Gwaihir Posted May 18, 2005 Report Posted May 18, 2005 1) Zariah 2) woodchuck 3) hiding 4) Peredhil 5) plant-like 6) paint-stained pants 7) praying for a ride under Mynx's bed 9) large bed of Wiggly Cabbages 10) Fuzzy 11) stomachs 12) Dancing 13) venules 14) Wyvern's newest concotion 15) Tzimfemme 16) An Article of Clothing 17) twig 18) The color of the sky before a really bad storm 19) Soles of the feet 20) card made by my student
Sweetcherrie Posted May 18, 2005 Report Posted May 18, 2005 1) Appy 2) dinosaur 3) motivating 4) Venefyxatu 5) thirsty 6) scarf 7) a camel Southpole 9) Eifeltower 10) enormous 11) teabags 12) rocking 13) lamppost 14) chocolate milk 15) Britney Spears 16) flip flops 17) remote control 18) purple 19) hands 20) computer
Patrick Posted May 18, 2005 Report Posted May 18, 2005 1) Sweetcherrie 2) tasmanian devil 3) procrastinating 4) Cyril Darkcloud 5) greenish-white 6) boxer shorts 7) motorized unicycle at the end of the world 9) the Eiffel tower 10) delicious 11) particle accelerators 12) undoing 13) loud-speaker 14) beer 15) Margaret Thatcher 16) pink straw hat 17) book 18) chestnut brown 19) tip of hair 20) house
Zariah Posted May 18, 2005 Report Posted May 18, 2005 1) Lady Celes Crusader 2) kitty 3) pouncing 4) Vlad 5) mysterious 6) socks 7) Broom (on a broom ride) The Mighty Pen Keep 9) Gwai’s Wiggly Cabbage Patch 10) interesting 11) balls of yarn 12) smiling 13) toy mouse 14) milk 15) Laetitia Casta 16) shawl 17) bugs 18) Black 19) shoulders 20) fruit
Zadown Posted May 18, 2005 Report Posted May 18, 2005 Time to Dreamarize yet another of these things! 1) Yui Temae 2) Bird of the Void 3) roaring 4) Valdar Twiceborn 5) coruscating 6) dirty, tattered cape 7) goblin-made steam-powered second-hand Void-ship Tlaenor 9) the Astral Harbour 10) puissant 11) runes of power 12) channeling 13) an enchantment 14) angel blood 15) the Lady of the Scales 16) sash 17) blade 18) dark crimson 19) eyes 20) halo of brilliance
Alaeha Posted May 18, 2005 Report Posted May 18, 2005 1) Mynx 2) A Bunny 3) Targeting 4) Wyvern 5) Snarky 6) Left Shoelace 7) Hoverboard Inside a Bag of Holding 9) The World's Largest Ball of Yarn 10) Googly-Eyed 11) Knitting Needles 12) Resembling 13) Paneity 14) Sovereign Glue 15) Amy Allen 16) Scarf 17) Ecophobia 18) Periwinkle 19) Earlobe 20) Quacksalver (Not to be confused with quicksilver)
Finnius Posted May 18, 2005 Report Posted May 18, 2005 1) Mynx 2) Web-footed wombat 3) spelunking 4) Gryphon 5) quiescant 6) tube-top 7) giant, hollow dung beetle the inside of Scarlett O'Harpy's tummy 9) a floating chunk of Finnius 10) glowing 11) rhubarb pies 12) skipping 13) lawn gome 14) Ol' Peculiar 15) Betty Paige 16) polka dotted boxer shorts 17) propane grill 18) sparkly mottled green 19) pancreas 20) giant skillet
Ayshela Posted May 18, 2005 Report Posted May 18, 2005 1) Sweetcherrie 2) platypus 3) swinging 4) Loki Wyrd 5) splendiferous 6) white fake fur vest 7) waterski the upper left corner of Orlan's closet 9) Minta's bag of Pixie Stix 10) silver-plated 11) decrepit computers 12) silencing 13) nun 14) navy grog 15) Tzimfemme 16) micro mini skirt 17) handheld mirror 18) lavender blue 19) left big toe 20) clown wig
Yui-chan Posted May 18, 2005 Report Posted May 18, 2005 1) A Female Member of the Pen - Salinye's Ogre Muse, Bertha 2) An Animal - a bald cat 3) Verb ending in "ing" - kibbitzing 4) A Male Member of the Pen - Elladan Peredhil 5) Adjective - prestigious 6) An Article of Clothing - a black g-string 7) A Mode of Transporation - floating upside-down A Location - Cioden's lavatory 9) A Landmark - L'arc de Triumph 10) Adjective - indomitable 11) Plural Noun - hemmorages 12) Verb ending in "ing" - expelling 13) Noun - soy milk 14) A Liquid - molten silver 15) A Female Celebrity - Miss Piggy 16) An Article of Clothing - a frilly garter belt 17) Noun - broken lock 18) A Colour - chartreuse 19) A Part of Body - sternum 20) Noun - pushpin Oh boy, oh boy! ~Yui
