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Terri looks at her sister, then at Zach, and at her sister again. Her face shows some inner doubt for some moments, but then she goes to Kerri talking in her most sister-like, sweet voice.


"Kerri, sis... please... listen to us... Germans are evil. We know that. Albert is such a nice boy... really, he is. But he could be wrong, couldn't he?"


Terri sighs to herself... what she wouldn't do for her sis and Timmy!! Even risking calling her attention back to Zach... Awwww! She should be quiet and let her follow Albert!!


*kisses Kerri's face softly*

You know I love you, sis. Just be careful.


She goes back to Zach, holding his hand then cuddling against him. He holds her close and then kisses her cheek.

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(OOC: I'm starting to loose count with all these vote switching around. :blink: )


Greta eyes Zach and is appalled by his shortsight


- I've heard stupid zings but zat is beyond any logic. Have anyone of you have an idea zat you might doom yourself if you keep voting against me? Unless zat you are ze suicidal type. I can use my science to help us out of zis unusual situation.

Posted (edited)

*Jamia steps into the room. She's been off exploring the complex, trying to get some clues about the culprit. After coming to the theory that one of the scientists was to blame, she decided to check out the labs. Now, clutching her notebook in her right hand, she joins the arguing group*


Zach: *pointing at the taciturn Greta* It's that dirty German, I tell you!


Albert: *shaking his head emphatically* Just because she's German? Are you nuts? It's got to be this Pavlov-guy! *loud stage whisper* He doesn't like dogs! :(


Zach: What are you, a Nazi-lover?


*Terri and Kerri look terribly confused and Timmy bursts into tears*


Jamia: Whoa! Hang on, everybody. *several sets of emotion-ridden eyes are turned on Jamia* Er...uh...I found this in the labs...


*holds out her left hand, which grips an odd-looking...shoe? Maybe it's a shoe, but it is shaped funny for a shoe...and it's covered in red mud*


Jamia: I found this in a corner of the lab. It was stuffed there with an equally odd-looking set of clothing, all spattered with the same mud - from the crash site. Now, I don't know about you guys, but I'm voting for a scientist. If you guys don't think it's Ed, then...*looks meaningfully at Greta*


OOC: changing my vote to Greta/Celes

Edited by Jammeez

Well, here it is 7 pm and the tally stands at:


With 14 possible votes, 3 people still haven't voted, the tally so far:


Lady Celes Crusader as the Greta Von Richter German Scientist

5 votes

Ozymandias the Elder as Morris Pavlov, creepy actor cameo AND star!

3 votes

Solivagus as the Heinrich cruel and angry security guard

1 vote

Shinkiro as Tom Dashing, American Scientist.

1 vote

Eyremon as Ed Smith, engineer

1 vote


No clear, ah, winner.

I PM'd the non voters to remind them.

Voting stays open another 15 hours, until 10 am, PST, tomorrow.

If nothing by then, I'll have to go with who has the most votes.


More later,




Kerri puts her arms around Albert from behind. "I'm tired of thinking. Whatever you say, Al-honey." Closing her eyes and resting her head on his shoulders, Kerri gets a dreamy look on her face.


OOC: I'm hereby making Kerri's vote = Alberts this round. (Which is no change unless Gnarlitch posts a change, but it doesn't look likely). If he changes his vote to Celes then there's little chance of her living anyway, and if he keeps it as Ozy then there's a chance Nave changes his vote too, and I won't be able to check in the next little while to find out. Plus it's the IC thing to do.

Posted (edited)
  Degenero Angelus said:

"Albert!  I don't suspect her because she speaks German," Zach says, since he overheard Albert telling Kerri not to hate because of that, "but because she's FROM Germany!  The war just got over a few years back, you can't trust them yet!  They tried to KILL us!  All of us!"  By this time he's a bit frustrated, so he takes a bit to calm down.


I KNOW it's the German lady.  All Germans are freaks.

Albert *To Zach* WHAT ARE YOU DENSE OR WHAT?! ALL Germans are evil? What about all the Jews that Hitler killed. They were Germans...are you saying that THEY were evil? You can't judge an entire race or people simply because of one or two bad eggs. Are all dogs bad because once one dog bit you? That is infantile logic. It also makes you no better than Hitler himself!


