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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

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:huh: Tommy? Who's Tommy? <_< I thought that guy's name was Ed.


:hmm: We're all gonna die, ya know. *sigh*


*pulls out her little black note book and starts scribbling in it*


*Albert walks up* Whatcha doin'? Huh? I saw you talking to that lady scientist. What'd you talk about?


Jamia: nothing


Albert: Ah, you're just joshin' me. What are you writing in there? *tries to look over her shoulder*


Jamia: *turning away* nothing


Albert: Come on, tell me. PLEEEEZ...


Jamia: <_< nothing


Albert: I won't tell anybody. Promise!


Jamia: *sigh* :hmm: We're all gonna die, ya know.

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Greta is taking several notes on the observations she is actually making. She rereads them several times and frowns. However, the kids are unnerving her greatly.


- Vy are you kids still around? Vere is Heinrich?


She looks for him and as soon she has him on sight, she speaks to him in their respective native tongues.


(In German)

- Grabs these kids away from the experimentation site. They might contaminate potential findings. In fact, they shouldn't hade been here in the first place.


A last minute entry caused some rewriting.

Game starts officially after this post.

With this number, we start with an NPC death.

Our cast:


Katzaniel as Kerri, the dumb blond

Tanuchan as Terri, Kerri's sister, also dumb, also blond

Degenero Angelus as Zachary Evans, average teenage high school popular kid.

Nave as Timmy, Kerri's & Terri's 6 year old brother

Elwen as Aidan Laran the teen angst punk

Lady Celes Crusader as the Greta Von Richter German Scientist

Gnarlitch as Albert E. Milhouse, teenage science nerd.

Solivagus as the Heinrich cruel and angry security guard

Eyremon as Ed Smith, engineer

Dean the Adequete as Dirk Danger World weary traveler and all around go-getter.

MeThinksUFoolish as Greggor Kinjiru, an astromoner with the big telescope that

Jameez as Jamia, the cute, smart brunette.

Shinkiro as Tom Dashing, American Scientist.

Ozymandias the Elder as Morris Pavlov, creepy actor cameo AND star!


The assembled gather at the crater site, the army in one group, the others in another.

Everyone can see that this was more a crash site than a crater, there being skid marks and a craft!

It is silvery metal, nearly 100' long, laying at rest at the bottom of a deep arroyo.


A moments observation and the army springs into action.

"Get me Project HQ," says Captain Johnson.

"Sorry sir, some kind of interference," says the radioman

"Probably ionization of the local atmosphere due to the bomb," whisper Jamia.

"Does look like rain," says Kerri.

"Meteorlogically speaking, this area is not supposed to have rain for the rest of the year. One of the reasons I came out here," says Greggor.

"Volcanoes erupting debris into the upper atmosphere can often lead to rain," says Jamia, and, to prove her point, a sudden flash of lightning in the air and a distant rumble of thunder.


"A runner, then," says Captain Johnson. "You, private, take your motorcycle and report what we've found."

"A flying saucer," says Albert, wonderingly, for a moment almost silent.

"Harumph," continues the captian. "A crashed aircraft of unknown origin."

The military types move away as the private takes down the report. Albert thinks he overhears the phrase 'section 13' while he stares in disbelief at the craft in below him.

The flash and thunder occurs again, as the cyclist roars off.

"It's closer," says Terri, pulling her sweater a little closer and peering worriedly at the sky, black and roiling.

"We have to get down there," says Albert.

"We have to pull it up," says Ed.

"What if there's someone injured down there," says Albert.

"What if it's about to blow up," says ed.


A sudden stong gust of dry wind blows through chilling everyone, and there is crackle of energy and the smell of ozone in the air.


"Look, a horny toad," says Timmy, and the six year old goes down a path that a squirrel would hesitate over.

"Timmy," say the twins, in unison, and rush to grab him, but Zachary catches them both up before they get over the edge.

"No, it's too steep, I'll get him." And he begins to search for a way a sane person can get to the bottom of the canyon.


"Yes," says the Captain," we should go down there. Men, find a path."

A few moments of searching reveals an animal trail that the army men blaze and help the others down.

The twins switch off calling for Timmy and alternatingly threaten and promise rewards to get him back.

At the bottom, the kids spread out and search, as the military and scientists examine the craft.

