Matteo Posted March 11, 2004 Report Posted March 11, 2004 "So many people so eager to condemn themselves in defence..." Gavin shakes his head in mock sorrow. "If it's credulity in blame you all seek, then take no visible stance! Wait for the authorities to make their judgement! It seams to me that all here take some great offence to being suspect; let me remind you that we are all suspect, regardless of mention. No matter of bantering will change the outcome of the investigation when we are not the investigators. And that in its self warrants further remembrance; we are not detectives!" He enunciated this last statement rigidly and with great emphasis, then pausing for a moment he scans those gathered taking in each face with condemning eyes. "Take no solace in logic, for it was not that that killed our host; but take to it still, for it is the sole foundation to any rational argument and the base on which justice will be resolved. No amount of petty bickering about one's country and its idiosyncrasies will bring any useful persecutory evidence to light. We should not revel in emotion that will only cause more grief." Gavin looks down for a moment, allowing time for his words to chasten the more rigid patrons. "Don't get me wrong, you are all entitled to your judgements and emotions, no death should pass without feeling... "Gavin falters for a moment, "If not out of respect for the family and its loss, then out of respect for those in this gathering that do not betray your twisted sense of righteousness; cease your squabbling!" His face twisted in a contortion of anger and disgrace, he looks to the crowd again, taking time to look each one in the eye before walking off to the hedge maze, focussed on the thoughts that threaten to block out rationality, and with the firm purpose of becoming lost within the maze?s constricting confines. 'How could you let yourself get involved? and emotionally at that! Those bleating sheep have tricked you into action and betrayed your dignity.' Disappointed with his outburst and his obviously failing sense of mind, Gavin lunges himself into the maze.
Nave Posted March 11, 2004 Report Posted March 11, 2004 Lady Galanodel, I suspect everyone. But you are the one who gets my vote because for some reason your name keeps popping up in my head.
Gnarlitch Posted March 11, 2004 Report Posted March 11, 2004 (edited) Returns from digging a grave for the dearly departed in the old family plot "Eh? Wot? All this excitement over a man dying in 'in sleep? *the butler whispers in his ear* 'Ee was poisoned in 'is sleep? A needle? Sounds like the work o' thet there professor if'n ye asks me, not thet ye will. Why didnae ye tell me this afore ah spent the entire bloomin' day diggin' a bloody grave fer the poor sod? Eh?" *walks off grumbling to himself* A vote for Cuthbert/DeantheAdequate Edited March 11, 2004 by Gnarlitch
Tamaranis Posted March 11, 2004 Report Posted March 11, 2004 Since no one else seemed to want to do it, and no one else seemed to be paying enough attention to him to stop him from doing it, James went and made a thorough examination of the murder scene. He couldn’t figure anything out from what he saw, but he felt better for having tried, especially being the only person who tried at all. He rejoined the “party” such as it was in time to here Edwyn Cooper’s numerous outbursts. At first he thought Edwyn was just a fool who thought of himself as some tragic, noble hero, while in reality he was a just loud and taking this as badly as everyone else. Then it occurred to James, though, that maybe this Edwyn Cooper was an actor pretending to be reacting very badly to what had happened. “I think I would feel better with you locked in the basement,” he muttered, not very far under his breath. OOC: A vote for Edwyn Cooper.
DeanTheAdequate Posted March 11, 2004 Report Posted March 11, 2004 (edited) Feh! Your off your rocks if you think I had the timeframe to kill our host with deadly poison. Why do I believe in Weatherby? I should ask why you all don't believe it! As I can recall, Weatherby is the most trusted of the servants here by our host. And may I just say, seeing all this old money might just drive a man to extreme measures. An "Upstairs, Downstairs" syndrome, as a phreneologist colleague of mine would say. But if you would have me confined, so be it! Mr. Cooper seems better equiped to protect any of you who are innocent, so I'm changing my vote. I vote for.... Vincent Cuthbert! Now I hope you can all sleep better tonight. edit- typing errors... sorry... Edited March 11, 2004 by DeanTheAdequate
Eyremon Posted March 11, 2004 Report Posted March 11, 2004 Damn you Vinnie this won't help anything. These people would accuse a taylor if they found a spool of thread. This type of killing would be too easy for anyone to set up. I accuse the Philosophy major because as an educated person he would know how to play off of everybodies fears. He knew the chemist was coming. He knew everyone would jump to the "logical" conclusion that the chemist would have the best access to the chemicals and therefore be the #1 suspect. how does that sound? The chemist DID not do it. You all have the wrong person dammit. you will regret this. He is the wrong person. These killers didn't leave any sort of legitimate clues. If they would have Dr. Watson and his many years of friendship with Mr. Holmes must have surely found something. No the needle and poison were left ON purpose to frame Vinnie. You all need to change your decisions. Those clues are baseless. Those accusations are baseless. Dammit Marcus atleast think about your accusation. The killers could have just as easily left a meat cleaver there. or a gun. A needle is so easy to pick up. to clean up after. It is too easy.