Quincunx Posted May 19, 2005 Report Posted May 19, 2005 Tzimfemme sauntered into the area and used the public quill after banging it on the table a few times to knock the ink into its point: 1. troubled sleep 2. hyrax 3. shoveling 4. drummondo 5. semi-sweet 6. . . . She paused for a long while, trying against all instinct to not name someone via their underwear. A smirk broke the surface of her face and submerged again. 6. white bathrobe 7. hitchhiking 8. Eelix 9. the statue of Orlan strangling Wyvern 10. marbled 11. staplers 12. sashaying 13. the Coin of Endless Schemes 14. primordial soup 15. . . . Another long pause, and then the smirk flickered. 15. Lady Godiva 16. . . . "Well, if they insist. . ." she mumbled. 16. orange scratch-n-sniff panties 17. self-addressed, stamped envelope 18. taupe 19. ankle 20. test tube
Peredhil Posted May 19, 2005 Report Posted May 19, 2005 1) A Female Member of the Pen - Tanuchan 2) An Animal - Platypus 3) Verb ending in "ing" - cutting 4) A Male Member of the Pen - Wyvern 5) Adjective - meritorious 6) An Article of Clothing - corset 7) A Mode of Transporation - crawling A Location - ceiling 9) A Landmark - Tower of Elders 10) Adjective - delirious 11) Plural Noun - ceremonies 12) Verb ending in "ing"- calling 13) Noun - snot 14) A Liquid - snot 15) A Female Celebrity - Tzimfemme 16) An Article of Clothing - underwear 17) Noun - speaker 18) A Colour - purple 19) A Part of Body - breasteses 20) Noun - Pen
Vlad Posted May 20, 2005 Report Posted May 20, 2005 1) A Female Member of the Pen - Melba 2) An Animal - Fairy 3) Verb ending in "ing" - Ring 4) A Male Member of the Pen - Orlan 5) Adjective - Coagulative 6) An Article of Clothing - Left sock 7) A Mode of Transporation - Daytime frolicking A Location - Ten metres north of the statue of Wyvern outside the Recruiter's Hall 9) A Landmark - The statue of Wyvern outside the Recruiter's Hall 10) Adjective - Poorly manufactured 11) Plural Noun - Cacti 12) Verb ending in "ing" - Sing 13) Noun - Phlegm 14) A Liquid - Bean juice 15) A Female Celebrity - Padme Amidala 16) An Article of Clothing - Right sock 17) Noun - Sock drawer 18) A Colour - Beige 19) A Part of Body - Tongue (in cheek) 20) Noun - Vibrating straitjacket
Wyvern Posted May 21, 2005 Author Report Posted May 21, 2005 Thanks for the madlib entries, everyone. For this madlib, I used A date with Elrond Peredhil by Wrenwind, which can be found in the Assembly Room. The segment that I used reads as follows: Wrenwind said: It took Wren a few days to get the smell of Yack out of her hair but a little tlc and lots of shampoo later her curls were free and bouncy again. Her mind now had time to begin to figure out what to do for her date with Elrond Peredhil. It had so be something special, quiet and memorable. An evening picnic but she worried that he would show up in his Armani suit. Come to think of it would that be so bad? So she hires a horse and carriage to get Elrond to the park to meet her. Then they enjoy a meandering walk along the paths until they are beside the lake. There already set up is a gazeebo decorated with flowers and fairy lights. Soft music can be heard seeming to come from nowhere and everywhere at once. At the entrance to the gazeebo stand his sons in matching livery grinning like silly fools. Each one sweeps away the gauze and ushers the couple in. Inside everything is set. A table set for two with a bottle of champagne cooling in an ice bucket. Wren had dressed with care. It had been a lovely day and would be a warm evening so she went for the Marilyn Monroe styled organza halter dress with matching shoes and shawl. the frosty mauve of the materiel matching the colour of her eyes. She wore no make up and her hair was left to tumble to her waist unrestricted save for a flower tucked in behind her left ear. I then madlib-ized it into the following text: "It took [A Female Member of the Pen] a few days to get the smell of [An Animal] out of her hair but a little [Verb ending in “ing”] and lots of shampoo later her curls were free and bouncy again. Her mind now had time to begin to figure out what to do for her date with [A Male Member of the Pen]. It had to be something special, quiet and [adjective]. An evening picnic but she worried that he would show up in his [An Article of Clothing]. Come to think of it would that be so bad? So she hires a [A Mode of Transportation] to get [same Male Pen Member] to the park to meet her. Then they enjoy a meandering walk along the paths until they are beside the [A Location]. There already set up is [A Landmark] decorated with flowers and fairy lights. [adjective] music can be