The calling finally getting an answer from beyond a large, tall briar patch.

"Just a minute. I'm doing something important. Sheesh, girls."


Another flash and rumble and Jamia counts and announces:

"It's getting closer. It's getting closer, fast.


"Captain," says Morris Pavlov, "I'm used to desert areas. We should get out of here. Now. This could turn out to be a gully washer."

"Mr. Pavlov, topographical maps say there is a natural dam 30' high a quarter mile up stream. We should have no problems."


Albert is the first to touch the craft.

"Get away from there kid," says Dirk. "You don't know where it's been."

Morris Pavlov raises his voice and projects like only a trained actor can.

"People, I think we should go back to the vehicles. Sudden storms in the desert can be quite dangerous."


"Gotcha," says Aiden, "as he picks up Timmy."

"Let me go, let me go," cries Timmy. "Kerri, Terri, make him stop."

The twins, and Zach quickly join them.

"Young man," says Terri, "you are so in for it."

Timmy ceases to struggle, pouts his lips and gives his patentened puppy dog eyes.

"I'm thorry," he lisps, the only time he ever does.

As an almost pavlovian response, the twins loses a large amount of their anger.


And then there is a blinding flash and a deafening roar, as if a cannon had been shot directly over their heads. Everyone ducks and Timmy manages to squirm away.

Then the rain starts, a drenching sheet, warm as it soaks clothing, visibility dropping to the end of your arms.

And then it begins to burn!

The pain, while not intense, is surprising, and everyone starts a mad scramble for the vehicles, slipping and sliding in the now slick mud.

The Captian attempts to maintain some order in the retreat, his soldiers stoically helping the civilians up the cliffside and over to the cars, suffering without comment.


Getting everyone back to the vehicles in the dark and burning rain takes

several moments, but a nose count after some confusion showed that everyone was there.

"Kerri, Terri, it burns," says Timmy. His eyes are red rimmed and blodshot and he squints, as do they all.

"I know, baby," says Terri.

"Here," says Albert handing them his canteen. "Wash his eyes, then his mouth, then do the same for you. Don't swallow anything."

This advice gets passed amoung the group and this quick first aid stops the majority of the discomfort.


A unit of men are ordered to stay behind and secure the site as the rest of the party returns to the base.

The trip back to the base is arduous and frightening, the trucks sliding in the mud, the visibility near zero, several stops are made as vehicles lose their way and must be brought back to the column.

By the time they get back to the complex night has fallen, and the vehicles are ridding their rims, the rain having eaten up the rubber of the tires.

A quick run and everyone is under shelter, to find the complex deserted.


A lone officer reports to the captain.

"Orders from the pentagon were to bug out, sir. All the personel and vehicles have left. I remained to report. A scientist, Tom Dashing, also stayed to monitor the equipment. He doesn't want to leave."

"Good job soldier. Tell Mr. Dashing that we'll be leaving immediatly."

"No can do, Captain," says Ed "The rain has damaged our vehicles too much. No way they can cross the desert."

"Harumph," says the Captain. "Then we'll just hunker down here. The radio interference will eventually go down and we'll be able to get a message out. Everybody go to the barracks and clean up, and get some rest. The chow hall will be open as soon as possible. I'll be in my office."


The wolves are amoung you now.

NPC death coming soon.


PM's have been sent out.


More later,




"Stranded. In the desert. With all these people?" Zach sighs and finds Terri. He grabs her hand and smiles at her. "At least we're here together." She smiles back and agrees happily.


"Well, since we're stuck here, and it's raining, I guess there isn't much point in staying outside. Wouldn't want to catch your death or anything out here in this cold rain," Zach says to the whole group, "We can stay in the bunkers, they have space for us."


Wow did you see that ship. why with one of those general Armstrong could stop those damn CommiesFromSpreading.PerhapsIfWeWouldHaveHadThisTechnology






The night passes quickly and uncomfortably, everyone getting up sometime in the night to take yet another shower, check with the communications room, check on each other, etc.

Finally, the order comes down to stay in the barracks and the chow hall, no unauthorized personnel in any other areas.


Morning comes and everyone is up early, making what breakfast they may, the coffee being hot and tolerable.

Conversations start towards news and people begin to wonder what is happening.