Vahktang Posted March 11, 2004 Report Posted March 11, 2004 Quote Wait for the authorities to make their judgement!"Ay, there's the rub, Mr. Doyle."We don't want to involve the authorities except to hand them the guilty party." Quote These killers didn't leave any sort of legitimate clues."These killers?"You've encountered them before?" More later, Keith
Katzaniel Posted March 11, 2004 Report Posted March 11, 2004 Katharine was at the point of just shaking her head. "You make some good points when calm, Mr. Cooper. I really begin to change my mind. But Mr. Cuthbert's actions have thrown me into total confusion. What makes you each so vehement to protect the other that you'd offer your own deaths, unless you know something that we do not? Sure, the needle could have been put there to frame Mr. Cuthbert, but it could also have been put there to make it look like someone was framing him. That line of reasoning makes the so-called clue worthless. Your actions upon his accusation, and his upon yours, somehow ring wrong to me. I cannot say that I know anything about you, nor about a lot of the people in this room. For all I know, you all were in on it. For all any of you knows, myself and the rest were in on it. Only the guilty party knows otherwise, and nothing can be satisfactorily deduced or we wouldn't be arguing about it. All I know at this point, after everyone's excellent defences, is that my gut tells me there's more to you and he than meets the eye." OOC: my vote stands. And I probably won't be able to post for another 18 hours. If someone needs to control Katharine a little, go ahead. She's confused but holding firm.
Eyremon Posted March 11, 2004 Report Posted March 11, 2004 (edited) Mr. Holmes will not be here in time. The Police will not be here in time. All I know is that everyone is accusing the wrong person. Vinnie is innocent. I know I am innocent. Poison ain't my way of killing. Vinnie is knowledgeable in that field. and everyone wants to send him to jail. What do you think we are going to do after we accuse somebody. Their is not any authority around here for miles. Vinnie is sacrificing himself to show everyone how serious this business is. this will not stop with his death. I know that much. I have a feeling that the killers will stalk us all until they outnumber us, that while we whittle our numbers down through accusations. Vinnie is innocent and it doesn't take a psychic to tell that he was framed. Edited March 11, 2004 by Eyremon
Tanuchan Posted March 11, 2004 Author Report Posted March 11, 2004 (edited) OOC Well, from what I gather the current tally is... who ====> voted for Katzaniel/Katharine ===> Eyremon/Cooper MeThinksUFoolish/Wetherby ===> Dean/Cuthbert Vahk/Vahktang ===> Gnarlitch/Wil Sabre/Worthington ===> Degenero Angelus/Sir Alfred ===> Eyremon/Cooper Tamaranis/James ===> Eyremon/Cooper Ozymandias/Marcus ===> Dean/Cuthbert Nave/Norfolk ===> Elwen/Lady Galanor Lady Celes/Elisabeth ===> Eyremon/Cooper Matteo/Gavin ===> Dean/Cuthbert Dean/Cuthbert ===> Dean/Cuthbert Elwen/Lady Galanor ===> Nave/Norfolk Eyremon/Cooper ===> Matteo/Gavin Gnarlitch/Wil ===> Dean/Cuthbert If anyone is changing votes, please do so in the next 4 hours. Then the lynching will be up. Edited March 11, 2004 by Tanuchan
Tanuchan Posted March 11, 2004 Author Report Posted March 11, 2004 Doctor Watson descends the stairs talking to young Richard Garnavon when loud voices make both men run to the main living room, where they find the guests shouting at each other under the eyes of curious servants. "Gentlemen! Gentlemen, if you please!" Watson is rather fast to put himself between Cooper and Wetherby, who are near to blows. "What is happening here? This is a grieving family!" Voices all around rise again. "This obnoxious American is just in the process of adding insult to injury," Lady Elisabeth in heard saying in a cold voice. "After murdering Sir Cecil, he dares insulting the country that welcomed him!" "I didn't murder anyone in Europe yet, Lizzy, and I don't intend to start now although it would be nice to do so among this nice bunch of scared rabbits. And you