heard seeming to come from nowhere and everywhere at once. At the entrance to the [same Landmark] stand his [plural noun] in matching livery [Verb ending in “ing”] like silly fools. Each one sweeps away the [Noun] and ushers the couple in. Inside everything is set. A table set for two with a bottle of [A Liquid] cooling in an ice bucket. [same Female Member of the Pen] had dressed with care. It had been a lovely day and would be a warm evening so she went for the [A Female Celebrity] styled organza halter [An Article of Clothing] with matching shoes and [Noun]. The frosty [A Colour] of the materiel matched the colour of her eyes. She wore no make up and her hair was left to tumble to her [A Part of Body] unrestricted save for a [Noun] tucked in behind her left ear." Then, participants filled in the blanks at random, resulting in the following entries: Drummondo’s Version It took Sweetcherrie a few days to get the smell of kitty out of her hair but a little giggling and lots of shampoo later her curls were free and bouncy again. Her mind now had time to begin to figure out what to do for her date with Cryptomancer. It had to be something special, quiet and sly. An evening picnic but she worried that he would show up in half a pair of trousers. Come to think of it would that be so bad? So she hires a large piece of wood atop several rolling pins to get Cryptomancer to the park to meet her. Then they enjoy a meandering walk along the paths until they are beside Ouagadougou. There already set up is a local pub decorated with flowers and fairy lights. Ticklish music can be heard seeming to come from nowhere and everywhere at once. At the entrance to the local pub stand his headache tablets in matching livery grinding like silly fools. Each one sweeps away the guitar and ushers the couple in. Inside everything is set. A table set for two with a bottle of Lemonade cooling in an ice bucket. Sweetcherrie had dressed with care. It had been a lovely day and would be a warm evening so she went for the Brittany Murphy styled organza halter disgruntled shoe with matching shoes and drum stool. The frosty green of the materiel matched the color of her eyes. She wore no make up and her hair was left to tumble to her elbows unrestricted save for a window pane tucked in behind her left ear. Tanuchan’s Version It took Ayshela a few days to get the smell of horse out of her hair but a little dreaming and lots of shampoo later her curls were free and bouncy again. Her mind now had time to begin to figure out what to do for her date with Gryphon. It had to be something special, quiet and smily. An evening picnic but she worried that he would show up in his socks. Come to think of it would that be so bad? So she hires a four-horse team carriage to get Gryphon to the park to meet her. Then they enjoy a meandering walk along the paths until they are beside the margins of the Tiber river. There already set up is a central park decorated with flowers and fairy lights. Eerie music can be heard seeming to come from nowhere and everywhere at once. At the entrance to the central park stand his reading glasses in matching livery yawning like silly fools. Each one sweeps away the keyboard and ushers the couple in. Inside everything is set. A table set for two with a bottle of Almost Dragonic Brand Semi-Sweet Lemonoaid™ cooling in an ice bucket. Ayshela had dressed with care. It had been a lovely day and would be a warm evening so she went for the Gisele Bündchen styled organza halter nightgown with matching shoes and dreaming dogs. The frosty color of a lake reflecting the full moon at midnight of the materiel matched the color of her eyes. She wore no make up and her hair was left to tumble to her cheek unrestricted save for a swamp tucked in behind her left ear. Gwaihir’s Version It took Zariah a few days to get the smell of woodchuck out of her hair but a little hiding and lots of shampoo later her curls were free and bouncy again. Her mind now had time to begin to figure out what to do for her date with Peredhil. It had to be something special, quiet and plant-like. An evening picnic but she worried that he would show up in his paint-stained pants. Come to think of it would that be so bad? So she prays for a ride to get Peredhil to the park to meet her. Then