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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

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Posted (edited)

Merry birthdallocin day, splendiferous elder Ozymandias, the fantabulous.

Have a great and joyful one, and, yet again.....


Drinks are on me!


Oh, yeah...

*hands Ozy a giftwrapped pair of Eterna Ly Flaming Steel-Toed boots*

I'm sure you'll love them!

Edited by Xaious, Master of Time

Ayshela wanders in rubbing her eyes and trying to look around her. "A birthday?" She kicks the morning scornfully. "It's nowhere near a nice enough morning to be a birthday!" She pries her eyes the rest of the way open only to have them seared by sunlight. "GAH!!!!! Okay, okay, i take it back! it's a lovely morning!" she gasps as she scrambles for her sunglasses.


With her eyes properly protected she wanders over to Ozymandias to give him his extra extra extra large Ye Olde CuppaJoe and a still-sleepy birthday hug.


She then wanders off aimlessly mumbling something about a quad tall peppermint mocha, but since no one could hear her clearly that's unconfirmed. ;)


OOC: Happy Happy Birthday to my very favorite Ozymandias! :D

Posted (edited)

A black wolf appears from nowhere (taking a short break from Wyv's party, actually) and jumps playfully at Ozy, licking him thoroughly while he tries to scramble back. He can swear that the yelps from that wolf sound like giggling...


The wolf sits back, and quickly changes back to her human form.


Happy Birthday, Ozy! :D




(And consider all the jumping and licking as a happy birthday wish from another from the pack... dear wolf ;))


Changes back into a wolf, and runs off... Hey, it's way faster on four legs than two!

Edited by Tanuchan

You started a good thing, so long ago, and one which has become part of my heart.

Thank you for the Pen.


Happy birthday Big Guy. I hope we can get together in Real Life again sometime this year!




Wyvern dashes into the Cabaret Room and immediatly bows towards Ozymandias, wishing the Almost Egyption Elder the best of birthdays while admiring the "jet blaze" function on his brand new pair of Eterna Lys. Gently nudging the Loremaster with a scaly shoulder and winking towards Xaious, the overgrown lizard hisses:


"Careful walking with those things in dark volcanos late at night, Ozy... you never know how desperate some flame elementals might be for a new pair of shoes."


Having said this, Wyvern quickly digs into a sack that he's carrying and pulls out an Almost Dragonic Brand Inter-Sceptor (a horrendously designed sceptor with a baseball glove for a tip), which he hands to Ozymandias as a gift. The overgrown lizard then quickly puts up an arrow sign that reads "Join the Festivities Here!," and rapidly departs in pursuit of Tanuchan.




OOC: Hope you have a Happy 25th, Ozy!


Zool looks down from his portrait... and bursts into tears.


"Oooooooo...zy, y, y..." *HONK!* "I'm sooo happy it's your birthday," he says after blowing his nose and wadding up the handkerchief, putting it back in his coat. You hope what appeared to be leaking out of the soaked rag was just paint...


"And I remember when he was a wee lad of a mere couple millenia. How time flies! Happy B-day ya big King of Kings!"


Perhaps I should hang out at the party fer a bit. :)


Carfully balancing her wig and party drink Appy hugs Ozy and hereby spills most of her drink on him


"Happy *hic* Birthday!"


(OOC: That was for the chocolate-stuff.... Have a good one ^_^)

Posted (edited)

I normally avoid these things, but I guess even I have to wish happy birthday when it's the founder himself.


Happy Birthday, Fearless Leader.

Edited by Tamaranis

I'll add my voice in wishing you a happy birthday, Ozy-san. I'm not sure that your age is listed quite right, though... 25 isn't very 'ancient'. >_;)


Many happy returns,



*laughs* Happy Birthday, Ozymandias. May the fire of your shoes never go out. ;)


I'd check the tag just to make sure they aren't Almost Draconic issue, though. It's safer that way! ;)


A letter softly floats down from the rafters, as a lone dove flaps off into the evening. It is tied with gold string, rolled scroll style in papyrus.


It reads simply:


Dearest Ozy,


Although we may not be on the most verbose of terms, I am, and always have been, a great admirer of yours. On this, the day of your birth, or at least a resonably late approximation of such, I would like to wish you happiness for the next year.


I would also like to plead for your, or anyone's really, assistance; as I am currently trapped, underpantsless, at yet another of Wyvern's over-blown parties. Any aid you could send would be most appreciated.


As a side note, please inform Pered that I will be borrowing his dove trick for the next few days, one of those useful little things I managed to pick up on at Cerulean's Masquerade. Neat, ain't it?


Yours Truly,

Finnius Mustardio Jalopini-Canard O'Harpy


OOC: Happy Birthday!

  Yui-chan said:

I'll add my voice in wishing you a happy birthday, Ozy-san. I'm not sure that your age is listed quite right, though... 25 isn't very 'ancient'. >_<




Many happy returns,


Gathering his slightly rattled composure, Ozymandias bows deeply to all and sundry (blushing just a bit).


Turning to the ever-philosophical Elder of Shadows, he remarks calmly, "My years may be young or old, dependent upon ones' reckoning, but one thing for certain is in dog years, I'd truly be an ex-king."


Finnius underpantsless? Again? Oh my.


<OOC: Thank you all so much! You've all made this adventure a great one, and I'm glad I've added another year to it. I can only hope I can give back even half as much as the people of The Pen keep giving me.


...and I do still have another trick or two up my sleeve I think you'll like. Excelsior!>


And his shoes...shine onnn...! \:>)

  lumpenproletariat said:

Until this very moment, I'd never associated "Ozymandias" with "Ozzy Osbourne".


Happy Birthday Ozy, may your solo career prosper ;)


Drinks on me.

Heh, wow.

That was the first thing I thought of when I saw his name.

Let's hear it for not finding that work of literature until afterwards...


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