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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

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My string of questions will spring forth as Salinye's questions of life come about, however they are more manged on the dark side of the mind, so as to determine how open the mind truly is... Both Good, and Evil.


This one is truly the most basic of basic questions to be asked, and should serve as a starting platter... (Please note that I am in reference to real life, and all instances are implied as though you would get away with it.)


If you could commit an evil act of some sort, no matter how broad the scale may be, what would it be?



if i *could* or if i *would*??

the two are truly intertwined.


i commit an act of evil on a daily basis, as i continue to exist..


however, if i were to totally blow a gasket and cross all the boundaries i set for myself long since, it would most likely be a full-out murder spree starting with my mother and brother and working my way down the list from there.




can't really think of anything else that would be worth it.


Hmm... I guess this one comes down to how you define getting "away" with something... If it implies being free from guilt or penalties for the act committed that's entirely different from merely not getting caught and punished/stigmatized. :P


If you mean the former... there are a few I think the world would be better off without...


though the odds are that most of them will die of some nasty disease within the next ten to twenty years anyway... it's amazing how much damage they can do in even a month, let alone ten years. :(


Or perhaps stealing massive amounts of money... that would, really, be better from a purely practical perspective... :D


Otherwise... the worst I could let myself get away with would be stealing the full versions of some shareware file or some such. ;)


You know, I really truly tried to think about this, but I can't think of anything I'd *want* to do.


I fail at my own standards enough, just being a fallable human being, to start thinking about trying at it! I think that might come of having an absolute, external standard of Right and Wrong.


That *is* a thought provoking question though, and did result in some soul searching.


Now if you'd asked me that about 24 years ago, the litany of things I'd have imagined would've covered a wide-range of activities and behaviors. But now...

None of it seems worth the trouble.


I'd much rather try to help.


-A thoughtful Peredhil


the same questions of guilt that others mention would bother me too, but if I were not to feel guilty then I think I would acquire enough of a fortune to make all my nearest and dearest as rich as they want.


Hmmm... Evil, you say....


Well, if you mean the kind of evil that people don't find socially acceptable, then I believe I'd start off with something light. I'd kick a puppy. With this completed, I'd then get a list of the 10 commandments and see how long it takes me to break every single one. Then, just to change the pace a bit, I'd go around, breaking the laws of whatever country I happen to be in at the time. Not really evil, per say, except for those "Don't murder or steal or rape" laws, but it's still fun to give Order the shits. Finally, I'd grab a copy of Dante's Inferno and see if I could go from start to finish, not missing a single sin.


And to cap things off, I'd go back to the puppy and beat it. With a stick.


Poor Puppy

Aardvark you sound like someone I knew in another life long ago. :rolleyes:


True evil tends to change as you grow and mature. Years ago I had a list of people I truly thought I hated-now I simply feel sorry for them. Even when I am in a fury I cannot imagine seriously hurting anyone, but it would be nice to have the wealth of a princess. :butterfly:


I'd put Whole Milk in a 1% Milk carton, and then stick that in the fridge at home so my mom and sis would drink Whole Milk without knowing it. That's how mean I am!



ewwwwww they couldn't *tell* by the taste? *shidder*



mmm. While generally i would agree, Savannah, there are differences in situations. :) i can't think of anyone i actually hate, at all. i can think of a goodly number, however, whose actions and choices i despise, and from whom i would gladly remove the option of their EVER doing that to anyone else. Most of the truly evil options are pretty gory, but if i *were* for any reason to set about risk-removal, i'd do it quickly and i'd do it wholesale, there wouldn't be a name left on the list. *shrug*


You know, I thought abou this, and truly it just defies every natural instinct and characteristic that is me. I think I see my weaknesses and failures of every day life (and past) clear enough that I have no desire to commit any sort of horrible act. Even if all chances of risk and punishment were removed, I just can't summon the desire to do anything ill intented.


I think maybe the only thing might be, like Savanah said. "The wealth of a princess" might be nice. But frankly, even that thought doesn't sound appealing enough to me to come across it dishonestly.




Sorry not to give a better answer, the entire thought process goes against my very nature. :0)


~Salinye :butterfly:


Actually, a serious evil I'm considering is going into business. Becomming a Businessman. The kind of businessman who doesn't run his business, he exploits it. Exploits his workers, pushes them beyond all expectations, while cutting back wherever possible. And then uses his fortune and dodgy financial connections to dodge tax, wraught the system wherever possible and acquire more businesses, for the sole purpose of asset stripping and exploiting further.


Then, when I control 75% of the world's workforce, I'm going to fire everyone, burn all my factories, demolish all my shopfronts, collapse all my mines, sink my freighters, dump my oil reserves into the reefs surrounding my tourist destinations and have all the political puppets on my payroll assassinated, then have the assassins assassinated, then have those assassins assassinated, then pay the final lot of assassins a small fortune to go retire to a tropical island.


Then have the island bombed into the ocean


Trouble is, I hate businessmen. They're the worst human beings alive. So I've gotta get over the moral scrupel of becomming something I hate, which is rather difficult

Posted (edited)

If you could commit an evil act of some sort, no matter how broad the scale may be, what would it be?


I would end this thread.

Edited by Regel

If I were to have a biased opinion of these being my favorites, I'd have to agree with Aardvark. I've never met anyone so malignant before, even if I'm not meeting them... I'm still contemplating on my evil act though, especially since I'd probably use generations of my families to piece the whole thing together in something that would probably result in world suffering. But, of course, I'd never live long enough to see the result. >'_'<

  Regel said:

If you could commit an evil act of some sort, no matter how broad the scale may be, what would it be?


I would end this thread.



Without well-defined moral grounds of my own, I'd prefer to force people who DO have rigid ideas of Right and Wrong into behavior unmistakably Wrong.


Evil? Could someone define Evil? Because I could say that I could do things that were wrong, or sinful.


But my definition of Evil would be letting the devil work through me to cause harm to myself or others.


Is Evil necessarily bad?


Quite confuzzled.






My mother let me learn those lessons the hard way and I turned out magnificant. If more kiddies were like me, this world would be a better place


Just remember, Evil's all about wording. "Don't go on the road!" is about as evil as dipping an old person's dentures in jalapeno juice, but "Stay on the grass" is perfectly fine.


Which one is a kid more likely to pay attention to? Not the evil one


As i recall, that particular "violation of their liberties" occurred while dragging them out from in front of an oncoming semi, after "stay in they yard" lost their attention.


But hey, you'd get along well with the kids' dad, who firmly believes i'm the source of all evil.




Hn... Well, overall... I can't come up with something as evil as I wanted. I'm actually the kindest black-hearted person I know. I can think of some pretty evil things, but I'm too nice to do them unless I could get away with them.


I was recently contemplating sacrificing children yesterday on Halloween, but there were two things wrong. My swords are wooden, and I couldn't find any kids walking by themselves. I just wanted to offer them to some daemonic power (if I truly believed in any) and hold their heads back and decapitate them. If I knew how to harvest souls, I'd have taken their souls and tortured them for my amusement. In all honesty, I'd love to do that, but I just couldn't bring myself...


--> Sadistic Pacifist...


However, if I could feasibly do something evil and get away with it... I suppose I would just have to kill people for sheer psychotic pleasure, preferably executing them in some sort of medieval fashion. If I ever were to kill someone, I would laugh at them... What's worse is that I really would.


--> Kind of disturbed in the head, but a nice guy overall...

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