they enjoy a meandering walk along the paths until they are under Mynx’s bed. There already set up is a large bed of Wiggly Cabbages decorated with flowers and fairy lights. Fuzzy music can be heard seeming to come from nowhere and everywhere at once. At the entrance to the bed of Wiggly Cabbages stand his stomachs in matching livery dancing like silly fools. Each one sweeps away the venules and ushers the couple in. Inside everything is set. A table set for two with a bottle of Wyvern’s newest concoction cooling in an ice bucket. Zariah had dressed with care. It had been a lovely day and would be a warm evening so she went for a Tzimfemme styled organza halter article of clothing(?) with matching shoes and twig. The frosty color of the sky before a really bad storm of the materiel matched the color of her eyes. She wore no make up and her hair was left to tumble to the soles of her feet unrestricted save for a card made by my student tucked in behind her left ear. Sweetcherrie’s Version It took Appy a few days to get the smell of dinosaur out of her hair but a little motivating and lots of shampoo later her curls were free and bouncy again. Her mind now had time to begin to figure out what to do for her date with Venefyxatu. It had to be something special, quiet and thirsty. An evening picnic but she worried that he would show up in his scarf. Come to think of it would that be so bad? So she hires a camel to get Venefyxatu to the park to meet her. Then they enjoy a meandering walk along the paths until they are beside the Southpole. There already set up is an Eifeltower decorated with flowers and fairy lights. Enormous music can be heard seeming to come from nowhere and everywhere at once. At the entrance to the Eifeltower stand his teabags in matching livery rocking like silly fools. Each one sweeps away the lamppost and ushers the couple in. Inside everything is set. A table set for two with a bottle of chocolate milk cooling in an ice bucket. Appy had dressed with care. It had been a lovely day and would be a warm evening so she went for the Britney Spears styled organza halter flip flops with matching shoes and remote control. The frosty purple of the materiel matched the color of her eyes. She wore no make up and her hair was left to tumble to her hands unrestricted save for a computer tucked in behind her left ear. Patrick Durham’s Version It took Sweetcherrie a few days to get the smell of Tasmanian devil out of her hair but a little procrastinating and lots of shampoo later her curls were free and bouncy again. Her mind now had time to begin to figure out what to do for her date with Cyril Darkcloud. It had to be something special, quiet and greenish-white. An evening picnic but she worried that he would show up in his boxer shorts. Come to think of it would that be so bad? So she hires a motorized unicycle to get Cyril Darkcloud to the park to meet her. Then they enjoy a meandering walk along the paths until they are beside the end of the world. There already set up is the Eiffel Tower decorated with flowers and fairy lights. Delicious music can be heard seeming to come from nowhere and everywhere at once. At the entrance to the Eiffel Tower stand his particle accelerators in matching livery undoing like silly fools. Each one sweeps away the loud-speaker and ushers the couple in. Inside everything is set. A table set for two with a bottle of beer cooling in an ice bucket. Sweetcherrie had dressed with care. It had been a lovely day and would be a warm evening so she went for the Margaret Thatcher styled organza halter pink straw hat with matching shoes and book. The frosty chestnut brown of the materiel matched the color of her eyes. She wore no make up and her hair was left to tumble to her tip of hair unrestricted save for a house tucked in behind her left ear. Zariah’s Version It took Lady Celes Crusador a few days to get the smell of kitty out of her hair but a little pouncing and lots of shampoo later her curls were free and bouncy again. Her mind now had time to begin to figure out what to do for her date with Vlad. It had to be something special, quiet and mysterious. An evening picnic but she worried that he would show up in his socks. Come to think of it would that be so bad? So she hires a Broom to get Vlad to