Patrick Posted November 6, 2005 Report Posted November 6, 2005 1. Adjective - mighty 2. Male Member of the Pen - Wyvern 3. Female Member of the Pen - Mynx 4. Adverb - angel-like 5. A Gesture - pointing 6. A Fancy Location - a sailing boat in the Caribbeans 7. Adjective - grand 8. Noun - wireless network card 9. A Liquid - C2H5OH (also known as ethanol) 10. Verb - to procrastinate 11. Noun - feather 12. Adjective - polished 13. Adjective - mixed 14. Name of a Music Song and Artist - Obsession - Aventura 15. A Color - sea-blue 16. Part of Body (Plural) - lungs 17. Plural Noun - beasts 18. Article of Clothing - belt 19. Adjective - hung 20. Verb (past tense) - died
Tanuchan Posted November 11, 2005 Report Posted November 11, 2005 1. Adjective - jumpy 2. Male Member of the Pen - Finnius 3. Female Member of the Pen - Katzaniel 4. Adverb - sheepishly 5. A Gesture - patting a friend's head 6. A Fancy Location - on the top of the Kilimanjaro mountain 7. Adjective - plushy 8. Noun - dictionary 9. A Liquid - formaldehyde 10. Verb - faint 11. Noun - log cabin 12. Adjective - rusty 13. Adjective - fancy 14. Name of a Music Song and Artist - Goodnight, Demon Slayer / Voltaire 15. A Color - midnight-blue 16. Part of Body (Plural) - kidneys 17. Plural Noun - glasses 18. Article of Clothing - skirt 19. Adjective - yawny 20. Verb (past tense) - buried
Ayshela Posted November 12, 2005 Report Posted November 12, 2005 yay! Thanks Wyv, you're a gem! 1. Adjective - splendiferous 2. Male Member of the Pen - Gryphon 3. Female Member of the Pen - Appy 4. Adverb - sleepily 5. A Gesture - a frantic wave 6. A Fancy Location - The Eiffel Tower 7. Adjective - purplish 8. Noun - Cryptomancer's discarded left sock 9. A Liquid - heather ale 10. Verb - plunked 11. Noun - Mynx's smallest kitten minion 12. Adjective - slippery 13. Adjective - glittered 14. Name of a Music Song and Artist - "The Sound of Settling" by Death Cab for Cutie 15. A Color - irridescent pink 16. Part of Body (Plural) - eyelashes 17. Plural Noun - drunken seagulls 18. Article of Clothing - black string bikini top 19. Adjective - crystalline 20. Verb (past tense) - snored
Wyvern Posted November 13, 2005 Author Report Posted November 13, 2005 Thanks to everyone who participated in this round of madlibs. The original story used for this madlib was Patrick Durham's date with Arwen, entitled "For the lovely elven maiden" and located in the Assembly Room. The following passage was extracted from the text: Patrick Durham said: "You look wonderful." - Patham said, meaning it. Arwen blushed slightly and the two of them went off for their date. "So where are you taking me?" - she asked curiously. "I wouldn't want to ruin the surprise." - Patham replied with a wink. When they reached, where he was taking her it turned out to be a high-class restaurant, with a band playing melodic songs. Patham handed his reservation to the waiter and they sat at the only table, which was put out in the room. The waiter brought wine, Arwen's favourite sort, then let Patham serve her. The champagne was just perfect for the occasion, as it blended with the soft music in the background. As they waited for the hors d'oeuvres to be served Patham motioned to one of the musicians, who once the song was finished came over to their table. He handed him a list of songs, which even though they were very rarely played in the restaurant the band knew and was going to play. It had all been arranged previously. The tunes, albeit still softly in the background became harder, as electric guitars, bass and drums were added to them, and soon the songs played were metal songs. During the main course the band started playing Ghost Love Score by Nightwish. Patham stood up. "May I have the dance?" - he asked, taking Arwen's hand. She had beautiful blue eyes, which in the lighting of the restaurant's interior tingled like sapphires. The shafts of light coming from her headband bathed Patham in silver light. She accepted his invitation for the dance. This segment was then editted and abbreviated for madlib compatibility: Quote "You look [Adjective]." - [Male Pennite] said, meaning it. [Female Pennite] blushed slightly and the two of them went off for their date. "So where are you taking me?" - she asked [Adverb]. "I wouldn't want to ruin the surprise." - [same Male Pennite] replied with a [Gesture]. When they reached where he was taking her it turned out to be a high-class [A Fancy Location], with a band playing [Adjective] songs. [same Male Pennite] handed his [Noun] to the waiter and they sat at the only table, which was put out in the room. The waiter brought [A Liquid], [same Female Pennites]'s favorite sort, then let [same Male Pennite] [Verb] her. The [Noun] was just perfect for the occasion, as it blended with the [Adjective] music in the background. ... During the [Adjective] course the band started playing [Name of a Music Song and Artist]. [same Male Pennite] stood up. "May I have the dance?" - he asked, taking [same Female Pennite]'s hand. She had beautiful [Part of Body, Plural], which in the lighting of the [same Location]'s interior tingled like [Plural Noun]. The shafts of light coming from her [Article of Clothing] bathed [same Male Pennite] in [Adjective] light. She [Verb, Past Tense] his invitation for the dance. The blank spots were then filled in by the madlib participants, resulting in the following stories: Sweetcherrie's Version: "You look evil." - Gyrfalcon said, meaning it. Minta blushed slightly and the two of them went off for their date. "So where are you taking me?" - she asked devilishly. "I wouldn't want to ruin the surprise." - Gyrfalcon replied with a thank you. When they reached where he was taking her it turned out to be a high-class seventh heaven, with a band playing stupid songs. Gyrfalcon handed his toilet to the waiter and they sat at the only table, which was put out in the room. The waiter brought lemonade, Minta's favorite sort, then let Gyrfalcon swallow her. The wings were just perfect for the occasion, as they blended with the naughty music in the background. ... During the simple course the band started playing "It's Raining Men" by Aretha Franklin.. Gyrfalcon stood up. "May I have the dance?" - he asked, taking Minta's hand. She had beautiful green toes, which in the lighting of the seventh heaven's interior tingled like towels. The shafts of light coming from her woolen scarf bathed Gyrfalcon in tender light. She lived his invitation for the dance. Zariah's Version: "You look delectable." - Happybuddha said, meaning it. Appy blushed slightly and the two of them went off for their date. "So where are you taking me?" - she asked warmheartedly. "I wouldn't want to ruin the surprise." - Happybuddha replied with a huggle. When they reached where he was taking her it turned out to be the high-class Apollo, with a band playing entertaining songs. Happybuddha handed his fish to the waiter and they sat at the only table, which was put out in the room. The waiter brought champagne, Appy's favorite sort, then let Happybuddha dance with her. The rope was just perfect for the occasion, as it blended with the plastic music in the background. ... During the striking course the band started playing "Two Princes" by The Spin Doctors. Happybuddha stood up. "May I have the dance?" - he asked, taking Appy's hand. She had beautiful tangerine orange toes, which in the lighting of the Apollo's interior tingled like flowers. The shafts of light coming from her jacket bathed Happybuddha in frosty light. She bounced his invitation for the dance. Beautiful Nightmare's Version: "You look sexy." - drummondo said, meaning it. Zariah blushed slightly and the two of them went off for their date. "So where are you taking me?" - she asked slowly. "I wouldn't want to ruin the surprise." - drummondo replied with a huggle. When they reached where he was taking her it turned out to be a high-class cavern, with a band playing cute songs. Drummondo handed his desk to the waiter and they sat at the only table, which was put out in the room. The waiter brought orange juice, Zariah's favorite sort, then let drummondo snuggle her. The lightbulb was just perfect for the occasion, as it blended with the fluffy music in the background. ... During the bitchy course the band started playing "I Don't Want This Christmas" by Michael Drummond. Drummondo stood up. "May I have the dance?" - he asked, taking Zariah's hand. She had beautiful red eyes, which in the lighting of the cavern's interior tingled like bean bags. The shafts of light coming from her tartan skirt bathed drummondo in vain light. She kissed his invitation for the dance. Patrick Durham's Version: "You look mighty." - Wyvern said, meaning it. Mynx blushed slightly and the two of them went off for their date. "So where are you taking me?" - she asked angelically. "I wouldn't want to ruin the surprise." - Wyvern replied with a point. When they reached where he was taking her it turned out to be a high-class sailing boat in the Caribbeans, with a band playing grand songs. Wyvern handed his wireless network card to the waiter and they sat at the only table, which was put out in the room. The waiter brought C2H5OH (also known as ethanol), Mynx's favorite sort, then let Wyvern procrastinate with her. The feather was just perfect for the occasion, as it blended with the polished music in the background. ... During the mixed course the band started playing "Obsession" by Aventura. Wyvern stood up. "May I have the dance?" - he asked, taking Mynx's hand. She had beautiful sea-blue lungs, which in the lighting of the sailing boat's interior tingled like beasts. The shafts of light coming from her belt bathed Wyvern in hung light. She died over his invitation for the dance. Tanuchan's Version: "You look jumpy." - Finnius said, meaning it. Katzaniel blushed slightly and the two of them went off for their date. "So where are you taking me?" - she asked sheepishly. "I wouldn't want to ruin the surprise." - Finnius replied with a pat on the head. When they reached where he was taking her it turned out to be the high-class top of Kilimanjaro mountain, with a band playing plushy songs. Finnius handed his dictionary to the waiter and they sat at the only table, which was put out in the room. The waiter brought formaldehyde, Katzaniel's favorite sort, then let Finnius faint on her. The log cabin was just perfect for the occasion, as it blended with the rusty music in the background. ... During the fancy course the band started playing "Goodnight, Demon Slayer" by Voltaire. Finnius stood up. "May I have the dance?" - he asked, taking Katzaniel's hand. She had beautiful midnight-blue kidneys, which in the lighting of the mountain's interior tingled like glasses. The shafts of light coming from her skirt bathed Finnius in yawny light. She buried his invitation for the dance. Ayshela's Version: "You look splendiferous." - Gryphon said, meaning it. Appy blushed slightly and the two of them went off for their date. "So where are you taking me?" - she asked sleepily. "I wouldn't want to ruin the surprise." - Gryphon replied with a frantic wave. When they reached where he was taking her it turned out to be the high-class Eiffel Tower, with a band playing purplish songs. Gryphon handed cryptomancer's discarded left sock to the waiter and they sat at the only table, which was put out in the room. The waiter brought heather ale, Appy's favorite sort, then let Gryphon plunk her. Mynx's smallest kitten was just perfect for the occasion, as it blended with the slippery music in the background. ... During the glittered course the band started playing "The Sound of Settling" by Death Cab for Cutie. Gryphon stood up. "May I have the dance?" - he asked, taking Appy's hand. She had beautiful irridescent pink eyelashes which in the lighting of the Eiffel Tower's interior tingled like drunken seagulls. The shafts of light coming from her black string bikini top bathed Gryphon in crystalline light. She snored off his invitation for the dance. Note: in the cases of Sweetcherrie, Beautiful Nightmare, and Patrick Durham's entries, adjectives were placed in the spot for an adverb, so I edited them into similar adverbs in the entries. Thanks once again to everyone for participating!
