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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

Which setting would you prefer?  

13 members have voted

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Posted (edited)

Either of these sounds fun to me. Make your choice and start developing a character for either....we'll start as soon as possible after the current game gets wrapped up.



edit: firk ding blast! stupid poll can't be edited...grrr! :angry:

Edited by Gnarlitch
Posted (edited)

A tanuki comes in, following the intriguing smell and curious about the themes for next Werewolf game. She waves her front paws and tail, jumping excitedly to call the dwarf's attention... er... hmm... well, jumping may not be such a good idea to call the attention of a stinky dwarf... :P


I'm in, of course!!! :)


I really like both themes, but I'll go with the Wild West one... good to remind me of my American story classes ;) And I hope later you have chance to mod the Pirates' one!



Edited by Tanuchan

Barnicle Bill the sailor.

Deadeye Dick.

Call me Ismael.

It's a man's life in the British Navy.



That's the way to go.


More later,




Hey, Stinky! You stole the Pirates idea from me! :hmm:


'Course, if we wait for my turn to run it, it'll be late summer or fall before we get to enjoy it. :unsure:


Still, I'm itchin' for a good Louis L'Amour! Let's do the Western. ;)


AAARG!!!! I am sooo ready to be a pirate. I've been a pirate for the play Peter Pan for 3 months now. You might say i know what i'm doing. Me name is Cecco, I'm italian and in it fer the gold. I'm also a pretty mean chef which is my chosen duty aboard the Bounty. unless of course we end up doing western. then i'll just have to think of something else


Hmm. Well we all know how my activity in the last Werewolf game went... perhaps This next one will be better.


In any case, I'll give it a whirl. Pirate one, By the way.


well, gee, it would seem that I am going to have to find links to songs from "Master and Commander" and such for background music. I had already planned providing one to Wil Smith's version of "Wild Wild West" for the intro to the western game... :rolleyes:

Posted (edited)

Well, if we go West I'm one of the settlers... let's see...


Amanda Tanisson

Grew up in a farm, oldest of 5 girls. Her mother made sure she could lead a household, and her father taught her everything about farms (hey, he didn't have a son after all !! :)). Very determined young woman, decided to go West with her fiancé/young husband (don't know yet... anyone up to the role?) because of better opportunity. Maybe one or other of her sisters is coming along, or some other relative/friend?


If we go with the Pirate's setting...


Tan (just that). Young thief who became a pirate seeking adventure (and profit). And I will accept any suggestions about the role, no further clues at the moment... :)



Edited by Tanuchan

decided to go West with her fiancé/young husband (don't know yet... anyone up to the role?)

Died three weeks out, too late to turn back.

It was an arranged marriage anyway, and you are determined to set up you own life.


How's that?


And when is this game supposed to start anyway?

The last one is over.


More later,



Posted (edited)
  Vahktang said:

Died three weeks out, too late to turn back.

It was an arranged marriage anyway, and you are determined to set up you own life.


How's that?

Heh... well, an option also. :P I'll see how it develops, I think there are more people who were involved in last games that may sign up (Katz? Ozy? Nave? Solivagus? :)) Edited by Tanuchan

Uh...I'll be one of your sisters, Tanuchan? If that's OK? If I messed up in the background, please tell me?





Rosalie Tannisson

Second-oldest of the five sisters, she was always somewhat of a dreamer, and not very practical. All her life, she tried to get as much education as she could, for she loved books and learning. Rosalie trained as a schoolteacher and is going West, like her older sister, for better opportunity.



Haven't the slightest clue about the other setting.


Welcome, sis :D


I liked the background... it seems fit, if Amanda was educated to take the farm ahead, that the other sisters would have less to do with it :)


If you want, we can think of further background by PM


That is, supposing we'll go to the West at all... :P (hope so!)


