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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

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The lady in grey shook her head slowly. She was one who had seen too much of the sickness of the world to be surprised, but it depressed her nonetheless. She want into the privy and threw up. "I suspect we're more dangerous than the damn werewolf."

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*Sabre looks over at Nave, nodding for another drink*

*hiccup* Aye, I knew that guy was in'ocent. I mean, he was just a bit too ready to die. It's a shame someone had to die, but oh well. So, who do we kill next? I'll break this bottle over their head. *tosses the bottle wildly without looking where it will hit* KSSSHHH Oops, sowwy to break that bottwe near you Gwai.


Again, I still think it's that Merelas guy! He's got those shifty eyes, you just know he's got something up his sleeve. Hang Merelas!


Deg sits on a stool and watches the bottle fly by Gwaihir's head. "Hmmm.." he wonders idly. "I thik we should work together a bit more than we are if we want to get rid of this wolf before it eats all of us alive."


*Celes is completely unsure about what to think. The sheer horror that unfolded before her eyes is only dwarfed by the high sense of insecurity the doctor's news provided.*


- All this was in vain., she muttered, Now, I'm not sure about what to be afraid of. I'm so scared... *gasps* I... can't....


*The lady cries in Tanuchan's arms before she finishes her to mumble her confused thoughts.*

Posted (edited)

Tanny hugs Celes reassuringly, concerned for a person who has been her friend since her first day of work.


"There, there... I know, it's terrible, but people will come back to their senses, sooner or later. It was just the shock... with poor Eyremon's death, they'll see that we have to stick together and not go on dropping those terrible accusations against each other. We are sensible here."


*looking around she sees Sabre still trying to apologize to Gwaihir over the broken bottle*


"Well, at least most of us are. Tsk. I'll ask the cook to prepare some tea for you, Celes, it will help you. Sit here and try to calm yourself. We'll sort this out."


Breathing deeply, trying to hide her fear for Celes' sake, Tanny leaves.

Edited by Tanuchan

Morning has come. All seems quiet in the village. Very calm, very surreal. Small patches of fog are all over the landscape. Very soon a small group of villagers head out to Farmer Brown's field.


Mira, Damon, Nave and Venturi come across the scene. There is still dried blood in patches around his field.


"Look here," begins Damon "simple wolf tracks!"


"Wolf tracks?" says Mira "Wolves don't come in size twelves!"


"Hey," begins Venturi "who's lit a fire in Brown's kitchen?"


Silently, the group brandishes blades. Surrounding the farmhouse entrance, Venturi counts silently to three and busts in the door. The group rushes in toward's the large kitchen.


Von Muncie looks at the armed guard.


"Can't a man eat breakfat in peace?" he says as he puts down a kettle. A strange smell is in the air.


"Why are you here?" demands Nave "Leave the dead's possesions alone."


"My dear fellow, the innkeep dosen't allow cooking in the rooms" Von Muncie replies "And I wished to have additional protection. Hence, the smell."


"What is that?" says Damon "Camomile tea?"


"No, the sharp smell of wofsbane. Drives a nightstalker away. I have no intention of being the next victum. I'm here to help for crying out loud."


With that said, the door busts open.


"Venturi!" gasps Lady Celes "It's Gwaihir! She.... She..." Lady Celes gently sobs.


Venturi takes her to a chair and gives her some fresh water. "Please tell us." He says, calmly as possable.


She speaks in a hushed tone to Venturi, then quietly sips her water. Venturi carries a heavy scowl.


"Nave, Damon" he says "Go with Dr. Von Muncie to the curio shop. Be cautious, and armed..."


Von Muncie nods and begins to walk to town. Nave quickly follows.


"Are you sure?" begins Damon, but soon leaves after catching Lady Cele's eye.


* * *


The curio shop is in shambles. The door sit's unlocked as trinkets are scatterd about. It dosen't take long for the hunting party to see what they were looking for...


Nave dosen't take it too well, and quickly runs outside to vomit. Damon and Von Muncie wait for his return with handkerchefs over thier mouths.


"That..." begins Nave "That..."


"Is unnatural?" says Von Muncie "Quite. Note, there is no sign of scuffle at the door. Somebody she thought she knew and trusted came in here and did, that, to her."


Damon looks on in horror. "Dog's are definately not allowed in here..."


Von Muncie begins poking around the shop until he gets to an ornate rug. It is half tossed aside with claw marks nearby. Human, not wolf.


"Curious..." quips Von Muncie as he pulls out a small toolkit. After some fiddling a click is heard. A trapdoor pops open. "Very curious..."


Nave takes point as they decend a small stairwell. Soon they see strange markings on the walls.


"What is all this?" Damon asks.


"Runes of Seeing... This does not bode well for us." Von Muncie responds. Soon they find a small room with a pool of trickling water. The runes are everywhere, giving off an eerie glow.


"What luck! They still have a little power!" Von Muncie exclaims.