particularly aren't very welcoming. You're all... " "Mr. Cooper!" Watson stops him with a warning glare, and Cooper closes his mouth, sulking. "I's all that 'merican bastards fault 'e're 'here anyways, I tell ya, there aint no good things comin' outta that 'omeland a 'is in years, and 'e obviously aint the star' o' no new trend," Sir Alfred spats out, shaking in anger. "What is all this talk about locking people in the basement?" Richard looks around, pale but showing in his whole posture to be really the heir to his late father. "We are not judging anyone here. We are civilized people and you are all my guests. I won't have anyone here insulted or accused without proof." Looks sternly at James, noticing him murmuring something. "Least of all by my servants." "What about Mr. Holmes? Have you had any news from him yet?" asks Katharine. Watson shakes his head. "Unfortunately, we got a telegram from him saying that he definitely won't be able to come as soon as he'd like to. But until he does come, I'm in charge of any further investigation, by Lord Richard's leave." He looks around until locating Cuthbert, who is still glaring at his accusers. "Doctor Cuthbert, you're a known chemist." Vincent nods. "Please, I'd like a word with you." "And why, doctor Watson?" inquires Marcus quietly. "This man is the one who could have poisoned our dear Sir Garnavon. He has all the knowledge." "Exactly, Mr. Horton. He has all the knowledge, and that's why we need him." Watson looks repproachfully at Marcus. "He can identify the poison, and maybe help us. As Holmes can't be here, I'll ask your help, dr. Cuthbert." Wil grumbles to no one in particular, "Hah! Askin' 'is help? Thought Dr. Watson woul' be smarter!" In a hastily improvised laboratory in the basement of the manor house, Cuthbert analyses the tiny silver needle and some blood samples taken by Watson. Meanwhile, the other guests spend their time as they can -- talking in corners, wandering in the garden or in the hedge maze, or plainly observing each other. Watson goes over all the details of the crime scene, writing a report to Holmes. Going back to Sir Garnavon's room to review some points, he soon leaves dragging James away by the ear. "Stop being curious, boy. You'll get yourself in trouble. Lord Richard won't take kindly to you snooping into Sir Garnavon's belongings." "B-but... nobody has examined the room... Mr. Holmes would..." Watson turns kind eyes to the stableboy, releasing him. "James, just because you haven't seen anybody doesn't mean nobody has done that. I know enough of Holmes' methods to have examined the room thoroughly before even announcing the death. Now go to the horses. They need you more than Sir Garnavon." Cries and shouts interrupt them. "Fire!" "For God's sake, he went inside!" People gather at the entrance to the basement, from where dark smoke comes out. Wil quickly starts organizing a line with buckets of water, while Lady Galanodel cries, "They are inside! Dr. Cuthbert and Mr. Cooper!" Sir Alfred says with a snarl "Damned bloody foo's all o' 'em are, them 'merican idiots. Always startin' thin's on fire." Watson pushes his way through, being followed by John Norfolk and Shota Vahktang. Covering their faces with handkerchiefs, all three bolt inside. After some tense moments, coughing, they bring out two unconscious men. "What was he doing there, that irritating American?" mutters Lady Elisabeth, "Conspiring with his chemist friend?" "He was the first to notice the smoke. He ran there to get Dr. Cuthbert out," says Gavin weakly. Watson kneels by Cuthbert and Cooper, administering what help he can. The smoke from the basement thins out, leaving still a lingering smell of chemicals. The mutters die when Watson stands up with a closed expression. He turns to the people gathered around him. "Mr. Cooper will be alright in some time. But Dr. Cuthbert... is dead. " OOC Dr. Cuthbert/Dean was an innocent villager. It's Night Phase. You're free to roleplay at Garnavon Hall, but no accusations please. Wolves, Seer, Baner, I need your PMs. Day phase starts in 24 hours or as soon as I get all necessary PMs.
