifaction on his face.


Enjoy your victory Stinky. I'm still hoping Prime comes to his/its senses before its too late.


But either way I'm going down. If not by those who I call friend, then by your partner tonight.


"Well right now the vote stands at 4 to 2 in Stinky's favor. If anyone is having second (or in Prime's case, third) thoughts, best to voice them them now before the judges call an end to the time to act. Course that would only serve to tie the vote up.


Prime, I implore you, vote against Pepe once again. You still have Yogi's vote tied to yours. That will scoot it past the tie and take down Stinky. I will still go down tonight. The remaining eraser won't want me clearing someone else's name. Just make sure you're aware that I've done what I can for you. I cleared your name and I revealed myself even though it means I'm going to take the hit tonight.


If I really have caused doubt in your mind, then so be it. Take me down. But don't say whine when your running on empty cause someone erased your gas tank."


Dave is just plain struck dumb in shock that Optimus turned against his fellow super hero, Spiderman. He jsut can't beleive the "logic" of sauch an action, because if he's wrong, then we are all dead!



OOC: My vote aint changing! ARREST THE STINKY SKUNK!


"That a boy son! You ever come to New York, you be sure to look me up. I'll take ya swinging sometime!"


(OOC: We apologize for the delay. With the voting going 4-2 to Nave, I'll just get the RAID then...)


Pepe points at Parker. Parker points at Pepe. Pepe primes a pungent perfume. Parker pushes a panic powerswitch.


Time slows. The jet of stench fires at the masked hero. A seemingly normal web burst spews forth from the web-shooter. Pepe thinks quickly, puts on a pair of dark sunglasses, and backwards-dodges the webbing. The stench, however, contacts the web-head... Even as he tries to bound away.




Meanwhile the web spray keeps going. Snagglepuss saunters into the bathhouse.


Snagglepuss- Heavens to merga--- *WHUMP!*


The webbing smacks him in the head... erasing it!


Pepe- You see! Arrest heem!


Inspecter Gadget- You rang?


Pepe- No zomeone competant!


Inspector Gadget hangs his head in shame, then rollerskates out. Instead, Inspector Protector bursts in.


Inspector Protector- We got here as soon as we could. Get that masked man. ANd get his gloves off.


Spider Man- OK... Skewing the betting pools for new tires on thje spider-mobile... Bad idea.


Spider-man quickly web-slings the guns out of the ICPO's hands and he leaps to freedom.


Spider Man- And to think... Aunt May would have never thought I ran with a rough crowd.




Spider Man- Crap inna hat...



Daffy- Well, it looth like one of the culprits have been captured.


Ilpallazzo- Indeed. For once the masses have found justice.


Daffy- Not tho! The perpetrator abscounded away!


Ilpallazo- Oh. Well then time for a regime change..... Yadda, Yadda. Let's go to Excel at the scorboard.



Excel- Well, the Scoobie Doobies are ahead by 15 points thanks to the pie eating contest. The Really Rottens reamed the road rally. Finally the Yogi Yahooies are at rock bottem because they've lost Squiddly Diddly for some reason.




Illpallazo- Wrong scoreboard...

*Ilpallazo grips a braided rope that decends regally*




Excel- Whoops! Sorry. They're so close together that I....EEEEEEEEEE!

*Excel drops down a nigh bottomless pit*



Daffy- Out of your thystem?


Ilpallazo- Yes, as if I had purged an awful essence from my system...


Daffy- Too much information Buster. The next event is the Ski Salom/Skeet shoot. Have fun!



Meanwhile... in a bar across town.


Spider Man- And to think, I almost had them!


Iceman- There there... You've still got the old Ice man to provide cold ones.


Spider Man- Thanks. Where's Jean?


Iceman- On the mechanical bull again.


Spider Man- Makes sense, considering who her boyfriend is...


(OOC: Nave was a wolf! Night Phase. Seer, wolf... TO THE PMs!)