Zach Why I outta....


Albert What, is the truth too much for you to handle? Answer me this then, are all Russians bad simply because their government is Communist? That's what the government wants us to believe. But I refuse to think that way. I prefer to use my own brain instead! Think for yourself for once, you moron! *points finger at Zach* Keep up this behavior and I'll start thinking that YOU are the killer here!

Edited by Gnarlitch
Posted (edited)
  Gnarlitch said:

Albert  What, is the truth too much for you to handle?  Answer me this then, are all Russians bad simply because their government is Communist?  That's what the government wants us to believe.  But I refuse to think that way.  I prefer to use my own brain instead!  Think for yourself for once, you moron!  *points finger at Zach*  Keep up this behavior and I'll start thinking that YOU are the killer here!

ALBERT ! How DARE you ?!?!


Terri steps between Albert and Zach, interrupting her boyfriend's reply.


You KNOW us! You are our Timmy's tutor! We TRUSTED you! HOW DARE YOU ACCUSE MY ZACH?!?


"Terri, let me..." Zach tries to push his way past her but she holds his hand, ignoring his attempt.




Terri stops suddenly, shocked with her own words. Zach takes that moment to grab her and pull her away from Albert and Kerri.


"Ter, let me deal with this, hm?"


She nods, still shocked, and mutters to herself feeling awfully angry... "Keep this behavior, Albert... and I will start wondering why you're so mad at Zach!!"


Kerri comes to her, hugging her quickly and trying to say something, her heart split between Zach and Albert. Terri hugs her sister, without any words.

Edited by Tanuchan

Terri, just because I tutor Timmy and like both you and Kerri doesn't mean that I have to like Zach. He's always been a jerk to me...condescending, rude, etc. Now he's being a bigot and I can't stand it anymore because he's going to get someone killed simply because of language and/or nationality. That's wrong, and you know it. Now, I've had enough of this for today. I'm going to go cuddle with Kerri in a quiet corner and let pretty boy there do whatever he wants. :hmm:


Timmy looks back and forth between Albert and Terri yelling at one another. Looking very frightened, he backs up and stands behind Albert.


OOC Vote Changed to Zach


((OOC: I deleted my last post because I actually thought about it, and decided...nah. Didn't like what I wrote and changing it wouldn't make sense. Disregard my former vote, please.))


Aidan grits his teeth, finally having enough of this. The petite young man gets right into Zach's face.


"I don't like your attitude." the punk states challengingly, glaring up at Zach. "Only a coward would make accusations without anything to back them up, especially based on a person's nationality. I have to agree with Albert over there...you're being nothing but a bigot. An IDIOT who is going to get us all killed...not that I care."



((OOC: New vote for Zach.))


"Whoa, kid. Calm down." Zach says and backs up a few steps. "You criticize me for making baseless accusations, and then you make one yourself? Who here other than Greta has any motive to kill anyone? I mean, I tease Albert a lot, but I don't hate him," he stops in mid sentence.


"Maybe you're right, and it's not Greta. No one knows right now, Kid. And for someone your size, you've got a lot of guts. Maybe you've got something hidden to back it up? That's as good a reason to accuse someone as any we've got, and I don't want anymore dead than have to be. Don't you think *maybe*, just MAYbe, we should try working together?" Zach pleads with everyone.


He finishes talking to Aidan and walks slowly over to Albert, Timmy, and Kerri.


"I'm sorry, all of you. There's absolutely no excuse for the way I acted, just a lot of stress floating around."


He pats Albert on the shoulder with a sad smile, he looks at Timmy, who's looking at him with a very scared look on his face, and sighs sadly. Finally his eyes come to rest on Kerri. He steps forward and hugs her softly, then steps back.


"I am sorry."


Zach turns away from the entire group and walks off towards his room.


Still no clear 'winner'.

Two people haven't voted yet.

And real life intrudes.

Job interview.

Wish me luck.

