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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

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Chichiri studies the rulebooks that have been handed to him while absently floating a set of dice in midair over his right palm. The dice start swirling in intricate patterns like the revolutions of planets around a star. Chichiri flips a page and then quietly says,


"Not high enough level for that spell yet, No Da!"


Upon saying that all of the dice suddenly fall to the tabletop.


Chichiri smiles broadly at the others around his table,


"Exciting this will be, No Da!"

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The slender, gray-haired Japanese boy looks down at the sheet in front of him. Mr. Boswell had explained so rapidly that it made his head hurt: school and calculus were one thing, but this was completely another.


"Excuse me, Boswell-san?" Yukito asked, cheerfully and politely. "May I please see the rulebook? It would help me understand better if I read the rules." he gives a dazzling smile to the older man.


When Peepi launches over Dave to get the food pellets the plan finally takes affect.


as the pellets are eaten a rope hidden in the pellets is chewed through releasing a bolwing ball down the stairs to knock into a chair to cause it to fall. When the chair falls another rope around the leg of the chair is released letting go off the 7 ton safe that was dangeling above the hamster pellets.


Unfortunately Wile E. Coyote used too much rope, and he gave his safe seat to Yukito. And Wile E. Mistakingly sat in the "Bad" seat which Peepi gave up to go eat.


As the bolwing ball hits the chair with no effect, Wile E. is reminded about the plan. He offers to get everyone food and drink


Peepi eats all the pellets and returns to table.

Wile E. Coyote decided to use his Acme Card to order 8 pizza's and soda for the game as well as a D8million (vary rare)

As he gets up to go make the call he walks past a Large X on the ground


<doppler effect>


Wile E. Looks up holds up a sign




The paint was just tacky enough to cause him to not move.




the 7 ton safe falls on Wile E. followed by a spool of rope.


When Wile E. comes out of the safe all accordianed He thinks to himself now where is that Hamster Wheel.


Just as everyone hears a Giant rolling sound.


Uh-Oh :pinch:


A giant hamster wheel rolls in over Wile E. from the door and exits out the wall through a hole that Peepi painted, taking Wile E. with it.


The D8million is lying on the ground where Wile E. was. It was ominously lying with the 1 face up

Posted (edited)

Peepi looks at Wile E. leaving the room and turns to Dave.


He doesn't play anymore...?


With his stomach full, Peepi yawns loudly, startling everybody. He looks around, clearly searching for a comfortable place to take a nap. His eyes fall again on Dave, and he takes two steps into his direction.


Dave rounds his eyes in surprise, looking at the giant hamster lying down next to him, with his giant head lowering over him...


"Hey... no, you won't... nooo... mmmmphhh..." Dave's voice is muffled as Peepi lays his head on Dave's lap, curling up with a happy look and falling asleep in minutes.

Edited by Tanuchan

Pepe listenes impatiently to the rules, but he waves them off. "Bah, I need no zuch rules, we will play by zee rules of love!" His fellow players role their eyes, but Pepe pays no mind.


When Wile E.'s plan goes into effect, Pepe springs back to hide behind one of the chairs. Looking on, he narrows his eyes and says, "Zee? Zhere is treachery every where! Not even love ees safe!" Nobody else appears to care too much, though, so Pepe gives it up. He finds Wile mildly amusing, and chuckles from his safe vantage point. "Hah, serves him right, zee evil villain!


Pepe is in a slightly better mood now, and notes Peepi has transfered his affections. He muses quietly to himself on the nature of love, but eventually that grows old and then there is nothing new to catch Pepe's attention. He taps his foot, bored and impatient.


Chichiri grins over at him broadly, Optimus studiously pores over the rules for turning undead, Pepe continues to glare in consternation, and G.I.R. appears to have made an exquisitely ornate origami rendition of the Taj Mahal out of the Monster Manual and a small child as Miroku hangs his head and begins to sweat in anxiety.


What have I gotten myself into?


Sigh. Gathering his composure, Miroku puts on his most winning smile and announces to his group, "Thanks to Optimus and G.I.R.'s kind aid in translation*, I think we're ready to begin! It says here that a good way to start off is to go around the table and have everyone describe their characters.


So who would like to begin?", finishes the young monk with a calm authority he does not feel. Grandfather, give me wisdom!


Dave sneaks a glance over at the other table and smirks in triumph as he sees Miroku holding the book upside-down...still.


"GIR, I think his mother wants him back now...GIR!! No!! We don't do that to women!!!!!"




*Translation of the English text to Japanese, that is. Yes, GIR helped.


Posted (edited)

OOC: It is GIR. Not G.I.R. :P




"WoooooOoo I love games! I wanna be a mongoose! Can I be a mongoose?"

"No, but you can be a wizard."

"I like Wizards. Can I be a Mongoose Wizard?"