We could be partnering also in the pirates... maybe as pair of thieves, who "worked" in the same gang? Maybe even siblings? (Heh... does anyone know if there were female crew in pirate's ships? I don't even know if Tan is a "he" or a "she"... :P)


Well, I suppose there were some women aboard pirate ships. but probably not an entire crew. and remember this is the Bounty which defeinly wasnt women run. of course no minds if reality gets bent a little...


I've been pretty sick for the last couple of days, not the least of my symptoms being sore eyes, plus having two midterms tomorrow so I shouldn't be on even now. I'd like to play (I made a vote for mutiny, but I'd do west too) but if you guys want to start before friday I'd better not sign up. Friday afternoon I have a doctor's appointment and I'll be better able to tell whether I'm improving, so Friday evening I'll make a quick appearance to say whether or not I'm in, okay?


If you want to start before then, it's okay with me as I probably shouldn't be getting involved anyway.


I promise to do better this time--I've been checking the pen regularly for some time now.


I've also thought about characters.


Tanuchan, if you want, I can play your husband/fiancé, or if not that's fine too. In any case, if we do the western:


Nathaniel (always been a favorite name) Bluett (pron. blew-it). Studied in law school back east, and is aiming to become a judge once he gets out west so that he can try to tame that wild west. He has a slight temper, and it's best not to cross him. Sort of moody--he can be the nicest person in the world one minute and hate you the next, unless you're very close to him. He makes friends slowly and is slow to doubt them because of the loyalty he exerts and expects in return, but if you ever break his trust you'll probably not be speaking to him again. If Tanuchan agrees, then he's deeply in love with her and will fight to protect her or her honor.


If we do the Pirate one:


Robert "Owley" Dennison. Has large spectacles which remind people of owl's eyes, hence the nickname. Serves as ship's navigator (assuming that's ok), and doesn't speak much. Very shy and reserved, and would never approach someone else in a conversation. Also, he is fairly intelligent, but will sacrafice his views to fit in with the crowd and not disturb anything. Think "bookworm".


Maybe Gnarly has to count the spoken votes then... :P It's a close count what we have, and if people are changing votes it can make a difference.


Ghah... :P We haven't even started, and we're already talking about changing votes???




ok, as for the start date....er, let's go with the opening post to start the game being Friday evening. I'm going to be rather busy between now and then with some buisness details (Working on getting "The Stinky Dwarf" up and running. Tonite is the first person to person sales test and tomorrow is a meet with the artist for the logo. More info will be forthcoming....) So, for tonite let's make a final decision on setting. The Mutiny on the Bounty has the most votes by far, but let me explain the stories a bit better and then let you finalize your votes. Then, tomorrow I will start the new thread and let you intorduce your characters to eachother and build your backstories as much as you want. OK?


Mutiny on the Bounty Much like the book/movie. You are all sailors on an English vessel serving under a horribly cruel Captain. You may choose any role on the ship you would like and I will build the story to suit. The only restriction is no officers, as the officers are the bad guys this game. The ship's crew is on the edge of open revolt and is in the midst of organizing. the Captain has heard whispers and has bribed two of the crewmembers to spy for him. The seer is the mutiny leader, with the baneer his bodyguard.


Westward HO! Stereotypical western setting. A wagon train has formed to cross the open plains. Any role other than American Indian is allowed. Instead of days, the time frame will be weeks instead. The wolves are actually spies working with an outlaw gang looking to ambush the wagon train. The seer is the normal role, while the baneer is an undercover US Marshall.


Will most likely be trying out a different variation of the baneer role this game, an experimental one. Instead of a baneer, they will be a "Hunter." In other words, they kill a wolf if they are attacked. If attacked by both wolves, the hunter and one randomly chosen wolf dies. If only one wolf remains when the hunter is attacked, the wolf dies and there is a 50/50 chance that the hunter survives. I am still thining about this role, however, so nothing is definite yet.

Posted (edited)

I still vote with Western (Westward Ho!) :)


And I don't know if it's open for voting, but I'd rather go with the traditional Baneer...





Edited by Tanuchan
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