the park to meet her. Then they enjoy a meandering walk along the paths until they are beside the Mighty Pen Keep. There already set up is Gwai’s Wiggly Cabbage Patch decorated with flowers and fairy lights. Interesting music can be heard seeming to come from nowhere and everywhere at once. At the entrance to Gwai’s Wiggly Cabbage Patch stand his balls of yarn in matching livery smiling like silly fools. Each one sweeps away the toy mouse and ushers the couple in. Inside everything is set. A table set for two with a bottle of milk cooling in an ice bucket. Lady Celes Crusador had dressed with care. It had been a lovely day and would be a warm evening so she went for the Laetitia Casta styled organza halter shawl with matching shoes and bugs. The frosty black of the materiel matched the color of her eyes. She wore no make up and her hair was left to tumble to her shoulders unrestricted save for a fruit tucked in behind her left ear. Zadown’s Version It took Yui Temae a few days to get the smell of birds of the void out of her hair but a little roaring and lots of shampoo later her curls were free and bouncy again. Her mind now had time to begin to figure out what to do for her date with Valdar Twiceborn. It had to be something special, quiet and coruscating. An evening picnic but she worried that he would show up in his dirty, tattered cape. Come to think of it would that be so bad? So she hires a goblin-made steam-powered second-hand Void-ship to get Valdar to the park to meet her. Then they enjoy a meandering walk along the paths until they are beside Tlaenor. There already set up is the Astral Harbor decorated with flowers and fairy lights. Puissant music can be heard seeming to come from nowhere and everywhere at once. At the entrance to the Astral Harbor stand his runes of power in matching livery channeling like silly fools. Each one sweeps away an enchantment and ushers the couple in. Inside everything is set. A table set for two with a bottle of angel blood cooling in an ice bucket. Yui had dressed with care. It had been a lovely day and would be a warm evening so she went for a Lady of the Scales styled organza halter sash with matching shoes and blade. The frosty dark crimson of the materiel matched the color of her eyes. She wore no make up and her hair was left to tumble to her eyes unrestricted save for a halo of brilliance tucked in behind her left ear. Alaeha’s Version It took Mynx a few days to get the smell of bunny out of her hair but a little targeting and lots of shampoo later her curls were free and bouncy again. Her mind now had time to begin to figure out what to do for her date with Wyvern. It had to be something special, quiet and snarky. An evening picnic but she worried that he would show up in his left shoelace. Come to think of it would that be so bad? So she hires a Hoverboard to get Wyvern to the park to meet her. Then they enjoy a meandering walk along the paths until they are inside a Bag of Bolding. There already set up is the World’s Largest Ball of Yarn decorated with flowers and fairy lights. Googly-eyed music can be heard seeming to come from nowhere and everywhere at once. At the entrance to the Ball of Yarn stand his knitting needles in matching livery resembling silly fools. Each one sweeps away the paneity and ushers the couple in. Inside everything is set. A table set for two with a bottle of Sovereign Glue cooling in an ice bucket. Mynx had dressed with care. It had been a lovely day and would be a warm evening so she went for the Amy Allen styled organza halter scarf with matching shoes and ecophobia. The frosty periwinkle of the materiel matched the color of her eyes. She wore no make up and her hair was left to tumble to her earlobe unrestricted save for a Quacksalver tucked in behind her left ear. Finnius’ Version It took Mynx a few days to get the smell of web-footed wombat out of her hair but a little spelunking and lots of shampoo later her curls were free and bouncy again. Her mind now had time to begin to figure out what to do for her date with Gryphon. It had to be something special, quiet and quiescant. An evening picnic but she worried that he would show up in his tube top. Come to think of it would that be so bad? So she hires a giant, hollow dung beetle to get Gryphon to