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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

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Posted (edited)

Since my last attempt at Quill Quest-age died with an ignominious "sputter, sputter, hissssssss," back in... november? I think I'll try again.


Most netsurfers are familiar with the basic pretense of Online Personality Tests. There's everything from Myer-Brigg's wannabes to "What random object are you?" and, my personal favorite, "The 419 Question Freak Test". Most of them follow a similar format. They generally have a small picture, about two to six lines of text on average (in 1280x1024 resolution, anyway,) and should not be taken seriously.


Those unfamiliar with the basic idea should go to www.quizilla.com and be cured of this blasphemy at once. ;)


Anyway, this figures into my Quill Quest in that I intend to follow a similar format. I don't want to actually make a "What Pennite Are You Most Like" test -- the coding would be nightmarish, and it would take days to use Quizilla or some such for it -- but I want to make a list of "Quiz Results" for such a test.


So this is at least a two part process:


1) Nomination of a member of the Pen. The member in question has the right to decline this nomination. Nominating one's self is allowed. I'm not forcing people either way.


2) Writing of the results for any member who has been nominated and has accepted -- by someone other than the member him/her/it -self.


Results will be like the little "blurbs" at the end of a quiz. They should look something (though not exactly) like this:



You are most like -foo-, of The Pen is Mightier than the Sword.


-foo- is a {Insert Race, class, and any other basic stats that seem mentionworthy}.  {Insert brief background on -foo-'s character}


Since you are most like -foo-, it's a relatively safe bet that you are {Insert several significant characteristics of -foo-}


{Insert Memorable Words of -foo-} -- -foo-

Results will then be compiled in a separate thread.


Bear in mind when questioning whether to nominate someone, that we're looking for major personalities. There's more to it than being a nice person or even a talented writer. That's all good, but you're looking for someone that's an entity throughout the pen.


Example: Nearly everyone knows Wyvern, even outside of the Recruiter's Hall. He's got a great character, etc etc etc. He would be good for nomination. Other favorites such as Melba, Guido and Nuncio, etc would be good as well. The friend from your creative writing class that you talked into joining yesterday? Not likely.


Just ask yourself how likely it is that, if asked, a random generic pennite named Bob would know the person and have something to say about them. Thus the term member.


Hmm... I think I've rambled on enough for now. If any have actually read this post in its entirety, I applaud you and give you a flower. :flower:


Edit: List of Nominees collected below


Accepted: Stick, Gwaihir, Deg, Peredhil, Orlan, Wyvern, Yui, Ayshela, Falcon, Waterlily, Gyrfalcon


Pending: Quincunx, Zool, Rosemary, Rydia, Melba, Mr. Bunny, Ozy


Declined: Vlad

Edited by Alaeha

Wyvern dashes into the Cabaret Room and echoes Lumpenproletariat's sentiments with a resounding cheer, complimenting Alaeha on her original and intriguing Quill Quest idea. Setting up a sign that reads "Free Bruteweiser!" and whipping out the Decanter of Endless Booze in the hopes of attracting some more people to the Quest, the overgrown lizard clears his throat of a few ashes and hisses:


"Excellent idea for a Quill Quest, Alaeha. Would you like for us to nominate the potential members in this thread, or through PM?"


Hmm... how about this? Post the nomination in this thread, and either before you do, or very shortly after, PM the person/people in question to call their attention to it in case they've been too busy to check in.


When the actual writing phase comes around, for the most part, the "result" is about the character, their role, etc. Not so much the person behind the character. And, of course, avoid derogations and character worship. :)


In that case, I most enthusiastically nominate Wyvern! If he's not a 'unique type of character', then I'm quite certain I don't know who is. :) Wyvie-kun, will you accept?


Alaeha, are you going to want graphics for your 'quiz results'? Perhaps that'd be a way to get even more people involved. You could solicit artistic volunteers. ^_^


Rushing off,



The description broke down part-way through, Alaeha, but this time enough of it was clear that I could understand the Quill Quest objective. Please expand on part 2.


Do you want us to indicate the type of questions and answers that would lead to our nominee?

e.g. "Never leave me alone with a case of _____, I cannot be held responsible for what ensues: A) Thermite, B) Chocolate, C) Geld, D) Shinies."


Or, do you want us to write up those blurbs that pop up at the end of such quizzes?

e.g. "You are ORLAN! a Sexy Sexy Man, with an inexhaustible supply of lovely ladies...or computing projects."


Yui - Graphics would be entirely optional... I have no artistic abilities myself, but if we have people who can draw or scavenge pictures, that would be nice.


Quincunx - Sorry to be unclear, I meant the blurbs. *Laughs* In fact, that's the word I used on numerous occasions while I was kicking the idea around with the loremasters. Will edit my post to include the example I composed.


But don't forget the Lord of the Pants-ness!

Posted (edited)

Even my pants? But... my pants answer to no man! Not even me!


*Stick huddles in shame as his pants remove themselves and walk away*


This always happens to me on baked-ham underwear day...





Seriously though, this seems like a fun idea. I always wanted to make a Pen Quiz, and this is probably a better, not to mention easier idea. I'll have to think of who I want to nominate for a couple days, but count me in ^.^

Edited by The Big Pointy One

Sweet, nomination. I gladly accept/approve/grant you the power to immortalize me in humility/something like that!


You didn't *really* need to ask, I'm a sucker for attention, and this is awesome ^.^ I'm already feeling all special ;p



Posted (edited)

Awesome, this sounds great!


I don't think you should limit us to just the blurbs though... I mean, if someone wants to add a question or two for someone, that would add to it a lot. I guess you'd have to compile them, though... hm...


My nominations: Gyrfalcon, Brute, Vlad


(Like the rest of you, I'll have to say there's probably more to come).


Did you say we had to write the blurbs for the people we nominate?





Stick, Falcon, Wyvern, Peredhil, Yui, Quincunx, Orlan, Ayshela, Deg, Zool, Gwaihir, Gyrfalcon, Brute, Vlad

Edited by Katzaniel

Katzaniel - You don't have to write blurbs for the ones you nominate, though the more writers we have, the better. And if you want to toss in a few questions as well, feel free. They're just not required.


And for myself, I will nominate Orlan and Mr. Bunny.


When the "Accepted" list has reached... about six, I think... I'll hope to start up the "results" thread.


I've seen my name nominated twice, which surprises me as I've been inactive so long I'm surprised any of the new-comers even know me. Given that, I'll echo Degenero and blushingly accept.


Wyvern rubs his scaly palms together and cackles at the thought of Pen Character Quiz taxation, jotting down the number of copper pieces he'll require people to pay for each lettered response that moves towards a Wyvern similarity...


Heeheehee... that is to say, I accept my nomination, and also echo a number of the nominations that other people have mentioned. I'll add Racouol and Grim Squeaker to the potential nominee list (though good luck with the former responding with an "accepted" before the project gets underway), and might also recommend using one character from the Quincunx rather than all four (any one of them could work well, though Rosemary might evoke confusion during the questioning process, glossolalia and all...)


Pshaw, you people confuse me.....


I arrogantly ACCEPT the nomination!


And echo the rest of those noiminations, and just one of Tzim's personalities might not be enough :P I'd say at least Rosemary and Rydia....that covers a big chunk. You could always split the Quin into 4 parter :)


I nominate the terror of all terrors... that's right...




*Stick gives off some of that evil laughter he's been doing lately, then flees, only to trip around the corner and smack his knee*




*Stick hobbles away... evilly...*




Oh! my goodness! *blushes madly*

umm.. *stutter* i've been nominated! my goodness!


i accept, though i don't understand.

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