Wyvern Posted January 20, 2006 Author Report Posted January 20, 2006 Here's a new Mighty Pen Madlib to give people's spontaneous creativity a workout. :-) Instructions on how to play are included at the beginning of this thread, for those who would like to participate but don't know how. Here's the list: 1. Colour 2. Adjective 3. Name of Male 4. Adjective 5. Verb (Past Tense) 6. A Profession 7. An Exclamation 8. Adjective 9. Noun 10. Part of Body (Plural) 11. Noun 12. Verb (Past Tense) 13. A Hobby 14. Noun 15. Verb (Past Tense) 16. Name of Female 17. Noun 18. A Number 19. Adjective 20. Adverb
Appy Posted January 20, 2006 Report Posted January 20, 2006 1. purple-green 2. bouncy 3. Laanders 4. lucky 5. wandered 6. shoe-maker 7. Bollocks! 8. dreadful 9. blue dress 10. teeth 11. green slippers 12. changed 13. building plane-models 14. Laander´s pink bathrobe 15. disinfected 16. Sweetcherrie 17. bathslippers 18. 42 19. sensual 20. formally Hope I did this right
Zadown Posted January 20, 2006 Report Posted January 20, 2006 Time to be consistent again! 1. coruscating emerald hue 2. mortal 3. the Dreamer 4. rune-adorned 5. conjured 6. artificer 7. By the Three Fates! 8. eldricht 9. blade 10. scars 11. ward 12. bewitched 13. skinning angels 14. Chárôt-card 15. crushed 16. Faaye 17. crossbow 18. 2768 19. glimmering 20. hideously
Sweetcherrie Posted January 20, 2006 Report Posted January 20, 2006 1. Colour - hazy grey 2. Adjective – sleepy 3. Name of Male – Ozymandias 4. Adjective – cloudy 5. Verb (Past Tense) - dreamed 6. A Profession - sandman 7. An Exclamation – no way! 8. Adjective - lovely 9. Noun - pillow 10. Part of Body (Plural) - eyes 11. Noun - blanket 12. Verb (Past Tense) - loved 13. A Hobby - pottery 14. Noun - coffeepot 15. Verb (Past Tense) - swept 16. Name of Female - Katzaniel 17. Noun - teaspoon 18. A Number - 25 19. Adjective - grumpy 20. Adverb - naughtily
Tanuchan Posted January 20, 2006 Report Posted January 20, 2006 (edited) 1. Colour - grayish-blue 2. Adjective - scandalous 3. Name of Male - Nathan 4. Adjective - queer 5. Verb (Past Tense) - purified 6. A Profession - blacksmith 7. An Exclamation - Look out! 8. Adjective - impatient 9. Noun - stapler 10. Part of Body (Plural) - kidneys 11. Noun - drawer 12. Verb (Past Tense) - hit 13. A Hobby - skiing 14. Noun - sea 15. Verb (Past Tense) - drowned 16. Name of Female - Katherine 17. Noun - rake 18. A Number - Pi 19. Adjective - salacious 20. Adverb - absent-mindedly Edited January 20, 2006 by Tanuchan
lord_nor Posted January 20, 2006 Report Posted January 20, 2006 1. fuscia 2. unholy 3. Dirk 4. wiggliest 5. skeedaddled 6. street-sweeper 7. By the purple pants of Antonio Vivaldi! 8. leathery 9. colliseum 10. tonsils 11. halberd 12. sauntered 13. making ships-in-barrles (they were out of bottles) 14. goblet 15. coalesced 16. Scary Sue 17. rabbit 18. googolplex 19. crinkly 20. historically
Patrick Posted January 20, 2006 Report Posted January 20, 2006 1. Colour - ocher 2. Adjective - miniscule 3. Name of Male - William 4. Adjective - smelly like roquefort 5. Verb (Past Tense) - square-rooted 6. A Profession - writer 7. An Exclamation - Bollocks! 8. Adjective - shaky 9. Noun - research 10. Part of Body (Plural) - locks of hair 11. Noun - deep-sea chart 12. Verb (Past Tense) - elevated 13. A Hobby - collecting stamps 14. Noun - high tide 15. Verb (Past Tense) - nit-picked 16. Name of Female - Susanne 17. Noun - pollenation 18. A Number - square root of minus 1 19. Adjective - sickly brown 20. Adverb - proverbially
Azuran Posted January 22, 2006 Report Posted January 22, 2006 1. Colour - transparent 2. Adjective - disposable 3. Name of Male - The Great Hernaldo 4. Adjective - sticky 5. Verb (Past Tense) - tickled 6. A Profession - circus clown 7. An Exclamation - Hallelujah! 8. Adjective - enormous 9. Noun - diaper 10. Part of Body (Plural) - earlobes 11. Noun – hand grenade 12. Verb (Past Tense) - ate 13. A Hobby – invading small countries 14. Noun - banana 15. Verb (Past Tense) - cleaned 16. Name of Female – Aunt Esmerelda 17. Noun - hamburger 18. A Number – far too few 19. Adjective - floppy 20. Adverb - flamboyantly
Quincunx Posted January 23, 2006 Report Posted January 23, 2006 Tzimfemme stepped up to the board, looked both ways, and brought out of a portal an ostentatious, fluffy red quill. It was a duplicate of Minta's, but less travel-worn and more effective. 1. ultramarine 2. one 3. Calvin 4. unlikely 5. equivocated 6. mathematician 7. Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition! The naked mage pondered why the purple pants of Antonio Vivaldi were exclamation-worthy. 8. riveted 9. a dime (heads) She slapped herself on the back of her non-writing hand. 10. navels 11. liquidity 12. speculated With that, she went back to speculating for ten more minutes. 13. play(ing) pinochle 14. pigment 15. quibbled 16. Susie 17. figment 18. a few 19. glossy 20. seldom
