DeanTheAdequate Posted February 10, 2004 Report Posted February 10, 2004 OOC: Well, here we go! Our cast of characters... Vahktang- Shin, Washima: Strong head of the Washima Clan Eyremon- Lord Iago: Elder Courtier Mira- Shijin: Musician of the Biawgaku style Lady Celes Crusader- Yumi, Kamiya: Geisha Tanuchan- Akane, Shimizu: Head Concubine of Lord Washima Nave- Eiji, Terauchi dragonqueen- Hoshhiko X-Sabre- Koun, Sawato Damon Inferel- Kyosuke Vlad- Inoue, Ishikawa: Blossom festival tourist Elwen- Hisoka: Geisha MeThinksUFoolish- Kinjiru-San (Son of a Paddy Farmer) RedChef- (Unknow Name) Master chef of the emperor's court. Known as the Iron Chef! (Or whatever you want to be buddy...) I've put the surname last on the OOC, just so everyone knows. From now on it's stricktly Japanese style! IC: In the courtyard of Lord Mizuhara, there is much hustle and bustle. The Emperor is to be visiting soon. Dignitarys of all sorts choke the hallways and rooms. But Mizuhara has found a bit of peace. The courtyard garden and hot spring had been declared off limits. But his silence is soon broken. A servant whispers hurridly into his ear. The young lord scowls, a face not fitting his beauteous face... * * * As the day goes on a great many of the lesser dignitaries have left and many of the servants are dismissed. Thirteen of the Lord's guests have been summoned to dine with Mizuhara. "Honored guests of all walks of life. You have been summoned to my personal table in haste. You see, the rice paddy workers sent Cha-iro Kinjiru and his son to represent them. This morning has found him dead. "He was assasintated in a style I have seen before. This is the work of the ninja..." Several eyes roll, murmurs fill the room. "So you think that I am foolish, that the ninja does not exist. I will tell you once. There is a murderer amongst you. You were the only ones who have met with the elder Kinjiru, his murder is of some benefit to each of you, and I do have many eyes in my palace..." He shifts a little in his kimono. "We will determine who is the killer. We will decide who amongst us will be punished, and how..." (OOC: It's day phase! Honorable Cha-iro is dead! Voting ends Tuesday at Midnight or If I get all the votes. Time is extended for voting if I don't have 5 votes yet. Good luck!)
Tanuchan Posted February 10, 2004 Report Posted February 10, 2004 (edited) A young and graceful woman looks discreetly around, examining the faces of the other guests. There's a small frown for a moment, soon smoothed. *to herself* A murder! By ninjas, of all things?! I do think Mizuhara-san has maybe drunk a little too much. She turns to the man at her side, who also seems to be scanning the guests. *murmurs to Washima* Ninjas... is that possible, my lord? The Elder Eijiro didn't represent that much trouble... though his death is troublesome. Her face shows just a hint of surprise, but her eyes flash for a moment revealing shock. Edited February 10, 2004 by Tanuchan
Eyremon Posted February 10, 2004 Report Posted February 10, 2004 An elderly gentalman walks out from the shadows of the room. "this is not the work of the Ninja," "Many years ago, a Shinto priest angered an Oni, They cursed him and his family to shed their skin every full moon. They became bloodthirsty and vicious when the moon nears a complete cycle. They would attack without discrimination, neighbors, relations, even their lords. After the first attacks, the village nearly destroyed itself searching for the culprets. When they finally caught the priest and strung him up to hang, He broke free of his bindings and fled into the countryside. My friends we are searching for a wolf. We are all suspects, and I can pull some authority to quarintine this land until we die or kill what looks like the work of 2 wolves. "
Tanuchan Posted February 10, 2004 Report Posted February 10, 2004 (edited) Akemi's face can't hide her shock and she turns to Lord Iago before she can control herself. Wolves? Lord Iago, are you sure this is not just a tale? How can one of us here become such savage beast? There's honor in this table. If one of us could kill, it would be in honor and not in treachery! She catches her breath, blushing for her impulsive talk. Then, recovering her self-possession, keeps to herself her next thougths. "Honorable... but not all of us. That, I do know." Edited February 10, 2004 by Tanuchan
Vahktang Posted February 10, 2004 Report Posted February 10, 2004 Quote Wolves? Lord Iago, are you sure this is not just a tale? How can one of us here become such savage beast? There's honor in this table. If one of us could kill, it would be in honor and not in treachery!Not wolves, my dear, shapechangers, those that are not what they seem.Like the Kitsune, the Fox Women. Thank you, Lord Iago-san, for your counsel. Ninjas would not bother with the death of a paddy farmer - unless it covered another crime. One that would kill like this, unhonorably, are the worst sort. We must suspect everyone. I shapeshifter would not hesitate to disguise themselves as a noble, or a beneath notice farmer, or a priest sent to help. Though a tourist is one of the more perfect covers. Ishikawa-san, please tell me more of your travels. Did you see the large golden buddha in the Kaga province? OOC: I accuse Vlad- Inoue
Tanuchan Posted February 10, 2004 Report Posted February 10, 2004 *shudders* Shapechangers... thanks for clarifying me, my lord. And so we must observe... and consider who is not what he seems to be. *nods lightly* So I'll observe a bit more... and listen also.
