Degenero Angelus Posted May 4, 2004 Report Posted May 4, 2004 Yeah, I know. It's a little early, but the current game's over in 2 days, at the most, so I figured, why not. The setting is going to be your average every day High School. You'll be playing the students that attend the High School (duh). We'll have a seer, and a baner. No special rules or none of that crap After long and careful though I have decided I will allow PM alliances between the students, to simulate the cliqueshness of a real HS. I'll be asking for copies of any PMs sent, however, just for safety's sake . DO NOT SAY YOU'RE THE SEER, OR BANER OOC FOR *ANY* REASON WHATSOEVER. I'll be waiting about a week after the end of the current game to start this one, mainly because I've got AP tests and what not Cheers, and let the signups begin. Deggy.
Merelas Posted May 4, 2004 Report Posted May 4, 2004 If it's all right, I'll sign up then. I'll be playing Walter Mortonson, your average Nerd in the high shcool. He likes calculus and thinks that the girl in his 3rd period Biology that sits kitty-corner from him is cute... (anyone who wants to play the part is welcome to, but if not then it'll remain an NPC). That's all.
Lady Celes Crusader Posted May 4, 2004 Report Posted May 4, 2004 I wanna be the perfectly brainless Pom-pon girl and deadly cute, Tiffany Wood. Pretty please???
Tanuchan Posted May 4, 2004 Report Posted May 4, 2004 (edited) Merelas, can I be the cute girl from Biology class? I'm Arielle Thompson, rather cute and shy brunette bookworm who loves Biology. She thinks that the jock who sits at the back of the class is simply fantastic... although he probably has eyes just for that (brainless) cheerleader. If Merelas agrees, we can set details later. And if anyone wants to play "that jock", feel free... or he can also be an NPC. ~Tanny PS. Ehh... yup, I'm in. Edited May 4, 2004 by Tanuchan
Tanuchan Posted May 4, 2004 Report Posted May 4, 2004 It will be fun. We set this over PM, then send to Deggy. Otherwise, we'll clutter the thread. *hugs*
DeanTheAdequate Posted May 4, 2004 Report Posted May 4, 2004 Ooo! Dibs on the D+D nerd! Um... More details later...
HappyBuddha Posted May 4, 2004 Report Posted May 4, 2004 (edited) I'll play the part of Chandler Achtobowski, the guy who sits in the back of the room and doesn't even try to avoid getting caught for not doing his homework, because he never does his homework for any classes (except on special occasions), and the teachers all know it. I'm a burnout, in essence - I take Stagecraft, smoke some pot, do the normal routine for the most part. But I do have some redeeming features - I'm more knowledgable than a first glance would indicate; my knowledge is random, cultural tidbits and historical info on random places, knowledge of a particular poet, the marks of a kid who had potential but because of past hurts wasn't able to exercise it...I've got some suprises in my personality that may be played out in the drama to come... I'm attracted to that cute guy in the the left-back corner of Pre-Calculus, but I only kinda admit that to myself, and compensate for it by harassing the girls extra... Edited May 4, 2004 by HappyBuddha
Jammeez Posted May 4, 2004 Report Posted May 4, 2004 I'll be the slightly offbeat German exchange student, Bina Jamhausen. She's cute enough, in a hitch-hike-across-Europe sort of way. Picture the girl from Matt Damon's Bourne Identity.
Katzaniel Posted May 4, 2004 Report Posted May 4, 2004 Are the PMs OOC or in? If the PMs are IC, can we then claim to be a certain role? Are the wolves allowed, then, any level of discussion of tactics? If someone claims in the game thread to be baner/seer, can that be henceforth discussed in PMs? Like, "If you're the seer, what have you seen?" I'm in, of course. I'll wait a little on character, since I want to see if someone is claiming the jock character.
