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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

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Posted (edited)

I wish I could stop thinking

stop thinking and relax;

unaware of being alone

with only me in my head


"I don't understand."

"How can you feel that way?"


How do others deal with it,

loneliness is built-in;

comes with the package;

do not share or return.


"Just tell me what you feel."

"You should control that anger."


All the bullsh*t flung at us

behave like this, do that,

don't say such things

you shouldn't have done .....


"Are you ok?"

"How are you doing?"


Just... all shut up

and leave me be;

in my natural state






~ 11-03-2004, Leverkusen ~

Edited by Appy

Alone a state of being we fear and yet often we strive to have some time alone to buffer us from the world and restore ourselves.



Good piece *hugs*


We are born alone and we die the same way...alone?


Depends on your slant really.


At the end of the day we choose whether we are alone or not. Whether we conform or not. Whether we form bonds with others who think similar to what we do. Few ever think exactly the same, and if they do its most likely a farce for some reason.


We are inundated daily by advertising telling us WHO we are. Telling us what we SHOULD be or who we should be. What is accepted etc... It leads a person to believe that their will and individuality is secondary to that which society (being controlled by popular advertising) decides for you. This of course leaves many at odds with themselves and the environment in which they perceive themselves to be living regardless of their "strength" of character or individuality. It burdens the everyday person into "believing" in certain intangible things such as fashion, vanity and even how to interact, much as we did with religion in before we trancended it.


A well written poem Appy, tackling a difficult subject that oppresses the individual on a daily basis. One which aptly identifies the thinking of people who do not know any better than to believe in what they read in magazines or are told to think by TV when their very nature rejects such things. A poem which ultimately honours and describes those who have not yet found kindred souls to trancend such nonsense. Well done.



  • 4 weeks later...

oh my...



Parmenion said:


A well written poem Appy, tackling a difficult subject that oppresses the individual on a daily basis. One which aptly identifies the thinking of people who do not know any better than to believe in what they read in magazines or are told to think by TV when their very nature rejects such things. A poem which ultimately honours and describes those who have not yet found kindred souls to trancend such nonsense. Well done.

Really too much credit there hun :unsure:


But I thank you ofcourse *hugs*


One thing ... just that I would like to explain myself here and you'll hopefully see why I think you give me too much credit.

This line here..



Parmenion said:


At the end of the day we choose whether we are alone or not.

How to say this.. exactly that is what I NOT wanted to ask/tackle with this poem.... no wait, wrong angle... uhm....


*thinks hard*


What I really want to say with this poem is that we have no choice in the matter of being alone or not... what I'm trying to say is that, in our heads, minds, behind your eyes.. you are always alone (except in those rare cases of multiple-person-syndrom that know about eachother ofcourse, and even then, somehow, they are all you.)


Whatever goes on in your head, behind your eyes, is 'for your eyes only' so to say. There is NO way that you can exactly explain what's going on in there to anyone outside (let alone that you can be sure that the other understood) ... not without telepathy, one of my biggest wishes to have as an ability ^_^


Parmy, I really like your explanation of this little writing and I'm honored that you think I'm able to work my way through thought-processes that way.. but I'm not. Just telling ;)




*nods* "no matter where you go, there you are".. and at the end of the day, you're the only one who is always there.

helps if you like the company you keep.. yourself..



It is fair and true to assume that we are ultimately alone not by choice but by preference. We may not think that is so but ultimately we do control who we allow onto our lives at least at the intimate level. I quite enjoyed this Appy but if I may a comment to my friend Parmenion.



We are born alone and we die the same way...alone?


While that maybe true at times it isn't always the case. Twins are an obvious example but the last time I witnessed a birth there was a mother birthing, a doctor delivering, several nurses attending and at least one shook up dad.


As to the dying alone while it happens it is truly one of life’s tragedies. I would hope that those people closest to me would have at least one human being with them when they cross over. While it is certainly one of the hardest things to do I would ask you to stay with the person that is dying right till the end. Holding someone’s hand while they are dying is difficult but dying alone is worse.


Alone is a choice.


Alone is a choice - in one sense, yes it is.. but in another (and the point i think Appy was trying to make), the *only* person who will be there from birth to death, who will know your thoughts and feelings - is you. Others may know as much as we allow them to, as much as they pay attention to, but there are still things which cannot effectively be communicated and those thoughts, those feelings, those perceptions or misperceptions are ours alone. Even if you live with someone else, at the end of the day you are who you are, even those parts of you which are yours alone, unshared with others and/or unwelcomed by others.

Guest Morbid Angel

WOW! This is so powerful n full of emotion. Nice Job!

*HUGS* I think that everyone at some stage of their lives can relate to this poem, because of this it adds just so much more 2 it.

i dunno, now i'm just babbling, but a truely magnificant job!


:sword: Morbid Angel :sword:


I think this expresses how we rebel automatically against everything, and in one way or another everyone is alone, even surrounded by love or whatever. After I read this, my first thought was that it said how one doesn't want to be alone, yet whenever anyone tries to befriend, or help, or anything, one shoves them away, hugging one's loneliness tight. Maybe one thinks it makes one unique, or one is not sure how to befriend, or to used to being alone to rejoin the world.


Of course, I could be wrong, but that's what I thought...


Not really much I can say.. Perhaps this hit a little too close to home to be able to articulate exactly what I want to say. Very powerful poem appy.

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