*sigh* "Yes, GIR."

"WEEHEEHOO! Mongooses go like.." GIR places his hands on his chest, holding his arms close to his side and makes a clicky noise, "... that!"

Edited by Degenero Angelus

Spider-Man perches himself on Prime's shoulder and watches him roll up his character


Ohhh a Paladin eh? I was thinking of being a rogue myself. The whole wall climbing ability just speaks to me.


"Excuse me, Boswell-san?" Yukito asked, cheerfully and politely. "May I please see the rulebook? It would help me understand better if I read the rules." he gives a dazzling smile to the older man.


Dave Uh...*why is he smiling at me like that... :huh: * Oh, sorry, here *hands over a pile of books just as Peepi's head lands on him lap. All that anyone can see of Dave no is a hand sticking out holding some books...* :P


Optimus nods at Spider-man


- Indeed. From what I've read here, rogue have skills that are very useful to his party.


The Autobot rolls several very high score and several very low scores and analyzes where he's going to put his higher stats. He kepts reading the book and finally distributes his stats as logically as he thought.


(OOC: While I can't get enough of this, I must move to day phase... Sigh.)


Daffy- Well it lookth like the treasure has been compiled, and totaling the EPS... Team Boswell wins the event!


Dave- HOODY HOO! Now they HAVE to let me run another one!


Illpalazzo- And now to the next event... the pole vault.


*All the toons stand to go to the next event... except GIR. Yukito goes to investigate.*


Yukito- GIR-san... we must get to the next...


*GIR topples over with a clank. His back panel had been erased, with his power supply.*


Ilpallazo- Well, now the gambling boards will be askew and teach the unenlightened masses a lesson.


Daffy- I justht lost ten bucks!



(Meanwhile as the pole vault, Snake eyes is chalking the lines)


Snake Eyes- .....


(When suddenly his fellow chalker, Speed Racer, runs him over with the automatic chalker. Snake Eyes rolls with the damage... But a white stripe is on his black uniform back...)


Snake Eyes- .....


(Snake eyes then takes his post as judge, but only after breaking Speed's arms...)


Speed- OWHN!



(OOC: At least, I think that's the sound Speed makes... Anywhoo... It's Day phase! GIR is dead... But Innocent.)


Optimus Prime is saddened by what happened to GIR, a robot. Well, a weird kind of robot but still, a fellow robot.


- I would like to know much more about this fellow. *sighs* But it seems that the "Eraser" is still around. I think it's time to be on the look out and find out who gave GIR this horrible fate.


Peepi bumps lightly Optimus Prime when he approaches to see what has happened, and lets out a low squeaking.


GIR nice, fun... GIR played before with me... where is GIR... ?


As Optimus shakes his head, the hamster blinks sad eyes, looking around for other friends. He sees Dave coming, and Pepe mumbling something near him.


Peepi nudges Pepe gently, nibbling at his tail as he had seen GIR biting it.


GIR played with you... play with me? Miss GIR...


Pepe hears the news with horror and sadness, but he forgets it quickly as he sees a black figure with a white stripe. His expression brightens immediatly, and he waves off Peepi as he strokes his chin and considers his approach.


Dave Wait. Is BA messing with this game? This seems like one of his dirty tricks. He is always trying to kill us. I think it must be him!


OOC: Anyone who doesn't know who BA is, he's the GM from the Knights comic that Dave is from....not a player here though.... :rolleyes:

Posted (edited)

The Animated!

Elwen- Tsukishiro Yukito (Card Captor Sakura)

Eirishluck- Chichiri (Fushigi Yugi)

Vahktang- Johnny Quest (Johnny Quest)

Tanuchan- PeePi the Hamster, soon to be Ultra PiPi (Invader Zim)

Nave: Spider Man (Spider Man)

Lady Celes Crusader- Optimus Prime (Transformers)

dragonqueen- Pepe le Pew (Warner Bros.)

Gnarlich- Dave Boswell (Knights of the Dinner Table)

Eyremon- Wile E. Cyote (Warner Bros.)

Ozzy- Miroku (Inu-Yasha)


The Static!

Deg- GIR! (Invader Zim) (Hey! That taco looks... BZZZT!)

MeThinksUFoolish- Marvin The Martian(Warner Bros.) (Never touch a mans books...)

Edited by DeanTheAdequate

(OOC: Tanny, Dear Gal...that MTYF's been lynched 'swhat he meant. :P )


Miroku stands, finishing a prayer at the small grave he has made for the insane, lighthearted little steel demon.


I once knew fiends such as who did this. The ones who called themselves the Thunder Brothers. His earnest face darkens as he frowns, making his way back to the arena. Beings of awesome power who were nothing more than mere schoolhouse bullies. Inu-Yasha defeated them...now, I must test my strength against this unseen foe. I pray I am equal to the task. The death of an innocnet must not go unpuni...