"Hey! What are you..." Damon begins, but Nave cuts him off with a gesture. They both look into the pool while Von Muncie chants some words.


"Bring unto us the last image of the seer, so that the darkness is exposed to light...


An image appears in the stagnant pool. It is an interior of the shop, with Gwaihir sorting through some items. There is a bang on the door. She jumps, then looks out the small window.


"Oh! It's you two. Just one moment...."


She takes out a large key to her lock. As soon as she thows back the bolt the door wings in as two large wolves, silvery in the moonlight, tear into her. The last thing the three hear are Gwaihir's screams fading away. The runes grow dark.


"Two. There are two wolves." Von Muncie says "We have to go to town hall..."



(OOC: Gwaihir is dead. She was also the seer! It's day phase. Who goes to the gallows. The decision will take place on Midnight on Wed.)


***At the town hall***


Well the one amongst us who could have figured out the culprit without more bloodshed is dead. The wolves got lucky and took her out. Its up to us to stop them.


Does anyone want to say where they were last night?


I was at my home preparing for the wolves.


***Pulls out two spears he whittled last night from a pack he laid against the wall of the hall***


When we find them I'm going to stick them like a pig!




They got the seer.

How do they do that so early?


Can we get a scorecard after the deaths?



"We got rid of the Kramer, now let's get rid of the Otis.

The down drunk.

A drain on all our abilities.

An embarrassment when we have visitors to our fair town.


X-sabre, I accuse you of being detrimental to our fair town.

Drunk or wolf, it matters little. Go hang yourself and save us the trouble.


As to leaving town?

Leaving our homes?

Being driven from where our ancestors are buried.

[looks coldly at Damon Inferel]



More later,




Is that how its going to be Vahktang?! Just because a guy doesn't want face the harshness of murdering our friends and kin, despite their innocence, you will condemn them to death?


So be your vote cast. Mine though shall be going against you! I defended you yesterday. I see that was a mistake now!


Tanny looks up from where she had been sitting talking in hushed tones to Lady Celes, both ot them showing reddish eyes.


Sabre can't even be coherent most of times... how can you, Vahk? Trying to kill him because of his love for full bottles... *sighs at Vahktan's glare* Oh, well, have to agree he is a liability but if we have to do this, can't we at least vote for someone who can be guilty of more than being drunk all the time ? Nave has some reason when he asks about our whereabouts last night.


*turns to Nave, nodding at the spears*

You have always been good at making those, Nave. Maybe we should also be prepared as you are. After what happened to Gwaihir, I guess no one doubts the existence of the werewolves... right? *glances sharply towards Mira and Damon*


Damon removes the kerchief from his mouth. "Indeed, now that we have proof as to some supernatural existence, i may be able to take this investigation a trifle more seriously."


He paces back and forth in the town hall, looking a little more nervous than the day before, and every so often he shudders upon reminiscing the images of Gwaihir. "Well..." he states, steeling his nerves, "I should be able to tell you of my whereabouts last night. Certainly not the most concievable alibi, but I was reading with my cat. The only thing I heard was Gwaihir saying something, the two of us being neighbors and all, and heard the start of a scream. I was too terrified to look, however. I admit that I am a coward, but now that i know what I am dealing with, I may be able to better assist Von Muncie."


"Now, if you consider the fact that whoever the wolf is going to be is not going to put on a display within the broad outdoors for the sake of somebody seeing them. they would do so in their home, where the transformation may be clandestine. Surely, if such a transformation does occur, reverting from the diminutive comaprison of human flesh to a large wolf, such as the one we saw within Gwaihir's runes, it would be agonizing and certainly could not be done within one spot. Our houses are not necessarily that large."


He coughs at the last. The village has known Damon has wanted a larger house to store his collection of books.


"I say we give each home a search before we accuse someone. A mess or two is expected, but rampant claw marks on the furniture is not something you will see everyday. We should search. On a more personal note, forgive me about stating we should move. This village may destroy itself in this hunt, but I suppose it would be better that we end this now."


*Celes was seated on a chair, her eyes redened by her tears. She cannot shake off the image of the carnage she discovered, in a soft voice she looked over the audience.*


- I was at the inn, cleaning the rooms and then I wash the dishes. I went to bed after checking that everything was locked tight. I got up this morning and while making my bed, I accidentally broke a carafe. I went over Gwaihir's curio shop after breakfast in order to buy another carafe and...


*She bursts into tears, unable to shake the horrible image. Venturi walks over her and hushes at her before he speaks.*


- And this is when you discovered her death and then ran over the Brown farm, looking for help.


*Celes nods while sniffing.*


*Celes bolstered up at the accusation and pierces Deg with angered while still teary eyes.*


- Acting? ACTING? How dare you think that I committed such an heinous act! I just can't shake this horrible scene out of my head. Everyone knows how sensitive I am! And what about you? You seem way too composed for such an event.