The Portrait of Zool Posted January 23, 2006 Report Posted January 23, 2006 1. Color - watermelon-seed black 2. Adjective - dribbley 3. Name of Male - Choo 4. Adjective - addictively 5. Verb (Past Tense) - pollinated 6. A Profession - Guillotinist 7. An Exclamation - Great Ceaser's Weltanschauung! 8. Adjective - beautiful 9. Noun - barn 10. Part of Body (Plural) - short-hairs 11. Noun - rat 12. Verb (Past Tense) - bent 13. A Hobby - fencing 14. Noun - cat 15. Verb (Past Tense) - tousled 16. Name of Female - Ahhh 17. Noun - thong 18. A Number - 47 19. Adjective - corroded 20. Adverb - extremely
Wyvern Posted January 26, 2006 Author Report Posted January 26, 2006 Thanks to everyone who participated in this madlib. :-) The original segment used for this madlib was from Sweetcherrie's story "Dark Angel", and reads as follows: Sweetcherrie said: The black around the girl made her face look pale, exactly the way Sander liked it. She looked almost gothic the way she was foiled against the background. She was an excellent model, and such a shame he couldn’t use her more often for shoots. It had been purely luck that he could be here today, and that she had said yes when he had asked for 15 minutes of her time. In fact, she was normally so expensive that he didn’t think he would ever be working again with such a good model like her. Her face smiled, but behind those eyes he saw sadness and he wondered whether he would be able to capture it in the images. Sander always analyzed his models, he couldn’t help it. He had studied photography, but his hobby had always been psychology, which was probably why he’d always received the highest grades on portrait exercises. He liked to think that he didn’t only look at people, but really saw them as well. “Shara, time’s up. You’ve already given this young man a lot of your precious time.” The manager stepped in, and Sander started clearing away his camera. He’d shot three rolls in 20 minutes, not bad. And the man was right; she had already given him 20 minutes instead of 15, and pictures that would be unbelievable, hopefully. This segment was then deconstructed in madlib fashion to form the following: Quote The [Colour] around the girl made her face look [Adjective], exactly the way [Name of Male] liked it. She looked almost [Adjective] the way she was [Verb, past tense] against the background. She was an excellent [Profession], and such a shame he couldn’t use her more often for shoots. It had been purely luck that he could be here today, and that she had said [Exclamation] when he had asked for 15 minutes of her time. In fact, she was normally so [Adjective] that he didn’t think he would ever be working again with such a good [Noun] like her. Her face smiled, but behind those [Part of Body, Plural] he saw [Noun] and he wondered whether he would be able to capture it in the images. [same Male] always [Verb, past tense] his models, he couldn’t help it. He had studied photography, but his hobby had always been [A Hobby], which was probably why he’d always received the highest grades on [Noun] exercises. He liked to think that he didn’t only look at people, but really [Verb, Past Tense] them as well. “[Name of Female], time’s up. You’ve already given this young man a lot of your precious time.” The manager stepped in, and [same Male] started clearing away his [Noun]. He’d shot three rolls in [Number] minutes, not bad. And the man was right; she had already given him [same Number] minutes instead of 15, and pictures that would be [Adjective],[Adverb]. Participants then filled in the blanks, resulting in the following versions: Appy’s Version: The purple-green around the girl made her face look bouncy, exactly the way Laanders liked it. She looked almost lucky the way she wandered against the background. She was an excellent shoe-maker, and such a shame he couldn’t use her more often for shoots. It had been purely luck that he could be here today, and that she had said “Bollucks!” when he had asked for 15 minutes of her time. In fact, she was normally so dreadful that he didn’t think he would ever be working again with such a good blue dress. Her face smiled, but behind those teeth he saw green slippers and he wondered whether he would be able to capture it in the images. Laanders always changed his models, he couldn’t help it. He had studied photography, but his hobby had always been building plane models, which was probably why he’d always received the highest grades on Laander’s pink bathrobe exercises. He liked to think that he didn’t only look at people, but really disinfected them as well. “Sweetcherrie, time’s up. You’ve already given this young man a lot of your precious time.” The manager stepped in, and Laanders started clearing away his bathslippers. He’d shot three rolls in 42 minutes, not bad. And the man was right; she had already given him 42 minutes instead of 15, and pictures that would be sensual, formally. Zadown’s Version The coruscating emerald hue around the girl made her face look mortal, exactly the way the Dreamer liked it. She looked almost rune-adorned the way she was conjured against the background. She was an excellent artificer, and such a shame he couldn’t use her more often for shoots. It had been purely luck that he could be here today, and that she had said “By the Three Fates!” when he had asked for 15 