Katzaniel Posted May 4, 2004 Report Posted May 4, 2004 (edited) Nerds: Merelas, Tanuchan, dragonqueen (er, sort of) Cheerleader: Celes Druggy: Buddha Exchange Student: Jammeez Class Clowns: Katzaniel Jocks: Gnarlitch Goths: Bullies: Dean (and cronies) Creepy Kids: Eirishluck Skaters: Drama Geek: Elwen, Eyremon Reporters: Vanessa, Nave Christian: Vahktang Other: MeThinksUFoolish (how to classify that?) I'll update this as we fill spots or people mention groups. We wouldn't want to be missing any major stereotypical students, now would we? I'm playing with the idea of being the "jock in the back of the room" that Tanny talked about, but he's also gay, and comes out to the class in the first day phase. That would make for some very interesting roleplay with respect to Tanny's character and Buddha's character, as well as the reactions of the other students. Plus I like to push myself as a roleplayer, and playing a homosexual male (who likes sports - I never have) is definitely something I've never done. Or, I could be the class clown since we don't have one, but it may be too easy since they are generally liked by everyone. If there are any newbies who haven't claimed a character, they might want to consider being the class clown. Actually I'm willing to be about anything that isn't already claimed, male or female. Another question, are we allowed teachers? Edit: (Didn't want to add a *third* post in a row...) I think we should set most of the character info in this thread here, since no one yet is actually dating, most of it would be public information. Especially in a gossip mongering highschool... nothing is ever secret for long. Edited May 5, 2004 by Katzaniel
Elwen Posted May 4, 2004 Report Posted May 4, 2004 Since the delay of a week puts the start of this game after the most intensive week of exams, I should be fine...and I actually have a decent idea for a character this time. I'll play Lia Littrell, androgynous drama geek. He is quite open about the fact that he is bisexual and a transvesitite-and doesn't give a damn about who knows and who he makes angry. ((I've never played a character so uncaring about inflaming public opinion before...*sweatdrop*))
Eirishluck Posted May 4, 2004 Report Posted May 4, 2004 I am toying with the idea of playing a creepy kid, but want to make sure that no one on the board will be offended if the character has a fascination with making his own explosives and such... I ask because this is post-columbine, but I'm basing it on someone I knew ages back when I was in high school (which was very pre-columbine). more details later as long as no one is bothered by the concept.
Katzaniel Posted May 4, 2004 Report Posted May 4, 2004 If I do end up playing the jock, I won't make him homosexual since Elwen and Buddha and myself would probably be overrepresenting the G/L/B/T community. I may still play the jock. Eirishluck, as long as no one else cares, I certainly wouldn't mind either. I'm also thinking someone may want to play a celebrity kid, like someone who's on a sitcom and so everyone assumes they're popular whether they are or not. Tamaranis mentioned a member of a minority religion like Wikkan (sp?) and despite much urging he's not going to play it. I'm still going to wait and see what spots get taken before claiming my own spot.
Vanessa Posted May 4, 2004 Report Posted May 4, 2004 Um, I know it wasn't on the list you put up, but can I play the part of school-class reporter? Can't really fit myself as a clown or bully, and a goth is more Richards thing. Letme know
dragonqueen Posted May 4, 2004 Report Posted May 4, 2004 (edited) Oh! I haven't played any of these in a while, but I would love to play this one, now that I have more spare time... I'll play an extremely quiet girl named Laurie Vayes. She loves to read, draw, write, and fiddle around with computers. She has two younger siblings, a brother and a sister. Her sister's on medication because she's a bit psycho. She can be relatively quick to get in a verbal sparring match, especially with a prep. She hates preps, and her sister. Last year she died her hair bright blue, and after that a series of blue or purple highlights. Currently her hair is blond(dyed), and cut to about shoulder length, angled in the front. She's tall, with blue eyes. Strangely enough, she always tries out for the play and attends every rehearsal even if she doesn't have any lines(she started out as an extra in sixth grade). Actually, Laurie used to talk to people. A couple years back, though, she stopped. She does have some friends, just not a lot, and she's not exactly a conversationalist. She really gets into group projects though. She plays the double bass in the school orchestra, and she's good at it. Unbeknownst to most, she also plays the bass guitar. Incidentally, she's pretty smart...that's plenty. If I think of more I'll add it. Basically, Laurie is your typical shy girl who's scared of people with some quirks no one knows about. P.S. Sorry if that's more than you ever wanted to know about my character...she's based off myself and named after my mother. Probably why I can write so much about her...anyways, enough rambling. Edited May 4, 2004 by dragonqueen
Lady Celes Crusader Posted May 4, 2004 Report Posted May 4, 2004 Vanessa: I agree about the school class reporter. A school wouldn't be complete without one. Now, I must practice to turn my brain switch off when I'll roleplay my brainless cheerleader. I think I'll have tons of fun with her as she'll be a nice change from my usual cast of characters.