X-Sabre Posted February 10, 2004 Report Posted February 10, 2004 Ninjas, wovles, shapeshifters, any of these possiblities. *sighs* Something must be done about this before any more blood is shed. I, Sawato Koun(OOC, I put that correctly right?), shall put a stop to this. Quietly looking round the room, Koun tries to gaze within the eyes of all present, hoping to catch a glimpse of some sort of evilness in their soul. I shall hold my vote for the time being, until some sort of new evidence occurs. I shall be watching all of you closely.
Elwen Posted February 10, 2004 Report Posted February 10, 2004 (edited) Hisoka sits quietly, her hands folded and her face betraying nothing of what she feels-mainly, confusion. The young geisha remains silent, preferring to wait, watch, and listen. What could be happening? And, furthermore, who could be responsible?t Her eyes briefly rest on each person in the room, moving on too quickly to be noticed. Someone here was the killer. But who? "No matter how good the mask, it will eventually crack." Hisoka speaks suddenly, startling herself as she realizes she has said her thoughts aloud. "All we can do to catch the fish is cast our bait, hope hard, and wait." ((OOC: I'm holding my vote.)) Edited February 10, 2004 by Elwen
dragonqueen Posted February 10, 2004 Report Posted February 10, 2004 "I must agree with Hisoka. Eventually the mask will crack. Who, however, will be the bait?" Hoshiko scans the faces in the room slowly, wondering which one is the killer. It is impossible to tell at this stage. Still, one can speculate. "I myself am somewhat curious as to how some of us know so much about werewolves. The best source of knowledge is experience of course. The question is, though, was it expierience hunting these beasts, or being one?" Hoshiko falls silent, feeling she has made some start in uncovering the werewolf. OOC: I will hold my vote.
Eyremon Posted February 10, 2004 Report Posted February 10, 2004 I have heard the story of the shinto priest when I was young from my father's father. He was a samuri sent by the local shogun to hunt the priest down. I guess that story would be at least 65 years old. Honor is something that these shapeshifters know of. They acknowledge their noctural actions but always attempt to hide it. They are dishonored by their afflection but try to live normal lives. We must figure out who these shapeshifters are by the time the emperor arrives or we shall all be dishonored. By midnight tonight somebody will die. whether they take their own life or we have to string them up and lynch them, somebody will die. when we vote to lynch somebody, the majority will prevail and if there is a tie both shall share the same fate. obstaining from voting helps nobody but the shapechangers I share the same concerns that master Shin-san holds. The tourist may have brought this shame to this fine piece of land. But who invited him, do not forget their are two shapeshifters. Would anybody speak up for this visitor, less we indict him in these halls. OOC} Vlad: Inoue, Ishikawa: Blossom festival tourist
Damon Inferel Posted February 10, 2004 Report Posted February 10, 2004 Kyosuke flickered violet eyes about the room, debating on the situation presented to him. I have my doubts as to the tourist, I should say. It is all very possible that those who are such vile creatures are expecting us to effectively murder one of us who has such an obvious possibility to be played in the part. Simply because he has toured about has little to do with the fact he may be a wolf. A tourist is perhaps the equivalent of a decoy, and the wolves are no doubts expecting us to hang him first. I cannot vote to send somebody who still has possibility of innocence based on his status... To kill an innocent is very dishonorable. While it does pain me so to potentially condemn one of us to death, as I have no way of knowing if I will dishonor myself in sacrificing an innocent life, I must cast a vote for somebody. I believe that it is all possible that sombody with a lower or higher than average status in our country can either use their insignificance or their power to play their part and get away with these crimes. You say that the death was of a rice worker representative...? Given the local murder and the fact we have a rice farmer amidst our table, I must cast my vote against Kinjiru-san, the son. How else may he have escaped with his life if such a thing was as brutish as it has been told? (OOC: Vote for Kinjiru-san {MeThinksUFoolish})
Savage Dragon Posted February 10, 2004 Report Posted February 10, 2004 Kinjiru-san's eyes looked up at the voice of the acuser before him. He sighed, he was expecting this. Standing up, he looked at each of them in the room. "I am not surprised to be put out on the stand like this. It can be said that i was not on the most agreeable terms with my father. I did not want him dead however. I wanted... i wanted..." He stopped, samuri were not supposed to cry, but he could feel his eyes getting wet. Don't Cry, he told himself, Samuri never cry. He could still remember the last time he had seen him, he had been so angry anbd now... It was all so pointless the arguments. How he wished he hadn't stormed off, to walk in the woods, only to come back and find... He swallowed the thought. He could feel the heat on him, not from the sun but the eyes around him. The wanted an exscuse, an alibi. Well he wasn't going to give it to them. they were still waiting "I didn't kill my father" he said, "and i dont know who did" that was all, he would let them fightr amongst themselves