the park to meet her. Then they enjoy a meandering walk along the paths until they are inside of Scarlett O Harpy’s tummy. There already set up is a floating chunk of Finnius decorated with flowers and fairy lights. Glowing music can be heard seeming to come from nowhere and everywhere at once. At the entrance to the floating chunk of Finnius stand his rhubarb pies in matching livery skipping like silly fools. Each one sweeps away the lawn gnome and ushers the couple in. Inside everything is set. A table set for two with a bottle of Ol’ Peculiar cooling in an ice bucket. Mynx had dressed with care. It had been a lovely day and would be a warm evening so she went for the Betty Paige styled organza halter polka dotted boxer shorts with matching shoes and propane grill. The frosty sparkling mottled green of the materiel matched the color of her eyes. She wore no make up and her hair was left to tumble to her pancreas unrestricted save for a giant skillet tucked in behind her left ear. Ayshela’s Version It took Sweetcherrie a few days to get the smell of platypus out of her hair but a little swinging and lots of shampoo later her curls were free and bouncy again. Her mind now had time to begin to figure out what to do for her date with Loki Wyrd. It had to be something special, quiet and splendiferous. An evening picnic but she worried that he would show up in his white fake fur vest. Come to think of it would that be so bad? So she hires a waterski to get Loki Wyrd to the park to meet her. Then they enjoy a meandering walk along the paths until they are beside the upper left corner of Orlan’s closer. There already set up is Minta’s bag of Pixie Stix decorated with flowers and fairy lights. Silver-plated music can be heard seeming to come from nowhere and everywhere at once. At the entrance to Minta’s bag stand his decrepit computers in matching livery silencing like silly fools. Each one sweeps away the nun and ushers the couple in. Inside everything is set. A table set for two with a bottle of navy grog cooling in an ice bucket. Sweetcherrie had dressed with care. It had been a lovely day and would be a warm evening so she went for a Tzimfemme styled organza halter micro mini skirt with matching shoes and handheld mirror. The frosty lavender blue of the materiel matched the color of her eyes. She wore no make up and her hair was left to tumble to her left big toe unrestricted save for a clown wig tucked in behind her left ear. Yui-chan’s Version It took Salinye’s Ogre Muse Bertha a few days to get the smell of bald cat out of her hair but a little kibitzing and lots of shampoo later her curls were free and bouncy again. Her mind now had time to begin to figure out what to do for her date with Elladan Peredhil. It had to be something special, quiet and prestigious. An evening picnic but she worried that he would show up in a black g-string. Come to think of it would that be so bad? So she hires a floating upside-down device to get Elladan to the park to meet her. Then they enjoy a meandering walk along the paths until they are beside Cioden’s lavatory. There already set up is L’Arc de Triumph decorated with flowers and fairy lights. Indomitable music can be heard seeming to come from nowhere and everywhere at once. At the entrance to L’Arc de Triumph stand his hemmorages in matching livery expelling like silly fools. Each one sweeps away the soy milk and ushers the couple in. Inside everything is set. A table set for two with a bottle of molten silver cooling in an ice bucket. Bertha had dressed with care. It had been a lovely day and would be a warm evening so she went for the Miss Piggy styled organza halter frilly garter belt with matching shoes and broken lock. The frosty chartreuse of the materiel matched the color of her eyes. She wore no make up and her hair was left to tumble to her sternum unrestricted save for a pushpin tucked in behind her left ear. Tzimfemme’s Version It took troubled sleep a few days to get the smell of hyrax out of her hair but a little shoveling and lots of shampoo later her curls were free and bouncy again. Her mind now had time to begin to figure out what to do for her date with drummondo. It had to be something special, quiet and semi-sweet. An evening picnic but she worried that he would show up in