Deadline extended until tomorrow at this time.

_Then_ majority wins, I promise.

Sorry for the delay.


More later,




Oh, and you people are doing a wonderful job. I'm really enjoying it.

Hope you are, too.

Posted (edited)

Terri looks at Zach very surprised, but something in him just keeps her absolutely silent, even when he hugs Kerri. Then, as he turns to leave, she also hugs Kerri...


I'm sorry also, sis. You three are the people I love most in this world.


*tries to kiss Timmy, but he squirms away still scared*

I'm sorry for having scared you, pet... truly sorry.


But I absolutely trust Zach. If you're thinking he's a killer, you can as well point to me also.


Terri leaves, running after Zach. They see her stop him, then hold him very close, kissing him. Both leave hand in hand towards the rooms.

Edited by Tanuchan

Kerri sighs.


"Timmy, Zach is acting strange, but you've known him for a long time, ever since I started dating him a couple of years ago. Don't be so scared."


Looking longingly at Zach, Kerri instead turns her attention to Albert. She would have married Zach, but Terri seemed to love him just as much. In the absence of two Zachs, she would have to find someone else. Albert was smart and str... well, smart. He would stand up for himself and her. And he did have that cute look. Kerri grabs his hand.


"Let's all go get something to eat."


Greta sighs at the whole insanity and sighs.


- Vell, at least I'm not the only one who saw ze stupidity of the young kid zere. Vell, since vote are changing, I'll change mine as vell for ze little kid who ran avay vith his girlfriend.


(OOC: Change my vote against Deg/Zach)


Albert Hang on a sec, okay Kerri? Please? I just gotta say something here first. *looks at Timmy* We've both know Zach for most of our lives. he and I went to kindergarten together. And, although I have never liked him, we've never been friends. He's always been too cool to hang with a nerd like me. I've seen him be cruel at times. He and his friends have picked on me. BUT I have NEVER thought him evil. He's also always treated both Kerri and Terri nicely. *includes Greta and Aidan in his look* I don't think that Zach has anything to do with this. In fact, I'd stake my life on it. Greta, I have never met you before and I also don't think that you are evil either, though I have nothing but your word and my gut instinct to base this on. Aidan, well, we've never been friends either since you and your rather interesting friends like to tease me and my friends. You are, however, the most mutant looking person here with that hair and all. But, you've looked more or less that way for a long time now. And, judging someone by their looks is just as bad as by race or religion. I have no idea who is or isn't a mutant here. As such, I refuse to vote against anyone until I see a better reason to accuse someone. Hopefully we all survive this together, without hate or anger.


*walks away to find where Zach and Terri went, hoping to apologize, taking Kerri with him.*




Timmy stares as Albert and Kerri walk off. He turns and looks at Terri and Zach being close. Slowly he turns around and wanders off into the bunker.


Once he gets there, he gets into one of the bunks and just sits and sulks.


OOC Vote stays against Zach.


Kerri follows Albert, also hoping to make peace with Zach. I still think that actor is the guilty one, even if Albert doesn't think so any more.


They get to the others, and reaffirm their support for Zach. They make some small talk. Then Albert says, "Hey, where did Timmy go?"


"Oh no!" say the twins together.

"Where could he have gone?" adds Kerri.

"We'd better go find him." says Terri.



Just a quick tally of the votes so far.

Ozy: 1 (Katz)

Celes: 4 (Tanny, Deg, Jameez, Ozy)

Deg: 3 (Nave, Elwen, Celes)

Eyremon: 1 (Solivagus)

Solivagus: 1 (Eyremon)

Shinkiro: 1 (Dean)

Null: 3 (Gnarlitch, Foolish, Shinkiro)


Thanks for all the good wishes for yesterday.

It went OK, not great.

Back to the game.

And by a slim majority it's:


The assembled are in the chow hall.

"Then it's agreed. It's against Greta," Zach.

"I don't agree," says Aidan.

"But you agreed to go with the major vote," Jamia.

"Yeah, yeah," says Aiden.

"Now what," says Morris.

"Capture and contain," says Heinrick.

