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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

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  • 1 month later...

Well... things didn't change much from my last list/comment... :P


  Tanuchan said:

Mmm... one more game gone... who is next? This is my last list, but I think Vene is MIA for now, and Katz also. Pat? Gryph? Someone else?



Mod Master List - update

  • WW XXXIX - Venefyxatu (post-nuclear or Romans)
  • WW XL - Katz (twisty game... :P)
  • WW XLI - Patrick (possibly Narnia)
  • WW XLII - Gryphon (theme to come)
  • WW XLIII - Tanny (Jordan's Wheel of Time or King Arthur/Avalon)
MIA mods-to-be... if any of you want back in the list, please drop a post/pm :)
  • 6 months later...

Perhaps the time of werewolves and seers has passed... what a shame


i look back at the bygone era with a certain amount of mournful nostalgia, but mostly with a cheerful thankfulness of the good times shared by all...well except the countless innocents that needlessly died. sigh.... good times, good times


Well, this year has been hectic for me... I probably won't have time to mod a game in the next two months, though I would gladly participate in one if a mod appears.


How many people are still interested in playing this game? We have new people around who have never seen or played a Werewolf game, at least not here... (rules are stickied in this forum). It's always worth remembering that we need a minimum of 7 players to have a decent game :P -- and the most, the better.


If no one else wants to mod I'd be willing to run one. Can't really think of a theme atm though so might just go back to good old fashioned wolves in a village.



PS: I do apologize for my long absence. A bad semester combined with having to move house has left me with hardly any time to myself...

  • 4 weeks later...

I have an idea for a Christmas-themed one, but as people are usually busy at this time of the year, I need to know how many would be willing to play a WW that will spread probably through Christmas :P

If you agree on playing at this time, the period from 24th to 26th will most probably be a longer phase to accomodate for the celebrations :)


Let me know if you can/want to play it at this time. Otherwise, I guess we'll have to think of new games for January ;)

  • 3 weeks later...
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