his white bathrobe. Come to think of it would that be so bad? So she hires a hitchhiker to get drummondo to the park to meet her. Then they enjoy a meandering walk along the paths until they are beside Eelix. There already set up is a statue of Orlan strangling Wyvern decorated with flowers and fairy lights. Marbled music can be heard seeming to come from nowhere and everywhere at once. At the entrance to the statue stand his staplers in matching livery sashaying like silly fools. Each one sweeps away the Coin of Endless Schemes and ushers the couple in. Inside everything is set. A table set for two with a bottle of primordial ooze cooling in an ice bucket. Troubled sleep had dressed with care. It had been a lovely day and would be a warm evening so she went for the Lady Godiva styled organza halter orange scratch-n-sniff panties with matching shoes and self-addressed, stampled envelope. The frosty taupe of the materiel matched the color of her eyes. She wore no make up and her hair was left to tumble to her ankle unrestricted save for a test tube tucked in behind her left ear. Peredhil’s Version It took Tanuchan a few days to get the smell of platypus out of her hair but a little cutting and lots of shampoo later her curls were free and bouncy again. Her mind now had time to begin to figure out what to do for her date with Wyvern. It had to be something special, quiet and meritorious. An evening picnic but she worried that he would show up in his corset. Come to think of it would that be so bad? So she hires a crawler to get Wyvern to the park to meet her. Then they enjoy a meandering walk along the paths until they are beside the ceiling. There already set up is the Tower of Elders decorated with flowers and fairy lights. Delirious music can be heard seeming to come from nowhere and everywhere at once. At the entrance to the Tower stand his ceremonies in matching livery calling like silly fools. Each one sweeps away the snot and ushers the couple in. Inside everything is set. A table set for two with a bottle of snot cooling in an ice bucket. Tanuchan had dressed with care. It had been a lovely day and would be a warm evening so she went for a Tzimfemme styled organza halter underwear with matching shoes and speaker. The frosty purple of the materiel matched the color of her eyes. She wore no make up and her hair was left to tumble to her breasteses unrestricted save for Pen tucked in behind her left ear. Vlad’s Version It took Melba a few days to get the smell of fairy out of her hair but a little ring and lots of shampoo later her curls were free and bouncy again. Her mind now had time to begin to figure out what to do for her date with Orlan. It had to be something special, quiet and coagulative. An evening picnic but she worried that he would show up in his left sock. Come to think of it would that be so bad? So she hires a daytime froliker to get Orlan to the park to meet her. Then they enjoy a meandering walk along the paths until they are ten metres north of the statue of Wyvern outside the Recruiter's Hall. There already set up is the statue of Wyvern outside the Recruiter's Hall decorated with flowers and fairy lights. Poorly manufactured music can be heard seeming to come from nowhere and everywhere at once. At the entrance to the statue stand his cacti in matching livery singing like silly fools. Each one sweeps away the phlegm and ushers the couple in. Inside everything is set. A table set for two with a bottle of bean juice cooling in an ice bucket. Melba had dressed with care. It had been a lovely day and would be a warm evening so she went for the Padme Amidala styled organza halter right sock with matching shoes and sock drawer. The frosty beige of the materiel matched the color of her eyes. She wore no make up and her hair was left to tumble to her tongue (in cheek) unrestricted save for a vibrating straightjacket tucked in behind her left ear. ------ Thanks to everyone once again for participating, a number of comic entries here in my opinion. Anyone can feel free to host a new Pen madlib... it's not hard, just check the instructions at the beginning of the thread. :-)
Peredhil Posted May 21, 2005 Report Posted May 21, 2005 Some of the resulting stories are wonderfully smile producing. *hugs Wyv'* Thank you!