(OOC: A vote for Deg)


"Composed? Yes. I don't see what advantage there is in crying my eyes out. At least if I'm calm I have a chance of running from whatever out there wants to eat me. You can hang me if you like, but I'd suggest you spend a bit more time looking for the wolf, and not killing off the villagers. I'd give you a doggie treat, but it seems you prefer flesh." With that, Deg turns and walks to his own home.

Posted (edited)

*frowning at Deg* Men!


*looks at the faces around her and sigh* So it's all starting again... well Nave don't look at me like that. If you want to know, I stayed a bit with m'lady Celes here calming her then went to my room. Barred the door and the window, picked my late papa's hunting knife, put it by the bedside, and tried to have a good night's rest. Not that I suceeded, with nightmares and all.


Want my opinion? There was a snowfall, and there are places between the village and the farms outside where it's still deep enough to keep footprints if one threads on it. If the wolf was out of the city, it would possibly be thus tracked when it came inside. One of us avoided this small problem by just staying in the city... pressed Eyremon towards suicide... was quite resistant to admitting we had big problems until there could be no more doubts whatsoever. I still think it suspicious.


OOC: Keeping my vote for Mira.

Edited by Tanuchan
  Degenero Angelus said:

With that, Deg turns and walks to his own home.

***Uses a spear as a bar and blocks Deg's exit***


Sorry friend. Till we've decided who's the guilty part, its best if everyone stays here.


Best go have a seat till the votes are tallied up.


***Points to some chairs on the side of the room with the second spear***


Right over there away from Celes will probably be best.


It should be near night when we finish the vote tally. Then we can seperate and go bar ourselves in our rooms.


"Sitting.... ah, I guess that does sound like a good idea, when you put it to me that way." Deg walks over to a stool on the opposite side of the bar. "I want to live through this just as much as anyone, but I could like a drink...."


Deg, perhaps you've already had a little too much to drink. Are you forgetting right now we're in the town hall?


But perhaps the tavern would be a better setting. After all, I think clearer after a few quarts.


Let us all move over there. That way those who are staying there tonight don't have far to go.


"Ahh, so sorry. I'm a bit preoccupied, you know, being out of my head with fear and all. I guess I figured a Tavern would be the best place, so my busy mind naturally assumed I was already in one." Deg smiles weakly and gets up to move. "I'd still like that drink, though."


As the people enter the tavern and sit in groups of twos and threes, Tanny quickly goes to the kitchen. Then comes back with a tray laden with food and drink and starts serving.


"Here. All this business is getting into the nerves of everybody. Food and drink... *glances at Sabre* well, not excessive drink... can surely help us settle down while we talk. In a civilized manner."


OOC: Vahktang looks at clock.

Hmm. Thursday, noon.

The death is 12 hours late.

Par for the course.




but I was reading with my cat.

Reading to my cat?

Is that the best you can do?

Or is that some code for something that you do that shouldn't be said in polite company?


I had dinner with my six kids, we all went to bed and slept quietly until we were awoken.

Check with them.


forgive me about stating we should move.


Is that how its going to be Vahktang?! Just because a guy doesn't want face the harshness of murdering our friends and kin, despite their innocence, you will condemn them to death?

No, I condemn a person who would run away from his problems and leave his home and neighbors, but not with death.

And, he sensably changed his mind.

Speaking of which:


So be your vote cast. Mine though shall be going against you! I defended you yesterday. I see that was a mistake now!

Since you are mistaken about my reasoning, could you reconsider my denouncement?


More later,




Damon glances at Vahktang, his expression blank. "Forgive me for pointing out the error in your statement Mr. Vahktang, but I had stated I was reading 'with' my cat. I find it to be a rather soothing sleeping exercise to have the company of a purring cat on my lap and a good book to drown away the outside noises. While I cannot ask the cat to vouch for my part, I can assure you that I was in my room at the time that Gwaihir was attacked. It is up to your own logic, no offense intended towards you sir, to determine whehter or not I am telling the truth."


"I am shocked by the death, but we still have two wolves in our midst, and in case my composure is any indication I might be a wolf, I simply believe a clear head is needed to continue this investigation. When all is safe, then I will show my grievance at a proper funeral. In the mean time, I believe we should assist our aid, Von Muncie, in his hunt for these vile things."


"I cast no votes upon you all. There is still evidence to be searched for..."


(OOC: So... ummm... are we allowed to search for evidence?)


(OOC: No searching Basically you just have to go on your gut feeling of suspicion of others and what they say and how they vote. The voting is the key though. Sometimes the wolves stick together and vote together and some times they split up on purpose so they don't look like they're conspiring. I recommand reading some of the Wolfen Chronicals from the Kenzer Boards


Link: http://www.kenzerco.com/forums/showflat.ph...sb=5&o=&fpart=1


It'll give a good idea of how a game is played out.)





With a heavy heart I stand by my vote against you.

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