minutes of her time. In fact, she was normally so eldricht that he didn’t think he would ever be working again with such a good blade. Her face smiled, but behind those scars he saw wards and he wondered whether he would be able to capture them in the images. The Dreamer always bewitched his models, he couldn’t help it. He had studied photography, but his hobby had always been skinning angels, which was probably why he’d always received the highest grades on Chárôt-card exercises. He liked to think that he didn’t only look at people, but really crushed them as well. “Faaye, time’s up. You’ve already given this young man a lot of your precious time.” The manager stepped in, and the Dreamer started clearing away his crossbow. He’d shot three rolls in 2768 minutes, not bad. And the man was right; she had already given him 2768 minutes instead of 15, and pictures that would be glimmering, hideously. Sweetcherrie’s Version The hazy grey around the girl made her face look sleepy, exactly the way Ozymandias liked it. She looked almost cloudy the way she dreamed against the background. She was an excellent Sandman, and such a shame he couldn’t use her more often for shoots. It had been purely luck that he could be here today, and that she had said “no way!” when he had asked for 15 minutes of her time. In fact, she was normally so lovely that he didn’t think he would ever be working again with such a good pillow like her. Her face smiled, but behind those eyes he saw a blanket and he wondered whether he would be able to capture it in the images. Ozymandias always loved his models, he couldn’t help it. He had studied photography, but his hobby had always been pottery, which was probably why he’d always received the highest grades on coffeepot exercises. He liked to think that he didn’t only look at people, but really swept them as well. “Katzaniel, time’s up. You’ve already given this young man a lot of your precious time.” The manager stepped in, and Ozymandias started clearing away his teaspoon. He’d shot three rolls in 25 minutes, not bad. And the man was right; she had already given him 25 minutes instead of 15, and pictures that would be grumpy, naughtily. Tanuchan’s Version The grayish-blue around the girl made her face look scandalous, exactly the way Nathan liked it. She looked almost queer the way she purified against the background. She was an excellent blacksmith, and such a shame he couldn’t use her more often for shoots. It had been purely luck that he could be here today, and that she had said “look out!” when he had asked for 15 minutes of her time. In fact, she was normally so impatient that he didn’t think he would ever be working again with such a good stapler like her. Her face smiled, but behind those kidneys he saw a drawer and he wondered whether he would be able to capture it in the images. Nathan always hit his models, he couldn’t help it. He had studied photography, but his hobby had always been skiing, which was probably why he’d always received the highest grades on sea exercises. He liked to think that he didn’t only look at people, but really drown them as well. “Katherine, time’s up. You’ve already given this young man a lot of your precious time.” The manager stepped in, and Nathan started clearing away his rake. He’d shot three rolls in Pi minutes, not bad. And the man was right; she had already given him Pi minutes instead of 15, and pictures that would be salacious, absent-mindedly. lord nor's Version The fuscia around the girl made her face look unholy, exactly the way Dirk liked it. She looked almost wiggly the way she skeedaddled against the background. She was an excellent street-sweeper, and such a shame he couldn’t use her more often for shoots. It had been purely luck that he could be here today, and that she had said “By the Purple Pants of Antonio Vivaldi!” when he had asked for 15 minutes of her time. In fact, she was normally so leathery that he didn’t think he would ever be working again with such a good colliseum like her. Her face smiled, but behind those tonsils he saw a halberd and he wondered whether he would be able to capture it in the images. Dirk always sauntered over his models, he couldn’t help it. He had studied photography, but his hobby had always been making ships in barrels (out of bottles), which was probably why he’d always received the highest grades on goblet exercises. He liked to think that he didn’t only look at people, but really coalesced them as well. “Scary Sue, time’s up. You’ve already given this young man a lot of your precious time.” The manager stepped in, and Dirk started clearing away his rabbit. He’d shot three rolls in googoloplex minutes, not bad. And the man was right; she had already given him googolplex minutes instead of 15, and pictures that would be crinkly, historically. Patrick Durham's Version The other around the girl made her face look miniscule, exactly the way William liked it. She was almost smelly like Roquefort the way she was square-rooted against the background. She was an excellent writer, and such a shame he couldn’t use her more often for shoots. It