As he nears the stadium, he sees a voluptous young redhead helping load the harrowed, still gesticulating form of Daily Bugle Editor J. Jonah Jameson into an ambulance in the ugly aftermath of his bout with Yosemite Sam in the 100-meter bellow.


Immediately, Miroku changes course from the path to the enterance to her side.

Taking a knee before her as her gently clasps her hand inbetween his own, he tells her with heartfelt sincerity, "I want you to bear my children."


Mary Jane Watson is somewhat taken aback.




Inside, at that exact same moment, Spider-Man's spider sense knocks him clean off the light fixture he was perched on.


Inner thoughts:


"Spider-Sense tingling"


[/i]Looking around for the danger, Spider-Man looks perplexed when he can't find it.


"What's making my Spider-Sense go off? And it's a weird tingling too... Maybe I'm in a different type of danger...?"


Following where his Spider-Sense led him, Spider-Man is lead outside the arena. It is there that he sees Miroku on his knee in front of Mary Jane. With the blood rushing to his face, he realized what the danger was. It was a danger to his love life! Swinging towards the pair, he secretly wished the eraser had taken out Miroku.


"MARY JANE!!!!!!"


Without breaking stride in his swing, Spider-Man scooped Mary Jane up and began his ascent. He did yell back over his shoulder though to Miroku.


"Next time fella, be observant and notice when a pretty lady has a gold band on her finger!"


As Spider-Man swung up and landed on the walls of the stadium, he could feel Mary Jane's cold gaze as he set her down.


"What? What'd I do now?!"


"Peter, were you jealous?"


"Hey my spider-sense went off. I thought you were in danger."


"And that's why you made the little wedding band comment?"


"Umm....Hey look! A puppy in trouble. Gotta go save him!"


"You leave me up here and you can bet your puppy won't be getting any attention any time soon"


With a sigh, Spider-Man picked her up and swung her over to the far side of the stadium and set her down in the bleachers.


With that he headed back to the competition area.


"Damn that Miroku. Now I'm in trouble with MJ. Going after another guy's gal is so not cool."


OOC Vote for Miroku/Ozy

Posted (edited)
  Ozymandias the Elder said:

(OOC: Tanny, Dear Gal...that MTYF's been lynched 'swhat he meant.  :P  )

OOC The scorecard... MTYFoolish was still on the player's list, Ozy.





Peepi looks from Pepe to the black, white-striped lithe figure, then decides that he still needs more friends now that he has lost one. Purposefully he takes three small steps towards that other figure, and lies down next to her.


And instantly scares her away.




Pepe runs to the hamster, yelling at him madly about scaring his beloved. Peepi holds Pepe's tail to the ground gently, forcing him to stay there instead of following the fleeing figure.


Understand you... wanna help.


Pepe stops short when Peepi starts whispering into his ear, and slowly a grin appears.


She's afraid... I go and scare her more. You come and save her.


Peepi smiles, looking at Pepe again.


Don't hurt me... then come and play later...?


Peepi looks expectantly at Pepe, releasing also his hold on his tail.

Edited by Tanuchan

Chichiri watches the strangeness flowing around him and feels a sorrow within that doesn't show on his eternally smiling face. It is unfortunate that one or more of these lively wonderful people are capable of hiding such a dastardly evil soul... the use of an eraser. Chichiri supresses a small shudder.


Chichiri looks amongst those assembled and chooses to approach the strongest and most versatile among them.


"Spider-san, a moment of your time, No Da!"


Pepe bounds over to Peepi in alarm when he sees the hamster frightening his beloved. Gesturing wildly, he yells at Peepi. At the same time, he tries to run after his love, but Peepi prevents that. Pepe performs another typical cartoon stunt - running furiously but failing to go anywhere. When Peepi starts whispering, Pepe stops running and folds his arms. A grin appears on his face.


Pepe nods his head enthusiasticly and gives Peepi a big hug.


"Very smart hamster! You are a champion of Love! When I have saved her, we will play all you want! Wonderful!"


"Pepe old chap. I think Miroku was looking for you. Something about wanting a partner to hit the bar scene?


What can I do for you Chichiri?"


Chichiri walks away from the group aways encouraging Spiderman to follow him. He thinks quickly in his mind, Can I trust him, I was wrong about Amiboshi... Well nothing ventured, nothing gained


"I assume you are also worried about the mad eraser who may be hiding amongst us, No Da!"


Chichiri causually looks back at the group to see if they are drawing undue attention.


"I was hoping that we could collaborate on trying to protect the innocent amongst us from further depradations. I am willing to take a chance on the fact that a noble soul such as yours could not possibly be corrupted by whatever evil has struck amongst us, No Da. As I have heard you state, Great Power..."

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