Savage Dragon Posted February 10, 2004 Report Posted February 10, 2004 The people talked and Kinjiru-san only half listened. He'd already made up his mind. That tourist was no man of honor, he had to be a werewolf. The second werewolf.... well he didnt know but that man had to be. What other choice was there for him? OOC: Vlad: Inoue, Ishikawa: Blossom festival tourist
Vlad Posted February 11, 2004 Report Posted February 11, 2004 OOC: Couldn't get to the comp, and already three votes on me? Part of the game I guess! (IC:) Slightly worried that everyone was accusing him, Ishikawa tried not to show it. He decided that if he was to live through the day, he should make answers quickly. "You ask of the golden buddha statue Washima-sama? I am afraid I have not been to the Kaga province yet, and now it seems I may not have the opportunity to ever go. "I am traveling through the lands during this cherry blossom season in hopes of discovering the true secrets of... anything that lends itself to be discovered. I was just passing through the Tasuna province and was told that there is a very beautiful garden in this region. "Unfortunately, it appears I came at a bad time. And who would think that such a being would unleash itself during this, of all, times. Regertfully, I cannot trust Kinjiru-san. "It does not seem earthly to me if one can remain as calm after seeing his kin so brutally slaughtered." OOC: Kinjiru-san (MeThinksUFoolish)
Lady Celes Crusader Posted February 11, 2004 Report Posted February 11, 2004 Kamiya Yumi was standing quietly at the edge of the room. As a Geisha, she was listening quietly to the conversations. She maintain a calm mask however, news of the murder were disturbing. When she felt she was invited to reply she finally talks. - Kinjiru-san, I am deeply sorry to hear about the loss of your father. But I must admire the strength you show, despite the grief that is biting your heart. What I understand, is that we are facing an evil that is unknown to us and that evil is among us. It seems that we must face him on our own. The Geisha looks around and ponders for a moment. - I shall withold my vote for the moment. I want to have more information.
dragonqueen Posted February 11, 2004 Report Posted February 11, 2004 Hoshiko had not even considered Kinjuru-san, but now that others have mentioned the possibility, he does seem a likely suspect. He says he did not kill his father, but when a shapechanger goes wolf, is he controlled by human instincts and emotions, or those of a wolf? Might not he have turned wolf and killed his father without even remembering it? Still, the tourist is a likely suspect. Hoshiko is undecided between suspects. The son or the tourist. Until further evidence comes to light, she will still withhold her vote.
X-Sabre Posted February 11, 2004 Report Posted February 11, 2004 Some valid points have been said thus far. The tourist is rather suspicious, and of course none of this started until after he arrived. But then again Kinjuru-san was the first person affected by all this. Has anyone stopped to think Kinjuru-san has any enemies? All questions must be asked before any true accusations are made. OOC: Still no vote... Not yet, although I have one in mind for soon.
Tanuchan Posted February 11, 2004 Report Posted February 11, 2004 (edited) Akane sighs, looking at one and other. *thinking* I don't want to accuse someone innocent either... there's no honor in accusing without reason... but there's no honor either in running away from the decision. What happens to those who are so silent? I just cannot believe a son would kill his own father. A samurai who should hold honor high. Or a tourist just because he is a stranger in our lands. What am I to do? Can I accuse someone who refuses to speak? That's worse than accusing strangers... I am sorry Ishikawa-san... I don't like accusing people because they are strangers. But it's very strange indeed that you haven't yet seen the large golden buddha, the first place in the Kaga province that everyone visits. OOC a vote for Ishikawa-san/Vlad Edited February 11, 2004 by Tanuchan
Lady Celes Crusader Posted February 11, 2004 Report Posted February 11, 2004 Kamiya Yumi nods upon what she hears and politely speaks up again - I've weighted everyone's opinion carefully. I cannot withold my vote anymore. I have to apologies to Ishikawa-san but my vote is against you. Now, I just hope that this vote is an honorable one. (OOC: A vote against Ishikawa-san/Vlad)
DeanTheAdequate Posted February 11, 2004 Author Report Posted February 11, 2004 OOC: Ishikawa has died... But as a concollation "prize" I have decided to have the first person lynched describe thier death... So take it away Vlad. P.S. The night phase will begin after his post!
Nave Posted February 11, 2004 Report Posted February 11, 2004 (edited) Arriving to the proceddings late but with out making too much noise, Terauchi Eiji places himself in the back of the group. Noting that his choice of the guilty party has been also chosen by the majority, he waits to see how Ishikawa reacts to this most dishonerable charge. ***edited for formatting*** Edited February 11, 2004 by Nave
Tanuchan Posted February 11, 2004 Report Posted February 11, 2004 Noticing the late arrival of Terauchi Eiji, Akane flashes him a questioning look while awaiting Ishikawa-san's reaction to having his honor put in doubt. OOC Sorry, Vlad. But I hope to see you next game
Nave Posted February 11, 2004 Report Posted February 11, 2004 Does not acknowledge Akane's questioning looks. Stays focused entirely on the reaction of Ishikawa
Vahktang Posted February 11, 2004 Report Posted February 11, 2004 DeanTheAdequate said: OOC: Ishikawa has died... But as a concollation "prize" I have decided to have the first person lynched describe thier death... So take it away Vlad.OOC:That's way Kewl. Do it well. Make us proud. More later, Vahktang
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