had been purely luck that he could be here today, and that she had said “Bollocks!” when he had asked for 15 minutes of her time. In fact, she was normally so shaky that he didn’t think he would ever be working again with such good research like her. Her face smiled, but behind those locks of hair he saw a deep-sea chart and he wondered whether he would be able to capture it in the images. William always elevated his models, he couldn’t help it. He had studied photography, but his hobby had always been collecting stamps, which was probably why he’d always received the highest grades on high tide exercises. He liked to think that he didn’t only look at people, but really nit-picked them as well. “Susanne, time’s up. You’ve already given this young man a lot of your precious time.” The manager stepped in, and William started clearing away his pollenation. He’d shot three rolls in square root of minus 1 minutes, not bad. And the man was right; she had already given him square root of minus 1 minutes instead of 15, and pictures that would be sickly brown, proverbially. Azuran’s Version The transparency around the girl made her face look disposable, exactly the way the Great Hernaldo liked it. She looked almost sticky the way she was tickled against the background. She was an excellent circus clown, and such a shame he couldn’t use her more often for shoots. It had been purely luck that he could be here today, and that she had said “Hallelujah!” when he had asked for 15 minutes of her time. In fact, she was normally so enormous that he didn’t think he would ever be working again with such a good diaper like her. Her face smiled, but behind those earlobes he saw a hand grenade and he wondered whether he would be able to capture it in the images. The Great Hernaldo always ate his models, he couldn’t help it. He had studied photography, but his hobby had always been invading small countries, which was probably why he’d always received the highest grades on banana exercises. He liked to think that he didn’t only look at people, but really cleaned them as well. “Aunt Esmerelda, time’s up. You’ve already given this young man a lot of your precious time.” The manager stepped in, and the Great Hernaldo started clearing away his hamburger. He’d shot three rolls in far too few minutes, not bad. And the man was right; she had already given him far too few minutes instead of 15, and pictures that would be floppy, flamboyantly. Quincunx’s Version The ultramarine around the girl made her face look like the only one, exactly the way Calvin liked it. She looked almost unlikely the way she was equivocated against the background. She was an excellent mathematician, and such a shame he couldn’t use her more often for shoots. It had been purely luck that he could be here today, and that she had said “Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition!” when he had asked for 15 minutes of her time. In fact, she was normally so riveted that he didn’t think he would ever be working again with such a good dime (heads) like her. Her face smiled, but behind those navels he saw liquidity and he wondered whether he would be able to capture it in the images. Calvin always speculated his models, he couldn’t help it. He had studied photography, but his hobby had always been playing pinochle, which was probably why he’d always received the highest grades on pigment exercises. He liked to think that he didn’t only look at people, but really quibbled over them as well. “Susie, time’s up. You’ve already given this young man a lot of your precious time.” The manager stepped in, and Calvin started clearing away his figment. He’d shot three rolls in a few minutes, not bad. And the man was right; she had already given him a few minutes instead of 15, and pictures that would be glossy, seldomly. The Portrait of Zool’s Version The watermelon-seed black around the girl made her face look dribbley, exactly the way Choo liked it. She looked almost addictive the way she pollinated against the background. She was an excellent Guillotinist, and such a shame he couldn’t use her more often for shoots. It had been purely luck that he could be here today, and that she had said “Great Ceaser’s Weltanschauung!” when he had asked for 15 minutes of her time. In fact, she was normally so beautiful that he didn’t think he would ever be working again with such a good barn like her. Her face smiled, but behind those short-hairs he saw a rat and he wondered whether he would be able to capture it in the images. Choo always bent his models, he couldn’t help it. He had studied photography, but his hobby had always been fencing, which was probably why he’d always received the highest grades on cat exercises. He liked to think that he didn’t only look at people, but really tousled them as well. “Ahhh, time’s up. You’ve already given this young man a lot of your precious time.” The manager stepped in, and Choo started clearing away his thong. He’d shot three rolls in 47 minutes, not bad. And the man was right; she had already given him 47 minutes instead of 15, and pictures that would be corroded, extremely..