"Uh, don't you mind find first," says Terri.

The assembled look around and sees that the only one missing is Greta.

"That proves she's guilty," says Tom.

"That proves she doesn't want to be captured and contained," says Dirk.

"She has to be somewher in the complex," says Heinrich. "We'll split into groups to cover more territory."

"What about the secure areas," says Ed.

"Yes, that's right. The teams will consist of:

"Dirk, Morris, Greggor.

"Tom Aiden, Jamia

"Myself (Heinrich), Terri, Zack, Timmy

"Ed, Kerry, Albert

"Use the intercom system to report back."

(OOC: you may insert where you look, what you find and how you interact, if you wish)


A thorough search reveals no sign of Greta, but Dirk, Morris and Greggor ends up in the broken control room and Greggor takes the opportunity to look outside with the telescopic periscopes.

"I see a figure moving," says Greg

"In this rain," says Morris. "Is it still burning.

"I'll test it," says Dirk, putting his hand in the light downfall, then snatching it away, then walking over to a fountain. "Yes, it burns, but not as much."

He gets on the intercom and calls everyone to the conrol room area.

"Let me adjust things, here," says Greg at the sensor. "Yes, it seems to be someone in a bulky, ill fitting radiation suit on some sort of tiny tracter pulling a sled. They're about two miles away and moving at a walk."

"Ah, there's a radio. Maybe we can contact them.

Ed, Tom, Kerri and Albert go down the hall to the communications room and fiddles around until he gets a voice, as each of the others remaining in the room take turns to look at the figure. After several moments, Ed gets on the intercom.

"Only line of sight, still. No outside contact yet, but I got Greta and she is the figure on the tractor.

"Go ahead Greta."

"Greeting fellows. You see before you my attempt at escape and getting help. I put on my own radiation suit, the smallest, and Big Tom Bodeen's, the largest. With some insultating material between, the rain is not affecting me. I turned one of the donkey tractors we use to move the heaviest equipement into a half track, then loaded up oxygen, fuel and water on it."

"You did all that in a night," says Albert.

"I did all that in an hour. You see, I was probably the only one with the practical and theoritical knowledge to save us all from the threat before us. But enough of you turned against me to make me flee."

A guilty look is shared by those in each room.

"But I am much more altruistic than you. I am seeking help, and will send it back when I find it. I am abandoning the radio because of weight considerations. This is my last transmission. Farewell.



You have voted the Baner off.

Wolves, Seer, please PM me your votes.

I will submit the next chapter when I get the votes in, or sunday evening, whatever comes first.

Everybody, talk amoungst yourselves. No voting though, please.

This is the 'night' phase and will end after lunch local time.

The time is now 10 am.


Hope you're enjoying it.


More later,




Albert glares at everyone else, mumbles "I told you so," under his breath and then goes off alone, locking himself in the office space he has determined is "his." <_<


The players are:

Katzaniel as Kerri, the dumb blond

Tanuchan as Terri, Kerri's sister, also dumb, also blond

Degenero Angelus as Zachary Evans, average teenage high school popular kid. Terri's boyfriend, formerly Kerri's boyfriend. Or something like that.

Nave as Timmy, Kerri's & Terri's 6 year old brother

Elwen as Aidan Laran the teen angst punk

Gnarlitch as Albert E. Milhouse, teenage science nerd.

Solivagus as the Heinrich cruel and angry security guard

Eyremon as Ed Smith, engineer

Dean the Adequete as Dirk Danger World weary traveler and all around go-getter.

MeThinksUFoolish as Greggor Kinjiru, an astromoner with the big telescope

Jameez as Jamia, schoolmate to Kerri, Terri, and Zachary

Shinkiro as Tom Dashing, American Scientist.

Ozymandias the Elder as Morris Pavlov, creepy actor cameo AND star!


The dead are:

Lady Celes Crusader as the Greta Von Richter German Scientist and baner.


More later,




"Wow. I really don't have words to say how sorry I am." Zach says, very ashamed. He looks at Terri with tears in his eyes, but can't bear to look for too long. He turns and walks into his little room and closes the door behind him.

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