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Guest ntraveler2
Posted (edited)

[EDIT: Deleted. User has left.]

Edited by ntraveler2

I like 7th Heaven, Friends, and The OC (Orange County).... I also like all the Law and Orders and both CSI's. But I rarely have time to watch TV so.....it's not an addiction.


I watch mostly anime (and non-broadcast stuff, so I guess that don't count), so I would have to say that my one real big show is Babylon 5. Even then I just tape it (and forget to watch the tapes half the time. *sweatdrop*) or wait until the DVDs come out.

Posted (edited)

No, I don't have to watch television. :)


Some shows that I really like though: Simpsons, Seinfeld (reruns), Family Guy (reruns :( ), Aqua Teen Hunger Force, Space Ghost, That 70s Show, The Daily Show, Arrested Development, South Park....oh yeah, and I like a lot of anime as well.

Edited by Loki Wyrd
  Loki Wyrd said:

No, I don't have to watch television. :)


Some shows that I really like though: Simpsons, Seinfeld (reruns), Family Guy (reruns :( ), Aqua Teen Hunger Force, Space Ghost, That 70s Show, The Daily Show, Arrested Development, South Park....oh yeah, and I like a lot of anime as well.

I love you Loki

Gwaihir--that ain't working. Allow me. . .


(Tzimfemme whistles sharply with two fingers. Immediately the doors to the laboratory wing ((home of Dr. Tzimfemmestien, Astralis, and other scary people)) swing open to reveal a giant TV CAMERA being trundled out by dozens of Oompalumpenproletariats. . .)


Participants in this forum are limited to in character announcements/games or other endeavors that are in some way creative. Ordinary chat-line activity is not appropriate here.


In other words, amuse this bouncer :P


(The Oompalumpens eventually realize that the doorway is just too narrow to admit a giant TV camera and spend several hours sitting around idly before one buffs up a non-essential corner of the camera. After a drive-by shinysnatching, the doorway has been stampeded to the requisite width and the camera operator--Rydia!--levels the lens at Adrynna.)


Because it's so much more fun to see what people can create! If I wanted to read lists I would have stayed in school. . .


(Flashback to Rydia in what passed for a biology class under Blue Mage tutelage. Her notebook is filled with drawings of hellhounds chasing capes, pairs of pegasi in aerial maneuvers, and detailed but workable instructions on how to make imps do hampsterdance. . .)


Wyvern is in the midst of making an illegal exchange with an advertisement agent when suddenly, a spotlight falls on him and twenty Oompalumpen's swiftly gather around the area. Rydia focuses the T.V camera on the nearest shiny objects, those being the geld and the silver T.V remote controles in the midst of being exchanged, while the darkly cloaked figure next to Wyvern growls:


"Lizahd, dis wasn't part o' da deal. You tolds me no cameras, no footage, and no Willy Wonka inspired midgets!"


Wyvern stutters and lets out a nervous laugh, quickly dropping the remotes and stuffing as much geld as he can back into his pockets. Turning from the mobster advertiser just as he starts to pull a billy club from his cloak, the lizard races to the nearest outhouse and quickly jumps inside. Placing a clothing pin on his nose and taking a deep breath, he rapidly shuts the door behind him and begins changing outfits. After a minute or two, the door to the outhouse opens again and the lizard walks back out transformed, disguised in the best Jerry Springer costume he can muster.


Wyvern adjusts the fake evil moustach next to his nose and picks up a microphone, shaking it a few times to test it and causing a horrendous shriek of static in the process. Clearing his throat of a few ashes and wiping the dirt off of his fine grey suite, the overgrown lizard then snaps a finger and three Oompalumpens immediatly come to his aid. Pointing towards Aardvark, ntraveler2, and the mobster advertisement agent, Wyvern signals to the Oompalumpens in a manner that suggests that those three should be immediatly seated. Tapping his microphone a few more times with one claw while signaling to the people in charge of lighting with the other, the reptilian host takes a deep breath and hisses:


"Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to the latest episode of 'Scary Winger!'"


Upon exclaiming this, an Oompalumpen seated at a keyboard begins hitting keys randomly, causing a cacophony of synthesizer noises and applause effects.


