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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

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  Tanuchan said:

Arielle hesitates a bit, knowing she shouldn't give attention to Richard. But Walter's support makes her somehow stronger.


"Well, Richard... so how about us both going to the Principal? I don't mind it. Do you?"

Sure, why not. Let's go! B)
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  Merelas said:

Walter slowly feels something that he has never felt before. It slowly creeps up his spine and into his mind. His glasses tremble as he begins to shake. His fists clench uncontrollably at his sides...


Walter Mortonson is now angry.


Uncontrollably, he launches himself at Richard, screaming something unintelligable about leaving Arielle alone, and that he was tired of Rich's acting nice when he'd really been a bully all along.


He swings madly and loses his glasses somewhere in the process, and rolls around on the floor for a while, occasionally making contact with Richard with either his hands or his feet. Walter's eyes are closed now, since he can't see anyways, and he's swinging his fists and kicking his feet like mad.


Eventually, Richard rolls out of the line of fire, but not without taking something of a beating first. This leaves Walter alone, rolling on the floor with angry tears on his cheeks and still yelling about Arielle and Richard... a scene that would be described by some as comic and by others as just plain sad.

Uh, Walter, you are imagining things if you think you hit me. Maybe I threw you to the floor too hard with that wrestling move or something, but yer crayz man. Just don't bleed on Tiff's clothes, okay? :P
Posted (edited)

"Well, Richard... so how about us both going to the Principal? I don't mind it. Do you?"


Rich shrugs, "Sure, why not. Let's go!"


"Well, as soon as you want then." Arielle sits down, not minding him anymore, and talking quietly to both Walter and Joe.

Edited by Tanuchan
  DeanTheAdequate said:

*Meat puts a big hand on Rich's shoulder*



*Meat Cracks his knucles as Kenny and Mitch block the exits, looking out for teachers*

Rich grabs the hand on his shoulder and twists...hard. Suddenly, Meat is on the floor crying out in pain with tears running down his cheeks. Rich stands above him, holding Meat's hand/wrist locked in place with one hand. He looks around at the others, glaring.


Rich Next? Anyone else want to attack me? No? You are a sad bunch of people, you know that? All I've ever done is try to be nice to you and this is how you say thanks. Unbeleivable. Walter, do you have any idea how many times I've kept Meat here off your back? And the rest of you, I've helped with homework, walked girls home from school so they wouldn't be bothered by Meat and his friends. I've never in my life done anything to harm any of you.


And Ari, you know my sister Beth, right? Ever wonder why you haen't seen her in school for a couple of days? No? And to think I once thought so much more of you. Beth and Billy went out on a date last saturday night. We got kinda worried when she didn't come home until 10 am Sunday morning, and then she was in quite a state. Billy, poor innocent Billy, had drugged her and raped her, and beat her for resisting. She's in the hospital right now. So, Monday morning, before school I had a little "chat" with Billy, found out exactly what happened...and where he got the drugs. Poor blind Jaquie gave them to him. Apparently Jaquie was offended by something that Beth did trying to be nice to her, and so decided to be nice back. It appears as if Billy isn't the only one that Jaquie gave those drugs to, either. She's been distributing them through Meat and his gang.


And, no, I didn't push Jaquie down the stairs. I saw her sneaking out of the locker room and up the stairs, she could actually see apparently, just not very well. So I followed to see what she was up to. She was selling drugs to Chandler, as well as waiting for Meat to show up. I confronted her about it, after Chandler left, and we argued. She pushed past me on the stairs but tripped and fell, hurting herself. I'm even the one who called an ambulance for her, though I don't know why it's not here yet.


So, fine. You've caught me. Turn me in. I'll even go quietly. But anyone else tries to touch me and they lose an appendage! :angry:


well, I was hoping to turn some votes away from me when I started writing that...but I kinda got caught up in it. :rolleyes:


Oh, and btw, this is the first time I've ver lost a game as a wolf. :censored:


Tiff was shocked and confused. How come Arielle, her best friend, accuse Rich, her boyfriend, of attacking Jacquie? It was too much to bare for her limited intellectual capacities.


- I mean, I don't understand... How come Rich could have done something so bad? I mean I feel safe when he's near me. I...


Arielle knows it was time for her to intervene, the poor girl is confused and heart-broken.


- Look at him Tiff. Look at how defiant he is. Look how he's threatening the other who accuse him. If he would have been innocent, would he behave that way?


- Huh... but I love him!


- Of course you are, Tiff! But does he loves you for who you are or because you are a beautiful and popular cheerleader?


- Well... I... hum..


This time, Rich intervene.


- Of course I love you baby! Arielle just wants you to believe in her lies!


- You do love me?


- Yes, baby I do!


Arielle walks over Rich and stares at him, with her empty blue eyes in the most unnerving way she can.


- I do love you because you were always nice to me. Well, you are a hunk as well and it helps it but it is because you were nice to me. Can you tell me why you love me?


The question deeply embarass the jock. He think about it for a moment and then he throws off an answer.


- Well, I love you beacuase you are a beautiful nice girl!