Lady Celes Crusader Posted March 11, 2004 Report Posted March 11, 2004 Elisabeth Christie is rather in a sad mood, obviously, the guilty eluded everyone. She notices Dr. Watson taking care of Edwyn Cooper but turns away from the scene and heads for a more quiet part of the mansion, in the Library. She sat down at a desk and writes a letter to her spouse Archibald Christie. Quote My beloved husband, I wish I could write you about how joyful the reception was, but instead, I've got grimmer news to share. Sir Cecil Garnavon had been murdered! In this grieving time, the family had postponed the wedding. But it seems that the problem is graver that it seems, apparently, a murderer, or perhaps two, is hiding among us. Of course, instead of calling the police, they decided to keep the affair inside and we are now voting against each other so we can find a culprit. It's absurd! I've got my fair share of scandals, they didn't make my life miserable, I just laugh at them and continue with my life, instead of worrying about such lies. But it seems that its not everyone who can cope with scandals as well. You should see how pathetic this witch hunt is. While some pretend to trying to pull up some logic into finding the murderer, others just fling mindless accusations. I, for one, feel that I'm grasping at straws. And if it wasn't enough there's that arrogant American that enjoys spitting on everyone and our country. I am afraid thought, I am afraid that this might be the last occassion I'll have to communicate with you. Elisabeth cries softly for a moment. She who enjoys life more than anyone in this room, might not see the next day. After wipping her tears away with a tissue, she resumes her writing. Quote I wish that I would be by your side at this moment. I am so scare that whoever murdered Sir Garnavon strikes again and that I might be the target. Stay strong my love and take care of your health. Remember, whatever you've heard about me, you know that I've always love you. Forever yours, Elisabeth Elisabeth cries some more at the moment when she was surprised by Wetherby. She quickly folds the letter and shoved it in an evelope, then she starts to write her home address. - Are you allright, Mrs. Christie? inquires the butler - Besides the fact that we havent caught Sir Garnavon's murderer, that there's still that obnoxious American around and that might be the last soiree I'll even attend, everything's allright. But I want you to do me a favor. hands over the butler her sealed letter If anything happens to me, please sent this to my husband. Wetherby takes the letter and puts it in his vest's inside pocket.
Savage Dragon Posted March 11, 2004 Report Posted March 11, 2004 Wetherby sat in his small servant's quarters alone. He held the old woman's letter in his hand. He knew how to open a letter, read the contents, and reseal it without anyone being able to dtect it. He often read the other's mail and when he first took the letter he had intended to read it, but her parting words, "If anything happens to me..." Well, for once he would do the right thing, he decided while slipping it back into his vest pocket. He only hoped would have the chance to before he died as well.
Vahktang Posted March 12, 2004 Report Posted March 12, 2004 OOC Quote Watson shakes his head. "Unfortunately, we got a telegram from him saying that he definitely won't be able to come as soon as he'd like to.You realize of course that Holmes is probably amounst us in disguise. That's usually how these stories work out, isn't it? Loved the letter Lady Celes Crusader. Very victorian to write. IC: Another death. Outrageous. Mr. Vahktang paces in his small room. 'A ha', he thinks. 'A trap for the murderer must be set.' 'Now, if only I had a large dog that spoke badly, his best friend a drug addict, a pretty couple and a librarianess type -' Mr. Vahktang wakes with a start. 'Too much of this English cooking. 'I need a snack.' He gets up and crosses his suite to David. "David." "Mfff." "David, I feel peckish. Bring me something. A roll, some cheese and some juice. And some brandy, bring the bottle." Sleepily, David gets up, throws on a robe and quietly exits the room. Mr. Vahktang goes to the plush chair that overlooks the garden and looks out into the night, noting how pretty the moonlight is on the well kept lawn and the distant trees, the mist curling thereabouts, and... When David returns, his master is asleep in the chair. He sets the food down, covers Mr. Vahktang with a blanket, then falls back into his own bed. More later, Vahktang
Lady Celes Crusader Posted March 12, 2004 Report Posted March 12, 2004 OOC: Thank you Vahktang. I though that pulling off an one-way correspondance between Elisabeth and her elderly husband of hers might add a nice touch. Elisabeth walks out of the Library and asks for a nice carafe of Cointreau. The young reckless woman decided that if she wont survive this event, at least she would have feast it until the end. As soon she gets the drink, she pours herself a glass and drinks the alochol. She then heads for her room where she undresses, with one of the maiden's help, then she slips into a peach satin nightgown with lace cups. The servent is tieing her hair in one long auburn braid, while the socialite drinks. - I wish that the taste of such refine liquor never leaves the tips of my lips. When the maiden is done, she leaves Mrs Christie on her own.