Sweetcherrie Posted January 26, 2006 Report Posted January 26, 2006 Thanks for doing these Wyv, it's a pleasure reading always
Wyvern Posted November 24, 2006 Author Report Posted November 24, 2006 The silence of the Cabaret Room is broken by the sound of metal against hardwood floor, screeching in a pitch high enough to cause even the most distant of lurkers to cringe. Wyvern hisses a Racouolettes tune to the sound of the screeching as he drags the circular metal table a few inches further, nudging the Almost Dragonic Brand Broken Bottle Beerkeg Ornaments cart out of the way with his rear. The overgrown lizard dusts off his claws and scoots the metal table so that the "Paper Airplane Terminal" sign attached to its side is clearly visible, then positions chocolate figurines of Gyrfalcon and Peredhil near the painted landing strip lines for safety's sake. He places candy corn in the hands of the two figurines to represent tiny signal cones, then clears his throat and raises a speakerphone to his snout. "Calling all pennitesss... the landing field is now open for new Mighty Pen Madlib responses. Remember: the more creative the flight plan, the better. Don't forget that tacky sssouvenirs are available at airport-level prices at the nearby cart - duty free! Hope your madlib response has a nice flight." With that, Wyvern pulls out a large sign shaped like a control tower and sets it next to the landing platform. The sign reads: --- 1. Name of Female Pennite 2. Name of Male Pennite 3. A Mythical Title 4. Noun 5. Verb, past tense 6. Name of Another Pennite 7. Adjective 8. Verb ending in “ing” 9. A Liquid 10. Adverb 11. A Time of Day 12. Noun 13. A Weapon 14. An Exotic Article of Clothing 15. Verb 16. A Piece of Furniture 17. Plural Noun 18. Part of Body, plural --- OOC: Rules listed at the beginning of the thread for those who haven't participated before and would like to. All are welcome to join in.
Tanuchan Posted November 24, 2006 Report Posted November 24, 2006 (edited) 1. Name of Female Pennite => Mynx 2. Name of Male Pennite => Venefyxatu 3. A Mythical Title => Holy High Priest of Anu-Anu, God of Gods (Wyv, I quite didn't get this one... what did you mean? I can edit if this doesn't qualify... ) 4. Noun => sheep 5. Verb, past tense => smote 6. Name of Another Pennite => Panther 7. Adjective => glorious 8. Verb ending in “ing” => gambolling 9. A Liquid => liquid nitrogen 10. Adverb => gamely 11. A Time of Day => the interval between being awake and asleep 12. Noun => kayak 13. A Weapon => a potted plant 14. An Exotic Article of Clothing => sarong 15. Verb => trip 16. A Piece of Furniture => settee 17. Plural Noun => scissors 18. Part of Body, plural => kidneys Edited November 24, 2006 by Tanuchan
Mardrax Posted November 24, 2006 Report Posted November 24, 2006 (edited) 1. Name of Female Pennite - Ptraci 2. Name of Male Pennite - the Portrait of Zool 3. A Mythical Title - The Great All-Devourer 4. Noun - picture frame 5. Verb, past tense - threatened 6. Name of Another Pennite - Panther (panther seems a popular on-the-side figure, when I posted, I hadn't seen Tany's ) 7. Adjective - yellow 8. Verb ending in “ing” - pouncing 9. A Liquid - Coca Cola vanilla (oh, the disgustingness of it all) 10. Adverb - happily 11. A Time of Day - midnight 12. Noun - paintbrush 13. A Weapon - razor blade 14. An Exotic Article of Clothing - full-leather dominatrix outfit 15. Verb - carress 16. A Piece of Furniture - chair 17. Plural Noun - feathers 18. Part of Body, plural - eyes Edited November 24, 2006 by Mardrax
Appy Posted November 24, 2006 Report Posted November 24, 2006 1. Name of Female Pennite - Sweetcherrie 2. Name of Male Pennite - Venefyxatu 3. A Mythical Title - Crocodiles in the Sewers 4. Noun - keyboard 5. Verb, past tense - smashed 6. Name of Another Pennite - Tzimfemme 7. Adjective - bloody 8. Verb ending in “ing” - finding 9. A Liquid - green tea 10. Adverb - grudgingly 11. A Time of Day - half past four 12. Noun - Katana 13. A Weapon - scissors 14. An Exotic Article of Clothing - buttoned boots 15. Verb - work 16. A Piece of Furniture - dresser 17. Plural Noun - glasses 18. Part of Body, plural - lungs
Patrick Posted November 24, 2006 Report Posted November 24, 2006 1. Name of Female Pennite - Lady Celes Crusader 2. Name of Male Pennite - Valdar 3. A Mythical Title - Flight of Icarus 4. Noun - brush 5. Verb, past tense - flew 6. Name of Another Pennite - Gwaihir 7. Adjective - prolific 8. Verb ending in "ing" - doing 9. A Liquid - magma 10. Adverb - extremely 11. A Time of Day - noon 12. Noun - tree 13. A Weapon - katana 14. An Exotic Article of Clothing - kimono 15. Verb - graduate 16. A Piece of Furniture - chair 17. Plural Noun - mice 18. Part of Body, plural - ears
Zadown Posted November 25, 2006 Report Posted November 25, 2006 1. Tzimfemme 2. the Dreamer 3. Errant of the Grail 4. rune 5. prophesied 6. Lord Valdar Twiceborn 7. acquiscent 8. coruscating 9. angel's blood 10. crushingly 11. high noon 12. true name 13. the Jade Katana 'Benefical Dragon' 14. a torc of primal fire 15. juxtapose 16. marble throne 17. projections 18. hips *yaaaaaawn* Hope those work. z_Z