"This evening, we have three very special guests with us: Aardvark, Adrynna Shathward, and Andrew the Advertisement Agent!"


Aardvark raises a brow, Adrynna glances around the room confused, and Andrew angrily growls:


"Lizahd, you tolds me no names!"


"Now then..." continues Wyvern the Scary Winger, ignoring the complaints of the mobster advertiser. "My first question to you guys is... how does it feel to share the first letter of the alphabet with one another?!"


As Wyvern asks this, an Oompalumpen steps up to each guest, offering them a choice of chainsaw, bazooka, or flock of rabid geese.

Posted (edited)

Hopper wonders along the rows of seating that have appeared from nowhere and the many unmemorable looking humans, elves and what have you sitting in them. It has to be said, although the wolf will take most things in his stride, he is at this point a little confused.


When he finally reaches the end of the seating he spies the overly large form of a Jerry Springer looky likey, one Scary Winger. Things start to make sense once Scary tucks a rogue tail back into his suit trousers.


Hopper takes a seat and watches procedings, hoping someone might get him some food, or some good whisky once this debacle is over. Soon little people are offering out weapons and, quite interestingly from this wolf's point of view, what appear to be geese.


Hopper decides that for once the crazy dragon might be on to something with fool's scheme of his. Time to edge his way closer to the stage. On of those geese looks nicely plump.

Edited by HopperWolf

/me stumbles into the room stoned and hears Vincent Silver's declaration


"Thanks man, I'm sure I'm very fond of you as well" :D


/me sits down at a table in the corner and falls asleep


Aardvark is the first to take the mic.


"Well, Mr Winger, it's like this. Se.... OH NO!!! AN A-BOMB!!!!"


Aardvark dives for cover just as a large metallic object crashes through the roof and explodes, showering everyone with alphabetti soup, missing the last twenty five letters of the alphabet.


"Aye, didn't see that one coming, did you?"




Screams missing the letters "r," "g" and "h" ring throughout the halls as Scary Winger plugs his ears with two lower case "a"s, cracking a cheesy grin towards the cameras and giving a thumbs up to the man in charge of special effects. Noticing the lizard's glance, the Oompalumpen in charge of effects frantically shakes his head and screams, looking generally confused as he becomes buried in an avalanche of "A"s.


Turning towards Adrynna Shathward and asking her for a response, the overgrown lizard notices that she's too horrified by the concept of an alphabet soup missing twenty five letters to say anything. Nodding to this, Scary Winger turns to Andrew:


"So Andrew... now that you're covered with "A"s, how does it feel to share so many letters with Aardvark and Adrynna?"


The mobster advertiser shakes his head a few times, recovering from the shock of the A-bomb, before suddenly raising his head and responding:


"Waitaminute... dids you say Aardvark?"


Andrew angrily raises himself from his seat, picking up a rabid goose munching on an "A" from off the ground.


"Aardvark huh? I sees how it is!"


Turning to Aardvark, the advertisement agent positions the goose so that it's rear end is facing Aardvark's direction and growls:


"You tryin' to tell me somethin' by having two more 'A's in ya name then I do, punk?! Well lemme tell ya something... nobody out-As big Andrew Vertisimo, nobody. And I'll tell ya something else, ya sorry excuse for an animal. Dis goose I'm holding has been munching on da alphabet soup, and is fully loaded!"


With that, the advertisement agent grins evilly and squeezes the gooses stomach, causing it to squack and foam at the mouth. Scary winger quickly jumps under a table to avoid it's potential path of destruction...


Quick as a flash, Aardvark draws his old Scrabble bag-O-letters and tosses them at the incoming As, forming words which promptly disappear into thin air, leaving a digital score based on the number of letters in each word, before fading away.



"We meet again, Mr Shathward. But this time, I came packing. And... Ant.... Asp... Apple.... you're too slow Mr Shaftward"


As the goose spits faster and faster, the Aardvark's brain works overtime, dredging old, ancient, long-since-forgotten A words that still count, knowing that one misspelled word could be his last. Sensing his supply of letters running short, he decides it be time to do something magical with the last.




As the final M falls into place, an faint square marked Triple Word Score pops up out of nowhere, creating a phenomenal result.

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