Katzaniel Posted March 12, 2004 Report Posted March 12, 2004 (edited) Horrified by the day's events, Katharine knelt and said a prayer for the two men before excusing herself. Two deaths in one day was more than she could stand. In passing she spoke to Marcus, telling him to have faith, that God knew what he was doing even if they didn't, and that there was a clean bed set up for him if he decided to stay at her place when he was ready to come home. "Just don't be noisy when you come in," she said with a smile, trying to add some humour to the day's dour events. Then she turned without waiting to see if he'd follow, already lost in her own thoughts. Gossip and accusations were flying everywhere, suspicion on everybody's lips. Marcus would be an easy target for many, and some were probably suspicious of herself. It was hard to know whom she could trust. Someone, after all, had killed Sir Garnavon, and no one was beneath suspicision, with the possible exception of Dr. Watson alone. Edit: fixing titles (as in Mr. -> Dr.) Edited March 12, 2004 by Katzaniel
Tanuchan Posted March 12, 2004 Author Report Posted March 12, 2004 (edited) OOC Just some flavor text while you (and me) wait for the end of night phase IC: Just in time for dinner, Watson returns from the station, where he could still catch the last train to send a letter to Holmes. It was a good thought from Holmes, telling me who to trust to send him last-minute reports... And, just before retiring, he recalls some of his comments. Quote I'm allowing myself to be as proud as to say that I examined everything as meticulously as you could have. According to both Lord Richard and the chambermaid, there was absolutely nothing out of place in Sir Garnavon's room. Just some letters newly-opened on his desk, but we read them through and there was nothing more than congratulations for the wedding. Two or three letters, from different people, and he had sent their names to Holmes, too. Quote Sir Garnavon must have been reading those letters, for his body was found fallen over the desk, as if he had suddenly fallen asleep. The maid tried to shake him awake, then noticed his body was cold. When I arrived, and upon examining the unfortunate man's body, I noticed the tiny needle protruding from the back of his neck. It would have been overlooked, and probably lost, by anyone who tried to move the body. If he hadn't been with Holmes in the Sign of the Four case, he could have missed it, and its importance, too. Quote The window was open, but there were no footprints or anything that gave impression of a man passing, or standing there. So, the assassin could only have come from inside the house. That's why we suspect the guests and the servants, though most of these last ones have been working for the family for years. One more mystery in his career of Holmes' chronicler... Watson sighs as he lays down. I wish he arrives soon. Dr. Cuthbert's death has given me odd thoughts. OOC: I'm still missing PMs, by the way... as I won't possibly be able to post for some time, I'm extending night phase until 8 pm EST (about 10 hours from this post). If I don't get the PMs by then, I'll be rolling dice. ~~~~~~~~ Edit: Please, check the Q+A Thread. I tried to clarify some things there Edited March 13, 2004 by Tanuchan
Vahktang Posted March 12, 2004 Report Posted March 12, 2004 Cue Three Stooges sleeping sounds. More later, Vahktang
Tanuchan Posted March 13, 2004 Author Report Posted March 13, 2004 (edited) The fresh morning breeze seems to bring a measure of calm to Garnavon Hall and, while faces are still grim from recalling the events of the day before, people also try to make the best of their somewhat forced stay. The hedge maze now gets the attention of more than one guest, and from time to time people enter or leave it. Even Dr.Watson decides to adventure inside it, not having had the chance before. Katharine and Marcus arrive together, accepting Lord Richard's invitation for lunch. "After all, Mrs. Horton, you have known myself and my sister for a long time. You're the closest friend we have here. And Marcus, we've played together when children... us, and your brother Charles, also." Katharine's smile wavers a bit upon remembering her youngest, so different in spirit from her Marcus. Then a gentle squeeze in her arm brings her back, and she nods. At the stables James is busy taking horses out, preparing to groom them... when he hears hooves approaching in a gallop. As he turns, he sees a frantic mare coming, frothing and plainly scared. "Hey! Whoa!" He tries to stop her, being almost run over - if not for Wil, who lunges to take him out of the mare's way. "It's Lady Clarice's mare! But where's she?" cries the stable boy. In some minutes there are horses being saddled and a group of people leaving, Lord Richard among them. When finally Wetherby gets out of the maze with Dr.Watson, they are urged into the stableyard by Gavin, who paces to and fro at the maze's entrance. "Finally! Dr. Watson, that was an incredibly inadequate time to get lost in the maze! Please, hurry, hurry!" Watson