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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

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It must be nice

to be perfect,

to always be right

in thought, in word

in deed.


It must be nice

to make everyone

always wrong,

to watch them try

and fail


Your gain.

It must be nice.



thank you.

not nearly as much bite as i'd dearly love to show a certain someone..

but i'm honestly not sure he's worth the effort.


Wish we were able

to see inside heads

to feel inside hearts

to touch and know

and feel comfertable again

with our knew found knowledge



Great poem, loved the uhm, what's that called *hits her sniffling head*... *sigh* cold playing tricks with my memory of words, anyways loved the way you used the words.... you know what I mean I hope >_<


My little effort above is to show that No-one is perfect, even if they seem so....act so.. make you feel so.... yes, in such cases I really wish we were able to know for sure.... cuz no matter what I say, you will not ever really know until you see.... *sigh* was going to cheer you up lol...and this is not gonna help I guess..... head's not working, sorry. I'll leave now after a big *hug*


*hugs* you back and hopes you don't mind tear marks


hon.. that you said what you did, that you meant cheering-up, means more than i can say, and i thank you.


*hugs* you again


Hmmmmm someone i know thinks this about me that i am always right And that i am perfect and know everything when to be honest it isnt true at all! I am most of the time as confused as everyone else and no one is perfect not really but you can be perfect in peoples eyes hmmm im rambling i like your poem alot! :)



Hon, there's a HUGE difference between someone else thinking you're perfect, and you thinking you're perfect and anyone who can't see that or doesn't believe it is stupid and deranged.


just had "how DARE you question me, how DARE you disagree with me?" shoved down my throat one time too many, and the next person who tries is apt to pull back a bloody stump. ergh.

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