((OOC: Indeed, I was *that* close of not reconsidering switching against Nave the first time.))


Optimus sights at the whole mess. He felt betrayed. He knew that, deep in his core, he had to listen to the skunk. He understands why he's still around thought; he wasn't a threat to the Erasers, yet. Prime walks over Pepe.


- Pepe le Pew. I want to apologizes for ever doubting of your innocence. It is true, I've made myself acquainted to Spiderman, not knowing that he was contributing to this terror. Why he did that, I'll probably never know. May I ask whom had you seen besides Spiderman and Peepi?

  Gnarlitch said:

:pinch: well played, Nave. You had me going. I hereby vow to never trust Nave again. :hmm:

Yeah I figured I wouldnt be trusted ever again :P Wish I had won lol. Here's hoping my partner is able to finish the game in the wolf's favor :D

Daffy- And nexth up... Dave for team KODT.


Illpallazo- Dave has some combat training with a history of playing paintball. He's a favorite for this match.


Daffy- But what's this? He's not at the starting gate. Let's go to Boba Fett from the Star Wars Christmas special for an update.



Boba Fett- .....No chance in hell.


*The sarlac swallows him up. The microphone dangles in the air for a second, but Simon Belmont from "Captain N" grabs it.*


Simon- *Ahem* Simon Belmont here reporting next to the vending machines in hallway 7-b. Dave was last seen in search of a grape Faygo when...


*Simon turns a corner. There is dave, with his knees erased!*


Dave- Now I know what a critical hit to a roll of 17 feels like...


Simon- Ew, you've got no knees. I'm not even speaking to tha...

*More sarlac service. Josie from "Josie and the Pussycats" grabs up the mic.*


Josie- Sorry about that Dave. You're gonna have to miss the event, but we've got an artist on standby to help you out.


Dave- OK... Where's my amulet? All I remember was being hit with the force of 1000 flipped tables and then...


Josie- I think this is it!


*Josie produces the amulet. But someone erased parts of the +12 so that it makes a -12*


Dave- That was sooo cheap. This calls for a quick stop at the pizza place to plot against BA's friggin home brewed monsters...



Daffy- Well, it looks like team KODT dosen't take the gold this time.


Illpallazo- Not to worry. Thier participant named Sara won the Judo competition. But now is not time for a history lesson. On to the future. The next event, The Free-Form swim.


(OOC: Dave was innocent. Day phase!)

Posted (edited)

The Animated!

Elwen- Tsukishiro Yukito (Card Captor Sakura)

Lady Celes Crusader- Optimus Prime (Transformers)

dragonqueen- Pepe le Pew (Warner Bros.)

Eyremon- Wile E. Coyote (Warner Bros.)



The Static!

Deg- GIR! (Invader Zim) (Hey! That taco looks... BZZZT!)

MeThinksUFoolish- Marvin The Martian(Warner Bros.) (Never touch a mans books...)

Vahktang- Johnny Quest (Johnny Quest) (IT WAS SMUGGLERS DAMNIT... That's the Hardy Boys Dean... Oh, yeah...)

Eirishluck- Chichiri (Fushigi Yugi) (NO-DA!)

Tanuchan- PeePi the Hamster, soon to be Ultra PiPi (Invader Zim) (Behold the power of SEED!)

Ozzy- Miroku (Inu-Yasha) (Well... The advantage to ghostlyness... TO THE SHOWERS!)

Nave: Spider Man (Spider Man) (He was a wolf spider)

Gnarlich- Dave Boswell (Knights of the Dinner Table) (oww my knees where is Tonya Harding)

Edited by Eyremon

Optimus is confused. Not only the Eraser left the Seer animated but he erased the very one who voted along with Spiderman. Something is definatly wrong.


- It is very strange that I'll have to vote against one who did contributed to the capture of his accomplice. It seems that there's no loyalty among thieves nor Erasers. But whom?

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