kneels by Lady Clarice, although it wasn't really necessary the presence of a doctor to say the obvious. "She's dead. She must have hit the ground pretty hard... neck's broken. How did this tragedy happen? Does Lord Richard know?" "We found her about a mile from here... the mare must have got scared at something and thrown her off. Lord Richard was taken inside by Mrs. Horton and her son," answers Vahktang. "Lady Galanodel is also with them, I think. He's pretty shaken, as you can imagine." "A most unfortunate accident..." murmurs Norfolk, shaking his head. "Nay. Found this stickin' a' the horsey's haunch..." Wil shows Watson a small dagger-like object. "Pretty deep... probably thrown a' her." Cooper swears loudly. Watson turns the silver letter opener in his hands, absent-mindedly noticing the wolf-shaped handle. "Not an accident... murder," whispers someone. "Scaring the mare... making her rear..." OOC It's Day Phase. No player was killed tonight*. But who could have killed sweet Lady Clarice, Richard's sister? You have about 48 hours from this time stamp to post your accusation. ~~~~~~ No player killed means the Baner was at work. See first post to clarify questions about baning. Edited March 13, 2004 by Tanuchan
Tanuchan Posted March 13, 2004 Author Report Posted March 13, 2004 (edited) OOC: Scorecard Who's alive and suspicious... Katharine Horton (Katzaniel) ==> , retired schoolteacher Wetherby Danielson (MeThinksUFoolish) ==> Sir Cecil Garnavon's butler Shota Vahktang (Vahktang) ==> Georgian gentleman on tour of the Continent George Worthington (X-Sabre) ==> tavern owner Sir Alfred Peterson (Degenero Angelus) ==> rich old Knight and Nobleman James Doyle (Tamaranis) ==> stableboy at Garnavon Hall Marcus Horton (Ozymandias) ==> a butcher (Katharine's son) John Norfolk (Nave) ==> merchant Elisabeth Christie (Lady Celes) ==> well-known socialite Gavin Doyle (Matteo) ==> Philosophy major with minor in English Lady Emily Galanodel (Elwen) ==> unconventional teenage noblewoman Edwyn Cooper (Eyremon) ==> American soldier/merc just back from Africa Wil (Gnarlitch) ==> jack o' all trades Who's unfortunately passed away... Sir Garnavon, first NPC kill Vincent Cuthbert (Dean) ==> doctor of Chemistry, first day lynching Lady Clarice, second NPC kill (1st night => no player killed) Edited March 13, 2004 by Tanuchan
Lady Celes Crusader Posted March 13, 2004 Report Posted March 13, 2004 OOC: I hope that this post will make sense because I`m at my brother`s and i,` a tad drunk. *points her title* Elisabeth Christie walks out of her room in a much sober emerald velvet gown while her auburn hair flows freely. She heard of Lady Clarice`s death and immediately gives Richard her condolences. She sat down for breakfast while massaging her head; she obviously had drinken way too much for her own good. She closes her eyes for a brief moment and opens them only to see Mrs. Horton sharing the meal with her. - Well, it seems that the assassins that lurks in this mansion are relentless. She sights and resumes her thoughts - It seems they rather kill everyone rather than just leave quietly. I genuinely feel that I`m grasping straws.
Nave Posted March 13, 2004 Report Posted March 13, 2004 Well since I've already upset her, no sense changing targets. Lady Emily Galanodel gets my vote
Elwen Posted March 13, 2004 Report Posted March 13, 2004 (edited) The aformentioned Lady looks up from her hands, folded demurely in her lap. She has already given Richard her condolences: the memory of her parents' death was still fresh in her mind, and this is grief she understands, though Clarice was killed by an assassin and not an accident. "You accuse me because you have already put me upon the defensive once already, and you do not feel like changing targets?" Emily asks sarcastically, and takes a breath to get some semblance of control back. Lady Clarice's death has shaken her badly. "We should be trying to find the assassin or assassins before they strike again. Not stirring up a witch-hunt." ((OOC: Tanuchan, could you please use a different color besides green? It's very difficiult to read...)) Edited March 13, 2004 by Elwen
Savage Dragon Posted March 13, 2004 Report Posted March 13, 2004 Wetherby was bothered. This was the second of his master's family to die and still he felt no remorse. Am i that cruel hearted? he wondered. Of course he had offered condolences but they were automatic and he put no emotion into it at all. And now he almost regeted giving them. If they hadn't been real what was the point. It surely didn't make him feel any better or Lord Richard either. All that had happened was it made him feel guilty. Guilty for offereing condolences? It didn't make sense. Nothing made sense.
Tanuchan Posted March 13, 2004 Author Report Posted March 13, 2004 Elwen said: ((OOC: Tanuchan, could you please use a different color besides green? It's very difficiult to read...)) OOC: Sure. Sorry, I keep forgetting that you have choices for the skin in this board... I'll try avoiding color-coded text.
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