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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

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Orlan-san... Help! My lovely poll seems to be broken. :( It gave me the message of "Fatal error: Call to undefined function: delete_link() in /home/themigh/public_html/sources/Topics.php on line 1575" when I hit the 'post' button, and unless you see something different from me, it's giving it every time I try to read the thread.


Bad function! Bad! *slaps delete_link upside the head*


Arigatoo gozaimasu,


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As the others.


From search results of "view new posts", clicking on the Poll link, received,

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: delete_link() in /home/themigh/public_html/sources/Topics.php on line 1575

Possible cause: "themigh" instead of "themightypen" in URL.

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themigh is the hosting company's pointer, not ours.


This should be fixed, there was some code that needed to be changed in the Poll file that I must not have gotten completely changed enough so it went haywire. Hopefully it all works now. Let me know if anyone gets anymore problems.

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*Appy runs in screaming: "FIRE FIRE FIRE!"*


Uhm I mean... the centering function in the Banquet Room that Rune so graciously put there on lil' me's request is gone... *wails*


Any change of fixing that when the bigger problems are out of the way? ^_^


Thank you!


*Appy dashes off again screaming: "FROGS FROGS FROGS!" this time*

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Sorry, an error occurred. If you are unsure on how to use a feature, or don't know why you got this error message, try looking through the help files for more information.


The error returned was:


The upload failed. Please contact a member of staff to help rectify the problem

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