Finally, Heinrich goes over to the wall intercom, curses under his breath that the manual for this was so overywhelming, and punches buttons until he hears a voice over the hall loudspeaker.

"Hello," says the outside voice.

"Hey, he must have gotten an outside line," says Albert.

Everybody crowds around.

"Yes, hello, this is Heinrich, security officer officer of Project Q. Who is this?"

The radio crackles and then steadies.

"This is corporeal Kowalski. We're wondering when our relief is coming by. We've been here all night."

"You're at the ship site."


"Uh, I don't know about that, I'll have to talk to the Captain. I'll find him immediatly."

"Thanks, Heinrick. Oh, and ask what we should do with the bodies."

A silence fill the room.

Heinrich frantically begins to punch buttons in an attempt to get the voice off of the speaker.

"Only two, and they are civilians, not military, you can tell, but they're so badly damaged you can't tell sex, age, gender, heck, one of them could be that kid that went along."

"Shut up," says Heinrich, futilely presses buttons.

"Albert here thinks it's shapeshifting aliens stealing the bodies, but he's seen too many bad movies."

Finally, Tom Dashing steps up and presses a sequence on the panel.

"Thank you, Corporeal. We'll be in touch. Project HQ out."


A check of the complex shows that it is uninhabited except for the 14 from the mess hall, but there are signs of violence throughout.



This is day phase.

Please do an OOC at the end of your post for your vote.


More later,



Posted (edited)

Terri happily nestles against Zach, ignoring everybody else.


You are so sensible, Zach... *smiles adoringly at him* You will be a great leader one day...


Timmy looks at them with a somewhat disgusted look, then his face brightens - a sure sign of some mischief on its way.



OOC Ooops... well, the post should have been up before the NPC kill :P

Edited by Tanuchan

Greta heards Heinrich conversations in the intercom and looks over the guard. She talks to him.


- I vonder if ve can retrieve ze cadavers so me and my scientific collegues can study it and find out vat causes zeir deaz. Because vatever killed zem must have some devastating firepower to decimate such people beyond any recognition. But I vonder who could had cause such act?


Suspicious eyes were suddenly staring the German scientist.


- I have nozing to do viz zat! I vas still reading my notes and sharing my observations vith my collegues.


(OOC: Nobody yet.)

Posted (edited)

Terri and Kerri walk over to Timmy, kneeling and holding him among them.



The twins Don't be sad, baby.


Terri We'll find you something to do.


Kerri Something nice and fun.


Terri But good fun.


Kerri Just don't mess with the adults.


Terri And neither...


Kerri ...with...


The twins ...us.


Zach observes as they both pamper their baby brother until getting a smile from him. Then, smiling himself, goes to Terri and pulls her to his arms kissing her head softly.


*looking around and sighing*

Zach, who is that crazy guy who keeps talking so fast to himself? He is creepy...


*shuddering, gets closer to Zach*



OOC No votes yet

Edited by Tanuchan

Timmy walks over to the Greta.


"Why do you talk like zis?"


OOC No accusations yet. Do we know that its people in the group that we need to find?"


When Timmy, who isn't very scared after all, wanders off, Kerri looks at Terri.


"I'm scared."


"Me too."


"What could have killed them?"


"I don't know."


They exchange a look and Terri turns to Zach.


Well.... He's not as cute as Zach, but he is cute....


Kerri goes to Albert.


"How you holding up?"

  Nave said:

Timmy walks over to the Greta.


"Why do you talk like zis?"


OOC No accusations yet. Do we know that its people in the group that we need to find?"


Sorry I wasn't clear.


More later,



Posted (edited)
  Solivagus said:

OOC: So-o...any chance of the old "Hands up who's a wolf" ploy working?  :P

Albert raises his hand sheepishly.... :whistle: Edited by Gnarlitch

Greta looks at Timmy with a dubious look.


- Is my German accent is bozering you? I'm in America since a year and I just arrived at this facility just to find out zat somezing veird is going on. As for my speech, bear vith it.


She looks over her american collegue with an interrogative look.


- So, do you have any opinion regarding the recent events?


Morris Pavlov, world-renowned (well, in most states of the U.S., and several prefectures in Japan) actor of stage and screen, raises a bushy eyebrow, then a long, bony finger to his temple, massaging it gently as he looks at the strange thing before him in dark-eyed consternation.