Vahktang Posted May 4, 2004 Report Posted May 4, 2004 Eirishluck said: I am toying with the idea of playing a creepy kid, but want to make sure that no one on the board will be offended if the character has a fascination with making his own explosives and such... I ask because this is post-columbine, but I'm basing it on someone I knew ages back when I was in high school (which was very pre-columbine). more details later as long as no one is bothered by the concept. I'm in.And I don't have any cards to play this game. I have no problems with you being the creepy kid who likes explosives. Oh, and just be aware that the foreigners, creepy types, etc are many times the first to be lynched. With that in mind: I'm the christian kid. My name is Mathew John, but my christian friends call me Peter because I am a rock unto them. I have two younger brothers, Mark and Luke, and a sister in elementary named Ruth. No, I will not proselytize during the game, nor say anything controversial, augementative, etc, nor be drawn into heated arguements. The vice principal has her eye on me and one more time and I'm suspended. My car does have a 'WWJD' bumper sticker. I run the informal prayer meetings on the senior lawn during every lunch, and I encourage 'hate the sin, not the sinner'. I also encourage my friends to not beat up the geeks, stoners, etc. I'm not part of that. My sexuality and gender preference is my own business, thank you, as it should be yours. Will anybody have a problem with 'the christian kid' participating? (and, are you saved? More later, Vahktang
Savage Dragon Posted May 4, 2004 Report Posted May 4, 2004 I, of course, will be participating. my new role for this one will be the character, Joe Richards. A sophmore, he's not too popular cause he only moved here last year but he has the respect of his preers...mostly. His grades are pretty lousy be cause he doesnt apply himself. Even in math, his best subject that he's actually taking at a Junior level, he's failing. He's done the school play once cause he likes the people. he's been trying to get a girl friend but sadly he's one of those guys who has a lot of friends who are girls and not a lot of girlfriends. he gets stuck talking to girls for really long times, about other guys. if he hears one more sad story from one of his friends about that stupid jockand how he doesn't return her feelings, hes going o flip. and thats Joe richards. more often than not, you'll find him sleeping in class. looking forward to another great game, guys. Eirish, of course you can play with explosives, who doesn't?
Tanuchan Posted May 4, 2004 Report Posted May 4, 2004 (edited) Vahk, as far as Mark/Peter doesn't have any tendency to preach and try to convert people by being purely insistent and annoying, it's fine for me (I like K&C board rules... hehe...) And also, I don't have problems about Eirish's creepy guy. ~Tanny Edited May 4, 2004 by Tanuchan
Nave Posted May 4, 2004 Report Posted May 4, 2004 I'm in Bear with me if I push the 48 hr limit though on posting I'll try and get in before that but may not from round to round Vanessa, if you don't mind having a photographer, that's who I'll be Name is Rupert Reagan. Short and stocky fellow but he is convinced that his pictures are Pulitzers waiting to be found by a big newspaper. He's never seen without his camera and the camera shy better stay clear of him cause he'll take a shot at you.
Savage Dragon Posted May 4, 2004 Report Posted May 4, 2004 sure, vahktang, why not have religion? Joe is christainguy, but recently saved, so he's pretty shy about it
Katzaniel Posted May 4, 2004 Report Posted May 4, 2004 I'm not trying to make people fit into my list! I just made it for quick reference, and am editting it as we add people. It's certainly not my place to tell anyone who to be. Glad we're seeing some different faces this time. Vahk... what does WWJD stand for?
Tanuchan Posted May 4, 2004 Report Posted May 4, 2004 MeThinks, would you be then one of Arielle's friends? Of course she has eyes for that jock and talks to you a lot about him... hehe... but she thinks you're a good friend and truly likes you. Merelas, I was thinking about the lines of you being also Arielle's good friend and maybe even a confidant. Ideas?
Savage Dragon Posted May 4, 2004 Report Posted May 4, 2004 Tan, would i be your friend? i thought we were already freinds, i mean... oh you meant in the game sure oh and Katz WWJD: What Would Jesus Do?
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