Sweetcherrie Posted November 25, 2006 Report Posted November 25, 2006 A little girl with blond, springy curls peers around the corner. When she sees there’s nobody around she shuffles into the room and looks at sign next to the landing platform. With one hand she plays a bit with an airplane model and wonders if she should join in. Then she notices the chocolate figurines and starts drooling slightly. Maybe she should join in. And most likely nobody will miss it if she would just nibble on the Peredhil feet slightly. She takes out a piece of paper and starts scribbling. With her other hand she picks up the Peredhil figurine and nibbles on the feet. “Hmm…name of female Pennite…I dunno any females…know lots of girls though.” With the pen in one hand and the chocolate figurine in the other she starts thinking. Slowly her hands start feeling warmer, and suddenly a big brown blob falls on her piece of paper. Sweet stares at it for a second with big eyes, then stares at her hand, and opens it. The Peredhil figurine is hardly recognizable now, and her hand is covered in dark brown chocolate. For a moment she’s on the verge of panicking. What if someone will discover that she nibbled on Peredhil? Then a big grin spreads out over her face, and a plan is born. With her chubby children’s fingers she starts molding the figurine back into shape. Every now and then she licks her hands clean, but eventually a new figurine is born from the chocolate of the old. Slightly smaller, and slightly less correct, but if she squeezes her eyes it almost looks like him. With quick movements she places the figurine back where it was and positions the one from Gyrfalcon slightly in front of it. There that would have to do, and now quickly fill in those other things, and only moments later she leaves the paper on the desk. Chocolate hand prints all over it. 1. Name of Female Pennite - Minta 2. Name of Male Pennite - Lilvaldar 3. A Mythical Title – Might Gabul of Lasagna Village 4. Noun - glitter 5. Verb, past tense - zotted 6. Name of Another Pennite - Mynx 7. Adjective - silly 8. Verb ending in “ing” - flinging 9. A Liquid - Elvenwine 10. Adverb - red 11. A Time of Day - midnight 12. Noun - bubble 13. A Weapon – Holy Sword of Demonpoking 14. An Exotic Article of Clothing - Platemail Bikini (+100 stamina, and now even more see-through) 15. Verb - sit 16. A Piece of Furniture - loveseat 17. Plural Noun - clouds 18. Part of Body, plural - toes
Quincunx Posted November 26, 2006 Report Posted November 26, 2006 Rydia looked first at the diorama, and then at the scribbled commentary on the note which had directed her to the Cabaret Room: I thought we said "nooo more Cuckoo Puffs for Ozymandias"--Tzimfemme. She earshrugged (enchanted paper airplanes, in a holding pattern over the airport display, banked to the west-southwest in response) and touched a light green quill to the page. 1. Elwen 2. Solivagus Little Sweet read the names out loud, left a chocolate fingerprint from following along the letters, and asked "Who's that?" Rydia wadded up the note and rubbed away the mark. "They're Pennites: a short-story cyclic writer, and a non-fantasy writer. . .I don't know the proper term. . .They might come back someday." 3. (the) Bestower 4. millet 5. flensing 6. Arwen "She changed names later," Rydia told the little one, "but the family connection is too sweet to forget, even if it was only a family connection here in the Pen." 7. splendid 8. aspiring 9. honey 10. often 11. Heldentime The quill ran dry. Rydia sucked its end, partly to clean it before refilling the nib, partly to hide a blush. 12. vessel 13. warclub 14. earsocks 15. gesture 16. telephone table 17. fusillades 18. eyelashes
Katzaniel Posted November 26, 2006 Report Posted November 26, 2006 (edited) 1. Name of Female Pennite - Tavarilyn 2. Name of Male Pennite - Mardrax 3. A Mythical Title - Supreme Mythman *giggles* I didn't get this one, either. 4. Noun - man 5. Verb, past tense - zippered 6. Name of Another Pennite - Melba Close enough. 7. Adjective - quirky 8. Verb ending in “ing” - flowing 9. A Liquid - windex 10. Adverb - incredibly 11. A Time of Day - slightly after the crack of dawn 12. Noun - worm 13. A Weapon - rapier 14. An Exotic Article of Clothing - tuque Yegods, that's hard to spell. And though it's not exotic for *me*, am I mistaken in thinking its relatively exotic for most others? Ah, well, I'm using it anyway. 15. Verb - flash 16. A Piece of Furniture - footstool 17. Plural Noun - wires 18. Part of Body, plural - bellybuttons I hope that this wasn't necessarily meant to be something that is normally found plural on a single person, as everyone else did... EDIT: Missed weapon. EDIT2: Aaaaand apparently when it's spelled "toque" it's pronounced "toke". When on earth did that happen? I think Merriam Webster is mistaken. Whatever, I'll go with the flow and correct it. Looks even more wrong this way though. I always thought it was "touque". Edited November 26, 2006 by Katzaniel
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