Arielle is furious.


- What full of **** you are! You are the liar! You only consider her because she is beautiful, nothing more!


- Is that true? asks Tiff to Rich.


Rich is furious at Arielle's attacks


- Tiff, don't you see she wants to turn you against me?


- Well? Is it true?


- Hum... yeah




Now Rich wanted to be miles away from the high school. Tiffany is furious and kicks Rich in his middle leg and slaps him while yelling him at an inhuman high pitch.




Meat grabs Tiff by the waiste and drags her nearby Arielle and Walter, then, attempts to calm her down. Laurie and Arielle just didn't believed what they just heard. Then, the first commented to the second.


- Tiff should be upset more often; she gains some braincells in the process.


(OOC: A vote against Gnarlitch/Rich)

  Tanuchan said:

"Well, as soon as you want then." Arielle sits down, not minding him anymore, and talking quietly to both Walter and Joe.

When no one else move to attack Rich, he releases Meat and walks out of the gym, then stops and looks at Ari...


Rich So, you coming?


Not waiting tor a reply, he walks off.... :wolf:

  Degenero Angelus said:

Bah. Face it, you got owned :)

mmm, I would disagree with that. More of a stampede by a herd of milling cattle. Sure am glad almost no one believed me a couple of games ago when I claimed to be the seer. <_<

For some reason I was thinking there was three wolves lol. I think I was getting mixed up with the KC game lol.


Good game all :D


I had fun ;)


Nice ending gnarlitch :)


OOC: It can happen.


Sorry all.


I was the baner. Was contacted by Tanny, the seer.


Gnarly, ya' got seen.


No one can fault your tactics. Dry those tears soldier and get to the next game pronto!


tactics? who had time for tactics? well....someone certainly had time to set up an ambush! :blink:


am actually trying very hard not to have hard feelings over it. the way it happened seemed way out of character for the games here at the pen. I mean, heck, even my girlfriend turned on me...the dumb blonde. Sorry, but the mass avalanche of everyone voting in the first 24 hours and all for one person.... and him the "nice guy"?:censored:


and that after all the freaking whining and crying over me saying that for ONE ROUND no null votes.


Hard feelings? :hmm: I'll get back to you later on that....

Posted (edited)

*hugs Gnarly*


Sorry, Gnarly... :P


It was sheer luck. I didn't want to vote to lynch anyone on first round, but really wanted the new players to survive at least first round. So, when Eirish pointed at Vahk, I followed because (1) Reason made sense IC for Arielle and (2) He was a safe vote... at that time. No idea we would catch a wolf!


Then, my Seeing... I wanted you as an ally. So, instead of looking for the Wolf, I wanted to consolidate my position as Seer first. I was stunned speechless when I discovered you were the other wolf. And then, what could I do? :P


As PMs were allowed, I PMd some key people... six in the total, plus Jamz who I teased. We were told we shouldn't use OOC in the posts saying we were the Seer/Baner... but we were free while keeping to PMs.


(You know now why I am, basically, against PMs in a game... )


It was the only strategy because I didn't think they'd all trust me over you. That, and being able to be online to get the answer as soon as it was posted, which made possible for me to post my accusation before anybody else did. So, yeah, I guess it was a kind of ambush. Sorry...


Yeah, very, very atypical game here at the Pen.


But, really good RP before this unexpected end! :) Good game, all.


*sighs and walks away shaking her head, still not believing this last game*

Edited by Tanuchan

*I* just want to clarify that Jaquie did none of those things for which she was accused. Most of all she really was blind, or else she wouldn't have such a bitter person, and that was certainly not just acting.


Do the wolves feel bad? I was the *only* innocent victim here....





yea, i dont see how you can talk about being the nice guy, gnarly. You beat up the blind kid, i mean, jeez.


I have to say i was a little suspicous of you Tanny, even when you said you were the seer, it just seemed to simple, so naturally i set up a back up plan. glad i didnt have to use it :D

Posted (edited)

It was prudent of you... :) But, as I said... you could always have lynched me next round if Gnarlitch had been innocent *grins*

Edited by Tanuchan

I thought for sure Meat would have been one of the first to go.

Shows you how much I know about this game.


Do the wolves feel bad? I was the *only* innocent victim here....

Which makes me look forward to a 'no hitter' game, where the baner banes the right people and no innocent dies.

That would be one for the record books.


yea, i dont see how you can talk about being the nice guy, gnarly. You beat up the blind kid, i mean, jeez.

That was my fault.

I wanted us to be bloodthirsty, cruel, violent bullies, a la the intro, and I thought the best way to do that would be to take out the blind chick.

Gnarlitch wanted us to be good guys in our own way.

Speaking of which, anybody looking into that locker thing?

The date rape thing?


Ah well.


I have to say i was a little suspicous of you Tanny, even when you said you were the seer, it just seemed to simple, so naturally i set up a back up plan. glad i didnt have to use it

And your back up plan was...?


More later,




Hey, can we do this again?

Another year, we're all seniors, a different group of wolves?


More later,



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