Why...oh why, did it have to be now?


Where did I go wrong?


Just remebering what the crew did...it all seemed so simple. I am Morris Pavlov, after all! Shouldn't this come easily to me? I can be ANYONE I so choose.


He scratches his scalp with long, tapered fingernails as the reddish-black mass sitting on the table before him makes a burbling sound as another bubble of goop pops on his apron.


So why can't I just simply be a cook? It's not that hard, surely!


He looks again forlornly down at his first ever attempt at chicken soup. It hisses slightly as the last bit of steam escapes the dubious dish.


Sighing, Morris draws once more upon his wellspring of acting talent and puts on a satisfied face as he hefts the now quiet pot out into the Mess hall proper.


With all the considerable gentility he can muster, he announces, "The soup is ready!"


The Captain gives the tall, gaunt, ghoulish old man in a grey suit under one of their cook's own 'Kiss the Kook' aprons an odd look before flinching away from the sight in the soup pot.


Morris smiles encouragingly as he sets the "soup" on the table. Inwardly, he grinds his teeth. Cooking always looked so simple for the caterers on the movie sets, he groused silently. This is humiliating...

  Katzaniel said:

Well.... He's not as cute as Zach, but he is cute....


Kerri goes to Albert.


"How you holding up?"

Oh, uh, hi! :blush: Uh, I guess I'm doing ok. I keep checking myself for signs of mutation from the radiation but I haven't found any yet...other than my zits cleared up. How bout you? Growing any extra apendages yet? How bout x-ray vision? That would be sooo keen. I could even see into...erm, never mind. Anyways, hows Timmy? :wub:

After hanging around Greta for a few minutes, Timmy's ears pick up when he hears Albert say his name and runs over to him.


"Hey Albert! That lady over there talks funny." A small childish laugh escapes Timmy's lips, but is quickly stopped and Timmy's eyes go wide and he lets out an exclamataory, "GASP!" then quickly his voice gets soft " Maybe Greta is a mutant..."


OOC Vote for Greta/Lady Celes.

Posted (edited)

Ugh! He's such a GEEK. What's she doing talking to him? God, she's really gone downhill since I left her. Zach looks at Terri clinging to his arm. I knew I picked the right one.


So, we've got mutant alien freaks running around, eh? Well, I'm glad I'M not a freak. That guy Kerri's talking to is a freak...


Ah! Back on task, Zachary. I've gotta find this guy. I'm way too cute to die. IT might be that German lady... My pa said Germans are all bad people.... Or! Maybe it's that freak Kerri's talking too. Or maybe it's Kerri! Man, I'm glad neither me or Terri are radioactive monster freaks. Can't imagine what Terri's parents would say. And Timmy, of that kid would have a field day.


Timmy! He'd be a perfect radioactive mon....


And, at that very second, a sudden realization dawned on Zach.


"Well, the ones who got mutated are likely the ones who sabotaged it in the first place, and the scientists were the first ones here. Everyone knows Germans are terrible people."


Zach smoothes his hair against his head and repositions him and Terri away from, and he's firmly convinced, the radioactive freak evil German scientist lady.


OOC: A vote for Lady Celes Crusader/Greta Von Richter. And yes, Zachary is quite convinced it was sabotaged.

Edited by Degenero Angelus

Terri gets a bit startled by Zach's sudden movement away from the German scientist, and looks at him questioningly. As he whispers to her his conclusion, her eyes go wide.




Zach quickly puts his fingers over her lips



Oh... sorry... *gulps* ... But... you sure?


Terri looks at Greta fearfully, but Zach turns her face to him gently.


Zach "Don't be afraid, I will protect you."


And... and... Kerri? Timmy?


Zach Er... that freaky... I mean... Albert... will care for them, I'm sure...


Terri sighs, still looking sidelong at Greta.



OOC vote for Greta/Lady Celes


Look at those who hastily accused her.


- Vell, I know zat history is reapeating itself but not zat quickly. You are accusing me because I am German? Zat is not different zan Hitler purging Europ from the Jews because of zeir religion. Besides, you might need my ezpertise in order to dig more clues about vat happen to zese civilians. Hovever, I'd razer vait for more evidence instead of basing my accusations upon mindless suppositions.

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