Sweetcherrie Posted May 22, 2005 Report Posted May 22, 2005 No idea how this one will work out, but I think it can be fun 1. a Pen member 2. animal 3. Verb that signifies moving 4. a Pen member 5. animal (plural) 6. verb 7. place 8. an event 9. verb 10. verb 11. noun 12. verb 13. adjective 14. noun
Patrick Posted May 22, 2005 Report Posted May 22, 2005 (edited) 1.a Pen member - Gryphon 2.animal - genetically modified ape 3.Verb that signifies moving - fly 4.a Pen member - Wyvern 5.animal - chickens 6.verb - eat - at the top of a 200 foot high tower 8.a happening - childbirth 9.verb - read 10.verb - laugh 11.noun - bacteria 12.verb - confiscate 13.adjective - hellishly hot 14.noun - scimitar Edited to make no. 5 chickens. Edited May 23, 2005 by Patrick Durham
Ayshela Posted May 22, 2005 Report Posted May 22, 2005 1. a Pen member - Finnius 2. animal - panther 3. Verb that signifies moving - swinging 4. a Pen member - Yui-chan 5. animal (plural) - kittens 6. verb - row 7. place - the Wiggly Cabbage patch 8. an event - the completion of the trans-continental railroad 9. verb - stalk 10. verb - pounce 11. noun - a pickle 12. verb - bubble 13. adjective - slippery 14. noun - seaweed EDIT: corrected per Sweetcherrie's correction =)
Sweetcherrie Posted May 22, 2005 Report Posted May 22, 2005 *kickstarts her brain and sees that she turned around nr 2 and nr 5* Sorry, I should really organize my brain when doing things like this So if you would kindly see nr 2 as a single animal and nr 5 as a plural animal, then it would work out fine. *hides in shame*
Wyvern Posted May 22, 2005 Author Report Posted May 22, 2005 Wyvern cheers for Sweetcherrie's new madlib, and sets about scheming a few diabolical responses... 1.a Pen member - Signe the Sexy 2.animal - Zool's rubber chicken 3.Verb that signifies moving - waltz 4.a Pen member - Orlan the Sexy 5.animal (plural) - Cambronne's fleas 6.verb - taunt - behind the banana bush of Gwaihir's greenhouse event - Vlad's Initiation to Lich 9.verb - multiply 10.verb - sacrifice 11.noun - random zombie 12.verb - mesmerize 13.adjective - undead 14.noun - bloated walrus Wyvern bows to Sweetcherrie, hands her the ash stained napkin he used to write the responses on, and flashes her an incorrigable grin.
Finnius Posted May 23, 2005 Report Posted May 23, 2005 1. Wyvern 2. the rare, onion-eating gazelles of Abu Dhabi 3. traipsing 4. Minta 5. wombat 6. skipping 7. Zadown's Astral Harbor 8. the near zombification of an innocent (?) Pennite 9. glaring 10. kicking 11. a reanimated corpse 12. stumbling 13. putrescant 14. zombie
Gwaihir Posted May 23, 2005 Report Posted May 23, 2005 1. Mynx 2. orangutans 3. jigging 4. X-Sabre 5. pigeon 6.hiccup 7. Elladan's weapon's closet 8. the time Tzim almost wore clothes 9. evaporate 10.trump 11. wooden leg 12. gulp 13. skimpily 14. troll-like
Tanuchan Posted May 23, 2005 Report Posted May 23, 2005 (edited) 1. reverie 2. panda bear 3. crawl 4. Loki Wyrd 5. kangaroos 6. tacklehug 7. the deepest shaft in a coal mine in Siberia 8. a beauty pageant in the North Pole 9. freeze 10. thaw 11. shenanigan 12. sink 13. refreshingly calm 14. island Edited May 23, 2005 by Tanuchan
Peredhil Posted May 23, 2005 Report Posted May 23, 2005 1. a Pen member - Guido the Bartender 2. animal (plural) - Wombats 3. Verb that signifies moving - Teleport(ing) 4. a Pen member - Gwaihir 5. animal - Giant Sea Snail 6. verb - kiss 7. place - Catacombs 8. an event - Lunar eclipse 9. verb - osculate 10. verb - punch 11. noun - Safe 12. verb - pinch 13. adjective - spiffy 14. noun - corset
Katzaniel Posted May 23, 2005 Report Posted May 23, 2005 (edited) 1. a Pen member - Rune 2. animal - spotted crocodile 3. Verb that signifies moving - roller blade 4. a Pen member - Arwen 5. animal (plural) - albino hamsters 6. verb - fall 7. place - the Tower 8. an event - Wyvern working without an ulterior motive 9. verb - write 10. verb - pat 11. noun - pat of butter 12. verb - butter 13. adjective - slash* 14. noun - eyebrow * slash is the new cool Well, maybe! Edit: Pfft, I switched 2 and 5 twice, or something... Edited May 23, 2005 by Katzaniel
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